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Introduction and

Chapter 1
What is the difference between science and Engineering

Science involves study of the natural world

while Engineering involves modifying the
world to meet human needs (1)

An art and process for Applying Math, Science and
Technology to design products that benefit people(2)

Systematic and effective method for getting


The abstract and logical study of numbers,

quantities and space(2)

Systematic study of the physical world through

observation and experiment(2)

The collection of Machinery, equipment and tools

developed from scientific knowledge(2)
Engineers build a better world
- Creative (solutions)
- handle adversity
- Simplify and idealize
- Manage constrains (Time & Money)
The physical science which
describes or predicts the
conditions of rest or motion
of bodies under the action of
Mechanics forces.

Rigid Bodies Fluid Mechanics
Statics Dynamics
Compressible- Incompressible
gas -liquids
equilibrium of motion of bodies
bodies: TME221
•at rest TME222
•const velocity TME324
Kinematics Kinetics ENE321
TME212 TME214 Ignore Causes Respect Causes
TME331 TME515
• Particle : mass but size is insignificant
 Relatively (e.g. earth size vs. its orbital path)

• Rigid bodies: Combination of a large number of particles in which all

the particles remain at a fixed distance from one another, both
before and after applying a load.
 Material properties doesn’t need to be considered when analyzing the forces

• In Statics we will assume the bodies to be perfectly rigid, no


• This is never true in the real world, everything deforms a little when
a load is applied.

• These deformations are small and will not significantly affect the
conditions of equilibrium or motion, so we will neglect the
A little bit of History
Mechanics is the oldest of the physical science(4)

Statics developed very early in history because its principles can be formulated
simply from measurements of geometry and force. (Archimedes (287–212 B.C. ),
lever, pulley, inclined plane, and wrench)

Since the principles of dynamics depend on an accurate measurement of time, this

subject developed much later. (Galileo Galilei (1564–1642), pendulums, falling

Isaac Newton (1642–1727), formulation of the three fundamental laws of motion

and the law of universal gravitational attraction.

Applications were developed by other scientist such as Euler, D’Alembert,

Lagrange, Laplace, and others.
Hamiltonian Mechanics - impulse and momentum
Lagrangian Mechanics – energy
Newtonian Mechanics - forces
Basic Concepts

Locate the position of a point in space and thereby describe

the size of a physical system  define distances

Time Succession of events (mainly in Dynamics)

a measure of a quantity of matter that is used to compare the

action of one body with that of another

Interaction between two bodies that can be idealized as a

Force push or pull of one body on other body(2). Characterized by
magnitude, direction , and point of application.

Body Force: Surface Force:

- Does not require - Required physical
physical contact contact
- Acts on every particle - Acts on the particles in
- Ex: Magnetic force, physical contact
Electric force, and - Ex: Pressure force,
Gravity force Friction force, Applied
force, Spring force

Concentrated Force: the effect of a loading is

assumed to act at a point on a body (contact
force between a wheel and the ground)
Newton’s 3 Fundamental Laws

A particle originally at rest, or moving in a straight

line with constant velocity, tends to remain in this
Newton’s First Law
state provided the particle is not subjected to an
unbalanced force

Neglecting air friction, throwing or shooting a ball

will result in ………….
Newton’s 3 Fundamental Laws

A particle acted upon by an unbalanced force F

experiences an acceleration a that has the same
Newton’s Second Law direction as the force and a magnitude that is directly
proportional to the force, where the particle mass m , is
the proportional constant.
Newton’s 3 Fundamental Laws

The mutual forces of action and reaction between two

Newton’s Third Law
particles are equal, opposite, and collinear
Newton’s Law of Gravitation
Newton’s Law of Gravitational Attraction:

F =G 2

F =mutual force of gravitation (attraction) between the two particles

G = universal constant of gravitation; according to experimental evidence,

G = 66.73(10)-12 m3/ (kg . s2)
m1, m2 = mass of each of the two particles
r = distance between the two particles

This says that 2 particles of mass m1 and m2 are mutually attracted with equal and
opposite forces.
One important case - the attraction of the earth on a particle located on its surface.
Newton’s Law of Gravitation
Weight is the gravitational force between the earth and a particle of mass m

m = mass of particle

Me = mass of earth = 5.97219 X 1024 kg

r = distance between the center of the earth and sea level = 6.3748 X 106 m
GM e
note that : g =
Newton’s Law of Gravitation

Standard location: @sea level and at a latitude (Φ) of 45’

The weight of the body is not an absolute quantity

Units of Measurements
Base units used in Statics
Dimension Symbol Unit (SI) Unit (US)
Length L Meter (m) Foot (ft)
Mass M Kilogram Slug (slug)
Time t Second (s) Second (s)

Rest of the units are derived:

e,g. Force: Newton (N)

1 N = (1 kg)(1 m/ s²)

1 Newton is the force required to give a mass of 1 kg an acceleration of 1 m/ s².

Units of Measurements

Exponential Prefix SI symbol

1,000,000,000 109 Giga G
1,000,000 106 Mega M
1,000 103 kilo k
0.001 10-3 milli m
0.000001 10-6 micro
0.000000001 10-9 nano n
Units of Measurements

(1) Quantities defined by several units which are multiples of one another are
separated by a dot to avoid confusion with prefix Notation.
N = kg.m/s2 = kg. m.s-2
m.s = meter second
ms = milli-second

(2) The exponential power on a unit having a prefix refers to both the unit and its
mN2 = (mN)2 = mN . mN
mm2 = (mm)2 = mm . mm
Units of Measurements

(3) With the exception of the base unit the kilogram, in general avoid the use of a
prefix in the denominator of composite units.
Do not write N/mm Rather right kN/m
Do not write m/mg Rather right Mm/kg

(4) When performing calculations, represent the numbers in terms of their base or
derived units by converting all prefixes to powers of 10. The final result should
then be expressed using a single prefix . Also, after calculation, it is best to keep
numerical values between 0.1 and 1000; otherwise, a suitable prefix should be
(50 kN) (60 nm) = {50(103) N}{60(10-9) m}
= 3000(10-6) N . M= 3(10-3) N . M
= 3 mN . m
Numerical Accuracy

(5) Use Reasonable significant figures and follow the rules of rounding off :

- greater than 5, round up (3.5587 3.56)

- smaller than 5, round down (1.341 1.34)

- Ends in 5 & Previous number is even, don’t round (75.25  75.2)

- Ends in 5 & Previous number is odd, round up (75.35  75.4)

Only round off the FINAL result.

Method of Problem Solving
1. state the given data
2. state the results desired
3. draw necessary diagrams (free-body diagrams)
4. develop equations
5. solve the problem to obtain solution
6. check solution
References (Other than text books):

(1) Katehi, L., Pearson, G., and Feder, M., Eds., Understanding Status and Improving the
prospects: Committee on K-12 Engineering Education, National Academic Press,
Washington D.C., 2010, 27.

(2) Elger, D., Williams, B., Crowe, C., Roberson, J., Engineering Fluid Mechanics, 10th
edition, 2013, Wiley.

(3) Blythe, T. The Teaching for Understanding Guide. Jossey-Bass, San Francisco,

(4) Meriam, J., Kraige, L., Engineering Mechanics: Statics, 4th edition, John Wiley,
1998, SI Version.

(5) Wales, C.E., and Stager. R.A. Thinking with Equations, Center for Guided Design,
West Virginia University, Morgantown, WV., 1990.
This presentation has been prepared by Eng. Ahmad
Hammad and modified by Dr. Ahmad Almuhtady

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