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Listen to two people talking about places they would like to visit.

Which of the
reasons below does each speaker mention? Write the numbers.
1 history
2 wildlife
3 improving language
4 atmosphere
5 landscape
6 meeting people
7 food
8 outdoor activities Fiona history , landscape

Bobby wildlife, landscape, food,

outdoor activities
Listen again and complete the excerpts.
experiencing it _____________
1 ... it would be brilliant _____________ first hand.

2 Can you imagine how _____________

thrilling it must have been _____________
seeing it from
the air?

well worth
3 The ride must have been expensive but_____________ doing.

exhilarating being
4 It would be so _____________ _____________ pulled down a mountain ...

S It would be __________ face to face with a grizzly ...
scary coming _____________

kind of
6 ... the other thing which _____________ appeals ...
Complete the sentences with words from A and verbs from B in the -ing form.
A: amazing, pain, pointless, thought, uncomfortable, worth

B: bring, go, not have, ride, see, spend

1 It’s not _______________

worth going skiing in April. Most of the snow will have melted.
2 I can't bear the ___________
thought of _______________
spending twelve hours on an
amazing seeing all the colourful fish when we went snorkelling.
3 It was _______________
4 It was _______________
pointless bringing sunglasses. We haven't seen the sun all holiday.
pain not having mobile phone coverage here.
5 It's a bit of a _______________
6 It was really _____________________
uncomfortable riding on a camel.
Complete the dialogue with the expressions in the box.
a bit of a / in a way / just kind of / one way or another / something like that /sort of / that kind of thing
Joe: I was just thinking about our trip to Barcelona tomorrow. How will we get from the
airport to the city centre? We're getting in pretty late, you know, two in the morning, or 1
_______ . like that
Sam: That's fine. We can jump on a bus. And if the buses aren't running, well, we'll get
one way or
there 2 ________ . another
Joe: And what about dinner? We'll be starving.
that kind of thing
Sam: Oh, we can have a plate of ham or cheese or 3 ____________ .
Joe: Hmm. And what about accommodation?
Sam: If we don't get a room in a hostel we can just hang out in a few bars till the
a bit of a nightmare lugging our bags round with us. Anyway, will they be
Joe: It'll be 4________
open all night?
Sam: Come on! This is the city that never sleeps! What's the matter, mate? You're
sort of worried .
looking 5 ________
In a way I 7 __________
Joe: I don't know. 6 ________ just kind of wish we'd got a bit more organised.
Sam: Ah, chill out, man! It's all going to be fine.
Answer questions about yourself using vague language from exercise 4.

1 What's your idea of a perfect weekend away?

2 What do you normally do when you first arrive at a holiday destination?

3 What kind of music do you tend to listen to while you're relaxing on holiday?

4 What do you tend to do in the evenings when you're on holiday?

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