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12AEC 14 '95 81"45PM WACKE-L LIPTm+I

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$I WEST 5lND 5TR[ET*2Ue .s•ISODi
Mrcwa M. a .aw .Ts
-S/AfiM. M. NaMaLi .u . cMD .t .N.CS •. .enElsOa uYN•IOfM
eeu .lD Y. faSEM .c.aa,. 4 fCaaN
: :CCDfR[ ata'C<TS w.D9 Weurcc . N(W YLlRM, N . Y. 10010 •616L1 covse .
DC.Yaa r. Wt1M1•u Cav.D DfYASTCIN a0RrY 11901.1CY l/M.erCi /~ ala .
lCCMM K M .aYDM PfTa,e,l . . .WMID ,
!il1MEM Q. attJ.aM Tt;LEPNpNG : 1 E121 +03-1000 lDYr r . AICMr•r aTi. a. N4,1LMF .
a,CMafO . 0 M.TCMC.
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M4/MCMCC C. CraAPi afrfYf M ..,ni

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GMaA\if T MiDPaa ..NCUI s-cC.Mw .
Aapnl I .YaVY DWID'.. DYTY,
~wlr 1, roATaaro DTtOMlaM A ACVa ..r iis wCST .a..Gt iTR£LT D/W10 ..a ..z sRVCY F Cfwtw
efl.nA C•urtLlCi tAle i. YDa1Mla1k
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•iCM1C\ IC. aCaY,ltt
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YC .. a 1Gwct TwEMOC s. IClal/TCr
JC.Ial. M r/MT~Y¢A r.rur . N IeMOCwpM .
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CMIO r. r'YKUr , vutct r.atb YDUrWD . pY
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. r~ao : CeRe .uT 40a .1 D. CaI . .
TniDODMt M. M, sconae Y. CprrvlT 111 ∎De•rl uet tewaaa ..OTSUCf
CDLfO o. nCaYYv .1YIM M. atVCMi ' TftYar .. PCrrrtZ rtlTa M. ferMGaD
•ICwp D. .Cn .TYCY f.C+vD s. rafsa YaMpi r.fDrTV.Ct pTWY C rOM,
YaMlll. / . . MI.A aa.s.4+\utCSC ' r/~ V 4081.9 w./C D. .MIS.
S.uMT C. stfM1F •QA.y. . . CawrlaCA
vMAOM f-DfCrb
CaYfu.C L Y.tA
CWID W S,111
' December 14, 1995 V,IIC M.l4aC ttYM DYDYER

wDK'. 1- afarOTtl . "aCMCVCp Caat1 NNIR a0/nDw .

p¢ m a petM .Aw wu,M. DRetNIr.Y.e
LM Y1rMi1.T.. . sMAI 14 sLtIMM
Y,DfCm a rV/tMY .1 DCCIODT R-YI61M
1~' • Aa~ CSIM=LB' AaDYi4t SRVtAKIb srCt .. vA1pNT
~,1r V.

Roger M . Witten, Esq .

wilmer, Cutler & Pickering
2445 M Street, N•W .
Washington, D .C .: 20037-1420

Re : Philip Morris Companies Inc ., et al . v .

American sroadc stsnrzCQgfpanies . In ._ et al .

Dear Roger :

This is in response to your letters of December i and

9, 1995 . In light of the fact that Jeffrey Wigand has now tes-
tified in Mississippi in direct defiance of a Kentucky Court's
Order, we reiterate our requests of November 30, 1995, Without
such information, it becomes far more difficult for Philip Mor-
ris to ascertain whether any portions of Mr . Wigand's testimony
may have been based in whole or in part, directly or indirect-
ly, on .knowledge and information that he acquired pursuant to
the Circuit court for the City of Richmond's December 1, 1994
Stipulation a .nd'Protective Order . I urge you to reconsider
your pogitioa• :

Finally, I must tell you that your refusal to provide

us with a copy of Mr . Wigand's executed Exhibit A"Attestation^
-to the Stipulation and Protective oider continues to mystify
me . Mr . Wigand;was formally designated in public court papers
as an ASC expert witnessa you have informed me that your firm
shared with him documents and information designated as Confi-
desit .ial, Highly; Confidential and Trade Secret, and that he did
in fact sign an Attest4tion as a condition receiv-
ing such documents and`inforroation . I therefore cannot fathom
on what basis you would decline to provide Philip Morris with a
copy of the Attestation Mr . Wigand signed . In addition, please

G . \ - ~ ,^ ~

1ZDEC 14 '95'91'45PM WROAML LIPTON 'd Y~Wrt\fM P .26/30


Roger M . Witten, Esg .

December 14, 1995
Page 2

advise me forthw,ith whether Mr . Wigand's Attestation has been

filed with the Court as required under the Stipulation and
Protective Order .

U "
4rbara Robbin®
BR :lnc


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