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Robert Schuller asks, “What would you attempt to do if you knew you could not
The question manages to both exhilarate and scare me. More questions than
answers come to mind. Side-lined ideas, ideas we deem impossible or too
ridiculous to attempt. Who are we to decide the insignificance of these ideas?
How do we know it’s too ridiculous to succeed if we don’t even try? Does fear
really have that big a hold on our creativity block?
When we think of our idea as a right or wrong, we are focusing on the end product.
Without even starting, we eliminate the process of creativity, the process of
imagination, the process of exploration and self-discovery.
Instead of learning from a journey that had equal probability of going right as it
did wrong, we subject ourselves to not learning at all.
If designers are not prepared for a debacle, they would never come up with
anything original. Creativity thrives on uncertainty. With uncertainty comes
originality. It seems like an almost impossible task when we feel like everything
we need has already been designed. That is where the problem lies. Everything
we need isn’t in front of us. We convince ourselves that they are as a reason for
us not to try anything new. Once we break through this barrier, nothing is out of
Nothing is unachievable when we have hard work, determination and
perseverance. That is the tried and tested mantra for success that we all accept,
but a key factor missing here is the need for fearlessness. This problem is
applicable not only to designers but for anybody who wants to advance in their
respective field.
Science is a subject where facts are always changing and there is always
something new to learn. Whereas in Art each individual has their own
interpretation of what they see, their own view and perception. Design is a blend
of these two complex subjects, giving it a whole new dynamic. A subject that is
ever evolving and that is unique to the eye of the beholder.
Many people see design as a tool, a tool to perfect the usage of art. Contrary to
this popular belief, design is a process. In this process not every step can be
perfected. For designers to be able to cope with their job they must accept that
there is always the prospect of going wrong.
Every individual has been blessed with their own mind, their own thoughts and
expressions. It is up to them to choose to be original in the face of failure or to
just be another brick in the wall.

Uttara R. Nair

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