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NLL 327.1
KVA Rating 200 FLL 2103.0
Qnty 50 %Z 3.82


1 Magnatic Core Steel Kg 215 361 77510

2 Super Enamel Cu-Wire Kg 720 128 92396
3 Paper Insulated Rectangular cu.Wire Kg 670 117 79392
4 Transformer Oil Lit 100 295 29454
5 Insulation Paper & Board Kg 250 8 2000
6 Tap Changer Pcs 2,200 1 2200
7 H.T Bushing Set 360 3 1080
8 L.T Bushing Set 150 4 600
9 H.T Cap Set 400 3 1200
10 L.T. Cap Set 600 4 2400
11 H.T Pin Pcs 200 3 600
12 L.T Pin Pcs 230 4 920
13 Oil Sealing Gasket (2' x 3') Set 763 0.75 572
14 Silica Gel Breather Set 670 1 670
15 Transformer Tank & Conservator Kg 170 120 20436
16 Radiator Set 4,000 3 12000
17 Yoke beam Kg 30.20 85 2567
18 Tie Rod Kg 40 4 148
19 Nut Bolts Kg 180 2.02 364
20 Earthing Eye Bolts Set 34.4 1 34.4
21 Thermometer Pcs 750 1 750
22 Name Plate Pcs 500 1 500
23 Chemical Job 600 1 600
24 Paints Job 2000 1 2000
25 Cotton tap,ica gum, amp tube etc Job 1000 1 1000
Sub Total (a) 331395
Labor & Over head 5% 16570
GOGS 347964
Saleing Price $5,000 430000
VAT 0 % 0
Profir Before Tax 82036
Tax 0 % 0
Profir After Tax 82036
GP % 24
NB: Red marked items are to be import
Duty draw back is considered on imported raw materials
price of imported raw materials are about 60% of sales price

Performed By Super Star Engineering Ltd

Date Design No SSGDT200720Date
Approved By Title 200 KVA Costing
Date Dimension mm Exe By

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