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This publication is British Ministry of Defence Crown copyright. Material and information contained in this
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This OFFICIAL document is issued for the information of such persons who need to know its contents in the
course of their duties. Any person finding this document should hand it to a British Forces unit or to a police
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This information is released by the United Kingdom government to international organisations and national
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This document is to be handled (stored, transmitted and destroyed) in accordance with its classification,
details of which can be found in JSP 440 Part 4 Section 1. Any queries on the policy should, in the first
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This publication has been produced under the direction and authority of the Chief of the General Staff by
Head of Warfare Development in his capacity as sponsor of Army doctrine. It is the individual’s responsibility
to ensure that he or she is using the latest version of this publication. If in doubt the individual should contact
the Land Warfare Centre (details below).
The contents constitute mandatory regulations or an MOD Approved Code of Practice (ACOP) and provide
clear military information concerning the most up to date experience and best practice available for
commanders and troops to use for operations and training. To avoid criminal liability and prosecution for a
breach of health and safety law, you must follow the relevant provisions of the ACOP. Breaches or omissions
could result in disciplinary action under the provisions of the Armed Forces Act.

As directed by Head of Warfare Development.

Contact details
Suggestions for change or queries are welcomed and should be sent to Editor, HQ Land Warfare Centre,
Waterloo Lines, Imber Road, Warminster BA12 0DJ, Telephone +44(0)1985 848764.

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