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“Seres humanos competentes para un mundo mejor”


Grade: Seventh Grade

Student’s name: Classroom: DD MM

7th - 0______ 2020
Subject: Term:
English Third Program Administrators
Topics: Lic. Dimas Matilde Castañez Cataño
Past Continuous
EXPECTED TIME: 8 Class Units
RESOURCES: Comfacesar’s Platform, Personal computer, Audio CD, Cambridge Platform,
Technologic resources.
-Reconoce el uso del past continuous para construir textos cortos relacionados con
actividades realizadas en el pasado.
- Da su opinión sobre los sucesos que se asocian con su vida cotidiana, en diversas
- Reconoce la importancia de compartir y respetar opiniones sobre las anécdotas
AUTONOMY INDICATOR: Mantiene una relación amigable con la lectura y la escritura.
Ask review questions: remind students of prior knowledge by illustrating the studied
Scanning: read the task. The text quickly and find the information you need. Do not concentrate
on the details or any unknown words.
How to become a better learner: try to speak to your teacher and your classmates in English.
The more you practice English, the better you will become.

1.1 Warm up: The Mime
Before the class, write out some actions - like washing the dishes - Split the
class into two teams and ask two students make the action. Have both
students mime the action to their team.
The first team to shout the correct answer wins a point. Repeat this until all students have
mimed at least one action.
1.2 Prior Knowledge: Write the past form of the verbs:
1. eat ________________ 2. Speak _________________ 3. Be ________________
4. think ________________ 5. Tell ___________________ 6. Sing ______________
7. write ________________ 8. Begin _________________ 9. Put _______________
10. cut _________________ 11. Know_________________ 12. Keep _____________
13. lose ________________ 14. buy ___________________15. Win ______________

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“Seres humanos competentes para un mundo mejor”

16. choose ______________ 17. Sleep _________________18. Understand _______

1.2.1 Read the story and underline with blue color all the sentences in past continuous.
Who wAS SHe? Where waS SHe? What waS happening?
Yesterday, it was raining and thundering all day.
Ann was playing inside the house. She wanted to be
outside. She wasn't playing outside because it was
raining. She was feeling tired of being trapped inside
the house.

Ann was trying to keep busy inside the house. She

was reading her book until the electricity went out.
Then, she decided to practice her sewing. She was
practicing sewing until lunchtime. After lunch, she
sat by the window and watched the rain.

While Ann was watching the rain, the phone rang. Her mother was calling to say she
was coming home. She was bringing a new game. Ann and her mother ate ice cream
and played the game.

While they were playing, the rain stopped! But Ann didn't even notice. She was having
such a good time with her mom!
1.3 Learning goal



[was/were + present participle]
• You were studying when she called.
• Were you studying when she called?
• You were not studying when she called.

Use 1 Use 2
USE 1 Interrupted Action in the Past We usually use when or while to connect the
Use the Past Continuous to indicate that a two actions in our sentences.
longer action in the past was interrupted. The • I was walking to school when it started
interruption is usually a shorter action in the to rain.

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“Seres humanos competentes para un mundo mejor”

Simple Past. • While they were sleeping last night,

Remember this can be a real interruption or somebody stole their radio.
just an interruption in time. • The computer shut down while I was
Examples: writing a lesson plan.
 I was watching TV when she called. • My car broke down while I was driving
 When the phone rang, she was writing a to Paris.
letter. What were you doing at / in / on...?
 While we were having the picnic, it started Examples:
to rain.  What were they eating at dinner?
 What were you doing when the earthquake  I was studying in the afternoon.
started?  She was playing the piano on Friday
 I was listening to my iPod, so I didn't hear night.
the fire alarm

2.1 Complete the sentences, use the past continuous form of the verbs in brackets.
1. I _________________________ (study) Science for my test.
2. He _______________________ (not do) his homework.
3. They __________________________ (not play) rugby because they think is boring.
4. ________ they ________________ (listen) to music when you opened the door?
5. She __________________ (go) to the cinema, but her friends didn´t come.
6. That boy __________________________ (play) the violin very well. Maybe, he
___________________ (have) musical classes
7. Jane, David and Polly _______________________ (watch) TV when the light turned off.
8. I ____________________ (begin) my English project when my sister fall.

2.2 when and while. Write when or while.

1. I was reading a book ____________ suddenly I heard a noise.
2. _____________ Rose was cooking dinner her husband went to work.
3. _____________ Sandra and Kathy were talking in the living – room the doorbell rang.
4. Ben was playing in a basketball team ___________ he was a kid.
5. Sharon came home ____________ her brother was playing video game.
6. ____________ Angela got home she was making some coffee.
7.They were sleeping ___________ the burglars broke in.
8. We were having lessons _____________ we heard a terrible noise.
9. _____________ I was cycling, the rain started.
10. He broke his arm ____________ he was playing basketball.


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“Seres humanos competentes para un mundo mejor”

2.3 Work in your notebook the exercises 2.3, 2.4 y 2.5. Write the correct form of the verbs
2.4 Complete the text using past simple and continuous

2.5 Complete the sentences with the past simple or the past continuous. Use the verbs in

1 I was reading (read) in bed when I heard (hear) a loud noise in the street.
2 No one (watch) when the burglars (break) into the bank.
3 The diamonds (disappear) while the guards (have) lunch.
4 While we (watch) TV, the alarm(go) off.
5 While we (look) out of the window, police officers (enter) the bank.
6 The burglars (count) their money when the police (catch) them.


3.1 Work in pairs. Complete this opening of the detective story using past simple or past
continuous in the numbered gaps (1 – 27) and while or when in the lettered gaps (a – h)
follow the example, then write an ending of about 30 – 40 words

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“Seres humanos competentes para un mundo mejor”

3.2. Look up the following link in YouTube, listen to it and complete the text.


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“Seres humanos competentes para un mundo mejor”


4.1 Self-Assessment / Peer-Assessment

Complete the following chart about your performance and follow the instructions. Read carefully
the issues about your own performance. Grade each one of them, from 1 to 10 according to this
 Write 10 if your answer is always  Write 6 if your answer is
or Superior performance. sometimes or Basic
 Write 8 if your answer is usually or performance.
High performance.  Write 5 if your answer is No/Never
or Low performance.
Issues Self-evaluation assessment BIBLI
Did I take active part, participate and
ask questions in classes?
Knowledge & learning process
Did I improve my language level on
the Unit Content?
Attitude & Behavior
Did I have a good behavior and
attitude during the classes?
Individual & Group Learning
Did I actively work individually and in
groups in classes?
Did I carry out the whole activities and
bring the materials for class?



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