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1-Write each in blue next to the correct definition or synonym.

1. Search Look for

2. Remarkable Impressive
3. Trade Buying and selling
4. Beyond past a limit
5. Exchange Giving and taking
6. Ships Large boat
7. Distant Far away
8. Published Printed copies of writing
9. Inspired Gave enthusiasm or idea
10. Despite Even though
1) Write each Word in blue next to the correct definition on synonym.
1. Search Look for
2. Remarkable Impressive
3. Trade Buying and selling
4. Beyond Past a limit
5. Exchange Giving and taking
6. Ships Large boat
7. Distant Far away
8. Published Printed copies of writing
9. Inspired Gave enthusiasm or idea
10. Despite Even though

2) Complete each sentence with used to plus the verb in parentheses and your own
1. My grandparents travel (travel) a lot. Now they are in France.
2. Train tickets are (Be) cheap. Now they cost 2 dollars.
3. I find (Find) information at the library. Now I am reading a history book.
4. She took (take) pictures with a camera. Now she is seeing it.
5. People write (Write) letters. Now they send them.
3-Complete the sentences with your won information. Then read the sentences aloud to
a partner. Use the reduce form (used to).
1-When I was younger, I used to play to the yard.
2-As a child, I used to want money for buy candy
3-In my country, people used to dancer and drink a lot.
4-Before I was born, my grandparents used to go to the park everyday
5-As children, my parents used to play with other children.
4-Commplete each sentence with the past passive form of the verb in parentheses.
1-Large stone are used by (use) to build the Egyptian pyramids.
2- Igloos are built by (build) from blocks of ice by the Inuit people.
3-Writing is invented by (invent) in Mesopotamia,
4-Wild animals are hunted (hunt) by Native Americans.
5-Chocolate are drank (drink) by the Aztecs.

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