FCM3-3.03 Renal Disease Control Program

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January 5, 2018
3A – Group 7
Department of Family and Community Medicine


PHILIPPINES  To ably reduce the morbidity and mortality from kidney
 It is estimated that 10% of the global population is diseases and end-stage renal disease through a strong
suffering from CKD. advocacy campaign, extensive information drive, training
 (WHO, 2014) Philippines ranked 13th worldwide in terms and public education, research, service and quality
of death due to kidney diseases per 100,000 population assurance.
with a rate of 25.71%.
 (NKTI) One Filipino develops chronic renal failure every
hour.  To conduct research studies related to renal diseases;
 (DOH) Kidney diseases such as nephritis, nephrotic  To assist the existing health facilities, both local and national.
syndrome and nephrosis, ranked 9th in the top leading  To formulate guidelines and protocols on the proper
causes of mortality in the Philippines in the year 2013. implementation of different levels of prevention and care of
 In 2014, UTI ranked 4th in the leading causes of morbidity renal diseases, for use of medical practitioners and other
in the country. related professions.
 In the past, chronic glomerulonephritis was the most  To give recommendations to law and policy-makers on renal
common cause of chronic renal failure. health.
 Today, diabetes mellitus and hypertension have taken  To assist in the development of dialysis and transplant
center stage in the causation of ESRD which together centers/units in strategic locations all over the Philippines.
account for almost 60% of dialysis patients.  To establish an efficient and effective networking system
 More than 250,000 renal transplants have been performed with other programs and agencies, both GOs and NGOs.
since 1963.
 Nationally, there are still over 7,000 end stage renal disease PROGRAM COMPONENTS
patients on renal transplant waiting lists. RESEARCH
 The Philippine Renal Disease Registry (PRDR) started in May
 History: On January 1994 the DOH launched the Preventive  It is a joint project of NKTI-REDCOP and the Philippine
Nephrology Project (PNP) then on January 2000, PNP was Society of Nephrology (PSN).
renamed to REDCOP.  This serves as the main repository/source of data on end
 What is REDCOP? stage renal disease (ESRD) and other related diseases in the
o It is the office in-charge of implementing the NKTI's country.
public health projects on the prevention and control of  The MAIN OBJECTIVE of PRDR is to provide a national
renal and other related diseases. perspective on kidney disease/s and its/their treatment.
 It plans, implements and monitors projects for research,
advocacy, training, service and quality assurance. OTHER RESEARCH STUDIES
 REDCOP's works with network of Regional Coordinators  Prevalence Studies on Glomerulonephritis (GN) and Kidney
throughout the country. Stone (KS)
 It also administers and manages the Philippine Renal  Nationwide Urine Screening of Public School Children
Disease Registry (PRDR)  Nationwide Survey on People's Knowledge, Attitudes and
o PRDR is composed of: Practices on Preventive Nephrology
 The End Stage Renal Disease (ESRD) Registry
composed of: TRAINING
 Hemodialysis Purpose:
 Peritoneal Dialysis  To help local health workers develop the capability and
 Transplant Registries expertise in early recognition and treatment of Renal and
 The Chronic Kidney Disease Registry composed Urinary Tract diseases and
of Biopsy  Help them make proper judgment on when and where to
refer the patients for further management.
VISION  Also aims to develop advocates on kidney and Urinary
 To be the lead office in the prevention and control of Tract disease prevention & control nationwide
kidney diseases and End-Stage Renal Disease (ESRD)  To help local health workers develop the capability and
through a comprehensive public health program and an expertise in early recognition and treatment of Renal and
integrated approach to renal disease management. Urinary Tract diseases
 To help them make proper judgment on when and where to
refer the patients for further management

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 To develop advocates on kidney and Urinary Tract disease  Memorandum Circular No. 2012-124:
prevention & control nationwide o Issued by DILG in March 16, 2012 in support of the
 The training module and training kits have been completed national government’s advocacy to increase awareness
with the technical assistance of the Philippine Society of and empower local health workers on renal health
Nephrology (PSN), Department of Health (DOH), and the promotion and renal disease prevention
Philippine Information Agency (PIA). o Enjoining all Provincial Governors, City and Municipal
 Training module/manual Mayors of the ARMM to extend their support to the
o Used as the standard to guide the trainers and Renal Disease Control Program of the National Kidney
advocates in the whole country under a well-planned Research Institute.
and conceptualized national training program o In furtherance of promoting public health, all local
spearheaded by the National Technical Working Group chief executives are encouraged to:
(NTWG)  Designate a Provincial, a City or a Municipal
o Initiated in 2002 REDCOP Coordinator who shall take the lead in
o Primary aim of this project is to educate doctors and the:
paramedical personnel, a. Coordination and implementation of
o Ultimate beneficiary is the general public REDCOP's national projects and activities
o Finally used last March 29 to April 2, 2004 at the e.g., nationwide training in Maximizing the
Bayview Hotel in Roxas Boulevard, Manila, during the Utilization of Routine Urinalysis for the
national training of all regional and assistant regional Detection of Renal Diseases and Nephrology
coordinators from the Center for Health Development for the Generalist, and advocacy campaign
of the Department of Health. for organ and transplantation.
o Most Outstanding Public Information Tool last b. Recommendation of renal health projects or
November 17, 2004 – the Gawad Oscar Florendo activities which are critical in his or her
Award was given to REDCOP area of responsibility, and implementation
 The challenge posed by REDCOP and the PSN to the of the same.
participants: duplicate this training to the different c. Submission of accomplishment or progress
provincial and city coordinators, reaching eventually the reports to the concerned REDCOP Regional
barangay health unit. Coordinator, and
 Training starts from the national level and will be filtered d. Participation in the regional consultative
down to the barangay level. meetings.
 REDCOP conducts training activities to build and enhance  Include, in their respective local Annual Investment
the capability of health workers in the whole country to Program, a project or activity which promotes
empower them and to handle and manage potential renal renal health (e.g., development of a community-
patients especially at the local health facilities. based advocacy strategy and training of health
 According to the REDCOP, an AVP was uploaded on workers on the early detection of renal diseases).
November 2013, about 500 key medical and paramedical  They have been utilizing social networking sites
who have benefited from the training and more are such as Facebook since 2010 and regularly posting
currently being trained. updates about the program’s activities and
 Purpose:
o To increase the level of awareness of the people on
health promotion and the different levels of kidney
disease prevention, including prevention of death due
to end-stage renal disease (ESRD)
 Done nationwide utilizing different media of information,
education and communication (IEC) dissemination such as:
o Broadcast media
o Print, interpersonal, etc.
 REDCOP has produced and distributed thousands of leaflets
and brochures, flyer fans, VHS & cassette tapes of REDCOP
Plugs, documentary films and other IEC materials
 The REDCOP advocacy team has visited all regions around
the Philippines for its interpersonal information
dissemination for two rounds already, since 1998. SERVICE
 Massive advocacy campaign: People have become aware of  Medical services delivered to the public by conducting
the importance of early detection and prevention of kidney community laboratory examinations and medical check-up
disease through increased consultation and access rate to in areas being visited by the REDCOP team.
medical consultation.  Made possible with the help and cooperation of the NKTI
Nephrology and Urology specialists and fellows.

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 Other services are delivered through the research and  All health and health related facilities shall implement and
advocacy projects which provide laboratory examinations to adopt quality standards and practices in the medical and
its subjects. organizational management of kidney transplantation.
 All regions have been covered with laboratory and medical  The Department of Health (DOH) through its Bureau of
services. Health Facilities and Services and the Philippine Health
Insurance Corporation shall enforce and monitor these
QUALITY ASSURANCE health facilities through their licensing and accreditation
 Aims to insure the efficiency and reliability of the component rules and regulations.
projects of the Program.
 Includes activities such as monitoring and assessment of all PROGRAM COMPONENTS
component activities/projects of the Program, supervisory POLICY AND PROGRAM STANDARDS
visits, etc, to ensure the effective implementation of project  The PODP is responsible for formulating policies and
protocols. program standards towards the development of a rational,
ethical, accessible, and equitable renal health care program
 Created under the Health Operation Cluster of the DOH  Through coordination with other organizations,
through AO no. 124, series of 2002: associations, and professionals engaged in transplantation
o Order to prescribe the guidelines on how the PODP will and donation programs and activities.
operate in coordination with the various offices and
agencies including the organized bodies and ADVOCACY/INFORMATION EDUCATION CAMPAIGN
committees as specified in the Department Order no.  The PODP shall undertake activities which shall increase
191-F series of 2002 with the end view of developing a public awareness on organ transplantation and renal
comprehensive renal care program. diseases.
 PODP is established under the Degenerative Disease Office  This may include patient information and education, public
of the National Center for Disease Prevention and education, advocacy campaigns through multi-media.
 PODP shall mobilize various offices and units of the SYSTEMS DEVELOPMENT
Department of Health and convene representatives from  The PODP shall put in place a system for the screening and
these offices into Technical Working Groups as necessary. matching of donors and recipients prior to their inclusion in
 PODP taps into the technical expertise of National Kidney the registry.
and Transplant Institute (NKTI): the only government  The system shall involve the creation of a Selection and
Specialty Center on renal diseases. Matching Committee both at the National and hospital/or
 May specifically build on the systems and other activities as facility level.
initiated by the Renal Disease Control Program (REDCOP)  It shall also maintain a national registry which shall include
under NKTI. a registry of all kidney transplants performed in the country,
 PODP is also assisted by the National Transplantation Ethics registry of all LNRD’s and registry of all patients seeking
Committee (NTEC) which is responsible in formulating the kidney transplantation using LNRD’s.
ethical standards for organ transplantation and which, in
turn is the basis of the ethical standards for all hospitals and RESEARCH
other facilities.  The program shall support researches/ studies concerning
 The National Transplant Advisory Board primarily provides organ donation and transplantation.
policy recommendations and advice in the following tasks:  It shall particularly support baseline studies and other
o Setting of guidelines or criteria for the prioritization of related studies, results of which shall provide inputs to
recipients of kidney organs from donors. policy formulation and program development.
o Development of systems and procedures that will allow
for transparency, exchange, networking, and NETWORKING
collaboration with different health facilities,
organization, associations, and professionals.  The program shall actively promote, enjoin the participation
o Facilitation and promotion of technical assistance of other stakeholders, government organizations, academe,
among professionals and health and health-related private institutions and civil society to form a well-
facilities involved in kidney and other organ coordinated network supporting efforts for the transfer of
transplantation. technology among these partners in order to improve renal
health care in general.
 Living non-related donations are permitted only under
certain conditions. Sale and purchase of kidney organs by  A built-in monitoring and evaluation system shall be part of
kidney vendors is prohibited. the program. It shall require regular reports and feedback
from the hospitals/ health facilities. The program may also
 Kidney organ donation programs shall be guided by these
exercise oversight functions if necessary. Results of
principles: Equity, Justice, Benevolence, Non-maleficence,
monitoring and evaluation shall always inform policy
Solidarity, Altruism, and Volunteerism
discussions and deliberations by program and DOH top

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management to improve and to introduce innovations in the  One of the amendments is to change the nomenclature from
program. National Human Organ Preservation Effort (NHOPE) to
Philippine Network for Organ Sharing (PHILNOS) with a
IMPLEMENTING MECHANISMS corresponding clarification on its scope of function.
 The PODP shall ensure coherent and sound implementation Furthermore, the function of PhilNETDAT was then
of activities both at the national and hospital / other health- transferred to the existing Philippine Organ Donation and
related facility level based on program standards Transplantation Program (PODTP) as a result of the
 The PODP shall ensure the institutionalization of the abolition of non-directed LNRD and hence, the creation of
following systems: PHILNOS.
 A Donor/Recipient Screening and Matching System which
shall be operationalized by a Screening and Matching COVERAGE
Committee. This Committee is composed of a Transplant  The Revised National Policy on Living Non-Related
Immunologist, a Transplant Nephrologist and/or a Donations and Transplantation covers the following:
Transplant Surgeon/Physician. This Committee is tasked to o Kidney and other organ donors and recipients.
formulate: o All health and health-related professionals and
o Formulate guidelines and criteria on the evaluation of individuals engaged or have any participation in the
donor/recipients prior to enrollment/ listing in the conduct of transplantation and donation.
National Registry in close coordination with NTEC. o All offices/bureaus, including attached agencies and
o Ensure implementation on matching of donor and filed offices of the DOH.
recipient to the individual transplant facility. o All health and health-related facilities such as but not
o Provide regular feedback and report updates to the limited to hospitals, laboratories.
PODP. o Other government and non-government agencies and
 The PODP shall remain a National Donor/Recipient Registry. organizations, such as but not limited to foundations
Data shall emanate from the different accredited organized to promote and support transplantation and
hospital/medical centers nationwide and/or through walk- donation programs and associations such as medical
in donors and recipient-enrollees who qualified based on the and specialty societies.
NTEC and Donor/Recipient Screening and Matching System
criteria. This, in turn, will have the registry containing a pool DEFINITION OF TERMS
of data/information of donors and recipients who have been  Living Related Donors (LRDs): related to the recipient by
subjected to an initial screening and matching process by the blood within the fourth-degree of consanguinity (e.g.
Screening and Matching Committee. The PODP may build on parents, children, siblings, nephews/nieces, first cousins).
the existing registry of REDCOP and the Human Organ  Living Non Related Donors (LNRDs): not related to the
Preservation Effort (HOPE). This shall require close recipient by blood but have the willingness and intention to
coordination by the PODP with all hospital-/facility-based donate a kidney based on certain reasons.
registries. o Voluntary Donors: not related by blood to the
 The PODP furnishes lists of approved donor-recipient recipient but bear close emotional ties with him/her
matches to the NKTI and other accredited hospitals and (e.g. spouses, relatives by affinity, friends,
health facilities. employers/employees of long standing, colleagues,
 The DOH-Bureau of Health Facilities and Services- Philippine fiance/fiancee, and adoptive parents or children).
Health Insurance Corporation shall issue in separate orders o Commercial Donors: kidney/organ vendors who offer
licensing and accreditation standards for hospitals and their kidneys and other organs for sale, usually engage
health-related facilities. the services of a broker or an agent with a payment as
 Each hospital/health facility shall submit a quarterly report a precondition and pre-requisite to the organ donation.
on transplantation operations conducted to PODP. o Directed Kidney/Organ Donor: someone who has a
 NTEC and the Ethics Committee of the hospitals and health specific recipient in mind whom he wound want to
facilities shall issue their own guidelines and criteria in donate to (donor’s wishes are given due
accordance with national policies and program standards. consideration).
o Non-directed Kidney/Organ Donor: donor who would
REVISED NATIONAL POLICY ON LIVING NON-RELATED donate to whoever s/he matches on a list of waiting
DONATIONS AND TRANSPLANTATION patients for organ transplant.
 Board: refers to Philippine Board for Organ Donation and
Transplantation (PBODT).
 In order to commit the Department of Health (DOH) to abide
the rules of Republic Act 9208 (Anti- Human Trafficking GUIDING PRINCIPLES
Act), the Declaration of Istanbul on Organ Trafficking and
 Equity
Transplant Tourism, and WHO Guiding Principles on Organ
o Non-directed donated organs belong to the community
Transplantation – Administrative Order 2008-00004-A
o Organs must be allocated fairly among transplant
(Revised National Policy on Living Non-Related Donation
centers and among recipients
and Transplantation) was amended last June 23, 2010
o Determination of priority shall be based on medical
through non-permission of non-directed living non-related
need and probability of success
donation (LNRD).

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 Justice with PODTP guidelines relative to the practice of organ

o Determining of allocation of organs must be objective transplantation.
and independent of gender, race, creed, culture, and  In no instance shall any kidney/organ be transported or
socio-economic status exported for transplantation abroad.
 Benevolence  POBDT is created for the purpose of overseeing the
o Only organs that are voluntarily donated with full implementation of policies related to organ transplantation.
informed consent by a competent adult shall be subject PODTP shall serve as the overall implementing body for
for transplantation organ donation and transplantation in the country. PHILNOS
o All health and health related facilities shall not allow serves as the coordinating body in charge of allocating
the trade or commerce of organs organs from deceased donors.
 Non-maleficence
o No harm should occur to donor or recipient in the OPERATIONAL STRUCTURES
process of transplantation whether immediate or post  Philippine Board for Organ Donation and
transplantation Transplantation (PBODT) is assigned to review and
 Solidarity approve policies in support of a rational, ethical, accessible
o All stakeholders shall have a common and shared and equitable organ transplantation program in the country.
objective of safeguarding the health of both the It also approves the issuance of the Certificate of
recipient and the donor Accreditation of transplant facilities.
 Altruism  Philippine Organ Donation and Transplantation
o Organ donation must be done first and foremost out of Program (PODTP) is the overall implementing body of the
selflessness and philanthropy to save and ensure the organ donation and transplantation system in the country.
quality of the beneficiary Its role is to monitor compliance of transplant facilities to
 Volunteerism policies set forth.
o Organ donation must be done out of the donor’s  National Transplant Ethics Committee (NTEC) formulates
competence (decision-making capacity), willingness to national ethical standards/ guidelines on organ donation
donate, freedom from coercion, medical and and transplantation for approval of the PBODT. This
psychosocial suitability, full information of the risks committee also assist the PBODT in the resolution of ethical
and benefits as a donor, and full information of the issues. They also assist in monitoring of transplant facilities
risks, benefits and other alternative treatment to ensure compliance with ethical standards/ guidelines.
available to the recipient.  Philippine Network for Organ Sharing (PHILNOS) act as
the central coordinating body to ensure that all donor
GENERAL POLICY STATEMENTS kidney/organs from deceased donors are allocated
 DOH is committed to abide by the WHO Guiding Principles according to established criteria. They also implement the
on Organ Transplantation, the Declaration of Istanbul on policies on deceased donor allocation.
Organ Trafficking and Transplant Tourism and RA 9208.  Bureau of Health Facilities and Services (BHFS) inspect
 The safety of both donor and recipient shall be given highest and monitor transplant facilities. They also issue certificate
consideration and transparency regarding the risks to both of accreditation. They implement sanctions to non-compliant
shall be pursued rigorously. transplant facilities.
 Payment as precondition for kidney donation and sale and  Philippine Health Insurance Corporation (PHIC) issue
purchase of kidneys by kidney vendors/commercial donors accreditation of health facilities and professional. They
are strictly prohibited. implement sanctions to non-compliant transplant facilities.
 Kidney transplantation is not part of medical tourism. They also serve as a member of inspection and monitoring
 Foreigners are not eligible to receive organs from Filipino team.
living non-related donors.  Hospital Ethics Committee (HEC) monitor and resolve
 All health and health-related facilities and professionals ethical issues that may arise in the process of organ donation
h\shall not allow the trade of kidneys. and transplantation in the hospital. They also recommend
 Directed LNRDs are permitted only when it is voluntary and sanctions for violation of the guidelines to the hospital
truly altruistic, without any kind of compensation of gratuity administration. The hospital shall determine the proper
package attached to it. They must be screened and approved sanction to be given to whoever is deemed culpable for the
by the Hospital Ethics Committee. Non-directed LNRD are violation.
not allowed to donate organs for transplantation. No  Hospital Transplant Coordinating Office (HTCO) is in
hospital, foundation or agency are allowed to keep a list of charge of maintaining the 3 registries at the transplant
potential non-directed LNRDs and to utilize non-directed hospital level. They also report to the PHILNOS.
LNRDs for transplantation.  Kidney Donor Monitoring Unit (KDMU) is in charge of
 All health and health-related facilities shall implement and follow-up donor protection and long-term monitoring of
adopt quality standards and practices in the medical and donors after donation based on specific guidelines. They also
organizational management of kidney transplantation. These report activities of the transplant facility to the PODTP.
facilities will be monitored by DOH and the Philippine Health  Transplant Facility comply with the rules and regulations
Insurance Corporation (PHIC) in terms of licensing and governing the accreditation and operation of kidney
accreditation rules and regulations. transplant facilities.
 All professional societies related to organ donation and
transplantation shall ensure that all their members comply
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FUNDING AND SUPPORT functioning since 1983, the deceased donation rate in the
 The national government will allocate P20 million pesos per Philippines has remained at way below 1 per million
year in support of the operations of the organ donation and population per year.
transplantation starting 2010.  In accordance to 2008 declaration of Istanbul on Organ
 Funds may be augmented from government and private Trafficking and Transplant Tourism strongly encouraged
sources to support the program. governments, in collaboration with health care institutions,
professional and nongovernmental organizations to take
MONITORING AND EVALUATION appropriate action to increase deceased organ donation,
 The Philippine Organ Donation and Transplantation remove obstacles and disincentives to deceased organ
Program (PODTP) shall take the lead in monitoring relative donation, enact legislation and create transplantation
to compliance to rules and regulations, and shall report infrastructure so as to fulfill each country’s deceased donor
regularly to the PBODT and provide recommendations potential (Istanbul Declaration 2008).
related to the practice of organ donation and  Undertaking the issue of human organ and tissue
transplantation. transplantation in the 63rd World Health Assembly, it was
 The PODTP shall call on support of independent bodies and reported that “experience in countries with the most
organizations involved in kidney transplantation to successful deceased donor programs has shown the
constitute a monitoring and evaluation team involving advantage of having strong national organizations that can
medical and special societies, non-government stimulate, coordinate and regulate donation and
organizations, the private sector, other professionals and transplantation.
civil society.  Such organizations can inform the public about the
 It shall continually to develop and support programs and importance of sustaining a community resource that is built
projects toward achieving a world-class status for the on voluntary, unpaid donation of organs, tissues and cells
country in renal/organ care and transplantation. rather than on the exploitation inherent in organ purchases
and that provides equitable access to all. (63rd World Health
VIOLATIONS AND SANCTIONS Assembly provisional agenda item 11, 21).
 Promotion of organ donation from deceased donors and
 Non-compliance with the standards and policies of the
sharing of grafts through the Philippine Network for Organ
PODTP shall be a ground for suspension or revocation of the
Sharing (PHILNOS) is being led by the Department of Health
license to operate the hospital or its transplant facility.
 Furthermore, any violations by erring professionals (doctors
 The potential of deceased donor organs is yet to be
and members of the transplantation team) shall be
maximized in our country where the estimated number of
forwarded to the DOH and to the PRC, PSN, and PSTS and
deaths due to accidents is about 8000 per year (ADB-ASEAN
other appropriate professional organizations for
Regional Road to Safety Program, Accident Costing Report
appropriate sanctions without prejudice to the filing of
AC7: Philippines.
appropriate civil or criminal charges whenever warranted.
 This Network will implement a system of timely referral and
processing of potential multiple organ donors, equitable
NATIONAL PROGRAM FOR SHARING OF ORGANS FROM allocation and efficient procurement and transplantation of
DECEASED DONORS organs from them.
RATIONALE  Furthermore, the DOH has developed an online database, the
 Prolongation and improvement of lives of patients in need of Philippine Organ Donor and Recipient Registry System
organ replacement has been permitted by transplantation. (PODRRS) that will support the implementation of the
 The traditional source of organ grafts has been deceased PHILNOS guidelines.
donors, that is, those who suffer severe irreversible brain
injury with the rest of the body remaining practically intact OBJECTIVES
and “healthy”.  To establish the Philippine Network for Organ Sharing
 However, the perennial lack of deceased organ donors has (PHILNOS)
continually hampered the widespread application of  To initiate and maintain the Philippine Organ Donor and
transplantation. Recipient Registry System (PODDRS)
 The inequity of supply and demand has created the need to  To promote organ donation from the deceased
resort to other sources of grafts, such as living donors.
 Organ donation from living donors, although a noble act of COVERAGE
charity, has been surrounded by numerous ethical issues  The policies and guidelines contained herein shall apply to
and has unfortunately lent itself to abuse and has been all government and private hospitals and health facilities,
tainted with commercialism in many areas of the world, Organ Procurement Organizations, medical and allied
including the Philippines. medical practitioners involved in organ and tissue
 While the Department of Health (DOH) finally addressed the transplantation in the Philippines.
situation and established mechanisms to curtail organ sale
and protect the living kidney donor through AO no. 2002- DEFINITION OF TERMS
0124 and AO no. 2008-0004-A, deceased donor organ
 Brain Death (BD)
transplantation had not been given enough attention.
o irreversible cessation of all functions of the entire
 While the National Kidney Transplant Institute (NKTI) based brain, including the brain stem
Human Organ Preservation Effort (HOPE) has been

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 Death (as per RA 7170 definition)  Transplant Coordinator (TC)

o irreversible cessation of circulatory and respiratory o The designated trained health care professional who
functions or the irreversible cessation of all functions takes the central role and acts as liaison among the
of the entire brain, including the brain stem, which is donor hospital, retrieval, and transplant team
determined in accordance with the acceptable medical members in the processing a potential organ donor
practice and diagnosed separately by the attending  Procurement Transplant Coordinator (PTC)
physician and another consulting physician, both of o The TC who shall have the responsibility of
whom must be appropriately qualified and suitably coordinating the donor’s evaluation, management, and
experienced in the care of such patients. recovery of organs and/or tissues for transplantation
 Decedent  Clinical Transplant Coordinator
o a deceased individual and includes the still-born infant o The TC who shall have the responsibility of
or fetus coordinating the transplant candidate’s evaluation,
 Donor Allocation Scoring System (DASS) management, and follow-up care
o the national scoring system by which allocation of  Transplant Recipient (TR)
kidney grafts from deceased donors shall be based o A patient who has received an organ graft
 Graft
o an organ that has been removed from the body of an PHILIPPINE NETWORK FOR ORGAN SHARING
organ donor for transplantation into recipient. GENERAL GUIDELINES
 Hospital Transplant Candidate Waiting List  The Philippine Network for Organ Sharing (PHILNOS)
o the database of all potential organ recipients of a shall be the organization that will facilitate and oversee the
particular Transplant Center. This shall be organ donation and organ transplantation involving
administered by the Clinical Transplant Coordination deceased donors in the country.
of the Hospital’s transplant Center
 It shall serve as the central coordinating body of all
 National Transplant Candidate Waiting List deceased organ/tissue donation and transplantation
o the Philippine database of all potential organ activities
recipients. The candidates who will be registered in
 It shall replace the National Human Organ Preservation
this list shall come from the waiting lists of the Effort (NHOPE) which was established by virtue of A.O. no.
different accredited Transplant Centers of the 2008-004
 Task of the PHILNOS shall be carried out through special
 Organ Procurement Organization (OPO) organ procurement services units called Organ
o a DOH accredited non-profit organization, independent Procurement Organizations (OPO) that need to be DOH
or hospital-based, composed primarily of transplant accredited
coordinators and transplant specialists (internists and
 Organ Procurement Organization (OPO) shall be
surgeons), who can identify, evaluate and maintain
designated in each region. The National Capital Region
potential organ donors and retrieve organs from them.
(NCR), shall be further divided into several areas of
 Host OPO responsibility and each area of responsibility shall be
o the particular OPO responding to an organ donor call
serviced by a designated OPO. All OPOs shall be directed to
from a referring hospital.
serve their designated areas of responsibility and other
 Organ Transplant Candidate (OTC) regions to be assigned by the program manager on an annual
o a patient with end-stage-organ disease (ESOD) who is basis.
qualified to receive an organ graft o Upon issuance of this AO, all existing memoranda of
 Kidney Transplant Candidate (KTC) agreement between an OPO and a referring hospital or
o a patient with end-stage-renal-disease (ESRD) who is transplant center shall be terminated.
qualified to receive o All existing OPOs shall be given privileged
 Liver Transplant Candidate (LTC) accreditation for a period of one yea , provided that
o a patient with end-stage-liver-disease (ESLD), acute they fulfill the minimum requirements of such
liver failure, or specific metabolic disorder who is organizations
qualified to receive a liver graft. o After the initial year of accreditation, the existing OPOs
 Philippine Organ Donor and Recipient Registry System shall be subjected to a review of performance and
(PODRRS) renewal of accreditation which shall be every 3 years
o The system that shall contain the national o Accreditation of new OPOs shall also be initially be for
computerized database of all organ transplant a period of one year. Thereafter, they may apply for
candidates, transplant recipients and organ donors reaccreditation
 Potential Multiple Organ Donor (PMOD)  All tertiary hospitals and trauma centers are required to
o Any patient who will imminently become brain dead, have a Procurement Transplant Coordinator (PTC) ,
or who currently meets the criteria for brain death working full-time or part-time, in order to heighten the
 Referring Hospital (RH) identification and referral of potential deceased organ
o Any hospital that identifies and refers potential donors throughout the country. All TxCs are mandated to
deceased organ donors to PHILNOS have a PTC.
 Transplant Center (TxC) o All PTCs shall be trained and duly certified by
o Hospitals with transplant facilities duly accredited by PHILNOS to perform their duties and responsibilities
the Department of Health

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o In the absence of a hospital PTC in the referring  It shall have an administrative staff that comprise of the
hospital, the PTC of the designated OPO shall be following personnel who will operate the PHILNOS office:
called o 1 Administrative Officer
 All patients deemed to be brain dead or in a state of o 4 Nurses-PHILNOS Transplant Coordinators
imminent brain death must be referred to the PTC for o 3 IT Specialists
evaluation as a PMOD in all hospitals o 1 Utility Man
 All transplant candidates shall be enlisted according to  It shall be composed of the following working committees
established criteria per organ. They shall be registered with specific functions:
through their respective TxCs o Accreditation and Training Committee
 All donor referrals shall be registered in PODRRS. Required  will handle quality assurance and
donor data shall be provided by the Host OPO standardization
 Protocols for donor evaluation, management, and  will handle accreditation of POPs
procurement including organ acquisition fees shall be  will provide training and certification of
standardized by PHILNOS TCs
o The organ acquisition fee shall include the following: o Ethics and Legal Affairs Committee
 Brain death assessment and certification costs  will handle ethical and legal concerns
 Donor evaluation costs o Finance Committee
 Donor management costs  will handle costs and other financial
 Organ recovery and delivery costs matters
 Professional fees of specialists involved o Information and Advocacy Committee
 OPO administrative costs  will handle lay education, information
o Funeral assistance to the family of the deceased shall and dissemination, and media concern
be optional o OPO Committee
 will handle OPO concerns in relation to
SPECIFIC OBJECTIVES operations and implementation of
 To manage the national deceased donor program, ensuring PHILNOS guidelines
effectiveness, efficiency, equity, and transparency in the o Registry Committee (PODRRS)
national system of allocation of deceased organs  will handle registry and research
 To initiate and implement programs that will increase  The heads and members of each committee shall be
awareness and acceptance of deceased organ donation and appointed by the DOH secretary, upon the
transplantation and increase the number of deceased donors recommendations of the PHILNOS Program Manager
who will donate organs for transplantation  The External Audit Committee will be composed of
 To formulate, recommend, and implement policies that will members with no conflict of interest, to be appointed by
promote the ethical practice of deceased organ donation and the DOH secretary as recommended by the PBODT. This
transplantation committee shall
 To maintain a national waiting list of transplant candidates o conduct a periodic review and audit of the allocation
and a national registry of transplant recipients procedures of PHILNOS
 To make policy recommendations to the DOH for legislation o submit its reports to the PHILNOS executive
and other related matters pertaining to the deceased donor committee, the Philippine Organ Transplantation
program Program (PODTO), the PBODT, and the DOH Secretary
 To perform such other functions as may be ordered by the  Organizations, or center with interest in organ donation and
Secretary of Health in relation to its primary function transplantation may become members of the PHILNOS
o Organ Procurement Organizations (OPO) –DOH
o Transplant Centers (TxC) – DOH accredited
 The PHILNOS shall have a head in the person of a Program
o Medical Scientific Organizations – PMA
Manager who shall be appointed by the DOH secretary
o Patient Organizations/Support Groups – SEC
 The PHILNOS shall be governed by an Executive Committee registered
composed of: o Histocompatibility Laboratories – DOH accredited
o 1 Program Manager o Other groups that have relevance to the program
o 1 Assistant Program Manager
 Representatives from the above groups will be tapped as
o Committee Heads
members of the PHILNOS working committees except the
o 3 Medical Advisers (consultants)
External Audit Committee
 All members of the Executive Committee shall be appointed
by the DOH Secretary
 The Executive Committee will:
o oversee the day to day operations of PHILNOS;
o will handle the membership concerns;
o will formulate and recommend policies to the
Philippine Board of Organ Donation and
Transplantation (PBODT)

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 The following guidelines shall be observed regarding the

waiting list:
o Only ACTIVE patients in the National Transplant
Candidate Waiting List are eligible to receive offers of
deceased organs
o If at a time a graft is offered, the KTC is found medically
unsuitable or financially incapable, he will be
temporarily considered INACTIVE. However:
 KTC status can be reactivated once the
medical or financial problem is resolved
 The original date of enrollment shall be
o Enlisted KTCs who will be out of the country for a
certain period should inform their CTC who in turn will
transmit the information to PHILNOS so that the
patient status may be changed to INACTIVE during the
period of physical absence of the country
Naming the document ORGAN DONORS
 Enlistment of the KTC for deceased donor graft should be  Any patient found in the ER, or in the Pediatric or Adult
done in the transplant center (TxC) of choice of the patient Intensive Care Unit (ICU) of a RH or TxC who is deemed to be
 At the time of enlistment, the KTC must at least be: brain dead, or in a state of imminent brain death shall be
referred to as a PMOD to the PTC of the RH.
CONDITION CALCULATED CREATININE  If the RH does not have an in-house PTC, its designated OPO
CLEARANCE shall be contacted to send their PTC to assess and evaluate
Diabetic nephropathy/pre- <20 mL/min the PMOD
emptive transplants (near-  The PTC shall assess the eligibility of the PMOD. The PTC
ESRD) shall then perform a complete clinical evaluation which
Non-diabetic chronic kidney <15 mL/min includes:
disease (ESRD) o Consultation with the primary Attending Physician
(AP) and nurse-in-charge
o Review of the patient’s medical records
 Enlistment must be done in person, and o Review of all laboratory and diagnostic examination
o Only a bonafide Filipino KTC will be allowed to enlist in results
a Hospital Transplant Candidate Waiting List of any o Performance of physical examination of the patient
accredited TxC in the Philippines with the o Exclusion of contraindication to organ donation
requirements submitted and registration fee paid
o Following enlistment, names and required documents REQUEST FOR ORGAN DONATION
of the patients will be forwarded by the TxC to
PHILNOS for enlistment in the National Transplant  When a patient is determined to be a PMOD, the AP and/or
Intensivist shall explain the current medical status and
Candidate Waiting List
prognosis of the patient. The PTC shall then offer to the legal
 KTCs shall initially be listed as INACTIVE until approved by
next of-kin or family of the patient the opportunity of the gift
PHILNOS. Once PHILNOS has reviewed and approved the
of life, or the option of organ donation when:
case, the status shall be changed to ACTIVE
 The family has expressed understanding and agreement to
 Once ACTIVE on the waiting list, fresh serum sample from
proceed with the option of organ donation, the PTC shall
the KTC shall be stored every month and whenever
facilitate the process of BD certification.
sensitizing events have occurred (i.e. blood transfusion,
pregnancy, failed allograft) at the PHILNOS reference  When the family opts out, this decision shall be recorded in
laboratories for use during cross-matching the patient’s chart. Further efforts for organ donation shall
be aborted.
 All KTC will be allowed to enlist in only 1 Hospital
Transplant Candidate Waiting List which should be in  Once these criteria have been fulfilled, and if not yet done at
their TxC of choice. In the event that the KTC decides to this point, the PTC shall then alert the Host OPO of the
transfer enlistment to another TxC, the TC shall immediately identification of a PMOD.
report the change to PHILNOS
 If the KTC resides in an area that is inaccessible
(communication not possible), it shall be required that the  The attending physician shall refer the PMOD to another
KTC provides a contact person with whom the CTC shall be physician with skills and experience in neurological
able to communicate with anytime on a 24/7 time frame. assessment, for the diagnosis of brain death.
This contact person must have the capability to  Alternatively, the AP may call on two (2) other qualified
communicate or get in touch with the said KTC at all physicians to assess brain death.

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 Securing the family consent shall be the sole responsibility
the PTC. After the BD certificate has been issued, the PTC
shall obtain the consent for organ donation. Consent for
organ donation must be obtained from the legal next-of-kin
of the PMOD in the following order of priority (RA 7170):
o Legal spouse
o Son or daughter of legal age
o Either parent
o Brother or sister of legal age
o Guardian over the deceased person at the time of death
 The Consent for Organ Donation form shall be signed by the
legal next-of-kin.  Categories assigned the highest point correspond to those
that are associated with the greatest graft survival
 The donor management in the Intensive Care Unit (ICU) or  The maximum number of points that can be given is 29.
Emergency Room shall commence after consent for organ The KTC with the highest number of points using the
donation is obtained DASS will be offered the kidney graft first.


ALLOCATION  Neither the AP nor the decedent at the time of death nor the
 After consent for organ donation is obtained, the PTC shall physician who determines and certifies the decedent’s death
facilitate the completion of medical evaluation or work-up of may participate in the operative procedure for removing or
the PMOD. transplanting an organ from the decedent.
 Initial laboratory tests shall be requested. The PTC shall  If the PMOD is stable then the organ procurement may be
analyze the test results and determine whether the PMOD delayed until tissue cross-matching results of the potential
remains qualified as a multiple organ donor. recipients are known. Otherwise, the organ retrieval team is
o If not qualified, further efforts for organ donation shall informed and the organ procurement is scheduled.
be aborted
o If qualified, PHILNOS shall be alerted. ORGAN TRANSPLANTATION
 Completion laboratory tests and examinations,  The task of organ transplantation shall be carried out at the
including HLA typing, shall then performed. TxC of choice of the KTC. The organ transplantation shall
 Once the HLA typing is obtained, the PTC shall also be performed by the transplant team of choice of the
inform PHILNOS and the donor allocation process KTC.
is started using PODRRS.
 The PHILNOS TC shall then run the match on PODRRS and FINANCIAL CONSIDERATIONS
draw a shortlist of the top 10 KTCs as potential organ  All hospital expenses of the PMOD not related to organ
recipients within the areas of responsibility/region of the acquisition, i.e. prior to obtaining the consent for organ
host OPO and the 10 KTCs in the national list, under the donation, shall be for the account of the PMOD or his/her
following guidelines and priorities: next-of-kin.
o A full house match or zero antigen mismatch takes  All charges related to organ acquisition, i.e. from time of BD
priority regardless of geographical location of the certification until transport of the organs to the TxC, shall be
potential organ recipient. for the account of the Host OPO.
o When there is no zero mismatched KTC, the DASS shall o Regardless of graft placement, the Host OPO shall be
be used to determine kidney graft allocation. responsible in the immediate settlement of all bills
 The Donor Allocating Scoring System (DASS) for kidney pertaining to organ acquisition in the referring
grafts includes 5 criteria: hospital.
o Number of HLA Mismatches
o Panel Reactive Antibodies POSTMORTEM CARE
o Date of Enrollment at PHILNOS  Postmortem care shall be provided for the decedent by the
o Recipient Age hospital where the procurement was performed.
o Previous Kidney Donor  The Host OPO and PTC will assist in providing this service.
 If necessary, assistance for funeral arrangements shall be
provided by the Host OPO.

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