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THE 10 GRADE / May, the 25th, 2012


Read the text below and complete the following tasks.
People often refer to Britain by another name. They call it 'England'. But this is not strictly
correct, and it can make some people angry. England is only one of the four nations of the
British Isles (England, Scotland, Wales and Ireland). Their political unification was a gradual
process that took several hundred years. It was completed in 1800 when the Irish Parliament was
joined with the Parliament of England, Scotland and Wales in Westminster, so that the whole of
the British Isles became a single state – the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern
Ireland. However, in 1922, most of Ireland became a separate state.
At one time the four nations were distinct from each other in almost every aspect of life. In
the first place, they were different racially. The people in Ireland, Wales and highland Scotland
belonged to the Celtic race; those in England and lowland Scotland were mainly of Germanic
origin. This difference was reflected in the languages they spoke. People in the Celtic areas spoke
Celtic languages: Irish Gaelic, Scottish Gaelic and Welsh. People in the Germanic areas spoke
Germanic dialects.
1. Read the text again and decide if the following sentences are true (T) or false (F). On your
exam sheet, write T or F next to the letters indicating each sentence. (1x4=4 points)
A. It is correct to call Britain “England.”
B. The political unification was a step by step procedure.
C. Ireland became a separate state in 1922.
D. Once the four nations were alike in almost every aspect of life.
2. Answer the following questions: (3x2=6 points).
A. By what name do people often refer to Britain?
B. When was their political unification completed?
C. What race did the people in Ireland, Wales and highland Scotland belong to?
3. Write questions to which the underlined words are answers. (2x5=10 points)
4. Find antonyms to the words written in bold. ( 3x2= 6 points).
5. Use two of the antonyms found above in sentences of your own. ( 2x2= 4 points).


a. Fill in each blank with one word only so that the sentence makes sense. (10 points)
1) What were you doing _____ the police officer knocked on the door?
2) I know Mary better _____ anyone.
3) Let me introduce _____ : I’m Beth Brown.
4) I first came to this town more than twenty years _____ .
5) Excuse me, but does this umbrella belong _____ you?
6) Brian bought his first motorbike ____ 1998.
7) I _____ to drink a lot of coffee when I was younger, but now I only drink a cup of
coffee once in a while.
8) The Nile is _____ longest river in the world.
9) I’ve been waiting here _____ two hours.
10) Can I have a different book? I’ve _____ read this one.
b. Fill in these mini dialogues. Write the answers on your exam sheet. (5X2p. = 10
1) A: “Steven used to wear a suit and tie more often in the past.”
B: _________________________
2) A: “What’s the matter with Ann?”
B: _________________________
3) A: “How about going to the cinema?”
B: _________________________
4) A : ”So, how did your parents react to the news?”
B: _________________________
5) A: ”What was Brian saying?”
B: _________________________
c. Fill in the blanks with the right form of the verbs in brackets: (20 X 1point =
a. We (1) … (think) about moving to the city recently.
b. How long (2) … (you/ work) as a waiter?
c. If I had a bigger flat, I (3) … (give) a party.
d. He is dirty because he (4) … (work) in the garden all morning.
e. By the time the rain (5) … (stop) yesterday morning, we (6) … (drink) two pots of
f. When we (7) … (meet) in the supermarket, he (8) … (wear) a very strange pair of
g. Japanese cooking (9) … (not use) a lot of dairy food.
h. It was the New Year’s Eve but none of the family really (10) ____ (want) to celebrate.
They (11) ____ (have) a terrible year.
i. I (12) ___ (not understand) the sign over there. What (13) ___ (it/mean)?
j. Our team is very good. We (14) ____ (win) four competitions last year and we (15)
____ (win) two this year as well.
k. Why you (16-smoke) a cigar, Mrs Prim? You (17-not smoke) cigars as a rule. – I (18-
smoke) it because I want the ash. This book says that cigar ash mixed with oil (19-
remove) heat stains. I (20-try) to clean the stains from this table for ages.


Choose one of the following topics and write a 200-word essay on it. (20 points)
 Describe your favorite character (in a book / film / play)
 Describe a person you know well and say how she / he has changed since you first
met her / him.
Content and task achievement: 10 points; grammar accuracy: 5 points; range of
vocabulary: 5 points;

All subjects are compulsory.

10 points are granted;
Time: 120 minutes;

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