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Pain points

KEY : Supporting notes - Behaviours - Actions - Conductor Quotes - Applicant Quotes - Reference points -
00 : 00 : 00 Introduction

Conductor - Dan

Tested applications:

- Airlingus (Test no.1)

- Eurowings (Test no.2)

- Introduction

- Interview
- Usability Test

User is distracted and checks his phone while the conductor is briefing the
client, (Lack of concentration / Preoccupied)

Dan - “It is important that you know there is no right or wrong we are testing
the application and not you.”

User - “Great” Smiles and gives a sign of relief.

00 : 04 : 00 User Background questions

What is your Occupation?

Hospitality manager

Where do you live?

Raheny, Republic of Irland

Refernece Points

How do you access the internet?

Hesitation* (Needs to clarify that this. What devices do you use?)

Usually on my phone, although laptop as well.

Do you have broadband at home?

“Yes, Wifi at home.”

What apps do you use?

KEY : Supporting notes - Behaviours - Actions - Conductor Quotes - Applicant Quotes - Reference points -

- Dating
- Taxi
- Flight (Sky scanner)
- Reading (Kindle)
- Amazon
- Transport (Bus and Train services)

Travel apps used?

- Skyscanner
- Airlingus
- Trip advisor

What type of travelling do you typically do? Business or leisure?

Business - Irland to London (Visit the head office)

Leisure - Various different places.

How frequently do you fly?

“I’d say I fly around three times a year.”

Where do you generally fly to?

“I mean it’s for holidays, so it’s various different places.”

- Paris (a few times)

- Barcelona
- Berlin
- Referbic (Iceland)

Provides evidence that he is frequently travelling and its a variety of locations

which he visits.

How do you book your flights?

“Generally, through Skyscanner and compare the prices and will use the
airline if the price is better.”

What was the last process you took when booking a flight?
Pain points

Reason: Work

Travelling to: London (Airlingus)

Booked through the Airlingus mobile application

Booked through his phone via the Airlingus app. Chose this because through
a price comparison app (Used google chrome to use the Skyscanner) to
establish ‘Airlingus was the best option on this particular occasion.

Pain points
*Advanced knowledge and capabilities when using his available devices using
alternative search engines instead of solely relying on mobile applications.

Loaded the app so he could share the QR code between colleagues so that
they had access to the boarding passes themselves.

KEY : Supporting notes - Behaviours - Actions - Conductor Quotes - Applicant Quotes - Reference points -
What the major key factor which you look for when booking
your flights? (Example specific date, time, price etc.)

Business - Timing then price

Personal - Timing and Price

“I’d be happy to pay a little bit more for the convenience of the timing.”

Please share the process of the most recent occasion of booking

a flight?

Purpose of the flight - Business (training day at the London based office)

Travel - Raheny, Republic of Irland, to London United Kingdom

Passengers - Booked for himself and one other (Although the user had to
anticipate an additional flight would need to follow and bring an additional
pair of colleagues which was to be confirmed).

“It was rushed as I had to book it in a restaurant before the prices started
to go up.”

*Mobile device

Flight no.1 - Booked with Ryanair for himself and one colleague. Return Flight
booked through Airlingus to ensure this coincided with the time requirements.

Were there any external conversations between yourself and your

colleagues too for preferences, etc?

“No, this was all done by myself.”

On completion of the booking, how did you communicate the

information to the other passenger?

Task - specifically sharing the boarding passes.

The tool used - Screen shoot

Doesn’t recall it being downloaded and shared manually although uncertain

when questioned on it “I’m pretty sure that it was screen grab”.
Considering that this was done through the app, it was most likely shared to
provide the complete copy of the ticket.
KEY : Supporting notes - Behaviours - Actions - Conductor Quotes - Applicant Quotes - Reference points -

00 : 11 : 24 Task no.1 - Mobile Application Air Lingus

The task to complete:

Departure - Cork, Republic of Irland

Destination - Faro, Portugal

Number of Passengers - 2 (No specific details provided at this point)

Duration of travel - 7 nights

Dates - (To be away for the school term) Monday, October 28th> Friday,
November 1st aims to depart Saturday, November 26th (Although flexible on the
departure day).

*Note pad was provided to document all information provided.

00 : 13 : 00 Task starting point

“looking at the main screen. I do see ‘book a flight.”

Large DTA displayed and anchored at the bottom of the home display

Dan - What else do you see?

Log-in - “If I had an account that would’ve been the first thing I’d of probably

*Previously established user journey

Menu Button (Top Left) - “I was going to press that until I saw the ‘Book a flight’
button at the bottom.”

Confidence - Doesn’t observe the options on the home screen initially.

Dan - was the ‘book a flight’ button not clear at first?

“Strangely I didn’t see it at first.”

User laughs and smiles

Pain points

DTA is anchored at the bottom although in a contrasting colour.

“I expected it to be among the menu button.”

Familiarisation - Using design trends, the user knew how to source

the information.
00 : 14 : 13 *Clicks ‘Book a Flight’

Dan - Explain what you can currently see and what you are looking for?

Pain points
“Umm, like most thing’s. Where you’re going to? Where you’re coming from?
Is it a return? How many passengers? your dates?”

Formal and satisfied with the layout and the information which I required at
this point in the process.

KEY : Supporting notes - Behaviours - Actions - Conductor Quotes - Applicant Quotes - Reference points -
Selects from (Departure Flight)

Dan- Why have you selected to search instead of scrolling through the
available options?

“Because it is quicker.”

User opts to do this for the efficiency

“I can see Faroh is in the ‘Recent Searches.”

*Information retained in the application and filtered.

Selects the passenger’s section

The conventional use of steppers to add and deduct passenger quantities

Taps ‘+’ icon twice and selects done without any hesitation.

00 : 15 : 20 Date selection

Clicks large DTA “Choose Dates.”

Dan - Talk me through what you see and what you are looking for?

“Just a calendar” - “I’m looking for the date”.

Confidence - Shows clear understanding and familiarisation to the layout.

“You’ve got the dates at the top of the screen, which is good.”

The days of the week are abbreviated (MON, TUE, WED, etc.) and anchored
to the top of the screen, therefore always-on display. The user used this to
help him select the day of preference ‘Saturday’ as request in the task earlier.
Refernece Points

Selects the date October 26th (Tile changes displaying the next instruction
‘Select Return Date.’)

“See that’s not obvious there now.”

Confusion - Expects that because this is an alternative element of information

required that this could be displayed more obviously.
“Get’s confusing.”

Scenario - “When booking a multi-stop flight in particular.”

KEY : Supporting notes - Behaviours - Actions - Conductor Quotes - Applicant Quotes - Reference points -

Selects November 2nd (Title display changes to ‘8 days selected’)

Confidence - This provides the user with reassurance and confidence within
the date selected. “Straight Forward, continue.”

00 : 17 : 06 Flight Pricing

Dan - “Tell me, what do you see here?”

“So I have one flight by the looks of it that day.”

(Sat October 26th - Information displayed in small print beside the costing)

Three options for price packages are available.

Dan - What does saver, Pluss and advantage mean?

Confusion - lack of information avliable

“I don’t know.”

Searches for something (i.e. hyperlink) to access the relevant information.

“There’s nothing here to show what is they are.”

Advised on what would help - “There should be something beneath to show

the advantages of paying the additional £90 fee”.

Sarcasm (humour’s the lack of information available).

“I’ll book that one because it looks good for sure”.

Searches for the information to show the advantages of paying the

extra fee’s.

Needs to be a more informative display to support the user and additionally

the sale.

Users assume’s that once you select your option, this will provide the
breakdown of the costing. However, the selection takes the user onto the next
stage, which is the same display layout creating the confusion between the
user and the application.

Confusion - “I don’t know what happened this is weird”.

Pain points

The screen on display November 2nd (Return Flight).

The user notices the date changing on the display of the screen although
emphasises that the subject isn’t displayed obviously.

User Suggestion “It doesn’t display Argive to Cork.”

User suggestion Use the DTA as an opportunity to show what the nest stage
is. Example: Proceed to Outbound Flight or Proceed to Inbound Flight.

Pain points
The user recognises on closer inspection within the title displayed on the top
of the screen “It says Cork to Faroh I see it now, and it says Faroh to Cork, but
it’s no obvious”.

Confusion - information is present although this is not displayed clearly


KEY : Supporting notes - Behaviours - Actions - Conductor Quotes - Applicant Quotes - Reference points -
Selects the Saver option on both the outbound and return flight although non
the wise to what this includes. (The business has lost the opportunity to further
sell their services due to a lack of information being on display).

Selects DTA to proceed

00 : 19 : 50 Flight booking Breakdown

Dan - So what do you see on this page?

The user listed the available content on display - Flight number, cost, dates,

Confusion - Enthesises again on the lack of information provided for the

‘saver deal’ “Still no information on my saver deal.”

Reiterates it’d be nice to see some distinct form of difference on the

information relevant to the ‘outbound’ and ‘Return’ flights.

Additional icon’s ‘Save Search’ and ‘Share’. “This would make it easier to
communicate between friends”.

On reflection, the user previously stated that he would complete this as a

screenshot. However, now see’s he can use alternative media’s such as
WhatsApp and Facebook to share active information.

Share and Save - Hesitant to the values of this as he believes that by doing
this it will notify the company that he wishes to use the service although
uncertain at this moment in time providing the opportunity for the company to
increase cost between saving it and his return.

”Should I test the share option?”

Confused.“Automatically saved when I pressed share.”

Dan - Why do you think that happened?

“They are pre empting you’ll return to this stage”. (The mobile app is retaining
the selected information to speed up the process on the return to the
application). “It’s a good idea”.

00 : 22 : 47 Task Completed
Conclusion / Review

Dan - How was the experience?

KEY : Supporting notes - Behaviours - Actions - Conductor Quotes - Applicant Quotes - Reference points -

“It was pretty good and pretty straight forward.”


“The only confusing parts was establishing the difference between the price
packages like the ‘saver’ option.” Reference section - 00:17:06 Flight Pricing

“The fact that it wanted jump from one stage to another for me it just wasn’t
straight forward.” Reference section - 00:19:50 Flight Booking Breakdown

(No significant difference with the display and layout to indicate that the user
has proceeded further in the application process).
Reference section - 00:19:50 Flight Booking Breakdown

Was there anything which you particularly liked or disliked?

Disliked - “No” “It’s clean and straight forward.”

Was there anything which you expected to see and you didn’t?

“The information on the saver stuff should’ve been there.”

Reference section -

Was there anything which surprised you? Positive or negative?

“Nothing was out of the usual.”

(users goes back through all the actions taken casting over everything which
has been completed on the following test.)

“Nothing was out of the usual”.

Upon the closure finds the cost break down to what’s included among the
price packages which was questioned earlier in the process.

Information point at the bottom displayed as a Blue DTA titles ‘Compare Fare

“It’s so small” - “There’s so much space there the entire bottom half is empty,
so you could even apply a basic summary.”
Pain points

A solution to potentially improve the user experience is to make sure that the
application is more informative and utilise the space to its full potential.
00 : 26 : 20 Test No.2 - Euro Wings

The Task to complete

Pain points
Departure Flight - London

Destination - Barcelona

Number of Passengers - 2 (No specific details provided at this point)

KEY : Supporting notes - Behaviours - Actions - Conductor Quotes - Applicant Quotes - Reference points -
Duration of travel - 7 nights

Dates - (To be away for the school term) Monday, October 28th> Friday,
November 1st aims to depart Saturday, November 26th (Although flexible on
the departure day).

Application - Eurowings

(All instructions are duplicate of the previous task besides the departure and
arrival flight).

During the delivery of the task, the user isn’t engaging or taking any notes.

00 : 27 : 00 Test Begins

Dan - Please show me how you would proceed in the app?

“Looks more cluttered straight away.”

The user establishes all the information displayed on the home screen is
duplicated in the menu bar when selecting the burger button.

Dan - Do you think that this is a good thing?

“I suppose for, later on, it could be.”

The user acknowledges and later values that this could potentially
help with the navigation in the app.

“If you’re coming to the app to check Flight details, status, etc. You’d log in to
check this? I don’t know there just seems there is a lot there.”

Advised solution - To filter the information and where this should due to
priority and at which point it is relevant.

User seems to be overwhelmed with the volume of information available.

00 : 28 : 14 Book Flights

Open’s the ‘book flight’ section to find that all the information from the
previous use of the application is still saved amongst this. (The information
which is held in the task which has been given to the user to complete.
Showing this has been tested before the user receiving the brief.)

Refreshes the application

KEY : Supporting notes - Behaviours - Actions - Conductor Quotes - Applicant Quotes - Reference points -

Dan - You’re not fixed to any particular airport in London. There are
several available.

User double check all the information provided is still the same and minus the
flexibility if the departure airport. (It is confirmed that all information provided is
the same minus there is added flexibility to the airport used for departure).

00 : 28 : 56 Select Airport Departure

The user uses the search engine rather than scrolling through
(Keyword ‘London’)

Selects ‘London(all airports)

Proceeds onto arrival airport - Searches ‘Faro’ (Which emphasises he wasn’t

paying attention during the delivery of the task).

Dan - It’s ‘Barcelona’ this time.

Finds Barcelona using the alphabetical order selection.

(This is displayed close to the top so doesn’t require much effort to find).

Cancel’s departure information ‘London (All Airports)

Searches ‘London’ reselects ‘London (All Airports)

User show’s he is uncertain of the information which is being applied.

00 : 29 : 43 Date selection

“So the Calendar comes up” Familiarization.

Selects October 26th without any difficulty

Return Flight - Pop-up notification appears “Basic fare unless indicated

otherwise - check luggage is subject to surcharges. Price prior leg and person.
Limited Capacity”.

Dan - How do you find this experience is there any difference to your
previous experience?

No comment is made on the notification and this is dismissed.

Pain points

“Ummm.... It is.... The calendar is big. But between the two, the first one
seems a lot cleaner, but this one is just busy.”

“Clearer on the difference between the inbound and outbound display.”

(This is something previously stressed and is resolved by a refresh of the

screen and straightforward changes to highlight that is this an
alternative action)

00 : 31 :15 Passenger Information

Pain points
“2. Adults.”

Selects ‘+’ icon beside the adult category. This adds another adult passenger
and updates on the information on the display.

KEY : Supporting notes - Behaviours - Actions - Conductor Quotes - Applicant Quotes - Reference points -
reviews information on a break down display to ensure that it is all correct and
clicks to continue. (User finds it useful having a full break down with all the
information selected documented in one place).

“Clear and straight forward there.”

Dan - What would you do next?

Selects the search Icon

00 : 31 :30 Flight Booking (*Select - departure flight)

Dan - Tell me about what you see?

“So it looks like there is one option available although I don’t understand
why it shows another option which isn’t available.”

Confusion - (Flight options have two displayed although one is greyed out to
show that it is unavailable).

Dan - What do you think that means?

“If I can’t book it, why are you telling me about it?”

The user sees the information to be irrelevant to himself.

Click on the available flight with the intention of this selecting the available
option’s. (Provided with a price break down with package options which are
also available).

Dan - So, what does this mean basic, smart, etc.

“I noticed on the calendar screen that the basic option is fully booked.” (This
was promoted with the pop-up notification and show’s he did acknowledge

All options are greyed out unless available on this occasion the only thing
available is the ‘smart’ option.

“None of that was clear on the other one (ref usability test no.100:17:06 Flight
Pricing) as this one is much better.”

Clear note that this is a solution which provides customer satisfaction and
improves the usability of the application on this ocassion.

“Business class comes up, but it’s not an available option. Why are
you teasing me with stuff that I can’t have.”
KEY : Supporting notes - Behaviours - Actions - Conductor Quotes - Applicant Quotes - Reference points -

Again information which is an irrelevant option the user has a preference for
this to be removed entirely.

User selects the ‘Smart option.’

Dan - Why did you select the smart option?

“Just because I wanted to” (This was the only option available, so the
selection was dictated for the customer)

Choose return flight.

Departure flight information retained and locked into the display as a reference
at the top of the screen.

confusion - “I don’t know what that means”.

“One way” I have selected to do a return flight? “I’m going to click it.”

Through confusion the client is diverted in the process to try and establish
what is going on.

Dan - What has just happened?

“This has just cancelled my return.”

Through confusion and a need to investigate the user has had a significant
disturbance which could cause incredible frustration.

“Could be a better phrase used to give better clarity.”

Selects the Saturday option

The user suggests a note could be added to emphasise that there are more
options available in the price package deals—something to provide additional
notice that more information is available if required.

selects ‘Smart Option’ (Again this is the only option which is available.)

Pop-up ‘Add flex-option’ appears on display.

Pain points

Dan - So what does ‘Add Flex-Option’ mean?

Reads description noted below “rebook and cancel flights up to 40 minutes

before departure. That’s expensive”.

Confident and clear understanding making the decision easy to make.

00 : 37 : 20 Continue to step no.2

Options include: Booking luggage, choose a seat, special luggage and pets,
special assistance and rental car.

Pain points
Dan - So what do we have here.

“So they are my options” - “So these are things that I generally do like to
choose to choose my seats if I can”.

KEY : Supporting notes - Behaviours - Actions - Conductor Quotes - Applicant Quotes - Reference points -
notes this isn’t always an available option.

00 : 37 : 50 Selecting seats

The user was scrolling through all flights where a seat can be allocated by
himself. The user established that there is a stop over included which he
doesn’t recall being made aware of.

*Confusion and frustration

Returns to section ‘Book Flights.’

“It doesn’t say anything about a stopover here?”

“It look’s like it’s going direct.”

The user goes back through the previous stages to return to ‘section 2’ and
then select the option ‘choose my seats’.

“So do I have a stop over?”

Further confusion and lost with how the information has been translated in
the process.

“It’s telling me I have a stopover now and it didn’t mention it before?”

Prolong’s the user’s journey having to go back on himself numerous

times to establish what the trip will entail - Providing doubt in the app
and the user’s ability.

Dan - So how do you feel about it?

“Abit annoyed.”

Dan - what do you do next?

“I’d probably cancel the flight and look somewhere else.”

serious issue in the application which has caused a user to doubt themselves
in a result made them lose out on a business opportunity.

Returns to ‘Book flights’ again to in an attempt to establish an understanding.

“There’s no information in regards to a stopover, and it looks like
a direct flight.”
KEY : Supporting notes - Behaviours - Actions - Conductor Quotes - Applicant Quotes - Reference points -

This left the user with confusion and doubt in the service. Cast an eye over all
previous stages looking for an indication of the stopover.

00 : 40 : 59 Test Complete - Review

Dan - What do you think of this experience?

“Very Confused” - “It’s not clear.”

If I hadn’t gone onto book my seats I’d of spent 500 / 600 pounds without

Unsatisfied with the informative display of information.

Dan - What did you like or dislike?

“Additional fairs” - Informative price breakdowns for the price packages which
are available.

“If you’re new to the app you wouldn’t know to click on it.”

Satisfied that the information is available, although this information needs to

be displayed in a more prominent display format.

“Showing the business fair and displaying it as unavailable is

unnecessary information.”

The application may be overly informative showing providing the information,

although which something irrelevant at the current time.

“I don’t like the colours.” “Very busy.”

Overwhelming and not aesthetically pleasing.

Dan - Is there anything you expected to see and didn’t?

“I expected to see the stopover mentioned in my flight.”

Full flight breakdown including to be displayed. (Times, destinations,

stopovers, etc.) This would provide the user with confidence in there
decision making.
Pain points

Dan - Was there anything you were surprised to see?

“Nothing.” However, surprised to see the option on the home play duplicated
in the menu section of the application.

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