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Prepared by: Mr. Christian F. Glee


Module Outcomes

1. Represented real-life situations using functions, including piece-wise functions

2. Evaluated a function
3. Performed addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, and composition of functions
4. Solved problems involving functions.

At the end of this lesson, you should be able to represent real-life situations using functions, including
piecewise functions.

Given a table of values of x and y, how would you express the rule to describe the correspondence
between the two variables?

Learn about It!

Some rules of correspondence involving two related quantities can be shown in everyday situations. Such
a rule of correspondence is called a function. A function f is a rule of correspondence from the elements
of a set X to the elements of another set Y.
The variable x in set X is the independent variable, while the variable y in set Y is the dependent variable.

In the table above, every value of x corresponds to a unique value of y. Since y is the dependent variable,
then y can be expressed as a function of x, which in this example is y =4x+1 or f(x)=4x+1.

The following characteristics are true for a function:

1. Each element in set X must be matched with an element of set Y.

2. Some elements in set Y may not be matched with any element in set X.
3. Two or more elements of set X may be matched with the same elements of set  Y.
4. An element in set X cannot be matched with two different elements in set Y.
In the examples below, notice that for every SSS member, there is only one number. Likewise, for every
student, there is only one teacher. These relationships represent functions.

Elaine is paying ₱799 for an internet service with 3 GB monthly data and a connection fee
of ₱20 per hour in excess of the data. Represent her monthly bill as a function of connection

Let x be the total number of hours in a month that Elaine uses the internet in excess of the 3 GB monthly
data and f(x) be Elaine’s monthly bill.
The bill has two parts: the one-time fee of ₱799 and the hourly charge of ₱20. The total monthly bill is
the one-time fee plus the charge per hour times the number of hours.
The function is f(x)=799+20x.

Try It!
A courier company charges ₱100 per package weighing 2 kg or less. They charge ₱15 for each
additional kilogram or fraction of a kilogram up to 5 kg. Write a piecewise function that gives
the cost C for shipping a package weighing k kilograms.
Try It! Solution
The given problem involved certain pieces of input use of one formula to figure the output; other pieces
use another. It shows a sequence of interval. It is called a piecewise function. The function consists of a
set of different intervals of x to define y. Thus, the function that gives the cost C of a package is as

What Do You Think?

Vincent works in a factory of eyeglasses. He is paid ₱20 per eyeglass for the

first 10 eyeglasses, ₱50 for the next ten eyeglasses, and ₱75 for each set
of 10 eyeglasses in excess of 20. Write a piecewise function G(x) that represents
Vincent's earnings.
Key Points
 A function is a rule of correspondence from the elements of one set X to the elements of another
set Y.
 A piecewise function consists of a set of different intervals of x with the value of y.


At the end of this lesson, you should be able to evaluate a function.

Before you proceed with this lesson, you should be able to recall the order of operations.


4 (2−3)2 −8÷2×3+1
Grouping Symbols

4 (−1)2−8÷2×3+1

Multiplication and Division (whichever comes first)

Addition and Subtraction (whichever comes first)


Learn about It!

Evaluate the function f(m)= 2 m 2−3m+2 when m=−1.

How to Do?
Step 1: Write the original function.

f(m)= 2 m 2−3m+2 

Step 2: Substitute the given value to the variable.

f(−1)= 2(−1)2−3(−1)+2
Step 3: Simplify by applying the order of operations.


Try It!
Evaluate f(x) when (a) x=0, (b) x=4, and (c) x=2.

Try It! Solution

a. Since 0<2, use the first function.
b. Since 4>2, use the third function.
f(x)=√ x+1
f(4)=√ 4 +1
f(4)=√ 5
c. Since 2=2, use the second function.
f(x)= 2 x2 −5

What Do You Think?

Consider the function f(x)= − 2 x2 −3x+4. Evaluate the given function when x=2x−3.

Key Points
To evaluate a function, follow these steps:

Step 1: Write the original function.

Step 2: Substitute the given value to the variable.

Step 3: Simplify by applying the order of operations.


At the end of this lesson, you should be able to:

 perform addition and subtraction of functions

 solve problems involving addition and subtraction of functions

Before you proceed with this lesson, you should be able to recall addition and subtraction of like and
unlike terms.

 In adding and subtracting like terms, add or subtract the numerical coefficients of the given terms
following the rules on adding and subtracting integers, then copy the literal coefficient.


To add 5x and 8x:

To subtract 5x and 8x:

 You cannot add or subtract unlike terms.

5x+5 x 2 and  3 x 2−5x

Learn about It!

Given the functions f(x)= 4 x2 +3x+2 and g(x)=7 x 2−5x−1, find (f+g)(x) and (f−g)(x).
 Addition of Functions
Given two functions f(x) and g(x), their sum, denoted by (f+g)(x), is the function defined by (f+g)
 Subtraction of Functions
Given two functions f(x) and g(x), their sum, denoted by (f−g)(x), is the function defined by (f−g)
Note: We enclose f+g and f−g with ( ) to show that they both work on x.

How to Do?
Step 1: Identify the formula needed to solve the problem.

Step 2: Substitute the given functions to the formula.

Step 3: Simplify.

Addition of Functions


(f+g)(x)=( 4 x2 +3x+2)+(7 x 2−5x−1)

(f+g)(x)=4 x2 +7 x 2+3x−5x+2−1

(f+g)(x)=11 x 2−2x+1
Subtraction of Functions


(f−g)(x)=(4 x2 +3x+2)−(7 x 2−5x−1)

(f−g)(x)=4 x2 +3x+2−7 x 2+5x+1

(f−g)(x)=4 x2 −7x2+3x+5x+2+1

(f−g)(x)=−3 x 2+8x+3

Try It!
Bencil is making a cabinet. He bought a slab of wood that is f(x)=( 9 x 2−3x+2) feet long.
What is the length of the wood after g(x)=(2 x2 +5x−4) feet have been cut off?

Try It! Solution

Step 1: Identify what is asked.

the length of the wood after g(x)=(2 x2 +5x−4) feet have been cut off
Step 2: List the given information.

original length: f(x)=( 9 x 2−3x+2) feet

part that was cut off: g(x)=(2 x2 +5x−4) feet

Step 3: Identify the formula needed to solve the problem.

Step 4: Substitute the given functions to the formula.

(f−g)(x)= ( 9 x 2−3x+2) −(2 x2 +5x−4) 

Step 5: Solve.
(f−g)(x)= ( 9 x 2−3x+2) −(2 x2 +5x−4) 

(f−g)(x)=9 x 2−3x+2−2 x2 −5x+4

(f−g)(x)=9 x 2−2 x2 −3x−5x+2+4

(f−g)(x)=7 x 2+−8x+6
Therefore, the length of the wood left is (7 x 2+−8x+6) feet.

 In finding the difference of two functions, keep in mind that the signs of the terms of the second
function will be changed after removing the parenthesis.
 The order in which fractions are subtracted is important. Thus, f(x)−g(x) is not the same as g(x)
−f(x) if f(x)≠g(x).

Key Points
 The sum of two functions f(x) and g(x) is defined by (f+g)(x)=f(x)+g(x).
 The difference of two functions f(x) and g(x) is defined by (f−g)(x)=f(x)−g(x).


At the end of this lesson, you should be able to:

 multiply and divide functions

 solve problems involving multiplication and division of functions

Before you proceed with this lesson, you should be able to recall addition and subtraction of functions,
and the laws of exponents.

Study the following examples.

1. Is the expression  x 2⋅ x 4  the same as  x 8? Why or why not?

No, because when multiplying terms with the same bases, we simply copy the base and add the
exponents. Therefore,  x 2⋅ x 4 = x 6.

2. Is the expression   the same as  x 3? Why or why not?

Yes, because when dividing terms with the same bases, we simply copy the base and subtract the
exponents. Therefore 2 = x 3

Learn about It!

Given the functions f(x)= x 2−1 and g(x)=x+1, find (f⋅g)(x) and (fg)(x).

 Multiplication of Functions

Given the two functions f(x) and g(x), their product, denoted by (f⋅g)(x), is the function defined by (f⋅g)

 Division of Functions

f f
Given the two functions f(x) and g(x), their quotient, denoted by ( )(x ) , is the function defined by (
g g
f (x )
) (x ) = where g(x)≠0.
g ( x)
In this case, g(x) cannot be zero because if an expression is divided by zero, it will be undefined.

How to Do?
Step 1: Identify the formula needed to solve the problem.
Step 2: Substitute the given functions to the formula.
Step 3: Simplify.

Multiplication of Functions

(f⋅g)(x)=( x 2−1)(x+1)

(f⋅g)(x)=( x 2)(x)+( x 2)(1)+(−1)(x)+(−1)(1)

(f⋅g)(x)= x 3+ x 2−x−1
Division of Functions

f f (x )
( ¿(x)=
g g ( x)

f x 2−1
( ¿(x)=
g x+1

Therefore, ( )(x)=x−1.

Try It!
A farmer has a rectangular plot of land, which he wants to divide equally among
his c(x)=x+7 children. The length of the plot of land can be expressed as a function l(x)=x+2 and
its width can be expressed as w(x)=3x+21. Find the area of the land that one child will receive.

Try It! Solution

Step 1: Identify what is asked.

the area of the plot of land that each child will receive

Step 2: List the given information.

Step 3: Identify the hidden question, if there is any.

Find the area of the plot of land that the farmer has.

Step 4: Identify the formulas needed to solve the problem.


(l ⋅w)(x)
c (x)

Step 5: Solve.

The area of the plot of land that the farmer has is (l⋅w)(x)=3 x 2+27x+42.
(l ⋅w)(x)
c (x)
3 x 2 +27 x +42
x+ 7

Each child will receive (3x+6) square units of land.

h h
When dividing functions, the order of the functions is important. Generally, ( )(x) is different from ( )
g g
(x) if h(x)≠g(x).
Key Points
 The product of two functions f(x) and g(x) is defined by (f⋅g)(x)=f(x)⋅g(x).
f f (x )
 The quotient of two functions f(x) and g(x) is defined by ( )(x)= where g(x)≠0.
g g ( x)
 The inequality g(x)≠0 means that g(x) can never be zero because dividing an expression by zero
is undefined.

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