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Kelompok : 2

 Domas Andini Dyah P

 Fransiska Yuwana Putri
 Siska Ivanali


TASK 2. Expressions
Give the right expression
1. Ask patient whether the patient has taken any self-medication
 Have you ever had treatment before?
2. Ask patient how many he / she has taken for self-medication
 How Many drugs have you taken to alleviate your illness?
3. Ask Patient if he / she gets better or worse after medication
 How is the mother’s codition today, after the nursing care act was carried out

TASK 3. Translation
Translate into communicative English using word given
1) Sakitnya di sekitar dada saya
 Pain around my chest
2) Sakitnya di sekitar perut sebelah kiri atas menyebar (radiate) sampai ke perut sebelah
 The pain around the upper left abdomen spreads (radiate) to the
3) Sakitnya disekitar lambung, menjalar ke punggung sebelah kiri
 Pain around the stomach, radiating to the left back
4) Saya merasa mau muntah, dan perut saya perih
 I feel like vomiting and my stomach hurts
5) Saya merasa sesak nafas dan tenggorokan terasa tersumbat
 I feel short of breath and a blocked throat

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