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Template 3.

Annual Professional Growth Plan

Annual Professional Growth Plan for: Kendra Brewster

Field IV: February 2021 to April 2021

Teaching Quality Standards:

1) Fostering Effective Relationships…
a) by acting consistently with fairness, respect, and integrity;
b) and demonstrating empathy and a genuine caring for others.
4) Establishing Inclusive Learning Environments…
f) by employing classroom management strategies that promote positive, engaging learning

Goal: My goal is to create a safe and welcoming classroom environment so that my junior
high students feel comfortable and respected in participating in class discussions and activities.

Resources and Strategies Timeline Reasoning

Professional Development: Friday, February 12, 2021 This workshop discusses and
Crafting Safe Spaces for (virtual workshop) @ Calgary prepares teachers for creating
Authentic Connection (Half Teacher’s Convention and maintaining spaces for
day workshop) students to converse
respectfully and authentically
considering group dynamics
in a shifting cultural
Book: Kids These Days by Already read – but could be This book focuses on
Dr. Jody Carrington reviewed. At the end of each educators and other important
chapter is a summarization of people who work closely with
the content and would serve kids and students. It
as a good reminder. underlines the point that “our
kids are okay ONLY if those
of us holding them are okay”.
This book focuses on
relationship-building and
reconnection with ourselves
and our kids. It is important
as an educator to be regulated
and inspired in our work in
order to successfully build
relationships with our
students and foster safe
learning environments.

© 2006 The Alberta Teachers’ Association

Book: Hacking School January – March 2021 This book is a blueprint for
Discipline: 9 Ways to Create changing negative
a Culture of Empathy and The book is 202 pages. In behaviours, building student
Responsibility Using order to finish it as close to regulation and empathy, and
Restorative Justice by Nathan Field IV, the timeline would preserving student-teacher
Maynard and Brad Weinstein be to read ~50 pages per and peer relationships. I think
week. this book would be beneficial
Read a little of the book as the classroom environment
every night as a wind-down at my Field IV school is
from the day. affected by students who
negatively contribute to the
classroom environment and
have hostile relationships
with one another where they
cannot trust each other.
Collaboration with February – April 2021 Having discussions and
Colleagues and collaboration with my partner
Administration teacher and school
administration on the
strategies I have learned and
intent to implement will
ensure that everyone is on the
same page and can practice
these strategies, as well. The
school is team-oriented and
the support from colleagues
will ensure the safe classroom
environment is recognized
and fostered throughout the
Next Steps:
 Following the workshop, I will choose one strategy to implement my first week of
Field IV and see what impact it has.
 The idea of moving beyond tolerating to celebrating stems from a professor’s
demonstration of this strategy. I want to implement this in my classroom by always
thanking my students for contributing to class discussion. Another way I want to
implement this strategy is by asking at the end of every large group discussion for three
people to celebrate something that a peer said to build peer relationships and recognize
that every student has something meaningful to contribute.
Baseline: Currently, 9-3 and 9-4 do not have Classroom Charters and lack an understanding of
appropriate and productive classroom discussion. 9-3 has many quiet students who do not feel
comfortable participating publicly due to larger and louder voices in the classroom, as
indicated in testimonials shared during parent-teacher interviews. 9-4 feels more comfortable
with one another and the environment is noticeably more inviting to large class discussion.
However, both groups could benefit from a Classroom Charter, a shared understanding of
respectful dialogue, and celebrating peers’ contributions to the learning environment.

© 2006 The Alberta Teachers’ Association

In order to establish an official baseline, I intend to implement an anonymous survey on the
first day of field to understand why students may or may not participate, what are the barriers
to their learning and participation, and how can I or their peers break those barriers to establish
a safe and celebratory learning environment.

Indicators of Success:
 Students will move beyond tolerating their peers’ contributions to the learning to
respecting and celebrating those contributions.
o This will look like students participating in celebrating their peers’
contributions following large group discussions. (At least 3 celebrations per
o Another measure of success will be full participation in clapping hands or
snapping fingers as a whole class to celebrate the overall learning following the
o By the end, I hope to see students celebrate their peers’ learning organically and
 Most students, particularly the quiet voices, will feel comfortable in contributing
publicly to class discussion and activities.
o To successfully have quieter students speaking at least once per day, I will have
a conversation with them privately in the first week of field to discuss their
barriers to participation and how I can support them in participating more in
class discussion.
o Indication of success will be certain students (I know which students to target
with this measure) speaking or asking questions at least once per day (out of
two humanities periods) by the beginning of the second week.
o By the end, I hope to see 75% of students comfortable in contributing to class
discussion or publicly asking questions at least once every humanities period,
as it suits the learning activities of the day.
 Negative behaviours such as shouting out over others, disregarding opinions, and
contributing non-sensical things to derail the conversation will be discouraged and
cease to happen.
o A class conversation will be had in the first day or two of field to discuss
respectful dialogue and the creation of a safe learning environment.
o As discussed in my TQS reflections, I will create a Classroom Charter with 9-3
and 9-4 on the first day of Field to accompany the conversation on a safe
learning environment to establish rules that all students respect and understand.
o By the end of field, I hope to see that the Classroom Charter is adhered to and
respected by all students. I hope that negative behaviours are nonexistent and
that those who demonstrated those at the beginning are self-regulating to
actively listen to others and celebrate their peers’ learning.

© 2006 The Alberta Teachers’ Association


Based on my professional practice and my observations of student learning . . .

What should I do more of? What should I do less of?

Because Because

What new things could I do? What should I stop doing?

Because Because

© 2006 The Alberta Teachers’ Association


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