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Department of Computer Science and Engineering

An Undergraduate Internship Final Report

This Report is Submitted In Partial fulfilment of the Requirements

For the Degree of Bachelor of Science

Major Program: Computer Science

Approved By
MD. Abu Sayed
Department of Computer Science and Engineering
Independent University Bangladesh

Submitted By
MD. Sohel Akram
Letter of Transmittal

22th August 2019


MD.Abu Sayed
Department of Computer Science and Engineering
Independent University Bangladesh
Bashundhara, Dhaka

Subject: Submission of Internship Final Report

Dear Sir,

With great pleasure I am submitting the internship report performed at China Communication Construction
Company. I have found the study to be quite interesting, beneficial and knowledgeable. It is my immense
pleasure in presenting you this report based on my experience during my internship. In this report, I have
discussed my internship period at China Communication Construction Company, an overview of the
company and its activities, my experiences working for a reputed Construction Company’s IT section.

I also hope that you would kindly accept my report into consideration of any mistakes in preparing this

Best Regards and thank you

Sincerely Yours
MD.Sohel Akram

Project Title
(Karnaphuli Tunnel Project Document Management System)

China Communication Construction Company

Prepared By
MD.Sohel Akram

Internal Supervisor External Supervisor

Sign: Sign:

Date: …………………… Date: …………………….



I MD. SOHEL AKRAM hereby declare that the information in this report is my own
original gathered authentic work. It also makes practical and effective fulfilment of the
purposes and objectives of this field attachment, and the content of the document has
never been previously submitted to any other university or institution for higher degree
or any other Award. Except for Citations, Quotations and References to another
people’s work used where otherwise acknowledged.

Signature ………………………… Date………………………...

Karnaphuli Tunnel Project Document Management System



I carried out my internship at China Communication Construction Company (CCCC)

under the Engineering Department.

Under Developing, I acquired practical knowledge on designing of web application and

maintain database. Also, I gained the knowledge of the field supervisor overviewed
basic understanding of web technologies (client side, server side and databases) using
WordPress, database management using MySQL.

Through training work, I attained team work, leadership skills, interpersonal and
research skills.
During my training work, some challenges I faced. As the client is Chinese, I faced
language problem.

In my conclusion internship at China Communication Construction Company was so

productive with practical hand on skills attained from the different field supervisors.

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Table of Content

Table of Contents

Abstract ………………………………………………………… 1

List of Attributes and Diagram……………………………… 4

Acknowledgement…………………………………………….. 5

Overview of Report ……………………………………………. 6

Introduction……………………………………………………… 7

1.1 Background of the Organization……………………….... 8

1.2 Project Objectives ……………………………………….. 9

1.3 Project Features… ……………………………………..... 10

1.4 Module Description …………………………………….....10

Literature Review ………………………………………………..11

Methodology ……………………………………………………...13-15

Requirements ……………………………………………………..16 – 18

Analysis ………………………………………………………….. 19 - 24

5.1 Proposed System………………………………………....20

5.2 Feasibility Study ………………………………………......21

Design …………………………………………………………… 25- 35

6.1 Use case Model ………………………………………...... 29

6.2 Class Model ………………………………………............ 33

6.3 ERD Model …………………………………………...........34

6.4 Data Dictionary …………………………………………….35

Implementation ………………………………………………… 37 – 40

7.1 Component Level ………………………………………… 39

Testing ……………………………………………………...........41 – 45

8.1 Documentation………………………………………......... 42

8.2 Interface Testing…………………………………………… 43

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Table of Content

8.3 Test Case………………………….………………….... 44

Conclusion ………………………………………………………47

9.1 Achievement ………………………………………....... 47

9.2 Limitation………………………………………............. 47

9.3 Future Work ……………………………………………. 47

Bibliography and Reference ………………………………… 48

Appendix A – Project Specification ……….........…………. 49

Appendix B – Work Log …………...……….........………….. 50

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List of Attributes

1. CCCC China Communication Construction

2. KTP Karnaphuli Tunnel Project
3. DMS Document Management System
4. SDLC Software Development Life Cycle
5. TBM Tunnel Boring Machine
6. CRT Cathode-Ray Tube
7. LCD Liquid Crystal Display
8. BBA Bangladesh Bridge Authority

List of Diagram

1. Data Flow Diagram……………………………………………… 20 – 22

2. Use Case Diagram……………………………………………….. 27-30
3. Class Diagram ……………………………………………………… 31
4. ERD Diagram ………………………………………………………..32
5. Component Level Diagram ……………………………………37
6. Interface Test ……………………………………………………... 41
7. Test Case ………………………………………………………………42

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First and foremost, I would like to acknowledge the Almighty God for the successful
completion of the Field attachment period.

I would like to say thanks to China Communication Construction Company for the
opportunity given to me as an intern in the Engineering Department. Also, thanks for
give me a wonderful environment for work.

Special thanks to my academic supervisor Mr. Abu Sayed sir for guiding me and help
me a lot.

Many thanks to my field supervisors Mr. Cao Junwang, Head of Engineering

Department and Mr. Dai Zaco, Project Engineer for personal efforts, practical skills,
professional guidance and direction towards successful internship.

Finally, I would like to extend my heartfelt gratitude to my family members especially my

mother for all the support, classmates and friends for their invaluable support
throughout my training.

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Overview of this Report

Overview of the Report

The main goal of this report is accomplishing of my bachelor’s degree in Independent

University, Bangladesh (IUB) that covers internship course as an obligatory. Therefore,
I have taken job in a company to understand how the practical field woks. I learned how
to manage & take part in works, how to plan & design, how to assessment & fix,
appreciate customer necessities and meet deadline to some extent. The internship also
helps me to discrete between my abilities and my problems. This report represents my
internship knowledge that I acquire during my presence in China Communication
Construction Company. The development work of the project, my contribution, and the
role I played in the company all the information I tried to put into this report. Besides, I
tried to give a view about difficulties that I faced during my internship. This report will
give you the information about overall scenario during my Internship.

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Internship provides a student an opportunity to relate their theoretical knowledge with

the complex real-world environments. Moreover, if the internship starts within a bachelor
program and the students have to return to the academy after completing it, the skills
that they have developed during the internship help them to gain a sounder academic
result. Independent University, Bangladesh (IUB) provides that glorious opportunity to
their students of having an internship within their bachelor program. I started my
Internship under Development team at China Communication Construction Company
and developed KTP DMS. The expectations were high and now almost nearing the end
of my internship, I must admit that it was really a wonderful experience.

This field attachment report is about the skills attained, lessons learnt, and challenges,
relatedness of theory covered in class and recommendations during my internship
placement at China Communication Construction Company. The report also represents
my experiences, recommendations and benefits of the field attachment.

1.1 Background of the Organizations

China Communications Construction Co. Ltd. is a global leader in large-scale integrated

infrastructure service providers. It is mainly engaged in the investment, construction and
operation of transportation infrastructure, equipment manufacturing, real estate, and
urban comprehensive development, providing customers with Investment financing,
consulting planning, design and construction, management and operation package
solutions and integrated services.

China Communications Construction is the world's largest port design and construction
company, the world's largest road and bridge design and construction company, the
world's largest dredging company, the world's largest container crane manufacturing
company, and the world's largest offshore oil drilling platform design company; The
largest international engineering contracting company, China's largest design company,
China's largest highway investor; owns China's largest civilian fleet.

On Dec.5.2017, CCCC started work of Multi-lane Road Tunnel Project under the River
Karnaphuli, Chattogram, Bangladesh. It is located at the Estuary of River Karnaphuli at
suburb of Chattogram, Bangladesh, which connects the west and east Banks of the
River Karnaphuli. The overall management of this project per to the principle and
experience of CCCC. The Contractor Divide the project into several sections due to the
category and type. And the section will be constructed by the experienced people from

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1.2 Project Objectives

A document management system (DMS) is the use of a computer system and

software to store, manage and track electronic documents and electronic images of
paper-based information KTP Document Management Software (DMS) offers “the
basics” of managing technical drawings, documents and data of Karnaphuli Tunnel
Project. It will be used to manage and store documents or drawings and track their
status. This DMS is capable of keeping a record of the various versions created and
modified by different users.

Figure: KTP DMS Login page

KTP Document Management System (DMS) offers “the basics” of managing technical
drawings, documents and data of Karnaphuli Tunnel Project. It will be used to manage
and store documents or drawings and track their status. This DMS is capable of keeping
a record of the various versions created and modified by different users.

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1.3 Project Features

 Document Input
 Document Indexing
 Document Search
 Document Retrieval
 Document Processing
 Document Security
 Document Validation
 User Dashboard
 Customization

1.4 Module Description

 Correspondence
 Drawings
 Documents
 Segment info
 Payment info
 Ring info
 Package
 Test and Inspection
 SIN Management
 DAN Management
 As Built Drawings

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2. Literature Review

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Literature Review


ISO standard 15489: 2001 defines Records Management as the field of management
responsible for the efficient and systematic control of the creation, receipt, maintenance,
use and disposition of records including the processes for capturing and maintaining
evidence of and information about business activities and transactions in the form of
records. (IRMT, 1999)

Electronic records had implemented in many organizations. The electronic Record

operations need the cooperation between information system staffs and record staffs.
Obvious cooperation
Activities lead to superior efficiency and high customer satisfaction (Heikkila, 2002)

Gary Johnston (2005) said that Electronic Record can be viewed by many people at the
same time. This has benefits in terms of access. Users in different places can discuss
the same record or different users can use the same record for different purpose.

To ensure the effectiveness of electronic record, various guidelines have been

developed by national archives and universities to assist organizations effectively
manage their electronic records.

The National Archives and records service of South Africa developed guidelines for
managing electronic records in government bodies. The guidelines cover areas such as
statutory and regulatory framework for electronic records. (Henry N. Kemoni, 20

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As an innovative approach, I choose SDLC model - agile software development

methodology. It is used for articulating a well-organized project management
procedure allowing for recurrent alterations. Certainly, such type of a methodology is
one theoretical outline for undertaking several software engineering projects. Another
good thing about it is, that it minimizes peril by creating software in short time boxes,
known as iterations, which happen to last from one week to one month.

So, as follow of agile software development methodology, there were 3 general


Product Owner – Mr. Cao Junwang

Scrum Master – Mr. Dai Zaco
Developer and QA Team – DMS Developer Team

After all the sprint periods, Mr. Dai review that and recommend for any changes or
addition needs and he check the work whether it meets the requirements or not.

Why we choose agile methodology for develop KTP DMS

I choose agile methodology for our development because it proposes incremental and
iterative approach to software design. Agile process is broken into individual models that
designers work on. So, there is a chance for developer to work with their individual idea.
The owner of the project has early and frequent opportunities to look at the product and
make decision and changes to the project. Big project can be implemented very of the important characteristics of agile process is, Error can be fixed in the
middle of the project. Documentation attends less priority than software development.
Every iteration has its own testing phase.

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It allows implementing regression testing every time new functions of logic are released.
Testers and developers work the end of the sprint, user acceptance is
performed. And finally, agile methodology requires close communication with
developers and together analyze requirements and planning.

The Agile Method grew out of the experience with the real-life projects of leading
software professionals from the past. Because of this, the challenges and limitations of
traditional development have been discarded. Subsequently, the Agile Method has
been accepted by the industry as a better solution to project development. Nearly every
software developer has used the Agile Method in some form. The Agile Method ensures
that value is optimized throughout the development process. The use of iterative
planning and feedback results in teams that can continuously align a delivered product
that reflects the desired needs of a client. It easily adapts to changing requirements
throughout the process by measuring and evaluating the status of a project. The
measuring and evaluating allows accurate and early visibility into the progress of each

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4. Requirements

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During my training period I gather information or requirements for the project

implementations. For that, several time I needed to visit Chittagong site office and the
Tunnel Boring Machine to collect the requirements. There is an immense need to aid
the system analyst in the use of appropriate techniques/tools for specific situations
under certain conditions during Requirements Elicitation. Also known as information
gathering methods/tools, are methods used by analysts to determine the needs of
customers and users. For this project I use 3 requirements gathering methods,

1. Interview
2. Questionnaire
3. Observations

1. Interview: A fact-finding technique whereby the system analysts collect

information from individuals through face-to-face interaction. Interviews are a
key qualitative data collection method for social research. There are many
reasons to use interviews for collecting data and using it as a data collection

I collect information for the TBM by taking Face-to-Face interview. That helps me
to identify what actually need to develop for KTP DMS interviewing
some Engineers who are responsible for TBM machine, I listed out all the
information about KTP DMS creates a relationship between me and the actually evaluating programs that are aimed at individualized
outcome. Capturing and describing program processes. Exploring individual
differences between participants' experiences and outcomes.

2. Questionnaire: A special-purpose document that allows the analyst to collect

information and opinions from respondents. It’s a survey process of gathering
data that could involve a wide variety of data collection methods, including a
questionnaire. Especially online and mobile surveys have a very low cost and a
generous reach. There’s no printing cost, you don’t have to hire surveyors to ask
people the questions, and not do you have to buy stamps to send out your paper

So, for module design there are a list of questionnaires to ask the Engineers for
gather the requirements. For example: what documents will be provided for
Correspondence, drawing patterns, regarding Test and Inspection, as built
module information etc. the questionnaire was easy to understand, it was
conveying only one thought at a time so that the interviewee answers.

3. Ethnography (Observation): Ethnography is a fact-finding technique wherein

the systems analyst either participates in or watches a person perform activities
to learn about the system Data in observer research is often largely based on
observer notes, logs, diaries, etc. Additional data may also be found in items
Such as published and unpublished documents, papers, books, public records,

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Photographs, videos and assorted artefacts. Open and closed questions

that cover identified topics.

All the data which collected from the site office was observed by the DMS team.
The data that needed to develop the system was identified. Based on the
information module work being.

Tools platform, Hardware and Software Specifications

Software Requirement

Front End: ASP.Net

Back End: SQL Server

Hardware Requirement

1. Pentium 4 class processor or higher recommended

2. Access and Control – IBM PC Compatible
3. Memory – 1GB RAM Minimum
4. OS-MS Windows XP or above
5. Display support VGA or higher resolution monitor

Regulatory Policies

For implementing any system in China Communication Construction Company, proper

legal permission was obtained from the Board of Directors and the IT department. If
approval is not granted, a desired system cannot be implemented.

Assumptions and Dependencies

1. Users and Admin are accustomed to the paper-based system and would require
training for using the Document Management System.

2. The system is completely dependent on the availability of an Internet connection.

3. We assume that the IT department has enough disk space to store all the

4. We assume that users of the system adhere to the system’s minimum software and
hardware requirements.

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5. Analysis

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System analysis is the process of gathering and interpreting facts, diagnosing problems
and using the information to recommended improvements on the system. System is a
problem-solving activity that requires intensive communication with the system users
and the system developers. The system is studied to the minutest detail and analyzed.
The system analyst plays the role of the interrogator and dwells deep into the working of
the present system. The system is viewed as a whole and the input to the system are
identified. The outputs from the organizations are traced to the various processes.

Here in the KTP DMS SYSTEM, a study of the existing system is carried along with all
steps in system analysis. An idea for creating a better system was carried and the next
steps were followed.

5.1 Proposed System

In the proposed system rights to the groups and files were separately given. The
members in a particular project group cannot work in another project at the same time.
Along with this right file accessing privileges are also set for each member in the
project. Two different histories are maintained along the project. The file manipulating
process is
Controlled by a centralized controlling system. In KTP DMS system, DMS team will
supply all the Documents into the system. The user who are authorized by the
administrator can access the files and download the files. The system will maintain
strong privacy.

(Employer, Administrator
Consultant, (DMS Team)

Document Information Document Document Data


Figure: Proposed System

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5.2 Feasibility Study

1. Operational Feasibility

1. Reduce the cost of paper documents.

2. Reduction of overhead staff time.
3. The acceleration of information flows
4. Change the corporate culture.
5. Higher productivity can be gained.
6. prevent lost records
7. save storage space

2. Technical Feasibility
The KTP DMS is technically feasible because of the rapidly maturing and improving
technology, it is even more feasible. One major barrier to electronic document systems i
was the cathode-ray tube (CRT) monitor. Reading large documents on those bulky
devices was inconvenient and impractical. Today’s liquid crystal display (LCD) monitors
and tablet computers will make it more practical for judges and other staff to use
electronic document. Wamp server, PHP 5.3, MySQL, HTML, CSS, jQuery and
JavaScript the basic required components they are open source too. So, it is feasible to
developer side.

3. Economical Feasibility
The KTP DMS system is economically feasible since the savings and benefits of the
system are more when compared to the cost. The DMS will save a considerable amount
of labor in managing paper files, any study of financial feasibility also must consider non
quantitative costs and benefits of a project. Sometimes a particular system may not
appear to be feasible from a purely quantitative perspective, but the non-quantitative
benefits are so significant that they overcome a cost-benefit ratio that is not optimal.


1. System Development: $3500 Approximately

2. Server Renewal: $2550 for 18 Months
3. Cost for Operational staff: $800 per month with 2% Escalation per Year.

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4. Schedule:

Task Name Durations

Requirement Collection 7 Days

Prototyping 4 Days

Design 15 Days

Testing 3 Days

Deployment 3 Days

Data Flow Diagram

Level 0: Context Level

Request Response
User KTP DMS Administrator

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Level 1: Administrator


User User

User Details Details

Right to


Right to File

Check In

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Level 1: User

User Register

Check in/out

Creation Project







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6. Design

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The system and software design documents are prepared as per the requirement
specification document. This helps define overall system architecture. This design
phase serves as input for the next phase of the model. All the module brief description
based on the software requirement specification is given below

1. User Dashboard: An ideal DMS interface should be simple and easy to navigate. Not
everyone is technologically inclined, so the simpler the software, the better. But the
main dashboard should also include Data statistics, Search option, Module List etc. We
use High-Level Design for KTP DMS system. Total numbers of documents are uploaded
in the system showing in the Dashboard. There is a Common search field in Dashboard
that allow user to find any Correspondence, Drawings, Documents by using “Search
Keyword” and “Reference No”. Also, there is a module list in the Dashboard.

Figure: Dashboard of KTP DMS

2. Correspondence: As required from letters, there are 6 Search fields designed in the
Correspondence search page. One can find a Correspondence by using a “Subject
Keyword”, “Send to date”, “In between two date”, “Reference No”, “Receiver”,

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Figure: Correspondence Search page of KTP DMS

1. Documents: There are 3 Search field was design for document Module by
analyse the certain Document that need to be store in the system.

Figure: Documents Module

2. Drawings: By analyse the requirements, we got to know that drawing

module is very important for the system. We try to make easier for the user
to search a drawing smoothly. There are 5 Search field for search a

Figure: Drawing module

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1. SIN (Site information Notifications): SIN is module that provide notification

of the current project.

2. Segment: Segment Module contains all the segment information that

provide from the project office.

3. Inspection: All the inspection record upload here. There is criteria for search

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6.1 Use Case Diagram

A use case represents a set of action sequences executed but the system for UML
modelling tool and models a document management system from a public
case diagram at document level is composed of seven use cases.



<<uses>> <<uses>>


Manage User

<<uses>> <<uses>> Normal User


profile <<uses>>





Figure: Use case Diagram for KTP DMS

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Use Case Number UC-001

Use Case Name Login
Use Case This details the login process of the system to access it. The
Description user should login to the system using a username and
Primary Actor Admin/User
Preconditions The user is already assigned a username and password to
access the system
Post-conditions The user logs in to obtain access to the system.
I. Browse the website
Basic Flow II. Select the login
III. Enter Username and Password
IV. Submit
V. Show the Welcome Screen
I. Browse the website
Exceptional Flow II.Select the Login
III. Enter Username and Password
IV. Show the login failed message and recovery options

Use Case Number UC-002

Use Case Name Create Document
Primary actor Issuer
Secondary actor Folder<<System>>, Register
Use Case Document storage in electronic format into the database and
Description easy retrieval using both a quick search by registration
number and an advanced search by more criteria.
Preconditions Document absence from the document management system
Post-conditions The document is created by issuer and can saved and stored
into the database in order to be easily retrieved by the
application users.
1. The issuer verifies the document type existence in the
documents type classification.
2. The system displays a message.
3. The issuer specifies document registration number.
Nominal Scenario 4. The system create a record in the input-output register for
this action.
5. The issuer indicates the document main characteristics
data enters into the system, comments, users that can access
the document versions, updates number and its restrictions.
6. The issuer uploads the file adequate to this document and
selects the document entry type.

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Use Case Number UC-003

Use Case Name Upload Document
Primary actor Admin/User
Use Case This use case will help the user to browse documents in the
Description system.
Preconditions The user is already assigned a username and password to
access the system
Post-conditions The user successfully uploads the document

i. Log in to the system

Basic Flow ii. Select Document Management from the options
iii. Browse for a selected file
iv. Upload the document

i. Log in to the system

Exceptional Flow ii. Select Document Management from the options
iii. Browse for a selected file
iv. Click upload without selecting the file, hence the error

Use Case Number UC-004

Use Case Name Add Permission
Primary actor Admin
Use Case This use case will help the Admin to add permission for the
Description documents in the system.
Preconditions The Admin is already assigned a username and password to
access the system and has selected Document
Post-conditions The user is successfully able to add permission to the

i. Log in to the system

Basic Flow ii. Select Document Management from the options
iii. Click on the file name
iv. Select the user to give permission

i. Log in to the system

Exceptional Flow ii. Select Document Management from the options
iii. Click on the file name
iv. Users do not exist in the system

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Use Case Number UC-005

Use Case Name Manage Profile
Primary actor Admin
Secondary Actor Admin/User

Use Case i. This use case will help the Admin to Edit/Add/Delete a
Description user’s profile.
ii. This use case also allows the users to manage their
personal profiles.
Preconditions Admin/normal users are already assigned a username and
password to access the system and to select Profile
Post-conditions The Admin successfully Edits/Adds a user profile.

i. Log in to the system

Basic Flow ii. Select Profile Management from the options
iii. Click on the user’s name
iv. Update the user’s email address/password

i. Log in to the system

Exceptional Flow ii. Select Profile Management from the options
iii. Click on the user’s name
iv. Enter the wrong email address/password

6.2 Class Diagram

A class diagram can contain both relationships between classes and relationships
between classes’ instances. Relationships between classes are represented by
generalization relationships, dependency relationships and realization relationships.
Relationships between classes’ instances are the association relationships and
aggregation/composition relationships.

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Figure: Class Diagram for DMS

Document 1: document
fileNumber=” Invoice1”

Figure: An instance of Document class

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6.3 ERD Model

ERD Model is a representation of the different entity classes that an institution wants to
process information about, containing the specific behind that information and the
relationship itself. It was used to represent a real-world situation about which data is
necessary to be collected that can be very useful and that is stored in a database. The
developer made use of Entity Relationship Diagram since it is a medium to achieve a
common understanding of data among users and developers.

User_Management Role_Management

Authenticate User GetAllRoles

has FK2 RoleManagement
Check Username
FK1 Create User
FK2 GetAllUsers
User Management


Document_Subject Document_catagory

PK Document_subjectID PK Document_ID

Document_subject has
Document_subjectDescription FK1 Document_catagoryID
FK1 Document_catagory FK2 Document_SubjectID
Document_catagoryID Document_fileName


FK1 Document_catagoryID
FK2 Document_SubjectID

Figure: Entity Relationship Diagram of the proposed system

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6.4 Database Dictionary

This section described the different fields, their data type and possible values of the fields or
attributes that were defined in the Entity Relationship Diagram.

Table 1

Field Name Data type Size Description Example
Document 1
Document_ID(PK) Integer 10 Identification

Document title Head’s First java

Document_Title varchar 30 given by the

Document title Java for

Document_Description varchar 255 given by the beginners

Document’s BSICT
Document_Catagory varchar 20 category
Document’s Programming
Document_Subject (FK2) varchar 20 Subcategory
File Format of PDF
Document_fileFormat varchar 20 the uploaded
Document’s File Head’s First java
Document_fileName varchar 10 Name
Document’s File 16000000
Document_fileSize varchar 20 Size
Total pages of 35
Document_totalPage the Document

Table 2


Field Name Data type Size Description Example

Document_CategoryID Integer 10 Document 2
(PK) Identification
Document_Category varchar 50 Category of the SIN, DWR
defined by the
Document_Category varchar 255 Description of Documents for
Description the document NCN, NCR,
defined by the DAN

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Table 3


Field Name Data type Size Description Example

Document_SubjectID 10 Subject 2
(PK) Integer Identification

Document_Subject 50 Subject of the

varchar document
defined by the Hardware
255 Definition of the
Document_Subject varchar document Category for
Definition subject defined Hardware
by the unloader
10 Main category ID
Document_CategoryID integer of subcategory BSBA

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7. Implementation

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After gather all the Requirements and prepare the Architectural design and define all the
specification, we started to implement our system. System element is constructed
employing appropriate technologies and industry practices. This process bridges the
system definition processes and the integration process.

The Frameworks used:

1. ASP.NET -Model-View-Controller (MVC), Web Form

2. Java Web Application -play, Flex
3. AngulerJS
4. Phalcon

Language Used:

1. PHP 5.0
2. MySQL 5.5
3. jQuery
4. Ajax
5. JavaScript
6. HTML5


1. SQL Server

On receiving system design documents, the work was divided into the development
team. Since, in this phase the code is produced so it was the main focus for the
developer. This is the longest phase of the software development life is rather
obvious that most software development life cycles will include some form of versioning,
indicating the release stage of the software at any particular stage. However, the
iterative model makes this even easier by ensuring that newer iterations are
incrementally improved versions of previous iterations. More

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7.1 Component Level Diagram

User Master

Management User Role

Management Document

Document User

Figure: Component Level – Diagram for KTP DMS

It would describe the Components the detailed description of each component and the
dependency of each component in the Diagram. It also represents how each
component is liked with each other and the flow of information that is shared between

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Current status of the System:

Figure: Current status of DMS System

The system is fully operable and usable. The system is being use for all the project related work
like Payment, Test and Inspection Record, location info is now included to the system. All the
monitoring work is no done by DMS system.

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8. Testing

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This phase follows up with the testing methods that were used during the validation of
the system a level of software testing was done for KTP DMS System where every unit
or component of the software/system was tested. The main goal of the system testing is
to evaluate the system's compliance with the specified needs. There are many different
testing levels which help to check behaviour and performance for software testing.
These testing levels are designed to recognize missing areas and reconciliation
between the development lifecycle states. In SDLC models there are characterized
phases such as requirement gathering, analysis, design, coding or execution, testing,
and deployment.

8.1 Documentation

A document with the detailed requirement definition, an activity diagram with a

description of the flow was created for if the steps in the document can be implemented
and if the result of each use case can be achieved.

When the testing Documentation approach was implemented the following pros and
cons regarding the testing approach were realized –


 Helps give a better understanding about the requirements

 Better design at the end of the cycle
 Reduced testing to be performed at the end of the cycle
 Documents produced would be of higher quality.

 The person working on the document should be experienced.

 There are increased time and money involved in testing.
 Different viewpoints for the same problem can lead to different results.

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8.2 Interface Testing

The table below list the Functional requirements for the Interface built for the KTP
Document Management System, along with a short description of each requirement.

Functional Requirement Number Functional Requirement short Description

FR01 The KTP Document Management System shall
have two types of access/login: User/Admin

FR02 The KTP Document Management System shall only

be accessible to specified users and Admin with a
valid username/password

FR03 The users shall be able to view the documents

assigned to them
FR04 The Admin shall be able to upload new/revised

FR05 The Admin shall be able to view all the users

registered in the system
FR06 The Admin shall be able to select users and to
assign them a document
FR07 The Admin shall be to Upload any Document

FR08 The system allows the users to edit their personal


FR09 The system allows the Admin to edit user profiles

FR10 The system allows the Admin to create new users

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8.3 Test Case

The Table below shows the Functional requirements that were used to write the test
cases along with the test case numbers for each test case and a short description of the
test cases.

Functional Requirement No Test Case No Test Case Short Description

FR01 TC01 To test the login interface for
FR03 TC02 To test users can to view the
documents assigned to them
FR05 TC03 To Test the Admin shall be able
to view all the users registered
in the system
FR07 TC04 To test Admin can upload
new/revised documents
FR06 TC05 To Test the Admin shall be able
to select users and to assign
them a document
FR10 TC06 The system allows the Admin to
create new users
FR09 TC07 To test system allows the Admin
to edit user profiles

TC01: To test the Login Interface

Input: Username and Password

Output: Valid Destination Page
Valid Range: User Name ->Alphanumeric, Password -> Alphanumeric

End Messages/Result:
i. If (User == Valid User), a message should be displayed Welcome, (This shall be displayed on
the respective screen.)
ii. If (User! = Valid User), an error message shall be displayed on the Login interface.

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TC02: To test users can to view the documents assigned to them

Description of Purpose: The system shows all the saved documents. The user can choose a
document and download it.

Input: User select a document under Category

Output: Browser or third part tool (PDF)
End messages/Result:

i. If (Selection == Documents and document == exists): the user will be able to download and
view the document

ii. If (Selection == Documents and document! = exists): message should display “there are no
documents in this category”

TC03: To test Admin can view all the users registered in the system

Description: For the Admin, a tab I created under User Management called “List” to list all the
users in the system.

i. User Name ->Alphanumeric, Password -> Alphanumeric
ii. User==Admin
iii. Selection==User Management -> List

Output: User List

End messages/Result:

i. If (login type == “Admin” & UserManagement. Clicked = ‘true’ and list. Clicked=true and
userlist.exists=true) then display users

ii. If (login type == “Admin” & UserManagement. Clicked = ‘true’ and list. Clicked=true and
userlist.exists=false) then display message “No users Exist”

TC04: To test Admin can upload new/revised documents

Description: For the Admin, an upload button is assigned and allows the Admin to upload a
document into the system


i. User Name ->Alphanumeric, Password -> Alphanumeric

ii. User==Admin
iii. Selection==Documents

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Output: System

End messages/Result:
i. If (login type == “Admin” & uploadbutton.clicked = ‘true’ and document! =existing) then display
“Document saved successfully” ii. If (login type == “Admin” & uploadbutton.clicked = ‘true’ and
document==existing) then display “Document already exists”

TC07: To test system allows the Admin to edit user profiles/create new profile

Description: The system shows all the Admin to edit user profile and create new users.

i. User Name ->Alphanumeric, Password -> Alphanumeric
ii. User==Admin
iii. Selection==UserManagement -> Users or UserManagement ->Create

Output: System
End messages/Result:

i. If (login type == “Admin”/”User” & UserManagement. Clicked = ‘true’ and Users. Clicked=true
and users. Exists=true) a) If (edit. Clicked=true and ii. If (login type == “Admin”/”User” &
message. Clicked = ‘true’ and inbox. Clicked=true and field. Edited=false and submit.
Clicked=true) then display “Mandatory fields should be filled” and do not update the system


Test Case number Expected Result Actual Result

TC01 Pass Pass

TC02 Pass Pass
TC03 Pass Pass
TC04 Pass Pass
TC05 Pass Pass

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9. Conclusions

The internship program is a great opportunity of us because it enables us to learn about the
industry and various practices. It also teaches us about the various skills needed to work in an
office with other employees. It offers something we can never learn inside a classroom setting. I
had enjoyed my time at China Communication and Construction Company and learned a lot of
things that will help me build my career and also enhance my academic learning. I managed to
put a lot of theories I learned in class in a practical applications. Moreover, I have made
valuable contacts in the industry and enriched my network greatly. I came to know regarding
different tasks and processes of project management learned a variety of new technologies and
along with many skills that are essential for building career and provide competitive advantage
to me than others to do work in project management in future. I am grateful to my institute,
Independent University of Bangladesh for providing me quality education and knowledge
throughout this years.

9.1 Achievements

The Key achievements I have gained during my internship are knowledge and experience
gained in the workplace. Professional communication, Networking, situation handling ability and
interpersonal skill all are gained from the Internship. I have an experience of working on a great
workplace and atmosphere. Now I have an experience to coordinate a team and maintain
professionalism. During my internship period I got a chance to perform an audit on KTP DMS
System. That increase my decision taking ability and it’s a big achievement for me.

9.2 Limitations
Every process has its limitations or problems and the System Development Life Cycle (SDLC) is
no exception.  The key for the successful application of this process is choosing the appropriate
SDLC model or method. KTP DMS system could be more versatile system if the design done
perfectly. In my opinion the design of the system is not enough.

9.3 Future Work

The current system is expected to be extended to a complete Employee training system for
which the specs are yet to be discussed but would be implement once the above future work
has been accommodated to the system.Also,we are planning to add Ring QR system in the
system. All payment record will be add in the system.

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Bibliography and References

Bibliography and References

[1] Anderson, C. (2012, December 7). Is document control really that important?
Bimanual OnPolicy. Retrieved September 23, 2012, from

[2] Askwall, S. (1985, April). Computer supported reading vs reading text on paper: A
comparison of two reading situations. International Journal of Man-Machine Studies, 22,

[3] ETQ. (2012). Document Control Software. Retrieved on July 15, 2012, from

[4] Oliver, L. File Hold Numbering and Versioning. Retrieved on July 10, 2012, from

[5] Noyes, M. J., Garland, J.K. (2008, September). Computer- vs. Paper-Based Tasks:
Are They Equivalent?, 51, 1352–1375. Retrieved on August 25,
2012, from

[6] Bertolino, A. (2003). Software Testing Research Practice. Retrieved on August 14,
2012, from

[7] Bochmann, G.V., Petrenko, A. (1994). Protocol Testing: Review of Methods and
Relevance for Software Testing. Proc, Int. Symp. On Software Testing and Analysis
(ISSTA), 109-124.

[8] Braind, L., Labiche, Y. A. (2002) UML-Based Approach to System Testing. Software
and Systems Modeling. 1 (1), 10-42

[9] R. V. Binder. (1999, October). Testing Object-Oriented Systems Models, Patterns,

and Tools. Addison Wesley, Reading, Massachusetts

[10] Kundu, D., Samata, D. (2009, May-June). A Novel Approach to Generate Test
Cases from UML Activity Diagrams, Journal of Object Technology, 8(3). Retrieved on
September 25, 2012, from

[11] AdminSystem Software. (2001). Send Mass Email in C# with Multiple Threads.
Retrieved on August 5, 2012, from

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Appendix A – Project Specification

ID Capability Feature Type Consultant Comments

6.1.1 Design The design of the Document Mandatory
Principles Management System shall
comply with the principles laid
down in the ISO international
standard IEC 82045-1
6.1.2 Common The Document Management Mandatory
storage for Module shall provide storage
all and management of all
documents documents related Real
Estate transactions
6.1.3 User Management of documents Mandatory
Interface shall be possible from user
6.14 Web Management of documents Mandatory
Services shall be possible by using
Web Services accessible
from other system modules

ID Capability Feature Type Consultant Comments

6.2.1 Metadata The data repository shall hold Mandatory
metadata with multiple metadata
models .Each document class
may use a specified data model.
(One model)
6.2.2 Metadata Each document class may refer to Preferable
several metadata models.
6.2.5 Document Following document formats shall Mandatory
format be supported for storing and
viewing documents
 PDF (Including OCR Text
 All Microsoft Office document
 All Open Office document
 Email

Karnaphuli Tunnel Project Document Management System

Karnaphuli Tunnel Project Document Management System
Appendix B Work log

Work Log
Development Work
Date Activities
After visit the project TBM machine, I submit the modification list
12.05.19 that need to be is system architectural work for the system.
Please check the attachment:
DMS Modification List
14.05.19 - DMS Modification work beings according to the list by me and my
27.05.19 team.
28.05.19 DMS Modification work was finished and bug fixing work was start
by me.
30.05.19 I create new user and password for BBA (Bangladesh Bridge
Authority) and provide them to use DMS System.

10.06.19 An Audit was performed by BBA and SMEC on KTPDMS system.

System problem, Total uploaded data, process of uploadation and
development work was queried. As me and my team handle the
system we faced the Audit.
11.06.19 Some System minor problem was found like, Next page button was
not working, and Document Upload date was not visible. So we fix
those problem.
12.06.19 Some JQuery problem was found in the Correspondence Module
which was solve within time.
13.06.19 BBA suggest us to marge Test and Inspection module. They want
all the Test and inspection in 1 we will remove Test
Module as soon as possible and move all the data in a new
module, Test & Inspection. The development work is in progress.
17.06.19 I visit Site office to collect all the information regarding Test and
Inspection Module for make a draft for the Test & Inspection
20.06.19 I submit the Draft copy for Test and inspection module. Please
Check Attachment:
Test and Inspection Module

25.06.19 Working on 2 proposals:

1. Proposed Test/Inspection Search Module with relevant fields

2. Search algorithm that will be used to search Test/Inspection data

Karnaphuli Tunnel Project Document Management System

Operational Work (Daily Based Work)
Date Activities
1.Collect documents from Source (Mails,
pendrives, hardware and others)
Every working Day 2.Record information in the Excel
3. Cross Check documents
4. Upload in DMS system
5. Check again in the System.

Monitoring Work
A daily DMS working report is submit by
Daily work Report me to the concern person for monitor the
system according the report.
A monthly DMS working report is submit
Monthly Report by me to the concern person for check all
the documents uploaded in the system .it
is being reviewed by Consultant and

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Bibliography and References

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Bibliography and References

Karnaphuli Tunnel Project Document Management System

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