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Technical Aspects of Quantitative

Competitive PCR
BioTechniques 21:268-279 (August 1996)

Klaus Zimmermann and Josef ences 16–18, 21, 31, 32 and 84). This plates, different PCR strategies and
W. Mannhalter assay is based on competitive co-ampli- modes of detecting PCR products.
Immuno AG fication of a specific target sequence to-
gether with known concentrations of an
Vienna, Austria internal standard in one reaction tube. CONSTRUCTION OF INTERNAL
The internal standard has to share STANDARDS FOR COMPETITIVE
primer recognition sites with the spe- PCR
cific template, both specific template
INTRODUCTION and internal standard must be PCR-am- Generation and testing of suitable
plified with the same efficiency and it internal standards and the choice of
The polymerase chain reaction must be possible to analyze the PCR- primer pairs are among the most crucial
(PCR), first described by Saiki et al. amplified products of specific template and time-consuming aspects of setting
(79), is a highly sensitive and specific and internal standard separately. Quan- up a competitive PCR protocol. The
methodology for detection of nucleic titation is then performed by comparing simplest way to choose suitable pri-
acids and a useful tool for quantitation the PCR signal of the specific template mers is to use, as far as possible,
of the amount of specific nucleic acids with the PCR signals obtained with primers already widely used and/or
present in a sample. The simplest ap- known concentrations of the competitor well described. If new primers have to
proach to quantitation of PCR and re- (the internal standard). Ever since this be designed, computer programs in
verse transcription PCR (RT-PCR) method was first described (6,38,99), it combination with sequence data bases
products (reviewed by References 17, has been widely used for quantitation may be helpful tools.
21, 31 and 32) is measurement of the of cellular RNA and DNA as well as vi- General concepts of PCR primer de-
amount of amplification product in the ral and bacterial nucleic acids. Exam- sign have been reviewed by Dieffen-
exponential phase by reference to the ples reported on include the quantita- bach et al. (26). Since different primer
dilution series of an external standard. tion of cytokine expression (6,38,52,91, pairs for the same gene can exhibit up
However, accurate quantitation with 99,103) and of viral nucleic acids such to 1000-fold differences in sensitivity
this type of PCR is hampered by a as hepatitis B (46), hepatitis C (9,40,53, (44), special emphasis should be placed
number of variabilities that can occur 58,75,78,106), human cytomegalovirus on testing the specificity and efficiency
during sample preparation or in the (35), herpes simplex virus (74) or hu- of primer pairs in advance before inter-
course of the reaction, and minor varia- man immunodeficiency virus type 1 nal standards are generated. Once the
tions in reaction conditions are greatly (HIV-1) (3,5,36,51,62,70,71,81,88,92) appropriate primer pair has been select-
magnified during the amplification and quantitation of bacteria, especially ed, various strategies for the construc-
process. These variabilities may partly of slow-growing species such as my- tion of internal standards may be used.
be overcome by normalizing the cobacteria (55). Furthermore, the utili- Internal standards for competitive
amount of PCR products of the specific ty of competitive PCR or RT-PCR has PCR or RT-PCR are DNA or RNA
template with respect to an internal ref- been demonstrated in the quantitation fragments sharing the primer recogni-
erence template such as the cellular of mitochondrial DNA (100) or mRNA tion sequences with the specific target
gene β-globin (20) amplified in the expression (29,69) and assessment of yet yielding PCR products that are dis-
same reaction tube. hereditary deficiencies (e.g., Reference tinguishable from the wild-type tem-
Alternatively, limiting dilution using 43) or leukemias (22,93). plate. The easiest way to distinguish
a nested primer methodology (57,90) Considering the hundreds of pub- between wild-type template and inter-
can be used in combination with Pois- lished papers on the use of competitive nal standard is by differences in the size
son statistics for evaluation of the PCR, it is not surprising that a great va- of the two products. This can be
results. riety of protocols exist. In the present achieved, for example, by constructing
The most precise quantitation of article, we shall review this methodolo- standards having the same sequence as
DNA and RNA can, however, be ob- gy, concentrating in particular on tech- the specific target but containing a dele-
tained by competitive PCR and com- nical aspects of competitive PCR, such tion or an insertion. The simplest con-
petitive RT-PCR (reviewed in Refer- as the construction of competitive tem- struction procedure is to use a compos-

268 BioTechniques Vol. 21, No. 2 (1996)

ite primer containing two specific tar- sequences.
get sequences at a predetermined dis- A basically different approach to the
tance from each other (thus resulting in construction of competitive internal
a deletion) and a second primer specific standards is to use a nonspecific spacer
for the opposite strand (14,33,48, gene or spacer DNA. These competi-
61,77). The amplification of wild-type tors have nucleotide sequences totally
templates with such primers results in a different from the wild type, except for
PCR product that is shorter than the wild-type primer sequences attached to
wild-type template and can thus easily their 5′ ends. Such approaches have
be identified (e.g., after electrophoretic been used for quantitation of cyto-
or HPLC separation). Alternatively, chrome P450 by using the glutathione
elongated internal standards can be transferase µ gene as the spacer se-
constructed using a “looped oligo” quence for an internal standard (96) or
method by amplifying cDNA with a for quantitation of glycerinaldehyde 3-
primer containing a non-templated nu- phosphate dehydrogenase with an in-
cleotide insertion between template se- ternal standard based on the v-erb B
quences (80). oncogene (85). Nonspecific spacer se-
When deletions or insertions in the quences are also frequently used to
center of the internal standard are de- construct multicompetitor standards
sired, a splice overlap extension PCR containing priming sites for various
can be used (39,72,82,92). First, two genes of interest. Such multicompetitor
parts of a gene or different genes are standards can be constructed by direct-
amplified in separate PCRs. Since the ly linking together several primer sites
downstream primer of the first template and then attaching them to a spacer se-
and the upstream primer of the second quence (4,7,52,86,99).
template are designed to contain com- Finally, generation of competitive
plementary sequences, the two parts of standards by amplification of multiple
the gene or the different genes can be DNA fragments from cellular material
linked together by subsequently ampli- in a PCR with low-stringency anneal-
fying the two different PCR products in ing conditions has been described
one reaction tube. In similar approach- (34,94). This procedure results in a va-
es, internal standards can also be con- riety of different-sized PCR products,
structed by PCR amplification of a the most suitable of which is purified
mixture of religated PCR products and used as internal standard in a quan-
(1,37). Finally, if the sequence of the titative competitive PCR assay.
specific template contains one or two The competitive templates con-
internal restriction sites, these sites can structed in one of the ways described
be used to obtain a construct with an in- above are usually loaded on a gel, sepa-
sertion or a deletion (3,11,70,72,104). rated, excised and extracted. They can
Differences between wild type and then be used directly in a competitive
standard can also be obtained by incor- PCR assay (14,48,85), but more often,
poration of restriction sites (2,6,35,38, they are cloned into plasmids, prefer-
59,68,88). Following PCR, the stan- ably by the help of additionally intro-
dards containing such restriction sites duced restriction sites (e.g., References
are digested with the respective restric- 9, 61, 72, 104 and 110).
tion enzyme. Since the digested prod- Cloning of competitive standards
ucts are smaller in size, they can easily into plasmids usually involves enzy-
be distinguished from the wild-type matic reactions such as digestion with
template and can be analyzed separ- specific restriction enzymes, generation
ately. of blunt ends and ligation (e.g., Refer-
Exchange of nucleotides in specific ences 61, 70, 88 and 92). In addition to
templates is another way to construct these conventional strategies, other
competitive internal standards (54,75, simpler procedures have been devel-
78,106). After competitive PCR, the oped. Should a plasmid containing the
wild-type fragment and competitive in- wild-type sequence be available, this
ternal standards containing nucleotide plasmid can be used directly as an in-
exchanges can be identified following ternal standard after introducing a dele-
differential hybridization with probes tion into the wild-type sequence as
specific for wild-type and competitor described by Zarlenga et al. (108). Fur-
Vol. 21, No. 2 (1996) BioTechniques 269
thermore, PCR products can be engi- plification efficiencies is an analysis of After linearization of the vector, large
neered to contain terminal sequences known amounts of wild-type template amounts of RNA are transcribed
identical to sequences of the two ends and competitive internal standard in a (61,70). The RNA is then purified by
of a linearized vector. These two DNAs PCR protocol that uses fluorescently or DNase I digestion, extraction and pre-
can be co-transfected simply into radioactively labeled primers. After cipitation. Subsequently, quality and
E coli, which results in incorporation of various numbers of cycles, the PCR copy number of the competitive RNA
the insert into the vector (49,67). Final- products are separated and quantitated standard (compared to the copy number
ly, PCR products and linearized plas- by measuring their radioactivity or of contaminating residual DNA) should
mid can also be ligated together in a fluorescence (19,81). be determined both spectrophotometri-
PCR by overlap extension of comple- When controlling for amplification cally and by gel electrophoresis (61).
mentary ends (50,83). Following denat- efficiencies of wild-type and internal Several researchers have described an
uration, heterologous re-annealing and standard templates, it is also important interesting shortcut to this common
cyclization, a recombinant plasmid is to keep in mind that possible differ- methodology for synthesizing competi-
formed that is then used to transform ences may become more pronounced tive internal standard RNA. They used
competent E. coli. when the amplification reaction is a composite primer to construct a re-
It must furthermore be ensured that driven to the post-exponential (plateau) combinant competitor cDNA carrying
the concentration of the internal stan- phase (6,60). To ensure proper quanti- the T7 RNA polymerase recognition
dard is determined accurately. It is thus tation, it has therefore been suggested sequence at its 5′ end (39,77,96). After
advisable not only to quantitate the that the amplification efficiencies of amplification with this composite
competitive plasmid to be used as an wild-type and internal standard PCR primer and a second specific primer,
internal standard spectrophotometrical- products be measured during the expo- the resulting PCR product is used di-
ly, but also to check its quantity and nential, post-exponential and plateau rectly for transcription by T7 RNA
quality electrophoretically. In addition, phases (10,19). In general, it can be polymerase.
the concentration of internal standards concluded that differences in sequences
should be checked by PCR in combina- of wild type and standard as well as PCR AND RT-PCR
tion with end-point dilution, taking into small differences in size do not sub-
consideration the Poisson distribution stantially affect amplification efficien- Extraction of Nucleic Acids
of positive samples (61). cy. However, as an inverse exponential To ensure proper performance of the
relationship between template size and quantitative competitive PCR assay, the
ANALYSIS OF COMPARABLE amplification efficiency has been ob- methods used for preparing the nucleic
AMPLIFICATION OF WILD- served (60), it is obviously important to acids to be quantitated must be chosen
TYPE AND INTERNAL keep the size difference between wild with care and, if necessary, optimized.
STANDARD TEMPLATES type and standard as small as possible This is especially essential for prepara-
(60,61). tion of RNA. DNA preparation, on the
A prerequisite for the proper perfor- Another problem to be dealt with other hand, can follow more straight-
mance of quantitative competitive PCR concerns the possible formation of het- forward procedures. With respect to
is a comparable amplification efficien- eroduplexes, which can occur when DNA quantitation, it has been shown
cy of competitive internal standard and wild-type and internal standard tem- that crude cell lysates can be used with
wild-type templates, and it is especially plates differ in only one or a few bases the same reproducibility as purified
important to carefully control for this (either small differences in size or DNA (88,110). Furthermore, the use of
when setting up a new PCR-based small diversities in the nucleotide se- crude cell lysates entails less labor and
quantitation procedure. The easiest quences) (6,60,70). Since heterodu- avoids the loss of specific sample,
mode of control is to repeatedly quanti- plexes would interfere with subsequent which may occur during DNA purifica-
fy several known amounts of specific quantitation procedures, great care tion. If, for one reason or another,the
wild-type template with the help of the should be taken to avoid their forma- use of purified DNA for quantitation
newly constructed internal standard. If tion (2,24,42). appears preferable, loss of specific
these analyses result in the calculated All of the above-mentioned consid- sample or DNA degradation should be
copy numbers, comparable amplifica- erations are equally important for the controlled for, e.g., by quantitating a
tion efficiencies between standard and construction and analysis of internal control gene in a second competitive
wild-type template can be assumed, standards to be used for quantitation of PCR, as described by Deng et al. (25).
and the newly constructed internal stan- DNA by competitive PCR or of RNA Before quantitation of RNA, it is es-
dard can be safely used for quantita- by competitive RT-PCR. However, for pecially important to optimize RNA ex-
tion. If the results of such quantitation the construction of RNA standards, ad- traction procedures and to perform
experiments point to minor differences ditional precautions have to be taken. careful quality control of the extracted
in amplification efficiency between For synthesis of competitive internal RNA. Genomic DNA can either be
wild type and standard, this may be standard RNA, the competitive DNA eliminated by digestion with DNase I,
compensated for by using a correction constructs are placed in plasmid vectors or, more elegantly, RT-PCR primers
factor (60). Another frequently used under the control of an RNA poly- spanning one or more introns (38) can
procedure for the determination of am- merase promoter (e.g., T7, SP6 or T3). be designed. The simplest means of
270 BioTechniques Vol. 21, No. 2 (1996)
controlling RNA quality is to both mea- viruses is desired, this can most ele- RT of RNA. Usually, enzymes from
sure optical density and run a denatur- gantly be performed by using virus mu- Moloney murine leukemia virus
ing RNA gel capable of detecting pos- tants as competitors, provided these (MMLV) or avian myeloblastosis virus
sible RNA degradation. It has been mutants differ from the wild type in the (AMV) are used for RT, but the RT-
suggested that extraction efficiency can genome section amplified by the two PCR process can be simplified by the
be estimated by performing a second primers (66). To achieve a meaningful use of Tth DNA polymerase possessing
extraction and determining the mean quantitation, several known concentra- both RT and polymerase activity (64).
RNA loss (61). To ensure comparable tions of competitive internal standard Some authors reported that Tth had a
extraction in a series of samples, house- RNA must be added separately to the lower RT reactivity than RT from
keeping genes are usually quantitated same concentration of wild-type RNA MMLV and therefore might not be the
in addition, and the copy number of the in different vials (70), followed by re- most suitable enzyme for detecting low
gene of interest is calculated with re- verse transcription and PCR amplifica- copy numbers (23). However, if the
spect to the copy number of the house- tion. Before quantitation of RNA using conditions for Tth are very carefully
keeping gene (7,86). However, it can- the nucleic acid sequence-based ampli- optimized, low copy numbers may also
not be taken for granted that the fication (NASBA) methodology, ad- be detected with this enzyme (105).
so-called housekeeping genes will dition of two or more known concentra- To control for the RT step, the sam-
maintain a steady level of expression tions of different-sized competitive ple should always be reverse-tran-
under all circumstances. Expression of RNA standards to the same vial has scribed in the presence of varying
housekeeping genes is often increased, been suggested (97). amounts of competitive internal stan-
especially in activated cells. dard RNA followed by PCR amplifica-
Reverse Transcription
The addition of competitor RNA tion. In the scientific literature, several
molecules before extraction is also a After having selected the most ap- protocols do exist in which RNA is first
simple means of controlling extraction propriate method of RNA preparation, reverse-transcribed, and the resulting
efficiency. When detection of RNA great care should be taken to optimize cDNA is then quantitated with compet-
itive DNA templates (e.g., Reference General Considerations for Optimal each other and all of the templates and
4). However, this does not take into ac- Performance of Quantitative primer pairs used have to be amplified
count the variability of the RT step, and Competitive PCR or RT-PCR with similar efficiency, not more than a
such a procedure is therefore not suit- few different primer-template systems
able when exact quantitation is desired. In theory, a single concentration of can be included in a single assay.
Furthermore, the efficiency of amplifi- competitive internal standard co-ampli- Another important parameter that
cation between single- or double-stran- fied with the specific template may be has to be considered when performing
ded DNA templates may vary (13). sufficient for quantitation, especially if quantitative PCR analyses concerns the
the internal standard/specific template detection limit for specific DNA tem-
Amplification ratio is compared with a calibration plates. With a single round of amplifi-
Polymerase enzymes such as the curve obtained by comparing constant cation, this detection limit has been re-
widely used Taq DNA polymerase or amounts of internal standard with sev- ported to be 10 copies per PCR tube
alternative enzymes such as Dyna- eral known concentrations of wild-type (70). However, problems may arise
Zyme (Finnzymes Oy, Espoo, Fin- template (46,107). However, since it when a small number of specific copies
land) and Tth usually work very well in has been demonstrated that quantitative have to be detected in a high back-
the buffers supplied with the enzyme measurements of PCR-amplified prod- ground of nonspecific cellular DNA. To
when used according to the manufac- ucts are most accurate when ratios of overcome this problem and raise the
turers’ instructions. As has been wild-type and competitive internal sensitivity and specificity of the quanti-
reviewed by Erlich et al. (28), concen- standard templates are equal or similar tative competitive PCR assay, nested
tration of enzyme, primers and nu- (3,73), the performance of quantitative (11,41,42,106) or hemi-nested (62,95,
cleotides, the number of cycles and de- PCR protocols using co-amplification 110) PCR protocols have been devel-
naturation, annealing and extension of one concentration of specific tem- oped and successfully used for quan-
times affect the specificity and sensitiv- plate with several dilutions of internal titation of both DNA and RNA
ity of the PCR. Since MgCl2 concentra- standard is preferred. templates.
tions and annealing temperature espe- One concentration of specific tem- It is also important not to overesti-
cially influence the specificity of the plate is also compared with only one mate the accuracy of quantitative com-
reaction, great care should be taken to concentration of standard when DNA is petitive PCR. With well-established
optimize these parameters. Starting the quantitated by performing PCR under tests of this type performed by experi-
reaction at a high temperature (“hot low-stringency conditions (12). With enced scientists, standard deviations
start”) may improve performance of the this method, it is not necessary to con- between 10% and 20% (2,9,24,71,104,
PCR by eliminating undesired hy- struct a competitive internal standard 110) have been reported for the analy-
bridization events (65). and add it to the amplification tube. sis of replicate portions of the same
Most quantitative competitive PCR The standard is generated instead from sample on different occasions. There-
protocols described suggest the use of cellular material co-amplified during fore, for reliable discrimination of
30–50 PCR cycles, which in most cases the low-stringency PCR. However, as twofold differences in copy numbers
drives the PCR beyond the exponential the ratio of cellular material to specific between two samples, it is preferable to
phase. From time to time, publications DNA cannot be changed, this method calculate a mean of replicate determi-
appear (27,78,101) that recommend re- does not allow titration with different nations of the same sample.
stricting quantitative competitive analy- concentrations of competitive standard
sis to the exponential phase of product template and thus does not allow pre-
cise quantitation. DETECTION AND ANALYSIS OF
accumulation. This exponential phase PCR PRODUCTS
would have to be determined carefully Accuracy of quantitative competi-
and might differ not only due to the na- tive RT-PCR can be potentiated by si- For detection and analysis of ampli-
ture of the specific template to be quan- multaneous determination of a gene of fied products, a large variety of proce-
titated, but also with respect to the interest and a reporter gene in one reac- dures are available (reviewed in Refer-
equipment being used; therefore, it tion tube (multiplex PCR) (2,24,27,30). ence 47). It should generally be kept in
would greatly complicate PCR-based The expression of the titrated gene of mind that the detection method chosen
quantitation of nucleic acids and thus interest is then calculated with refer- should, whenever possible, avoid addi-
be a major drawback in routine applica- ence to the titrated level of the reporter tional manipulations, which not only
tion of this technique. However, recent gene. The use of competitive templates take more time, but increase the possi-
studies have addressed this problem with several tandem-arranged internal bility of inaccurate quantitation.
(10,19,63,84) and have shown that standards may be preferable for such an PCR products of different sizes are
amplification of both wild-type and approach (62,76,98), as this may re- usually separated by conventional gel
competitive internal standard templates duce possible errors that could occur electrophoresis (e.g., References 61,70,
proceeded during the exponential and when mixtures of specific template 110), capillary gel electrophoresis
non-exponential phases up to the pla- with several different standards have to (30,87) or HPLC (24). The easiest and
teau phase with equal efficiency. be prepared. However, since the respec- most commonly used method is to use
tive amplifications in a multiplex com- gel electrophoresis for separation of the
petitive PCR should not interfere with PCR products and to visualize the DNA
274 BioTechniques Vol. 21, No. 2 (1996)
bands by ethidium bromide or an known competitive standard concentra- the use of radioactively or fluores-
equivalent fluorescent dye (2,7,39,61, tions are then used to generate a dia- cence-labeled dNTPs (27,36,38,48,
70,77,86,110). The gel materials to be gram that can be utilized to quantitate 104) or oligonucleotides (3,99). After
used are either agaroses specially de- precisely the amount of wild-type tem- electrophoretic separation, the radioac-
signed for separating small DNA frag- late. The number of specific template tively labeled bands can be excised
ments or polyacrylamide gels. For copies in the sample is usually calculat- from gels and the cpm counted (36,81,
quantitation of the respective DNA ed by determining the competition 99). However, drying of the gels and di-
bands, a video image analysis system equivalence point in a regression plot, rect autoradiography and scanning (27)
can be used. The gels can be either as described by Piatak et al. (70). In or radioimaging of dried gels (3,48,
scanned directly on the transilluminator brief, the log10 of the ratio of the signal 109) is simpler and, as this involves
(61,70) or scanned after photography intensity of the competitive internal less manipulation, possibly also more
(2,15,77,84,89). In doing so, keep in standard over the wild-type fragment, precise. A disadvantage of direct label-
mind that the amount of incorporated usually multiplied by a correction fac- ing is that it also visualizes all nonspe-
dye and the resulting fluorescent emis- tor, is plotted as a function of the log10 cific bands. To avoid this, PCR prod-
sion depends on the length of the nucle- of the concentration of the competitive ucts are separated electrophoretically,
ic acids. Since the determination of the internal standard template. This yields transferred to a membrane and quanti-
equivalence point of the two different a linear plot, and interpolation on the tated after hybridization with radioac-
fragments is based on molar amounts, a plot for a Y value of 0 gives the tively (92) or nonradioactively labeled
correction factor that takes into account numbers of copies present in the test DNA probes. Alternatively, the com-
the diverse fluorescence emitted by dif- sample. petitive PCR products can be hy-
ferent-sized fragments must be used A procedure more sensitive than bridized with a labeled oligonucleotide
(e.g., Reference 70) to ensure correct ethidium bromide staining, which is before separation (liquid hybridization)
quantitation. The respective ratios of also frequently used for quantitation of and autoradiographed after gel elec-
unknown wild-type template and competitive PCR products, is based on trophoresis (66,88).
PCR products generated by using dard and specific template in the pres- quantitation of PCR products (45,102).
fluorescently labeled primers can be ence of biotinylated primers followed One of the primers used for amplifica-
separated on polyacrylamide gels and by capturing of the PCR products on tion is biotinylated to allow capture of
elegantly quantitated using an automat- microplates coated with streptavidin the PCR products by magnetic beads
ed laser fluorescent DNA sequencer (46,56,91). Alternatively, 5′ aminated coated with streptavidin. The PCR
(19,62,72). This laser-induced fluores- PCR products can be captured onto car- products can be quantitated separately
cence (LIF) is a highly sensitive meth- boxylated wells of microplates (54), or by hybridization with TBR (tris(2,2′-
odology and in combination with PCR products are captured by probes bipyridine)ruthenium(II) chelate)-la-
computer software offers a means of covalently attached to organosilan sur- beled probes specific for wild-type or
automating post-PCR analysis. LIF can face-activated plates (8). PCR products competitive internal standard tem-
also be applied for quantitation of com- captured in one of the ways described plates, or alternatively TBR-labeled
petitive PCR products following capil- above are hybridized with probes spe- primers are used for direct quantitation
lary electrophoresis (30,87). cific for wild-type or internal standard of the amplified products.
Finally, HPLC has recently been sequences. These probes usually con-
used for separation and quantitative tain radioactive labels or have the ca-
determination of competitive PCR pacity to interact with enzymes. Quan- CONCLUSIONS
products (24). titation is performed by measuring
To achieve more automated quanti- incorporated radioactivity (46) or dig- Competitive PCR and RT-PCR con-
tation, methods that involve capturing oxigenin content (9,54) or by immuno- trolling for tube-to-tube variations in
of PCR products on solid supports enzymatic detection (56,91,106). amplification efficiency by the addition
(e.g., microplates or magnetic beads) Competitive RT-PCR assays have of competitive internal standards are
followed by quantitation of the cap- also been developed for an automated one of the most widely used approach-
tured material have been reported. The system that makes use of electrochemi- es for quantitation of nucleic acids. If
most frequently used procedure in- luminescence (QPCR System 5000, the competitive template is properly
volves amplification of internal stan- Perkin-Elmer, Norwalk, CT, USA) for chosen and constructed, the amplifica-
tion efficiency of specific target and in- the polymerase chain reaction (PCR). A tion of HIV type 1 and β-globin gene DNA
ternal standard remain equal during the novel approach by a PCR aided transcript sequences in a nonisotopic polymerase chain
entire PCR process. Therefore, compet- titration assay (PATTY). Nucleic Acids Res. reaction assay to control for amplification ef-
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