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Energy and Buildings 32 Ž2000.


Solar energy in building renovation — results and experience of

international demonstration buildings
Karsten Voss )
Fraunhofer Institute for Solar Energy Systems, Solar Building Design Group, 79100 Freiburg, Germany

Received 19 August 1999; accepted 22 March 2000


If the use of solar energy is to mean that significantly less fossil fuel will be consumed, solar systems must be readily adaptable to
existing buildings as well as new buildings. Under the Solar Heating and Cooling Programme of the International Energy Agency ŽIEA.,
Task 20 ‘‘Solar Energy in Building Renovation’’, a number of the most promising solar concepts and systems for building renovation
were explored. The first activity was a performance analysis of existing solar renovation projects wJ.-O. Dalenback,¨ Solar Energy in
Building Renovation, Energy in Buildings, 24 Ž1996. 39–50.x. Drawing on the information gained from these case studies, promising
concepts with respect to energy savings and replication potential were identified and investigated by simulation studies wA. De Herde,
Improved Solar Concepts, Technical Report, 1997, Centre de Recherche en Architecture, Universite´ Catholique de Louvain, Belgian.x.
Strategies for incorporating these concepts into the renovation process were developed wO.B. Jørgensen, Solar Renovation Demonstration
Projects, Technical Report, 1998, Esbensen Consulting Engineers, Copenhagen, Denmark.x. Fourteen demonstration projects mostly
focusing on multifamily dwellings featuring solar concepts were initiated, implemented, and evaluated. This article summarises the
cross-analysis of the demonstration projects, evaluated between 1995 and 1998. The analysis covers technical, economic, and building
physic issues of solar collectors, glazed balconies, and solar walls.
The aim of a renovation design process is generally not to find the cheapest solution to maintain a proper building function.
Renovation deals with a balance of maintenance, improvement, and architectural topics within a given budget. The analysis of the
demonstration projects proves that solar technologies have their place — financially, technically and architecturally — as part of
integrated renovation concepts. Many of the demonstration projects evaluated tend to be ‘‘solar dominated’’ as the analysis of the
technology is a main topic. A wider market penetration of solar concepts needs compromises in the size of the solar systems with respect
to the investment. The first and primary requirement for future projects is improved cost competitiveness of solar concepts compared to
the regular renovation measures. q 2000 Elsevier Science S.A. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Building renovation; Building integration; Solar energy; Solar collectors; Glazed balconies; Solar walls; Transparent insulation; Monitoring

1. Introduction buildings each year. Regardless of the reason, renovation

presents both special challenges and the opportunity to
All buildings undergo renovation at some point after apply solar technologies to buildings w1x.
construction. The motivation for renovation ranges from The analysed demonstration projects in six countries
repair to increased comfort and living space. High energy mostly focus on an integrated renovation approach instead
consumption is only one aspect in this list of arguments. of just adding solar ŽTable 1.. A detailed description of
On the other hand, energy use and energy-related emis- each of the demonstration projects is given in Ref. w8x. The
sions from the existing building stock are dominant com- solar concepts in the 14 projects focused on ŽFig. 1. the
pared with the effect of about 1–2% of new Žlow-energy. following.
Building-integrated solar collectors w2x. Solar collectors
are installed with the main purpose of preheating domestic
Tel.:q49-761-45880; fax:q49-761-4588100. hot water ŽDHW. andror to cover a fraction of the space
E-mail address: karsten.voss@ise.fhg.de ŽK. Voss.. heating ŽSH. demand. In the context of building renova-

0378-7788r00r$ - see front matter q 2000 Elsevier Science S.A. All rights reserved.
PII: S 0 3 7 8 - 7 7 8 8 Ž 0 0 . 0 0 0 5 2 - 9
292 K. Voss r Energy and Buildings 32 (2000) 291–302

Table 1
List of the demonstration projects
No. Location Country Type Age Size Standard renovation Solar renovation
Numberrfloorsr Improved Efficient Solar Glazed Solar Day- Photovoltaic
floor area Žm2 . insulation HVAC- collector balcony wall lighting
1 Niederurnen CH multifamily 1971 1r4r966 q y y y 84 m2 y 11 m2
2 Hedingen CH multifamily 1969 1r3r702 q q 43 m2 y 80 m2 y y
3 Erfurt DE school 1981 3r3–4r3980 q q y y y q y
4 Freiburg DE residentiala 1912 1r3r750 q q 7.5 m2 y 53 m2 y y
5 Oederan DE multifamily 1983 7r4r2170 q q 700 m2 y y y y
6 Salzgitter DE industry hall 1940 1r1r43,000 q y y y y 7500 m2 y
7 Wurzen DE school 1978 1r4r4100 q q y y 300 m2 y y
8 Aalborg DK multifamily 1900 1r4r544 q q 18 m2 q y y 25 m2
9 Den Haag NL multifamily 1961 1r4r504 q q 17 m2 q y y 5 m2
10 Zaandam NL multifamily 1968 1r14r30,720 q q 760 m2 q y y 90 m2
11 Stockholm SE multifamily 1961 6r8r40,000 y y 1200 m2 y y y y
12 Henan SE school 1965 2r1–2r10,000 y y 725 m2 y y y y
13 ¨
Orebro SE multifamily 1963 1r2r2500 y y 112 m2 y y y y
14 Golden US exhibition 1994 1r1r560 y q y y y q y
Actual office use.

tion, solar collectors may improve the building envelope, space. In the context of renovation, problems with facade
e.g. when a flat roof is rebuilt to an inclined ‘‘solar roof’’ degradation and thermal bridges are reduced. An advanced
or new space is created by adding a ‘‘solar attic’’ onto a approach integrates the balcony with a system for mechan-
flat-roofed building. ical or natural ventilation of the apartment.
AdÕanced glazed balconies w3,4x. Glazing a balcony Solar wall heating with transparent insulation (TI) w5x.
means enclosing it with openable glass elements. The Today, the most prominent and energy-effective candidate
motivation is dominated by the value of the added sun for passive solar wall heating is a design including TI. A

Fig. 1. Selected solar concepts suitable for building renovation. As the solar system is integral part of a ‘‘standard renovation’’ the space heating demand is
typically decreased 50% by improved insulation of the building envelope.
K. Voss r Energy and Buildings 32 (2000) 291–302 293

transparently insulated wall overcomes transmission losses

with solar gains while at the same time passively providing
low temperature wall heating. In the renovation case, TI
can be applied to high density, uninsulated walls oriented
towards the sun.
The projects were designed by different national design
teams. System dimensioning was done with reference to
the goal of each project and the budget available. Energy
savings were predicted by simple tools or simulation calcu-
lations. The energy performance was monitored and results
were compiled to a common format and presented for the
buildings as a whole as well as for selected solar technolo-
Last but not the least, experience and results serve as
resources to identify recommended work for future activi-
ties in research as well as in building practice.
Fig. 3. Annual final energy use for space heating and DHW in kWhrm2
heated floor area before, planned and after the renovation.

2. General results

2.1. InÕestment costs 2.2. Energy use

Most projects included solar renovations as part of a In addition to repair, increased comfort, and visual
total building renovation. According to the renovation renovation, all projects were designed to save energy
needs and the goal of each project, a wide range of andror to meet a fraction of the remaining energy demand
investments occurred, not necessarily being costs related to by solar gains. The projects showed energy savings be-
energy improvements. Total investments varied between tween 3% and 70% resulting from the renovation as a
20 EUR — only a solar collector system added — to 700 whole ŽFig. 3.. Most of the buildings and solar systems
EUR per m2 floor area for a comprehensive renovation. perform as predicted. Focusing on the solar systems ap-
The solar component represents between 10% and 100% plied, discrepancies between estimated numbers and real
of the total project cost. The investments were financed by performance data arose due to
the maintenance budget, increased rent, decreased operat-
ing costs Žbetween 3% and 70%., or external funding, such Ø uncertain hot water demand for dimensioning the solar
as public subsidies. For most projects the investment was collector system andror underestimation of storage
within the usual range for renovation budgets ŽFig. 2.. losses in solar DHW systems Že.g. project 5.,
Ø poor performance of heat exchangers Že.g. projects 12
Ø uncertain wall material properties for the design of a
solar mass wall with TI Že.g. project 2.,
Ø unexpected user behaviour with respect to preferred
room temperatures and air change rates Že.g. projects
applying passive solar..

2.3. Economics

As with any measure for saving energy, solar measures

can be analysed according to savings gained by the invest-
ment made. Further to that, renovation measures such as
wall insulation represent a multifunctional approach for
solving degradation problems, improving comfort, and up-
grading the appearance of a building.
Fig. 2. Investment costs for the renovation — basic renovation and solar Information on the cost-effectiveness of solar systems
Part — in EUR per m2 heated floor area excluding VAT. ŽThe Aalborg
project with an investment of more than 2100 EUR per m2 includes
in building renovation are gained by calculating the so-
intensive demonstration of ‘‘future technologies’’ that are not yet cost-ef- called ‘‘equivalent energy costs’’. That means that the
fective.. annual capital costs of the solar system are related to the
294 K. Voss r Energy and Buildings 32 (2000) 291–302

is a secondary benefit. Therefore, equivalent energy costs

are not of central importance.

3. Results and experience from solar concepts

3.1. Solar collectors

Solar collectors were applied in renovation projects in

Denmark, Germany, the Netherlands, Sweden, and
Switzerland Žprojects 2, 4, 5, 8–13.. All collectors were
roof-mounted. All are central, water-based systems mostly
designed with pressurised collector loops. The Dutch sys-
tems in Zaandam and Den Haag are drain-back designs
Žprojects 9 and 10..
Fig. 4. Equivalent energy costs in EUR per kWh anlysed for those In the case of large-scale systems Ž) 100 m2 ., the
demonstration projects applying solar thermal systems Žcalculation basis: collector costs range from 200 and 300 EUR per m2 ŽFig.
4% real interest rate, 1% maintenance costs, 25 years lifetime.. Equiva-
5.. The added mirror optics in the Swedish Stockholm
lent energy costs from the Dutch projects in Zaandam and Den Haag are
not presented as measured performance data were not available within the project ŽFig. 6. increase costs and energy yields, resulting
timeframe. in almost the same economy figure. Comparing large and
small collector systems mostly underlines the economy of
scale. Increased sizes of the modules may allow further
reduction of the collector cost and the installation time.
annual energy savings, Eq. 1 ŽFig. 4.. Counted capital Today’s so-called roof module collectors or solar roofs
costs exclude basic renovation costs such as painting, have dimensions of about 20 m2 and may include roof
concrete repair, etc., as these outlays do not contribute to beams and roof insulation on request. This development
energy saving. may shift the focus for further system cost reductions to
the buffer storage and the hydraulic installation. Architec-
Ccap q Cmain EUR tural ‘‘extras’’ as included in the Swiss Hedingen project
Ceq s , Ž 1.
Q kWh Žtriangular collector segments in the rooftop, ‘‘blind mod-
ules’’ for homogeneous roof impression. and the Dutch
where Ceq s equivalent energy costs in EUR per kWh; projects in Zaandam and Den Haag Žspecially designed
Ccap s annual capital costs resulting from the extra invest- collector frames and mounting platforms, Fig. 7. led to
ment costs for the solar system in EUR Ž4% real interest significant additional hardware and labour costs. The bene-
rate, 25 years life time, annuity factor 6.4%.; Cmain s fit for the building impression may justify this investment
annual maintenance costs in EUR Ž1% of investment costs.; in special applications.
Q s annual energy savings in kWh.

2.3.1. Solar collectors

Depending on the solar fraction and the national energy
tax strategy, large solar DHW collector systems Ž) 100
m2 . are becoming cost effective or are already cost effec-
tive with moderate subsidies, e.g. in Sweden Žprojects 11,
12 and 13..

2.3.2. Transparent insulation

TI is expensive compared to opaque insulation. As a
consequence, buildings with excellent preconditions should
be chosen to profit from high solar gains, moderate invest-
ment, and high added value. None of the investigated
projects fulfils excellent preconditions!

2.3.3. Glazed balconies

The primary benefits of glazed balconies are the added Fig. 5. Investment costs and cost structure for the solar collector systems
space and reduced degradation. Reducing energy demand in EUR per m2 collector area excluding VAT.
K. Voss r Energy and Buildings 32 (2000) 291–302 295

Fig. 6. A 200 m2 roof mounted solar flat plate collectors with 425 m2
reflectors as the ‘‘Alta’’ building in Stockholm, Sweden Žproject 11.. The
Fig. 8. Annual yield of the solar collector systems in kWh per m2 gross
connected solar storage contains 12 m3.
collector area.

The solar systems show annual collector yields in the multifamily buildings. It must be an integral part of every
range from 300 to 450 kWhrm2 , mainly depending on the DHW system renovation that losses are reduced as far as
solar fraction and the average temperature in the collector possible!
circuit ŽFig. 8.. Using the mirror optics in the Swedish Appropriate solar system dimensioning requires knowl-
Stockholm project nearly doubles the yield. edge of the expected hot water demand early in the design
Focusing on economy, systems dimensioned for annual phase. Deviations may occur between guidelines for sizing
solar fractions of less than 40% are preferable, as hot water systems and the real demand. A ‘‘typical’’ value
for apartment buildings seems to be about 30 l per person
Ø the collector yield is utilized to nearly 100%, and day at 608C Žs 1.7 kWhrpd., but project-specific
Ø the average temperature level is low Žhigh yield., pre-renovation measurements are preferable w6x.
Ø storage volumes and heat losses are small, Low temperatures in the return flow of the collector
Ø stagnation is avoided Žlower thermal stress.. circuit are necessary for effective solar systems and are
often not achieved Žprojects 12 and 13.. Adequately, large
The energy yield is mainly used to heat DHW with enough heat exchangers in the solar circuit together with a
annual solar fractions between 10% and 40%. In addition stratified storage are the most important measures.
to delivering hot water, energy from the collector counter- Integrating the volume of the solar buffer storage —
balances thermal losses related to hot water storage and about 50 litre per m2 collector area or 5 m3 in the case of
circulation. Both loss factors can account for half or even 100 m2 collector system — is not easy under the con-
more of the total DHW heat demand associated with straints of building renovation. In the absence of suitable
space in the basement, the buffer storage has to be inte-
grated under the roof Žproject 8. or divided into multiple
tanks of smaller volumes Žproject 5.. Divided tanks enlarge
the storage surface, thereby enlarging the storage thermal
losses. A compact storage tank should be favoured in
terms of costs and energy efficiency. Decreasing the whole
system size and thereby the solar fraction may be prefer-
able to a complex storage arrangement.

3.2. AdÕanced glazed balconies

A glazed balcony is more than a passive solar element

w3,4x. The seasonally enclosed space prevents degradation
of building materials due to exposure of the balcony area
to the weather and improves noise and wind protection. It
Fig. 7. A 760 m2 roof mounted solar flat plate collectors at the
also extends the living area for multipurpose use, mainly in
‘‘Brandaris’’ building in Zaandam, The Netherlands Žproject 10.. The spring and autumn. Energy savings are achieved by the
connected solar storage contains 40 m 3. seasonally improved thermal insulation, including reduc-
296 K. Voss r Energy and Buildings 32 (2000) 291–302

tion of the thermal bridge effect of the balcony slab, as

well as by solar gain utilisation. Fig. 9 shows an example
with the Dutch project in Zaandam.
Most of today’s renovation concepts Že.g. new win-
dows. improve the air tightness of the building and reduce
the air infiltration rate. To secure good indoor air quality
and to avoid problems with moisture Že.g. mould. in the
case of insufficient manual window operation, additional
ventilation measures are required. Especially in large
apartment buildings and social housing, mechanical venti-
lation is the most appropriate solution to ensure an ade-
quate indoor air quality. Fig. 10. Air flow in an apartment with advanced glazed balcony and
A novel concept is to combine glazing the balcony with mechanical exhaust air system.
a mechanical ventilation system to improve the use of
solar gains and the effectiveness of the total renovation
ŽFig. 10.. This has been studied within projects in Den- and the kitchen by central fans located on the building roof
mark, Germany, the Netherlands, and Switzerland. As the to reduce noise from continuous fan operation. Interior air
associated renovations were not fully undertaken until late flow from rooms with supply air Žliving rooms. to those
1998, experience can be reported from the design phase with exhaust air Žbath room, kitchen. is maintained by
only. simple door slashes. Central air extraction allows further
It is possible to roughly double the energy saving effect energy savings by heat recovery with an exhaust air heat
of a glazed balcony by solar preheating the supply air for pump to Žpre-. heat DHW and to add to SH. The continuos
the apartment in the sun space. Favourable preconditions heat source of 18–208C temperature guarantees for a high
are the following. COP of the system.
For energy saving, the air flow rate of a ventilation
Ø The existing facade of the apartment toward the bal- system should be kept low. On the other hand, good indoor
cony is still in acceptable condition so that it can be air quality must be guaranteed. A lower limit of ventilation
kept in place with minor changes. may be defined as 20–40 m3rh per person, but national
Ø Most of the balcony is an integral part of the floor plan, building codes have to be considered.
so that the area to be glazed is minimized. To ensure that the supply air infiltrates at the designed
Ø The apartment has an active or passive Že.g. by stack locations Žwindow vents., the renovation must include
effect. ventilation system for interior bathrooms or the improving the air tightness of the building construction.
kitchen. This avoids condensation within the construction. For in-
door air quality reasons, special attention must be given to
Supply air inlets are needed in the balcony facade as the apartment entrance door, as waste air from the stairwell
well as in the original facade between the balcony and the may otherwise infiltrate.
apartment. To prevent cold draughts in the apartment, Extracting the apartment’s supply air from the balcony
these inlets should be manually adjustable by the tenants decreases the winter air temperature in the balcony and
and carefully positioned. Preferred places are the upper thereby the value of the sun space compared to the unven-
part of the window above a radiator or behind a radiator. A tilated design. The temperature decrease is typically in the
favourable design is to extract waste air from the bathroom range of 1–38C, depending on the volume of the balcony
in relation to the volume of the apartment. The temperature
decreases with higher air flow rates. In many cases, not all
rooms needing supply air are attached to the balcony. Part
of the air infiltrates by, e.g. window, vents directly from
the outside. Half to two thirds of the supply air is typically
drawn via the balcony.
The choice of the glazing and frame system influences
cost, energy performance, daylighting, and usability of the
glazed balcony. The size of the glass elements should
always be chosen taking practical aspects like handling
and cleaning into account. Noise problems between apart-
ments should be considered as balconies that do not have a
noise protection layer on the floor or on walls between
balconies in a row. All design options should be carefully
Fig. 9. Glazed Balconies in Zaandam, The Netherlands Žproject 10.. analysed to ensure the one chosen meets the goal of the
K. Voss r Energy and Buildings 32 (2000) 291–302 297

Fig. 11. Sketch of the TI compound system.

specific project w3,4x. Substantial energy savings are only Fig. 13. Investment costs and cost structure for the TI systems in EUR
per m2 gross TI facade area excluding VAT.
achievable with double, preferable low-e coated glazing.
Single glazed constructions and simple metal frames do
not prevent surface condensation resulting from exfiltra- jects 1, 2, 4 and 7.. The one in Freiburg, Germany applies
tion of apartment waste air through opened windows, the TI compound system with a transparent plaster made
mainly kitchen and bathroom windows. Introducing con- of small glass spheres set in a polymer matrix, Figs. 11
trolled airflow from the outside via the balcony to the and 12. All others are glass facade constructions including
apartment reduces the risk of condensation. For air quality external shading devices. All systems are based on the
reasons, a balcony as part of the ventilation system is same insulation material, a plastic capillary structure of
unsuitable as a smoking area or for storage of kitchen about 10 cm thickness w7x.
waste. The simple design of the compound system combined
with the absence of a shading device results in investment
3.3. Solar wall heating with TI costs being two to three times lower than glazed TI
facades ŽFig. 13.. Solar shading makes up about 20–30%
Four projects with solar mass walls using TI were of the glazed facade costs and proves to be necessary in all
completed, two in Switzerland and two in Germany Žpro- cases to guarantee summer comfort. The summer solar

Fig. 12. Compound transparent insulation system at the ‘‘Villa Tannheim’’ in Freiburg, Germany Žproject 4., 53 m2 of the old brick wall was painted black
and covered with 10 cm thick transparent insulation material. The solar system is fully integrated in the conventional facade insulation system.
298 K. Voss r Energy and Buildings 32 (2000) 291–302

gain in the case of the compound system proves not to

decrease summer comfort in the given example, but com-
fort must be carefully addressed in each application.
The thermal insulation property of TI materials results
in one part of the energy savings which is independent
from solar gains. The savings increase as the insulation
compared to the existing wall is improved. The additional
solar energy yield varies mainly with the wall orientation
and the wall material ŽFig. 14.. The TI walls oriented
towards the south achieved solar yields between 50 and
150 kWhrm2 gross facade area and heating season. The
difference between the projects is mainly due to the differ-
ent thermal resistance of the solid wall behind the TI: the
smaller the resistance, the higher the solar yield. The brick
wall in the Swiss Hedingen project was less suitable for TI Fig. 15. Glass facade as transcom-mullion construction with transparent
than expected. The relative low energy yield in the Ger- insulation in Niederumen, Switzerland Žproject 1.. The glass facade is
equipped with external venetian blinds for efficient solar gain control. As
man Freiburg project Žproject 4. reflects the wall orienta-
a second solar measure, the roof contains 11 m2 PV system made of PV
tion towards the west and the lower transmittance of the roof tiles.
glass plaster compared to a glass pane.
The ratio of the solar energy yield to the solar radiation
incident on the facade defines the solar–thermal system Žproject 2.. Careful check in the early design phase should
efficiency. Efficiencies between 15% and 28% were ob- prevent this damage.
served. Wall materials with higher density and a further Low temperature wall heating with TI in all of the
optimised system design allow efficiencies of 40% and projects proved to be very positive in increasing thermal
more, as proven in new buildings. Renovation projects comfort for the occupants. Comfort deficits compared to
tend to need compromises with regards to all influencing today’s new buildings are a main problem to be tackled by
factors, resulting in lower energy performance. A careful a renovation. Therefore, improved thermal comfort is the
check of wall material, orientation, and shading during the main reason to apply TI in addition to energy saving.
early design phase has a great effect on the performance. Controlling solar gains by blinds can be simplified to
Primarily determined by the type of existing wall mate- seasonal operation. This proves to be suitable in all pro-
rials, the maximum temperatures occurring at the outside jects summarised in this documentation and allows a sim-
wall surface Žabsorber. were measured between 628C Žpro- ple and easily handled control.
ject 4. and 1108C Žproject 2.. Temperatures above 80– Comparably moderate systems costs were achieved in
1008C cause degradation of today’s TI plastic materials the German Wurzen project by combining the shading
system of windows and the TI wall into one unit. This
compromise lead to about 20% decreased solar energy
yield by unfavourable shading in conflict situations be-
tween daylight use and passive solar thermal gains by TI.
The architectural impression of buildings with TI pro-
vokes contradictory statements. The reader is encouraged
to form her or his personal opinion by viewing the pictures
in this article ŽFigs. 12 and 15. or visiting the described
demonstration projects. Addresses are listed in Ref. w8x.

3.4. Further solar concepts

Apart from the three main solar concepts investigated,

some of the demonstration buildings use modified ap-
proaches or other solar technologies.

Fig. 14. Energy savings due to insulation and solar energy yield — losses 3.4.1. Daylighting
covered plus gains delivered to the room — in kWh per m2 gross TI TI materials guide and diffuse the incident light beams.
facade area Ž100% utilization.. The Niederumen project gives no savings The German demonstration project in Salzgitter Žproject 6.
by additional insulation as the original insulation was removed and
substituted by TI. Wall materials and wall orientation: Niederumen —
makes use of this property by applying the TI material
bricksrsouth, Hedingen — light bricksrsouth, Wurzen — light con- sandwiched between 7500 m2 U-shaped cast-glass ele-
cretersouth, Freiburg — bricksrwest. ments forming a self-supporting daylight wall ŽFig. 16..
K. Voss r Energy and Buildings 32 (2000) 291–302 299

Golden, CO, USA was not originally equipped with effi-

cient lighting and mechanical systems Žproject 14.. A
retrofit so that the building’s lighting and mechanical
control systems complement the solar design of the build-
ing was completed in 1996. This retrofit reduced building
lighting consumption by 80%, thereby underlining the
enormous importance of automatic lighting controls in
daylight buildings. A study was later completed to analyse
installing skylights in one area of the building for supple-
mentary daylighting. The results of this study show that
the overall lighting savings are expected to increase to
86% and the overall energy savings for all retrofits Žinclud-
ing new skylights. may be 41%.
Fig. 16. Daylight wall with transparent insulation in the Germany,
Salzgitter Žproject 6., 7500 m2 U-shaped cast-glass elements were in- 3.4.2. PhotoÕoltaics
stalled in an industrial production hall improving thermal and visual For existing buildings, applying photovoltaics ŽPV. can
comfort while at the same time reducing the energy demand. be part of a roof or facade renovation or part of a building
This allows for excellent daylighting conditions as well as The examples from the demonstration projects are
for improved thermal insulation.
The observed advantages are Ø integration of 11 m2 PV tiles in a roof with fibre
cement tiles Žproject 1.,
Ø 24% reduced SH demand, Ø facade integration of 25 m2 PV glass modules Žproject
Ø raised daylighting level compared to the former dirty 8.,
single glazed panes, Ø 30 m2 PV as glazing of a pavilion on top of the
Ø improved thermal and visual comfort, building Žproject 10.,
Ø attractive appearance from inside and outside. Ø 5 m2 PV coupled to the collector pump Žproject 9..

Designed to be a passive solar building, the Visitor Nine hundred kWh annual system yield per installed
Center at the National Renewable Energy Laboratory in kW peak system power ŽkWp . of PV tiles underline the

Fig. 17. PV facade with at the Aalborg Building in Denmark Žproject 8.. A total 25 m2 of glass modules were installed as part of the parapet of the
balcony. Additional modules are mounted inclined at the wooden facade cladding net to the balcony.
300 K. Voss r Energy and Buildings 32 (2000) 291–302

good design and performance of the system in the Swiss to the regular renovation measures. Considering the lessons
Niederurnen house Žproject 1, Fig. 15.. On the other hand, learned form the projects combined with common sense
system costs are higher than cost of a system design with from building practice, the general recommendations for
standard glass modules mounted on the roof. One of the future projects are the following.
reasons is the still low market penetration of PV tiles.
The PV application in the Danish ‘‘Yellow House’’ in
Ø Large systems or multiple use of similar units are
Aalborg Žproject 8. demonstrates a fully integrated ap-
preferred due to better economy.
proach: the PV glass modules serve as front cover of the
Ø A low solar fraction avoids under utilised solar gains
parapet of glazed balconies. Supply air to the apartments is
thereby improving the cost-effectiveness.
solar preheated by passing the modules backside. The
Ø Improved integration of the solar system in the cladding
annual electricity yield of 620 kWhrkWp reflects the
of a building avoids high extra costs.
operation conditions in a facade: the annual sum of irradia-
Ø Applying standardised components is often economi-
tion is about 25% less compared to a sloped roof and the
cally in favour to a project specific system design.
high incident angles of the direct beam radiation cause
Ø Better adaptation of solar systems to the requirements
increased losses by reflection. PV in facade renovation
of renovation reduces planning and implementation
changes the building appearance from ‘‘old fashioned’’ to
‘‘high-tech’’. The Aalborg example shows how architec-
ture may profit from such change ŽFig. 17..
The following list of recommendations summarises the
relevant aspects for the three main solar concepts ad-
4. Discussion dressed in the demonstration projects.
Renovation is one of the main tasks in the building
sector and will have a major impact for global sustainabil- 4.1.1. Solar collectors
ity. Because renovation conserves the building status for
the following decades, energy saving measures should be Ø Adequate system sizing is the precondition of economic
an inherent part of it. The combination of renovation and applications. Analysing the DHW demand of the exist-
improvement of energy efficiency is technologically and ing building is preferable.
economically significantly more attractive than separate Ø Large prefabricated collector modules help decrease
measures. system costs. The application of solar collectors signifi-
Solar concepts are, up to now, rarely discussed in cantly profits from the economy of scale.
renovation projects and even more rarely applied. One Ø A low temperature in the collector circuit is a main
reason is the lack of examples and documented experi- parameter to achieving high solar gains. This must be
ences. The demonstration projects reported are a step to addressed in the design of heat exchangers and heating
bridge this gap. The evaluation of the projects proved that system renovation.
the concepts applied fulfil the renovation needs. Further Ø Storage should be kept compact and well designed to
progress in cost effectiveness and energy savings can be avoid high thermal losses.
assumed if the lessons learned are carefully addressed in
future projects.
More than in the case of the individual decision of the
owner of a single family house, a solar renovation strategy 4.1.2. AdÕanced glazed balconies
for multifamily houses or large buildings in the non-
domestic sector must clearly afford a balance between
Ø Combining balcony glazing with controlled ventilation
investment and benefit. The benefit can range from energy
of the apartment profits in function and investment
saving and increased comfort to added value. Visually
costs from early co-operation of architects, engineers,
prominent solar systems highlight that environmental con-
and manufacturers during the concept phase.
cerns were addressed in the renovation. In many cases,
Ø System manufactures should address energy and air
they mark a break in the appearance of the building from
quality issues in their product catalogues to open a
‘‘old fashioned’’ to ‘‘solar’’ or ‘‘high-tech’’. This can be a
wider market. Selling system solutions should be pre-
valuable contribution to the appearance of the single build-
ferred over selling glass elements.
ing as well as the architectural diversity in large urban
Ø For air quality reasons, a glazed balcony for preheating
renovation quarters.
ventilation air is unsuitable as smoking area or storage
4.1. Recommendations for kitchen waste.
Ø A ‘‘manual’’ should be provided to the occupants to
The first and primary requirement for future projects is explain on how to gain the full advantage of a glazed
improved cost competitiveness of solar concepts compared balcony.
K. Voss r Energy and Buildings 32 (2000) 291–302 301

4.1.3. Solar wall heating with TI sented. The initiated demonstration projects were finished
too late to be included with monitored results. Therefore,
Ø The suitability of TI for a building renovation should be conclusions made are based on simulations and design
carefully analysed early in the design phase. The criti- studies only. Future work should compare the results to the
cal parameters are wall orientation Žsouth. and wall estimates and calculations from the design phase with
material Žhigh density.. Suitable wall properties are actual system performance.
important for system performance and reliable opera- Applying advanced glazed balconies increases the plan-
tion. ning complexity. Products for apartment ventilation and
Ø Systems fully integrating the solar and non-solar parts glazing a balcony were developed independently in the
in a facade design are preferable in terms of costs for past. Cooperation is needed to improve and simplify the
planning and installation. The TI compound system is a application as well as to gain the full possible advantages.
good example ŽFigs. 11 and 12.. Systems to solar preheat the air entering the balcony —
Ø As thermal comfort was identified as a major benefit of e.g. an air collector in the parapet — may be investigated
TI, projects should be selected where the lack of com- with the focus on solutions to minimise marginal costs.
fort is a main topic to be tackled by the renovation.
Ø Seasonal shading is sufficient in most applications to 4.2.3. Solar wall heating with TI
control summer solar gains. High investment costs are the main drawback of many
TI constructions. An investigated approach to reduce sys-
tem costs is to apply transparent multi-layer, structured
4.2. Research and deÕelopment plastic sheets instead of glazed TI elements. Their light-
weight design allows simplified frame constructions. Both
In addition to evaluating demonstration projects, a sec- allow the system cost to be halved compared to today’s TI
ond focus was to evaluate and discuss possible improve- glass facade costs. On the other hand, solar gains are
ments to the investigated solar concepts w9x. The following reduced due to the lower solar transmittance compared to
summary highlights some selected aspects. the well-known honeycomb or capillary structures.
A further step to reduce costs is simplifying, or avoid-
4.2.1. Solar collectors ing, a mechanical system for solar gain control. A proto-
Today, glazed solar collectors are standard products type was developed and tested, where an air gap with
with many design variations and manufacturers. Besides adjustable openings is introduced between the wall and the
the approaches for cost reduction, of industrial mass pro- TI cover to allow passive ventilation of the excess heat
duction, larger system units, and integrated roof collectors from the absorber. Initial results show that the solar gain
Žroof module collectors, solar roofs., further work should control is effective but that it is hard to meet cost and
focus on improved suitability for building renovation. Fur- performance targets combined. New developments like
ther increased performance is achievable with better selec- thermotropic materials incorporated in the front glazing or
tive coatings and antireflective cover glass for higher solar the transparent plaster of a TI system may allow for easy
transmittance. solar gain control in the future w11x.
Investigations to develop unglazed collectors are contin- Overhangs were studied to understand their seasonal
uing. Avoiding the glass allows significant cost reductions shading performance for TI walls. The application is lim-
and new design options. Metal absorber roofs or a collec- ited to walls orientated toward the south and always result
tor integrated into the external finish of a plastered build- in reduced solar gains in winter.
ing wall may serve as initial examples. The transpired air As part of a renovation project, a new TI application
collector is another known example of this type w10x. was studied. TI may be applied locally to cover the typical
Of course, the thermal losses from the absorber to the structural thermal bridges at positions where the concrete
surroundings increase dramatically, specially in cold cli- floor is supported by the external wall. Such an application
mates. This can be partly counterbalanced by selective does not require a shading device, as the solar input is
absorbers but wind will still significantly affect the collec- local and connected to high thermal mass elements.
tor performance. Selective absorbers must be stable to
aging when exposed to ambient conditions. The develop-
ment of this technology is in an early phase with initial Acknowledgements
Thanks to the team of IEA SHCP Task 20 for intensive
4.2.2. AdÕanced glazed balconies cooperating in setting up this summary, namely C. Boon-
The performance of glazed balconies, as an integrated ¨ ŽS., A. Elmroth ŽS., A. Haller
stra ŽNL., J.-O. Dalenback
component of a building ventilation system, was not evalu- ŽCH., S. Hayter ŽUSA., O.B. Jørgensen ŽDK., Chr. Russ
ated in practice within the time frame of the work pre- ŽD..
302 K. Voss r Energy and Buildings 32 (2000) 291–302

Many thanks refer to those colleagues responsible for w2x J.O. Dalenback,
¨ Solar Collectors in Building Renovation, brochure,
managing the research on each of the various demonstra- James and James, London, UK, 1997.
w3x C. Boonstra, Glazed Balconies in Building Renovation, brochure,
tion projects reported. We express our sincere appreciation James and James, London, UK, 1997.
to the investorsrowners and the design teams of each of w4x P. Case, A. Gutermann,
¨ Sanierungsmaßnahme verglaste Balkone?
the demonstration projects for their initiative and active ¨
Forschungsstelle Solararchitektur, ETH Zurich, CH, 1996.
participation in the evaluated, innovative building projects. w5x A. Haller, Transparent Insulation in Building Renovation, brochure,
The support of the German Ministry of Education, James and James, London, UK, 1997.
w6x M. Mack et al., Measured hot water consumption in apartment
Science, Research and Technology ŽBMBF. is gratefully buildings as key design parameter for solar collector installations,
acknowledged. The Ministry funded the contribution of the Proceedings of EUROSUN, Freiburg, Germany,1996.
Fraunhofer Institute for Solar Energy Systems in Task 20, w7x P. Braun, A. Goetzberger, J. Schmid, W. Stahl, Transparent insula-
specifically the leadership of the subtask dealing with the tion — steps from research to commercial application, Int. J. Sol.
evaluation of the demonstration projects. Acknowledge- Energy 49 Ž1992. .
w8x K. Voss, Solar Renovation Demonstration Projects, brochure, James
ments are due to the national ministries of each country for and James, London, UK, 2000.
funding the experts’ participation in this IEA activity. w9x A. Haller, Solar Renovation Concepts and Systems, Technical Re-
port, Ernst Schweizer, Hedingen, CH, 1999.
w10x Kutscher, Christensen, Barker, Unglazed transpired solar collectors:
heat loss theory, ASME Trans., J. Sol. Energy Eng. 115 Ž1993.
References 182–188.
w11x A. Raicu et al., Research results on the system integration of
w1x C. Boonstra, Solar Energy in Building Renovation, brochure, James thermotropic layers, Proceedings of EUROSUN, Portoroz, Slovenia,
and James, London, UK, 1997. 1998.

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