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US 20050224338A1

(19) United States

(12) Patent Application Publication (10) Pub. N0.: US 2005/0224338 A1
Kin et al. (43) Pub. Date: Oct. 13, 2005

(54) WATER TREATMENT REACTOR FOR Publication Classi?cation

AND ADVANCED OXIDATION PROCESSES (51) rm.c1.7 ...................................................... ..C02F 1/46
(52) Us. 01. ........................................................ .. 204/2301
(75) Inventors: Hong-Shiang
Kon-Tsu Kin, Tang,
Hsinchu (TW); (57) ABSTRACT
Shu-Fei Chan, Hsinchu (TW) A Water treatment reactor adapted to simultaneously carry
out electrocoagulation and advanced oxidation processes is
Correspondence Address: disclosed, Which includes an upright sealed tank having a
BACON & THOMAS, PLLC metal body, or a metal mounted on an inner Wall thereof,
625 SLATERS LANE used as a cathode; a sacri?cial electrode used as an anode,
FOURTH FLOOR Which is disposed in the tank and non-electrically connected
ALEXANDRIA, VA 22314 to the cathode; a mixing device disposed in the bottom of the
tank for enabling mixing of in?uent Water and an air or
(73) Assignee: Industrial Technology Research Insti oxygen-containing gas introduced into the tank; a gas-liquid
tute, Hsinchu (TW) separator Which is in ?uid communication With the tank at
the top for expelling a gas from the tank Without expelling
(21) Appl. No.: 10/820,020 Water; and a direct current supply having a positive electrode
electrically connected to the anode and a negative electrode
(22) Filed: Apr. 8, 2004 electrically connected to the cathode.


Patent Application Publication Oct. 13, 2005 US 2005/0224338 A1







US 2005/0224338 A1 Oct. 13, 2005

WATER TREATMENT REACTOR FOR one of the electrodes being made of iron; a rear adjustment
SIMULTANEOUS ELECTROCOAGULATION AND tank for adjusting pH value of the ef?uent of the electroco
ADVANCED OXIDATION PROCESSES agulation reaction tank; and a sedimentation reservoir for
providing the resulting pH-adjusted, sedimentary ?occule
BACKGROUND OF THE INVENTION containing Water from the rear adjustment tank With a
suf?cient residence time in said sedimentation reservoir, so
[0001] 1. Field of the Invention that ?occules and sedimentation are formed therein. Details
[0002] The present invention relates to a Water processing of the invention disclosed in this US. patent application Ser.
apparatus, and more particularly, to a Water treatment reactor No. 10/310875 is incorporated herein by reference.
for simultaneously processing WasteWater containing [0007] It is desirable, hoWever, to provide a Water treat
organic contaminants, suspended particulates and ionic ment reactor adapted to simultaneously carry our electroco
materials. agulation and advanced oxidation processes to mitigate
[0003] 2. Description of the Related Art and/or obviate the aforementioned problems.

[0004] With advances in semiconductor manufacturing SUMMARY OF THE INVENTION

processes, the composition of WasteWater produced by the [0008] A main objective of the present invention is to
semiconductor industry has become increasingly complex, provide a reactor design Which is adapted to simultaneously
and this has led to greater dif?culties in WasteWater treat
carry out electrocoagulation and advanced oxidation pro
ment and recycling. For example, WasteWater generated by cesses. Therefore, the reactor of the present invention can
chemical mechanical polishing processes includes not just simultaneously treat WasteWater containing organic con
abrasive particulates, but also organic dispersants, copper, taminants, suspended particulates and ionic materials. The
arsenic. Additionally, the cleaning process after the polish present invention can be utiliZed in TFT-LCD optoelectronic
ing process generates surfactants and ?uorine ions. Past
efforts to achieve coalescence of contaminants in ef?uent
industries, semiconductor manufacturing and packaging
industries, circuit board manufacturing industries and other
streams Without the use of added chemicals have met With
related industries.
some success, but have also had problems With ef?ciency,
cost, ?exibility and disposal of the coalesced materials. In [0009] A Water treatment reactor for simultaneous elec
addition, many systems require batch processing rather than trocoagulation and advanced oxidation processes compris
continuous processing. ing:
[0005] The design of an apparatus for electrocoagulation [0010] an upright sealed tank, the upright sealed tank
of liquids is often limited to the processing of indissolvable having a metal body, or a metallic material mounted
particles and materials in Water. For example, US. Pat. No. on an inner Wall thereof, for use as a cathode;
6,139,710 discloses a housing de?ning a reaction chamber, [0011] a sacri?cial electrode used as an anode Which
and a plurality of spaced reaction plates/blades that are
is disposed in the tank and non-electrically con
oriented in a vertical position Within the reaction chamber,
Which keep the Waste stream from plugging a ?oW path. US. nected to the cathode;
Pat. No. 6,238,546B1 discloses a similar design; the appa [0012] an intake tube for introducing in?uent Water
ratus utiliZes a sealed design With a gas valve for an outlet. into the button of the tank;
Another method exists that utiliZes an advanced oxidation
processes, or an electrical oxidation processes, to perform a [0013] an air input for introducing air or oxygen
Water recycling process, particularly for organic WasteWater containing gas into the tank;
such as UV-O3, Fenton, and HZOZ-Catalyst. For example, [0014] a mixing device disposed in the bottom of the
US. Pat. No. 5,817,240 discloses a reactor for an advanced tank for enabling mixing of the in?uent Water;
oxidation process, Which employs hydrogen peroxide for the
degradation of contaminants in an aqueous medium. Spe [0015] an outlet tube for venting processed Water
ci?cally, the process increases, and preferably maximiZes, from a top of the tank;
the availability of usable reactive intermediates (hydroxyl [0016] a gas-liquid separator Which is in ?uid com
radicals) derived from the hydrogen peroxide interaction munication With the tank at the top of the tank for
With a catalyst by controlling the exposure time of the expelling a gas from the tank Without Water expel
hydrogen peroxide With the catalyst. ling; and
[0006] The assignee of this application in US. patent [0017] a direct current supply having a positive elec
application Ser. No. 10/310,875, ?led Dec. 6, 2002, dis trode electrically connected to the anode and a
closes a process and an apparatus for removing deep sub negative electrode electrically connected to the cath
micron particles from Water. This prior art process includes ode.
adjusting pH value and conductivity, adding an oxidation
agent, performing an electrocoagulation reaction/an electro [0018] Preferably, the reactor of the present invention
oxidation reaction, and performing a ?occulation sedimen further includes an oxidant supply device mounted on the
tation, etc. This prior art apparatus includes a front adjust intake tube, and the oxidant supply device includes a venturi
ment tank for adjusting the properties of Waste Water, in ?uid communication With the intake tube.
Wherein the adjustment includes a pH adjustment, an elec
[0019] Preferably, the sacri?cial electrode is made of iron,
trolyte adjustment, or an oxidant addition, etc.; an electro
aluminum, copper or stainless steel.
coagulation reaction tank receiving Water from the front
adjustment tank and having pairs of separated electrodes, [0020] Preferably, the reactor is made of stainless steel.
US 2005/0224338 A1 Oct. 13, 2005

[0021] Preferably, the mixing device further comprises a Cl_(1) or O3(g). The aperture 14 connects to an air input 15;
spiral board, a packing material or a perforated dish. the air input 15 provides air into the chamber to improve
dissolved oxygen in Water, increase turbulence in the Water,
[0022] Preferably, the gas-liquid separator further com raise the surface contact rate betWeen the Water and the
prises a gas-liquid separating valve.
anode, and helps in the formation of electrocoagulation/
[0023] The reactor of the present invention ?rst performs ?oculation.
an oxidation process, and then an electrocoagulation pro
cess. The reactor removes organic material in the Water With
[0033] A metal electrode 16 is placed in a central position
the oxidation process, and also Works to remove suspended
of the tank 1, and may be composed of iron, aluminum or
stainless steel. An upper end of the electrode 16 is mounted
particles With the folloWing electrocoagulation process. This
resolves steric stabiliZation and depletion stabiliZation prob on the upper spiral cover by Way of a screW 17 through the
hole 4. Asmall screW 18 on the screW 17 is connected to the
lems caused by surface bonding betWeen the organic mate
rials and the particles, and therefore improves the quality of positive electrode (+) of the external DC poWer source. An
anode support 19 is mounted on the button of the tank, Which
the electrocoagulation process.
?xes the electrode 16 in the central position. A perforated
[0024] Other objects, advantages, and novel features of the dish 20 is placed beloW the anode support 19 for evenly
invention Will become more apparent from the folloWing distributing the air provided by the input 15. Furthermore, a
detailed description When taken in conjunction With the spiral board 21 is placed beloW the perforated dish 20 for
accompanying draWings. mixing the oxide, the in?uent Water and the air.


[0025] FIG. 1A is a cross-sectional draWing of a multi
reactor for electrocoagulation/advanced oxidation processes A Semiconductor Chemical Mechanical Polishing
(AOPs) according to the present invention. WasteWater Treatment Processor

[0026] FIG. 1B is a schematic draWing of an upper spiral [0034] In this embodiment, WasteWater from a semicon
cover depicted in FIG. 1A. ductor factory is used by Way of example; the composition
of the WasteWater is indicated in the folloWing Table 1.
[0027] FIG. 1C is a schematic draWing of a support
depicted in FIG. 1A.
[0028] FIG. ID is a schematic draWing of a perforated dish
depicted in FIG. 1A. Water quality items Value
pH 4.5
[0029] FIG. 1E is a schematic draWing of a loWer spiral Electrical conductivity 36
cover depicted in FIG. 1A. (,uS/cm)
Suspended solid (SS) (%) 0.02
PREFERRED EMBODIMENT Total organic carbon (TOC) 3754
Silicates (ppm) 282
[0030] Please refer to FIGS. 1A to 1E. The present Copper ions (ppm) 10
invention discloses a multi-reactor for electrocoagulation/
advanced oxidation processes (AOPs). The reactor com
prises a cylindrical stainless steel tank 1; the tank 1 has tWo [0035] The anode selected in this embodiment Was made
spiral covers 2, 3, made of a PE material, Which are of iron, and the oxidant Was H202, Which provided an
separately disposed on upper and loWer ends of the tank 1 to electrical oxidation reaction process in combination With the
form a sealed chamber With the tank 1. The tank 1 has a
electrocoagulation process created in the reactor. Before
screW 22 used for connecting to a negative electrode (—) of ferrous ions released from the anode Was converted into
an external DC poWer source.
ionic iron, theferrous ions reacted With the H202 to generate
[0031] The upper spiral cover 2 has three differently siZed .OH. After the electrical oxidation reaction, ferrous ions
apertures 4, 5, 8. The aperture 4 is used to ?x an anode and Were converted into ionic iron, and Was then used in the
connecting to a positive electrode (+) of the external DC electrocoagulation process to generate a ?oculation of iron
poWer source. The aperture 5 is connected to an exhaust tube hydroxide that caught ?ne particulates in the Water. There
6; an upper section of the exhaust tube 6 is connected to a fore, by appropriate adjusting of the operating conditions,
gas-liquid separating valve 7, Which vents only gas to such as the current/voltage, pH, oxidant input and mixing,
prevent the out?oWing of Water from the tank 1. The aeration etc., both the electrocoagulation and advanced
aperture 8 is connected to a tube 9, and is used for passing oxidation processes may be simultaneously carried out.
the processed Water into a folloWing ?occulation separation
[0036] Detailed operating conditions and results of this
unit (such as a pH adjusting unit, a sedimentation unit or a
embodiment are shoWn in Table 2. In this embodiment, the
?ltering unit). pH value of the in?uent Water Was adjusted to 9.3, and the
[0032] The loWer spiral cover 3 has tWo differently siZed Water Was then sent into the reactor. The in?uent Water
apertures 10, 14. The aperture 10 connects to an intake tube ?oWed through the venturi tube 11 and absorbed H2O2 from
12 for passing in?uent Water into the tank 1. A venturi tube the oxidant supply line 13, being ?nally mixed at the spiral
11 is placed at the intake tube 12 and further connected to an board 21 at the button of the tank 1. The concentration of the
oxidant supply line 13 for providing a chemical reagent for mixed in?uent Water Was 120 ppm. Simultaneously, the air
electrical oxidation; the chemical reagent may be HZOZU), input 15 injected 2L/min air under pressure. Both the air and
US 2005/0224338 A1 Oct. 13, 2005

the Water Were evenly distributed after passing through the

perforated dish 20, Which also helped the ?uid in the tank to TABLE 3
generate turbulence so that the in?uent Water quickly con
Water Quality
tacted the anode surface. The tank 1 of the reactor Was
connected to the negative electrode (—) of an external DC Before After
treat- treat- Removal
poWer source; the iron electrode 16 Was placed in the center Operating condition Item ment ment ratio
of the tank and connected to the positive electrode (+) of the
external DC poWer source. Electrical poWer at 50 volts and Current 1A
Voltage 50 V PH value 6.7 6.3 —
1 ampere Was then provided by the poWer source. The H2O2 addition 60 ppm Electric 641 647 —
hydraulic retention time of the in?uent Water Was 10 min Conductivity
utes. hydrogen and oxygen generated from the electroco (,uS/cm)
agulation processes Was mixed With the air introduced by the Hydraulic 10 min Turbidity 58.4 0.9 98.5%
retention time (NTU)
air input 15 and vented from the gas-liquid separating valve Aeration 2 L/min Iron (ppm) 2.15 0.4 81.4
7 to avoid explosions. The processed Water Was then vented In?uent pH 5.8 silicates (ppm) 38 8 78.9
from the tube 9, and its pH value Was adjusted to 5.8. An adjustment
Effluent pH 9.3
external sedimentation unit Was then employed to provide adjustment
the hydraulic retention time to enable the processed Water to Sedimentation 5 min
sediment ?oculation. Afterwards, the processed Water could time
be recycled.

[0040] According to Table 3, under the proper operating
conditions, the multi-reactor for electrocoagulation/ad
Water guality vanced oxidation processes can also reduce Turbidity, iron
ion and dissolvable silicates. During the reaction process,
Before After Removal the electrical oxidation reaction converts iron ions and
Operating condition Item treatment treatment ratio
silicates in the underground Water into oxidative particles,
Current 1A Which are caught in the further electrocoagulation process.
Voltage 50 V pH 4.5 6.4 —
H2O2 120 ppm Electrical 36 53 — [0041] Although the present invention has been explained
addition conductivity in relation to its preferred embodiment, it is to be understood
(,uS/cm) that many other possible modi?cations and variations can be
Hydraulic 10 min SS (%) 0.02 0.001 95%
retention made Without departing from the spirit and scope of the
time invention as hereinafter claimed.
Aeration 2 L/min Turbidity 25 0.6 97.6%
In?uent 5.8 TOC (ppb) 3754 301 92%
pH What is claimed is:
Effluent 9.3 Silicates 282 12 96% 1. A Water treatment reactor for simultaneous electroco
PH (ppm) agulation and advanced oxidation processes comprising:
Sedimen- 10 min Copper ion 10 0.08 99.2% an upright sealed tank, the upright sealed tank having a
tation (ppm)
metal body, or a metallic material mounted on an inner
Wall thereof, for use as a cathode;
a sacri?cial electrode used as an anode Which is disposed
[0037] As indicated in Table 2, under the correct operating in the tank and non-electrically connected to the cath
conditions, the multi-reactor for electrocoagulation/ad ode;
vanced oxidation processes can remove organic contami
nants, suspended particulates, dissolvable silicic acid saline an intake tube for introducing in?uent Water into the
and copper ion With a removal ratio exceeding 90%. button of the tank;
an air input for introducing air or oxygen-containing gas
Second Embodiment into the tank;
Heavy Muddy Underground Water Puri?cation a mixing device disposed in the bottom of the tank for
Process enabling mixing of the in?uent Water;

[0038] In this embodiment, underground Water removed an outlet tube for venting processed Water from a top of
from an industrial location is used as an example. The the tank;
reactor of the present invention can purify underground a gas-liquid separator Which is in ?uid communication
Water to replace industry tap-Water. With the tank at the top of the tank for expelling a gas
from the tank Without Water expelling; and
[0039] This processes and operating conditions of this
embodiment are the same as those in the ?rst embodiment. a direct current supply having a positive electrode elec
Removal ratios, and changes in composition, are shoWn in trically connected to the anode and a negative electrode
Table 3. electrically connected to the cathode.
US 2005/0224338 A1 Oct. 13, 2005

2. The reactor as claimed in claim 1 further comprising an 6. The reactor as claimed in claim 1, Wherein the reactor
oxidant supply device mounted on the intake tube. is made of stainless steel.
3. The reactor as claimed in claim 2, Wherein the oxidant 7. The reactor as claimed in claim 1, Wherein the mixing
supply device includes a venturi in ?uid communication device further comprises a spiral board, a packing material
With the intake tube. or a perforated dish.
4. The reactor as claimed in claim 1, Wherein the sacri 8. The reactor as claimed in claim 1, Wherein the gas
?cial electrode is made of iron, aluminum, copper or stain liquid separator further comprises a gas-liquid separating
less steel. valve.
5. The reactor as claimed in claim 4, Wherein the sacri
?cial electrode is made of iron.

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