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Instructions for the Microsoft Excel Templates

Advisory - The worksheets are not protected. You can over type any data within the worksheets. If you over
type important data you can usually restore it by referencing your textbook.

Detail and information on Excel is contained within the manual.

Striking the "F1" key or following the path "Windows>Excel Help" will invoke the Office Assistant and bring
up one of several help menus.

Type your name into the cell to the right of the "Name" cell. Your name will appear on each printed sheet.

Type your course identity or instructor identity into the cell to the right of "Course." This information will
appear on each printed sheet.

It is recommended that you enter the due date of your assignment in the cell to the right of the "Date" cell.

If the workbook requires more than one printed sheet, your name, course, date, and the first exercise or
problem line will appear on each sheet.

If the workbook requires more than one printed sheet page breaks are already set for normal bond - 8 1/2 X 11"

The print area of the exercise or problem is defined by the grey filled cells. These grey filled cells are the cells
immediately outside the print area.

Each worksheet will also contain a footer that includes the exercise or problem identity, the tab you printed, the
page of pages, the time, and date you printed the worksheet.

The exercises and problems may be presented slightly different than in your textbook. This is to facilitate better
utilization by the formulas available to you with Excel.

Cells that contain data that can be used by the formulas of Excel in the solution of the exercise or problem are
usually framed with black lines to help you identify those values.

Place an account name or title, such as "Cash," where "Account" or "Account title" appear.

Place a line title, such as "Net income," where "Title" or "Text Title" appear.

Place a value, such as "8.50," where "Amount" or "Value" appears.

Place a number, such as "3," where "Number" or "Quantity" appears.

The terms "Amount" and "Value" generally refer to values such as $85.97 while the terms "Number" and
"Quantity" refer to the numerical refer to 3 units or 5 years.

Where text or memorandum lines are desired for journal entries, a line below the journal entry is provided.

When an exercise or problem requires a text entry, such as "Based on the information, which option would you
recommend?" a formatted text box is provided. This is usually identified with "Enter your text answer here" or
"Place text answer here" type text. Simply click into the cell and over type the existing text.

Insert the account number where "ACCT #" appears on the template during posting.

Insert the journal reference where "JOURN #" appears on the template during posting.

The cells of the exercises and problems are already formatted for the data. No adjustment should be necessary.

Dates should be entered as "06/06/08." This will ensure that Excel will present it properly.

Negative values should be preceded by a "-" (negative sign). Negative values may be shown as ($400) vice -

The display may have "Freeze Pane" invoked so column titles remain visible during data entry.
E1-4 – Determine the total amount of various types of costs
Managerial Accounting, 5th Edition, by Weygandt, Kieso, and Kimmel
Solving Managerial Accounting Problems Using Microsoft Excel for Windows by Rex A Schildhouse

Exercise E1-4 Tomlin Company reports the following costs and expenses in May.
Factory utilities $11,500 Direct labor $69,100
Depreciation on factory equipment 12,650 Sales salaries 46,400
Depreciation on delivery trucks 3,800 Property taxes on factory building 2,500
Indirect factory labor 48,900 Repairs to office equipment 1,300
Indirect materials 80,800 Factory repairs 2,000
Direct materials used 137,600 Advertising 18,000
Factory manager's salary 8,000 Office supplies used 2,640

(a) From the information, determine the total amount of manufacturing overhead.

Value title Amount

Value title Amount
Value title Amount
Value title Amount
Value title Amount
Value title Amount
Value title Amount
Title Formula

(b) From the information, determine the total amount of product costs.

Value title Amount

Value title Amount
Value title Amount
Title Formula

(c) From the information, determine the total amount of period costs.

Value title Amount

Value title Amount
Value title Amount
Value title Amount
Value title Amount
Title Formula

FileName: 51875846.xls, Tab: Exercise E1-4, Page 3 of 3, 02/18/2011, 10:26:55

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