Comparison of Some Commonly Used Regional Residual Separation Techniques

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Comparison of some commonly used regional residual separation techniques

Pierre Keating*, Nicolas Pinet and Mark Pilkington, Geological Survey of Canada
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Summary Pinet et al. (2006) in a sedimentary basin. Simple upward

continuation can also be used to obtain the regional field
Regional-residual separation is essential in gravity and (Nettleton, 1954; Fuller, 1967) and, in that case, the upward
magnetic data interpretation and a variety of techniques can continuation distance is an arbitrary parameter. A more
be used. This is generally done by estimating a regional rigorous approach is proposed by Jacobsen (1987) who
field which is later subtracted from the measured field to assumes that the field is due to an ensemble of mutually
obtain a residual field. Here we compare some simple and uncorrelated thin sources. He shows that the field from a
easy to use techniques. Graphical techniques allow includ- slab located z1 and z2 is simply the difference between the
ing geological information in the estimation. Low pass and field upward continued to 2z1 and 2z2. Upward continuation
non-linear filtering, and upward continuation can also be can then be used as a standard filter for potential field sepa-
used. These techniques are tested using gravity and mag- ration. Although the assumption of non correlation between
netic data from the Gaspé Peninsula in eastern Canada. We the layers is often difficult to meet, the resulting maps re-
show that for gravity data graphical techniques and non- main very useful for anomaly detection and pattern dis-
linear filtering give similar results in our study area. Up- crimination (Jacobsen, 1987). Low pass filtering can also
ward continuation and non-linear filtering give equivalent be used to define the regional field. However, since the
results, however upward continuation is easier to use and spectrum of most geological features is broadband the spec-
implement. For magnetic data good results are obtained tra of features located at different depths overlap and that
using low-pass and non-linear filtering. In practice one their spectra cannot be separated completely (Telford et al.,
should always use two different techniques to determine the 1990). Keating and Pinet (2011) have shown how non-
regional field since a good agreement between their results linear filters can also be used to determine a regional field
can be an indication of an acceptable regional field. anomaly that closely resembles the one obtained from
graphical techniques.
Application to gravity data
The separation of gravity and magnetic field anomalies into
their respective regional and residual components is neces- The techniques are tested on gravity and magnetic data
sary for their quantitative interpretation. Various approach- from the Gaspé Peninsula area in Eastern Canada. Pinet et
es to regional-residual separation exist and there is no al. (2006) used a graphical technique to determine the re-
unique solution; different residual fields will therefore re- gional gravity field from 24 profiles. The basic assumption
sult in different interpretations. We discuss some of the is that the regional component of the gravity field should
techniques in use and compare the results of their applica- not include the effect of outcropping or shallow sources.
tion on real data. All separation techniques make some The Bouguer gravity anomaly is shown in Figure 1. The
hypothesis about the source distribution: a common as- depth extent of the Sept-Iles layered intrusion as interpreted
sumption is that the observed field is the sum of the effects from gravity data is 7 km and the depth extent of the Shick-
of shallow and deep sources. However, it is possible for the shock Group is 5 km according to seismic data. Obviously,
so-called shallow sources to extend to great depth and this the regional should not include the effect of these sources.
makes the separation difficult. Here we restrict ourselves to The gravity anomaly associated with the Sept-Iles layered
techniques that are easy to implement. Results from syn- intrusion has diameter of about 75 km, while the north-
thetic models are presented as well as results from a case south extent of the Shickshock anomaly is about 25 km and
study in eastern Canada and compared to regional gravity its length about 150 km. The regional obtained from graph-
and magnetic anomalies obtained by these techniques. ical techniques presented in Figure 2 is characterized by its
general decrease to the north-west and a large area of near-
Methodologies constant field in its southeastern part.

The oldest technique is graphical separation. In this case, Upward continuation as a separation filter is first tested by
the interpreter uses a series of profiles along which the using a continuation height of 14 km which should remove
separation is manually performed. This process allows the gravity effect of bodies that have depth extent less than
taking into account surface data and other information such 7 km, the maximum depth extent of the Sept-Iles layered
as the known or estimated depth of some sources. Typical intrusive and the Shickshock Group. The resulting regional
examples of the use of graphical separation are given by nevertheless contains anomalies that are directly associated
Gupta and Ramani (1980) in a Precambrian terrain, and to these two bodies. A series of increasing continuation

©The Society of Exploration Geophysicists and the Chinese Geophysical Society

GEM Beijing 2011: International Workshop on Gravity, Electrical & Magnetic Methods and Their Applications
Beijing, China. October 10-13, 2011.
Comparison of regional residual separation techniques

heights are tested and the effect of the Sept-Iles and Shick- southeast. Moreover, amplitudes of both the graphical and
shocs anomalies is finally removed at a continuation height non-linear filtered regional anomaly maps are approximate-
of 80 km which, in theory, should remove the gravity effect ly the same.
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of sources located between the surface and a depth of 40

km. Application to magnetic data

We now compare the regional anomalies obtained by low

pass filtering, upward continuation and non-linear filtering.
The study area is located within the central part of the re-
gion covered by the gravity data. The residual total magnet-
ic field obtained after removing the IGRF is characterized
by short-wavelength anomalies superimposed on a wide
magnetic depression (see Figure 3). The magnetic anoma-
lies located in the southern part of the map are associated
with the volcanics of the Mont Alexandre syncline while
the wide and high amplitude anomaly in the north-west
corner of the map corresponds to the Lemieux intrusive

Figure 1: Bouguer anomaly in the Gaspé Peninsula region

Figure 3: Residual total magnetic field over the central part

of the Gaspé Peninsula

Given the apparent width of the narrow anomalies that we

wish to remove, we use a 24 km low pass Butterworth filter
Figure 2: Regional anomaly obtained by the use of graphi- to estimate the regional. The resulting regional, shown in
cal techniques. Adapted from Pinet et al., 2006 Figure 4, is smooth, but the effect of the Mont Alexandre
volcanics (a broad high) is still clearly visible making this
To obtain a regional using non-linear filtering, an 80 km regional unacceptable. A continuation height of 12 km is
long non-linear filter is first successively applied along the also used to compute a regional field since the maximum
columns and rows of the grid. The resulting regional does depth extent of the Mont Alexandre syncline is 7.5 km, but
not show any residual anomalies that may be caused by the depth extent of Lemieux intrusive suite (Pinet et al.,
near-surface features. Similarly to the regional obtained by 2010) is unknown. This regional, shown in Figure 5, is
the graphical technique, the non-linear regional decreases smooth and does not show any effect due to short wave-
to the north-west and exhibits a wide maximum to the length anomalies. However, we note that the amplitude

©The Society of Exploration Geophysicists and the Chinese Geophysical Society

GEM Beijing 2011: International Workshop on Gravity, Electrical & Magnetic Methods and Their Applications
Beijing, China. October 10-13, 2011.
Comparison of regional residual separation techniques

range is smaller than in Figure 4. To test non-linear filter- A better evaluation of these results is obtained by compar-
ing we use a 4.5 km long non-linear filter since the appar- ing profiles (Figure 6) of the measured residual total mag-
ent width of the magnetic anomalies caused by the Mont netic field and calculated regional fields. The regional
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Alexandre syncline volcanics is about 4 km at the most. fields obtained from non-linear and low-pass filtering are
The calculated regional (not shown here) still shows some nearly identical except a relatively minor (~20 nT) discre-
response from the hinge zone of the syncline. All short pancy over the narrow high-amplitude magnetic anomaly
wavelength responses in the north-western part of the map due to the Mont Alexandre volcanics. There the regional
have been removed and only the high-amplitude long wa- field calculated from the non-linear filter is slightly less
velength component due to the Lemieux intrusive suite affected by this sharp anomaly than the regional obtained
intrusive is present. from low-pass filtering. Over the Lemieux intrusive the
regional fields estimated by non-linear and low-pass filter-
ing are similar but we cannot determine if they are correct
since too little is known on the structure of this intrusive at
depth. This is a good example for the importance of geo-
logical constraints when determining a regional field.

Figure 6: Measured magnetic data and estimated regional

fields along profile A-B indicated in Figure 4

Figure 4: Regional field from 24 km low-pass filtering The regional estimated from the upward continued magnet-
ic field at a height of 12 km does not correspond with the
regional that would be drawn by an experienced interpreter.
In particular, its amplitude is too high over most of the
profile, and too low over its northern part. Also, over the
south portion of the Lemieux intrusive, we believe that
none of the tested techniques provide an adequate regional
background. At this geomagnetic latitude we expect the
regional field to be at about the same level as the base of
the three small amplitude magnetic anomalies located there,
however it is much higher. Over this section, the lengths of
the low pass and non-linear filters used to estimate the re-
gional are two long. On the other hand, selecting shorter
filter lengths would result in poor results over the Mont
Alexandre volcanics.


The good correspondence between regional gravity anoma-

lies determined by a graphical technique and non-linear
filtering is not surprising as non-linear filtering somewhat
mimics what one does graphically when removing local
Figure 5: Regional field from upward continuation to a 12 anomalies. The only geological a priori information that
km height can be taken into account in the non-linear filtering is the

©The Society of Exploration Geophysicists and the Chinese Geophysical Society

GEM Beijing 2011: International Workshop on Gravity, Electrical & Magnetic Methods and Their Applications
Beijing, China. October 10-13, 2011.
Comparison of regional residual separation techniques

apparent width of the anomalies to be removed. For gravity Keating, P. and Pinet, N, 2011, Use of non-linear filtering
data, the use of upward continuation as a separation filter for the regional-residual separation of potential field data:
was not as successful as expected. By trial and error we Journal of Applied Geophysics, 73, 315-322.
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found that the regional obtained from an upward continua-

tion of the gravity field to a height of 80 km shows some Marillier, F., and Verhoef, J., 1989, Crustal thickness under
correspondence to the regional gravity anomalies deter- the Gulf of St. Lawrence, northern Appalachians, from
mined from graphical or non-linear filtering, however, in gravity and deep seismic data. Canadian Journal of Earth
theory this is equivalent to removing all sources between Sciences, 26, 1517-1532.
the surface and a depth of 40 km. This seems excessive as
the thickness of the crust is about 40 km in this region (Ma- Nettleton, L. L., 1954, Regionals residuals and structures:
rillier and Verhoef, 1989). Upward continuation makes the Geophysics, 19, no.1, 1-22.
hypothesis that sources are uncorrelated thin horizontal
plates located at different depths. This is not the case here, Pinet, N., Keating, P., Brouillette, P., and Dion D.-J., 2006,
as some of the outcropping sources such as the Sept-Iles Production of a residual gravity anomaly map for Gaspésie
and Shickshocks anomalies which extend laterally for sev- (northern Appalachian Mountains), Quebec, by a graphical
eral kilometers have more or less subvertical sides and are method: Geological Survey of Canada, Current Research
thus vertically correlated. Upward continuation can never- 2006-D1, 8p.
theless be used as an ad hoc separation filter if one neglects
its physical significance. Pinet, N., Keating, P., Lavoie, D., and Brouillette, P., 2010,
Forward potential-field modeling of the Appalachian oro-
For magnetic data, non-linear and low pass filtering per- gen in the Gaspé Peninsula (Québec, Canada): Implications
form equally well while upward continuation does not pro- for the extent of rift magmatism and the geometry of the
vide an acceptable regional field in the example shown Tacadian orogenic wedge: American Journal of Science,
here. We were unable to determine a continuation height 310, 89-110.
that provides an acceptable regional magnetic field as it
was the case in the gravity example. Interestingly, for the Telford, W.M., Geldart, L.P., Sheriff, R.E., and Keys, D.A.,
magnetic data set used in this study, we could easily select 1990, Applied geophysics, Cambridge University Press,
the parameters of the low pass filter that gives good results. Cambridge.
This is because the magnetic anomalies due to the Mont
Alexandre volcanics have a well defined width which is of
a much shorter wavelength than the other anomalies present
on the map.

We note that for both for gravity and magnetic data that at
least two different techniques give similar results. We con-
clude that in practice one should always use two different
techniques to determine the regional field since a good
agreement between their results can be an indication of an
acceptable regional field. It is also likely that different re-
sults would be obtained in other geological contexts.


Fuller, B. D., 1967, Two-dimensional frequency analysis

and design of grid operators: Mining geophysics, V-II, 658-

Gupta, V. K., and N. Ramani, 1980, Some aspects of re-

gional residual separation of gravity anomalies in a pre-
Cambrian terrain: Geophysics, 45, no.9, 1412-1426.

Jacobsen, B. H., 1987, A case for upward continuation as a

standard separation filter for potential field maps: Geophys-
ics, 52, no.8, 1138-1148.

©The Society of Exploration Geophysicists and the Chinese Geophysical Society

GEM Beijing 2011: International Workshop on Gravity, Electrical & Magnetic Methods and Their Applications
Beijing, China. October 10-13, 2011.

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