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Variable switching frequency hybrid PWM technique for switching loss

reduction in a three-phase two-level voltage source inverter
Anas Ibrahim ⇑, Muhamad Zahim Sujod
Faculty of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, University Malaysia Pahang, 26600 Pekan, Pahang, Malaysia

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Power loss reduction is one of the main objectives in power electronic system design for achieving higher
Received 10 November 2018 efficiencies and enhancing system reliability. In this regard, this paper aims to develop a variable switch-
Received in revised form 8 September 2019 ing frequency hybrid pulse width modulation (VSF-HPWM) method to maximize loss saving while main-
Accepted 19 October 2019
taining the same current total harmonic distortion (THD) of the conventional scheme. In doing so, this
Available online xxxx
technique utilizes the modulation signal and the switching frequency simultaneously. Using a predefined
mathematical representation of current ripple in every switching cycle, the modulating signal (either dis-
continuous or conventional space vector modulation) with lower RMS current ripple is applied.
Voltage source inverter (VSI)
Switching losses
Meanwhile, the number of commutations under the constrains of constant RMS ripple is reduced by vary-
Total harmonic distortion (THD) ing the switching frequency. The performance analysis is validated through MATLAB Simulink which
Discontinuous pulse width modulation shows that the proposed strategy can save up to 53% of switching losses with a similar THD of the con-
(DPWM) ventional scheme.
Conventional space vector modulation Ó 2019 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Variable switching frequency (VSF)

1. Introduction technology [3]. On the other hand, switching loss can be varied
among different factors. Mainly, in the case when the dc link volt-
Three-phase two-level voltage source inverter (VSI), shown in age is constant, the switching loss becomes directly dependent on
Fig. 1, is the most widely used power electronic technology in sev- the line current amplitude through the switch, and the switching
eral applications such as industrial automation, transportation, and frequency [4]. Concerning the last two factors, several PWM strate-
renewable energy [1]. In many of these applications, such as gies for switching loss reduction were presented in the literature
renewable energy, the high penetration imposes additional which can be classified into: modulation, and variable switching
requirement on the system. Modern systems require not only high frequency PWM techniques.
current quality, but also lower power losses for improved effi- Using the modulation technique, a discontinuous PWM
ciency [2]. (DPWM) strategy is proposed. In DPWM, a phase leg is clamped
The selection of the pulse width modulation (PWM) strategy for 120° duration divided equally between the positive and the
has deep impacts on the current total harmonic distortion (THD), negative dc bus. When the clamped region perfectly align the line
and the power losses of the inverter. Conventional space vector current peak, a 25% switching loss reduction can be achieved [20].
modulation (CSVPWM), is the most widely implemented PWM In spite of their superior performance in terms of loss saving, these
strategy for three-phase two-level VSI applications. Nevertheless, modulation schemes have very poor THD compared to the
the selection of the switching frequency is a compromise between CSVPWM at low and medium modulation indices which increases
the THD and the power losses of the inverter. Higher switching fre- the power losses in the load [6]. To solve the high ripple issue of
quencies improve the THD on one hand. But this comes at the the DPWM, a hybrid PWM technique (HPWM) is proposed in [7].
expense of increased inverter power losses on the other. In this technique, the author suggested using both the DPWM
The Power losses of the switching device can be classified into and the CSVPWM in which the selection between them is based
two main categories including conduction, and switching loss. on the total fundamental cycle RMS current ripple. In fact, the
The first loss source is static and almost depends on the device region for which DPWM surpasses the CSVPWM is narrow. There-
fore, the switching loss improvement is only restricted to modula-
⇑ Corresponding author. tion index higher than 0.85 (0.65 reference voltage vector).
E-mail addresses: (A. Ibrahim), zahim@ump. Instead of changing the modulation technique and while still (M.Z. Sujod). using CSVPWM strategy, applying variable switching frequency
0263-2241/Ó 2019 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

Please cite this article as: A. Ibrahim and M. Z. Sujod, Variable switching frequency hybrid PWM technique for switching loss reduction in a three-phase
two-level voltage source inverter, Measurement,
2 A. Ibrahim, M.Z. Sujod / Measurement xxx (xxxx) xxx

V 7 ð111Þ produces a voltage vector of zero magnitude. On the other

hand, the other states from V 1 to V 6 produce an active voltage vec-
tor each. These active states divide the space vector diagram into
six equivalent sectors with equal magnitudes. The magnitudes
are normalized with respect to V dc .
In the space vector PWM, the voltage reference is given as a
rotating reference vector (see Fig. 2), which is sampled once in
every switching cycle (T s ) using the three nearest vectors. Given
a reference vector of magnitude V ref and angle h in sector-1 as
shown in Fig. 2, the dwell times of active vector V 1 ð100Þ, active
vector V 2 ð110Þ, and the two zero vectors V 0 ð000Þ and V 7 ð111Þ in
a switching cycle are given by T 1 , T 2 , and T 3 respectively in (2)–
(4) [13].
Fig. 1. Three phase two-level voltage source inverter.
sinð60  hÞ
T 1 ¼ V ref   Ts ð2Þ
represents another degree of freedom to reduce the switching loss.
In this technique the switching frequency is varying repeatedly in a sinðhÞ
fundamental period to maintain constant ripple requirement. In T 2 ¼ V ref   Ts ð3Þ
general, the existing techniques to vary the switching frequency
are as follows. First, by taking peak current ripple as a reference
T 3 ¼ T s  ðT 1 þ T 2 Þ ð4Þ
(VSF1-CSVPWM) [8,9]. Second, based on the predicted RMS current
ripple (VSF2-CSVPWM) [10,11]. When VSF1-CSVPWM is used, the The difference between the applied voltage vector and the ref-
switching frequency is always maintained below the nominal erence voltage vector is referred to as the error voltage vector.
value. Therefore, an appreciable switching loss reduction can be For a given reference voltage vector in sector-1, the error voltage
achieved at high modulation indices where the current ripple vari- vector due to the application of vector V x ðx ¼ 0; 1; 2; 7Þ is shown
ation is expected to be large. However, this improvement is accom- in Fig. 3(a). The time integral of the error voltage vector is a mea-
panied with considerable harmonic distortion increase compered sure of the current ripple (Iripple ) which can be defined as follows:
to CSVPWM. On the contrary, VSF2-CSVPWM is able to maintain Z
1 Ts  
the same THD levels of the CSVPWM. However, the switching fre- Iripple ¼  V x  V ref dt ð5Þ
quency is varying above and below the nominal value and thus L 0

there will be no significant reduction in the switching loss. where L is the load inductance. Using (5) the current ripple can be
It has been noticed that most of the previously mentioned tech- analyzed in ab-domain [14], abc-domain [15], and in the dq-domain
niques either do not take current THD into consideration, or do not [16]. In this paper the dq analyses will be considered due to its sim-
achieve an acceptable power loss saving. In this context, this paper plicity in comparison with the other two domains where the q-axis
proposes a variable switching frequency hybrid PWM (VSF- is aligned with the reference vector and the d-axis is 90° apart from
HPWM) method. Using a predefined mathematical representation, the q-axis component as seen in Fig. 3(a). Considering a CSVPWM
the switching cycle RMS current ripple of different PWM schemes and a reference voltage vector in sector-1, the switching sequence
such as DPWM and CSVPWM can be predicted. Consequently, two starts with one zero vector and ends with the other such as,
actions are taken to control the modulating signal and the switch- V 0 V 1 V 2 V 7 where T 3 is equally divided between the two zero vec-
ing frequency. Such that, the total fundamental cycle RMS current tors. The current ripple trajectory for sequence V 0 V 1 V 2 V 7 (or
ripple of the CSVPWM strategy is maintained constant. it has been CSVPWM) is shown in Fig. 3(b). When the switching period starts
found that the proposed strategy allows for significant reduction in at time t ¼ 0, the tip of the current ripple vector is located at the ori-
switching loss while still meeting the same THD requirement of gin point O. When a zero vector V 0 is used for a time t 2 ð0; T 3 =2 to
the CSVPWM. For detailed explanation, the rest of this paper will synthesize the reference vector, the current ripple vector moves in a
be organized as follows: Section 2, provide an overview of space direction similar to the error voltage vector V 0  V ref from point O to
vector PWM and current ripple prediction methodology. Section 3
presents the design procedure of the proposed VSF-HPWM. Simu-
lation results are presented in Section 4. Finally, Section 5 con-
cludes this paper.

2. Overview of space vector PWM and current ripple prediction

The three-phase two-level VSI with three upper switches (S1to–

S3), and three lower switches (S4–S6) is shown in Fig. 1. In a two-
level VSI case, the phase voltages (V AN , V BN , or V CN ) can take only
one out of two values, either the dc bus voltage (V dc ) or 0. Talking
phase-A as an example, V AN equals V dc when S1 is closed and S4 is
open. On the other hand, V AN equals 0 when S1 is open and S4 is
closed. The output voltage vector of the VSI with respect to the
negative dc-bus (N) can be expressed as shown in (1) [12].
V O ¼ V AN þ V BN  ejð 3 Þ þ V CN  ejð 3 Þ
2p 4p

By substituting all possible combinations between V AN , V BN , and

V CN into (1), a total of eight possible voltage vectors can be pro-
duced as shown in Fig. 2. The two zero states V 0 ð000Þ and Fig. 2. Inverter states and voltage vectors.

Please cite this article as: A. Ibrahim and M. Z. Sujod, Variable switching frequency hybrid PWM technique for switching loss reduction in a three-phase
two-level voltage source inverter, Measurement,
A. Ibrahim, M.Z. Sujod / Measurement xxx (xxxx) xxx 3

Fig. 3. (a) Error voltage vectors in sector-1 (b) current ripple trajectory for sequence V 0 V 1 V 2 V 7 (c) current ripple trajectory for sequence V 7 V 2 V 1 .

point ðq1 ; d1 Þ. In the same manner, when the voltage vector V 1 is nonzero which causes some power to be dissipated. During turn
applied during time t 2 ðT 3 =2; T 3 =2 þ T 1 , the terminal of the current off, the device behaves in vice versa [19]. The power loss due to
ripple vector moves in the same direction of V 1  V ref from point switching (P sw ) is given as:
ðq1 ; d1 Þ to point ðq2 ; d2 Þ. When t ¼ T 1 þ T 3 =2, the tip of the current
Psw ¼ E  f sw ð7Þ
ripple vector is at point ðq2 ; d2 Þ. Therefore, when voltage vector V 2
is applied for t 2 ðT 1 þ T 3 =2; T s  T 3 =2, the tip of the current ripple where E is the switching energy loss, and f sw is the switching fre-
vector moves in the same direction of V 2  V ref to point ðq3 ; d3 Þ. quency. Assuming a sinusoidal line current, the energy loss can be
Finally, it returns to the origin point again when vector V 7 is approximated as follows:
applied. The corner points (qy , dy ; y = 1,2,3) are shown in Table 1,
E ¼ Emax  sinðxt  uÞ ð8Þ
while the switching cycle RMS current ripple can be numerically
approximated in (6) [8,17]. where x is the fundamental frequency, u is the power factor angle,
X 2 2 and Emax is the maximum switching energy loss which occurs when
I sequence ¼ Ty  ½q2y þ q2yþ1 þ dy þ dyþ1 þ qy qyþ1 þ dy dyþ1  ð6Þ 

the line current reaches its peak (xt  u ¼ 90 ) [2]. As shown in (7),
the switching loss can be minimalized by reducing the switching
Similarly, the current ripple trajectory for any given DPWM frequency. In addition, clamping a phase leg at the line current peak
scheme can be created in the same fashion as the CSVPWM using DPWM represents another degree of freedom to reduce the
scheme. The current ripple trajectory for sequence V 7 V 2 V 1 is switching loss as seen in (8). The proposed technique aims to opti-
shown in Fig. 3(c) and the corner points are provided in Table 1. mize both by applying two control actions on the modulating signal
It should be noticed that different load power factors require dif- and the switching frequency. In doing so, the control strategy can be
ferent types of DPWM scheme to maximize switching loss saving arranged as follows:
which is out of the scope of this paper. More details on different
DPWM types could be found in [5,18]. For simplicity, the analysis 3.1. Selection of the modulating signal:
in this paper is carried out for sequence V 7 V 2 V 1 only and termed
as DPWM. When CSVPWM or DPWM is used to modulate an inverter, the
RMS current ripple over a switching cycle will follow the known
3. Proposed variable switching frequency hybrid PWM method shape which can be predicted by evaluating Table 1 data into (6).
for switching loss reduction (VSF-HPWM) A will-known feature in DPWM scheme over CSVPWM is that the
number of switching transitions during each switching cycle is
Switching loss is the type of loss that occurs due to the non- reduced from 3 to 2. Hence, to compare both schemes at the same
ideal characteristic of the switching device. When the switch is average switching frequency, a switching cycle duration T s ¼ 23 T nom
turned on, the device current increases from zero to the line cur- has been considered for the DPWM scheme, while T s ¼ T nom for the
rent, and the blocking voltage drops to almost zero. Since this tran- CSVPWM [20]. Fig. 4(a) and (b) presents the variation of I2 CSVPWM
sition does not occur instantaneously, both current and voltage are
and I2 DPWM with the spatial angle h at V ref = 0.75p.u and
V ref = 0.6p.u, respectively. The terms I2 CSVPWM and I2 DPWM are
Table 1 used to donate the switching cycle RMS current ripple of the
Vertex of the current ripple trajectory for CSVPWM and DPWM. CSVPWM and the DPWM, respectively.
Modulation Corner points Based on the switching cycle RMS current ripple, the modula-
scheme tion strategy could be selected. Such that, if I2 CSVPWM is less than
n o
CSVPWM ðq1 ; d1 Þ ¼ V ref  T23 ; 0 I2 DPWM, CSVPWM will be selected, otherwise DPWM is selected.
n   o The DPWM can effectively reduce the switching loss as explained
ðq2 ; d2 Þ ¼ cosðhÞT 1  V ref T 1 þ T23 ; sinðhÞT 1
n o in [7] and [20]. However, by comparing Fig. 4(a) and (b), it’s found
ðq3 ; d3 Þ ¼ V ref  T23 ; 0
  that the region for which I2 DPWM is less than I2 CSVPWM gradually
DPWM ðq1 ; d1 Þ ¼ V ref  T 3 ; 0
  reduces as V ref goes down which will significantly reduce the
ðq2 ; d2 Þ ¼ cosð60  hÞT 2  V ref ðT 2 þ T 3 Þ; sinð60  hÞT 2
switching loss saving capabilities. Therefore, in order to maximize

Please cite this article as: A. Ibrahim and M. Z. Sujod, Variable switching frequency hybrid PWM technique for switching loss reduction in a three-phase
two-level voltage source inverter, Measurement,
4 A. Ibrahim, M.Z. Sujod / Measurement xxx (xxxx) xxx

(a) (b)
Fig. 4. Switching cycle RMS current ripple variation at (a) V ref = 0.75p.u. (b) V ref = 0.6p.u.

loss saving as much as possible, the switching frequency is also

manipulated as shown in Section 3.2.

3.2. Control on the switching frequency

The RMS ripple for both schemes (DPWM and CSVPWM) is not
constant and keeps changing with respect to V ref and h [see Fig. 4
(a) and (b)]. Therefore, the switching frequency is allowed to be
changed above and below its nominal frequency (f nom ). Such that,
the RMS current ripple in every switching cycle follows the total
fundamental cycle RMS current ripple of the conventional scheme
which is shown in the blue solid line in Fig. 4(a) at V ref = 0.75p.u.
Since the conventional scheme employs CSVPWM as a modulation
strategy, the total fundamental cycle RMS current ripple (Irms ) can
be determined as a function of V ref as follows:
Z 2p
Irms ¼ I2 CSVPWM dh ð9Þ
2p 0

Using the predicted switching cycle RMS current ripple in (6),

Fig. 5. K f variation for V ref = 0.75p.u and 50 Hz fundamental frequency.
the switching frequency coefficient (K f ) which keeps Irms constant
in every switching cycle is defined as follows:
which describes why K f is always maintained below 1 in Fig. 5
3 I2 DPWM when CSVPWM is applied. Second, the required K f when DPWM
K f ðV ref ; hÞ ¼  ð10Þ
2 Irms is applied is much lower than 3/2. This is due to the fact that,
While if I2DPWM > I2CSVPWM I2 DPWM at this value of V ref is always lower than Irms (see Fig. 4
(a)). Therefore, a significant improvement on the switching loss
I2 CSVPWM saving capabilities is expected.
K f ðV ref ; hÞ ¼ ð11Þ
Fig. 5 shows K f variation in one fundamental cycle with 50 Hz 4. Simulation result
fundamental frequency and V ref = 0.75p.u. It is clearly shown that
there is an instantaneous change on the switching frequency coef- The simulation is implemented via MATLAB/Simulink to inves-
ficient in every 60° of the fundamental cycle due to the 3/2 factor tigate the operation and performance of the proposed PWM tech-
during transmutation from CSVPWM into DPWM. Fig. 5 also indi- nique. The discussed PWM technique is tested on an open loop
cates a large decrease on the average switching frequency due to system with simple RL-load supplied by a three-phase two-level
two different factors. First, when a variable switching frequency voltage source inverter (see Fig. 1). The system specifications are
is applied on CSVPWM alone, K f decreases below 1 when shown in Table 2. Fig. 6 shows a flowchart of the proposed strategy.
I2 CSVPWM is less than Irms around both the boundaries, while it The current ripple value I2 CSVPWM and I2 DPWM are calculated
goes above 1 when I2 CSVPWM is higher than Irms around h = 30° online using the instantaneous value of h and V ref . This value is sent
(see Fig. 4(a)). Due to this action, the switching loss reduction is to a conditional statement block to determine which modulation
not going to be much significant. However, because of the hybrid strategy is going to be adopted and to vary the switching frequency
scheme in the proposed strategy, the regain around h = 30° is (f sw ). In the case when the output of the conditional statement is
almost covered by the DPWM especially, at high values of V ref true, the switching frequency is calculated as the multiplication

Please cite this article as: A. Ibrahim and M. Z. Sujod, Variable switching frequency hybrid PWM technique for switching loss reduction in a three-phase
two-level voltage source inverter, Measurement,
A. Ibrahim, M.Z. Sujod / Measurement xxx (xxxx) xxx 5

Table 2 VSF-HPWM, the harmonic components are widely distributed

SYSTEM specification. along the frequency spectrum, as the first harmonic component
Parameter Value is spread from 2250 Hz to 7300 Hz with a dominant frequency
V dc 250 V component between 5100 Hz and 7183 Hz. This is reasonable,
Switching device Fuji 2MBI150U2A-060 IGBT since the DPWM region at this value of the reference voltage vector
Fundamental frequency 50 Hz is larger [see Fig. 4(a)] which means that most of the frequency
f nom 5 KHz components are shifted by a factor of 3/2. As shown, the large har-
R 4X
monic components in Fig. 7(a) are significantly mitigated in Fig. 7
L 0.5 mH
(b) because of the wider harmonic distribution which is regarded
as an important issue for the acoustic noise reduction in the induc-
tor [21,10,11].
between the nominal frequency (f nom ) and the switching frequency The line current waveforms are shown in Fig. 8. Where the cal-
coefficient given in (10). This value is then used to determine the culated current THD is 9.87% for CSVPWM [see Fig. 8(a)] and 9.89%
dwell times T 1 , T 2 , and T 3 using (2)–(4). Finally, the DPWM switch- in the case of VSF-HPWM [see Fig. 8(b)]. It can be noticed that, the
ing pattern is used to generate the PWM signal of the switching current THD of the proposed VSF-HPWM is approximately similar
devices. On the other hand, when the output of the conditional to that of CSVPWM. Hence, the proposed strategy does not lead to
statement is false, the same procedure is adopted. However, the an additional loss in the load.
switching frequency this time is determined as the multiplication To assess the performance of the proposed strategy, a compar-
of (11) and f nom while CSVPWM switching pattern is used to apply ison is made with the CSVPWM and the existing HPWM [7] regard-
the PWM signal of the switching devices. The value Irms is calcu- ing the switching loss saving in the entire V ref range. The power
lated off-line using (9) and then stored in a lockup table (LUT) to loss in this paper is evaluated via an existing MATLAB model.
generate the corresponding value at every V ref . Fig. 9 compares the switching instances in one of the switching
Fig. 7 shows the frequency spectra of the measured inverter devices (S1) for the three mentioned PWM strategies at half funda-
phase-A line current at f nom = 5 KHz and V ref = 0.75p.u. Fig. 7(a) cor- mental cycle and V ref = 0.75p.u. Fig. 9(a) corresponds to CSVPWM,
responds to CSVPWM, whereas Fig. 7(b) is related to the proposed whereas Fig. 9(b) and (c) are related to HPWM and the proposed
VSF-HPWM. When CSVPWM is employed, the harmonic compo- VSF-HPWM respectively. For more clarity, the nominal switching
nents are only concentrated as discrete tonal components around frequency in this graph is stepped down to 1 KHz. It’s seen that
5 KHz nominal frequency and its multiples. In case of the proposed both CSVPWM and HPWM switch equally for 20 times in half

Fig. 6. Flowchart of the proposed method.

Please cite this article as: A. Ibrahim and M. Z. Sujod, Variable switching frequency hybrid PWM technique for switching loss reduction in a three-phase
two-level voltage source inverter, Measurement,
6 A. Ibrahim, M.Z. Sujod / Measurement xxx (xxxx) xxx

(a) (b)

Fig. 7. Frequency spectra of the measured inverter phase-A line current at f nom = 5 KHz and V ref = 0.75p.u for (a) CSVPWM, (b) proposed VSF-HPWM.

Fig. 8. Line current waveform for (a) CSVPWM (THD = 9.87%), (b) proposed VSF-HPWM (THD = 9.89%).

fundamental cycle which means that both have the same average switching loss reduction in this area. This is due to the fact that,
switching frequency of 1 KHz. On the contrary, the proposed when CSVPWM is applied the required switching frequency devia-
VSF-HPWM switches only 16 times at the same period leading to tion above the nominal switching frequency in the high ripple
20% reduction on the average switching frequency and conse- region is slightly lower than its deviation below the nominal fre-
quently, a large switching loss reduction. quency in the low ripple region which allows for small reduction
Fig. 10 shows the normalized switching loss saving for HPWM on switching loss. Second, when V ref > 0.52p.u, the proposed strat-
(blue) and the proposed VSF-HPWM (red) with respect to the egy also leads to the highest switching loss saving which can reach
CSVPWM (green). HPWM selects the modulation strategy based up to 53.7% at V ref = 0.866p.u. Similar to the analytical results at
on the total fundamental cycle RMS current ripple. When Sections 3.1 and 3.2, due to the increase of the DPWM region at
V ref > 0.65p.u, DPWM results in a lower total fundamental cycle higher values of V ref the switching loss reduction is higher. In addi-
RMS ripple than its CSVPWM counterpart. Hence, a 25% switching tion, the high ripple region of the CSVPWM becomes almost cov-
loss saving can be achieved. As V ref goes down below 0.65p.u, the ered by the DPWM strategy which results in a significant
total fundamental cycle RMS ripple of the CSVPWM surpasses reduction in the switching frequency and consequently a further
the DPWM. Therefore, the switching loss saving capabilities of reduction in the switching loss.
HPWM reduces to 0% which is clearly shown in Fig. 10. On the Table 3 shows the total inverter switching losses for both
other hand, the proposed VSF-HPWM updates both the switching CSVPWM and VSF-HPWM. It’s shown that the proposed VSF-
frequency and the modulating signal based on the switching cycle HPWM not only achieve higher switching loss saving than HPWM,
RMS current ripple which allows for higher switching loss saving but also expand the improvement region. Since, the current ripple
compared to HPWM. As shown, the switching loss saving of VSF- is evaluated each switching cycle which allows for further exten-
HPWM can be divided into two areas. First, when V ref < 0.52p.u, sion of the DPWM region at lower values of V ref . As shown, an
the switching cycle RMS current ripple of the CSVPWM is always appreciable switching loss saving can be achieved in the range of
lower than its DPWM counterpart, hence there is only 2–4% V ref between 0.55p.u to 0.866p.u.

Please cite this article as: A. Ibrahim and M. Z. Sujod, Variable switching frequency hybrid PWM technique for switching loss reduction in a three-phase
two-level voltage source inverter, Measurement,
A. Ibrahim, M.Z. Sujod / Measurement xxx (xxxx) xxx 7

CSVPWM) and the switching frequency. Such that, the total funda-
mental cycle RMS current ripple of the CSVPWM is maintained
constant. Beyond the possibility of minimizing the switching loss
due to the DPWM scheme, the theoretical analysis shows that,
when two modulation schemes are considered in the design, a sig-
nificant reduction in the switching frequency and consequently a
further reduction in the switching loss can be achieved especially,
at high values of V ref . The modulation strategy is tested on an RL-
load and compared to the conventional and existing HPWM strate-
gies, concluding that, the proposed technique is able to achieve the
highest switching loss saving. The proposed technique can save up
to 53% of switching loss (best case at V ref = 0.866p.u). On the other
hand, the THD values of the proposed strategy are kept the same as
the CSVPWM which means that the load losses are not increased.


The authors wish to gratefully thank Universiti Malaysia

Pahang (UMP) for the financial support received under project
number RDU1803165.


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the proposed strategy updates the modulating signal (DPWM or 912–924.

Please cite this article as: A. Ibrahim and M. Z. Sujod, Variable switching frequency hybrid PWM technique for switching loss reduction in a three-phase
two-level voltage source inverter, Measurement,
8 A. Ibrahim, M.Z. Sujod / Measurement xxx (xxxx) xxx

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Please cite this article as: A. Ibrahim and M. Z. Sujod, Variable switching frequency hybrid PWM technique for switching loss reduction in a three-phase
two-level voltage source inverter, Measurement,

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