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Total No. of Questions : 9} [Total No. of Printed Pages : 3 Roll No, BT/Sem 01/91 B. A. (Hons) Semester III Examination 2012-13 ENGLISH Paper No. BAE-212 : Fiction-1 Time : 3 hours Pull Marks : 70 (Write your Roll No. at the top immediately on the receipt of this question paper) The figures in the right-hand margin indicate marks Answer all Sections Candidates are required to write their answers in their own words as far as practicable Section—A Long Answer Type questions to be answered in about 500 words each : 1. Give a character sketch of Darcy. 12 Or ‘Write a note on the plot construction of Pride and Prejudice. 2. Sketch the character of Joseph Andrews. 12 1D/2(612}—1200 (Turn Over) @ or Discuss Fielding as a novelist with special reference to the novel prescribed in ‘your course. 8. Discuss the features of Psychological Novel 2 or Analyse Bpistolary Novel as a form and trace its development. Section—B ‘Answer any three questions in about 200 words each, a8 4. Discuss the significance of the title of the novel Pride and Prejudice. 5. Write a character sketch of Wickham in Pride and Prejudice. 6. Define novel and discuss its aspects. 17. Give a character sketch of Lady Catherine. 8. Discuss the art_of characterization in Joseph Andrews. /2\622) (Continued) Section—C 9. Answer the following questions/il in the blanks ina word or a expression or a ‘sentence each, 101 (a) Who introduced Picaresque Novel to the eighteenth century fiction? (&) Who is said to be the father of Historical Novel? (o) Who is Mrs. Gardiner? (a) What is the relation between Parson ‘Adams and Fanny? (e) What is the relation between Fanny ‘and Pamela? (9) Who coined the term ‘stream of ‘consciousness novel? (g) The Gothic Novel was introduced by (fy) Give the original title of Joseph Andrews. () Write the name of a female novelist of stream of consciousness technique. () Give an example of historical novel 1p/21612)—1200 1BT/Sem 111/91

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