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Student Roll Number: M20MS004

Work Group Name: Explorers

Work Group Assignment Theme: Goal-directed performance

Problem Description: The Problem with too many goals

Problem occurs when employees in an organization pursue multiple goals at one time. There are many
research studies that demonstrate that individuals with multiple goals are prone to concentrate on only one
goal. Also, some types of goals are more likely to be ignored than others. When an individual sets
multiple goals, there are both quality goals and quantity goals. When quantity and quality goals are both
difficult, we generally sacrifice quality to meet the quantity goals. Goals that are easier to achieve and
measure (such as quantity) may be given more attention than other goals (such as quality) in a multi-goal

Prior attempts to solve the problem:

 Individuals’ Decisions in the Presence of Multiple Goals:

In the paper, we get to know about crucial components of multiple goals and how an individual's use
of multiple goals can be incorporated in a model of individual decision making. This is illustrated in
the flowchart below. Since different goals are often only partially compatible, multiple goal-based
approaches imply balancing goals leading to a deliberate goal-level choice strategy on the part of the
decision-maker. This goal choice strategy is of prime importance in this framework as it reflects that
the decision maker's choice may ultimately be determined in goal space and not attribute space. Thus,
this literature by discusses the main components as well as identification and modeling needs for the
proposed goal-based choice strategies.
Proposed behavior change strategy and reasoning:

Highly ambitious people often set themselves multiple goals, and more often than not, they know how to
handle them at a time. One should decide what is important and make it happen. Usually, people suggest
to slow down and complete one task at a time, but I think there are times when multitasking is extremely
important. Always stayconnect with the question 'Why?', for why it that you have set the goal in the first
place. Let go off the things that no longer serves your purpose. In an organisation, when there are multiple
targets to acheive, employee should look for the logical overlaps, make time for the things that would
have the most impact on the organisation. With multiple goals, planning must be efficient but one should
avoid over planning. Things may not always turn out to be as you want them to, that's why being flexible
should be one of the key traits while dealing with multiple goals. Making a true, permanent change is
almost never easy, but it's always worth it. Creating a clear emotional bond with your vision will give you
the strength to successfully handle multiple goals. Get used to saying no to your excuses and respecting
the true worth of your time. Before you know it, you're going to be more prosperous than you ever
dreamed of, and all your ambitions are going to be squarely within your control.

Conditions under which the proposed would/would not work:

The above proposed strategy will work always work when an individual is highly persistant and honest
abouts his comitments. Organisations also have a role to play in this, while setting the deadline of any
project or while proiritzing the goals to be achieved both in short and long term. This will help the
employees to identify the goals to pay more attaention to and plan acoordingly. Sometimes we have seen
many organisations, in the race of growth, try to do many things at a single time but, fail miserabley. The
problem lies in planning, they try to over plan things, which is never recommended.



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