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CONTACT: Ryder Billo

C: 361-571-7269

Councilman Courage Issues Statement Against Extremists and Encourages

Patriotism on January 20th

SAN ANTONIO (January 17th, 2021) —

“Allegations of widespread election fraud, violence in the streets, and troops stationed in the
Capital. These are the current state of affairs in The United States (and some Banana Republics).
No longer are discussions of civil war or secession brushed aside as fanatical or fringe. These
tragedies are real possibilities if we, the holders of democracy, remain silent to confront such
blatant disregard for our union. Some may call me an alarmist. Nonetheless, an area State
Representative, who happened to be present at last week’s siege of the Capitol, recently
announced plans to introduce a bill in Austin to bring about a vote to secede. This is not 1860,
and I still believe we are "one nation under GOD, indivisible, with liberty and justice for

The recent election raised tensions to new heights and pit neighbor against neighbor. We voted
and elected a new president who will be sworn into office Wednesday. Regardless of which
political party we associate with or who we supported, time and time again history shows that we
unite as Americans to uphold the democratic values that keep our nation intact.

I received a call from a 90-year-old veteran living in our district who shared his grave concerns
for the state of our country. He is a member of our Greatest Generation, the generation that
fought valiantly to protect the ideals that all are created equal against nations led by vicious
dictators. He suggested, and I encourage, that we should all fly the American flag on
Inauguration Day to show our patriotism and support for a peaceful transition of power. The
same flag that came under attack at Pearl Harbor and the same flag that led our troops into battle
on the beaches of Normandy to preserve our way of life.

Now, we must defend our democracy, not from some overseas threat, but from insurrectionists
and extremists living amongst us.” - John Courage, City Councilman District 9

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