Design Concept

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IDEAnale: Horticultural Post Pandemic Workspace Grounded in Philippine Agriculture


The concept derives from Idianale (Idianali) who, in Philippine mythology is the Goddess of Labor
and Agriculture; sometimes referred to as a goddess of the rice fields; a patron of cultivated lands.
With the intention to create an approach for office return, the design anchors itself on the biophilic
principle while taking cues from Philippine agriculture.
With current workspaces not accommodating the needs of the employees, the pandemic can be
considered a turning point to rethink and improve what was already becoming inefficient. In order to
create a more suitable environment, workspace design features that cater to user-centeredness will
be utilized. Much more than a workspace, IDEAnale is a holistic place where well-being and social
interaction occur together with comfort, safety and tranquility.


Biophilic design derives from biophilia-the idea that people have an innate affinity with nature.
Biophilic design creates environments anchored in natural elements to improve the health and well-
being of its inhabitants. With the majority of workspaces located in the city, and urbanisation and
technological advancement affecting our connection with nature, biophilic design presents itself as a
viable solution.
Study also shows the effects of biophilic design in the workspace which includes improved
productivity, increased concentration levels and enhanced well-being. This can be attributed to a
variety of factors such as better air quality, natural light, biomimicry and the inclusion of outdoor
spaces. Other benefits includes increased creativity and enhanced well-being which stems from a
more stimulating workspace.


The Philippines is inherently rich with flora and fauna. While the bahay kubo and bahay na bato
are great inspirations, the idea of a Filipino design identity need not be narrowed down to these. Our
national identity can be derived from a lot of things associated with the Philippines including the
landscape and biodiversity. Designs can also incorporate the use of materials that are naturally
abundant in the country such as bamboo, rattan, capiz and abaca among others.


Urban farming as a process of building integrated agriculture can both impact the
sustainability in the office space as well as benefit the people working there. The principal
advantage of building integrated agriculture is that food production can occur where people are.
There is also a very social goal in that by using the office as a place to raise awareness about
agriculture, we reinvigorate rural areas where farming and agriculture happens. Direct effect to
building occupants can also be beneficial by reducing work stress, improving function and well-
bring and enhancing mood and creativity.

The rapid urbanisation increases the demand for conventional building construction
materials. Similarly, energy consumed for the production of these construction materials
contributes to environmental pollution. Agricultural wastes and by products has also contributed
to the issue of waste accumulation. Because of these factors, the necessity of eliminating, if not,
reducing the quantity of waste becomes a necessity.
One of the solutions that can prove efficient is by utilizing these wastes and by products in
the production of construction materials. This will then lead to the capacity to meet and cater to
the ever increasing demand for construction materials while adopting cost effective and
environmentally appropriate methodologies. Aside from addressing the issue of solid waste, the
potential application of agricultural waste as alternative ingredients in sustainable building
materials can also generate profit for our farmers.


RESPOND- Workplace restrictions conform to government regulations during the onset of the

RECOVER- Short-term or interim workplace adjustments are put in place to address the needs of the

ADAPT- Organizations prepare for and adapt to a “new normal” scenario

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