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Voucher definition

A voucher is an internal document describing and authorizing the payment of a liability  to a supplier. It is most commonly used
in a manual payment system.

Tally.ERP 9 inventory vouchers perform the same function in the inventory system as accounting vouchers do. Inventory
Vouchers are used to enter transactions relating to Inventory such as transactions relating to issue and receipt of stock,
transfer of stock between Locations, physical stock adjustments and so on. The following inventory vouchers are available in
Tally.ERP 9: 

 Purchase Order (Alt+F4)

 Sales Order (Alt+F5)
 Rejections Out (Alt+F6)
 Rejections In (Ctrl+F6)
 Stock Journal (Alt+F7)
 Delivery Note (Alt+F8)
 Receipt Note (Alt+F9)
 Physical Stock Voucher (Alt+F10)

Purchase Procedure (Purchase Order, Receipt Note, Rejection Out)

Purchase Order is used to place the order with the Supplier, Receipt Note to enter the receipt of goods from the Supplier and
Rejection Out for entering any goods rejected and returned to the supplier. 

Purchase Order
To create Purchase Order : 
Go to Gateway of Tally > Inventory Vouchers (Under Transactions) > Inventory Voucher Creation. 
Transaction 1: On 1-04-2011 Issued a purchase Order of 4 Nos of Sony 29 inches TV to SRS Group Ltd on Order No. PO/001
which is to be stored in Bangalore Location. 
To activate Purchase Order :

 F11 Features (Inventory Features) > Set the option "Allow Purchase Order Processing" to 'Yes' (Under Order
Processing) > Accept the Screen > Click on Ctrl+F2 Order Buttons.
 Before doing purchase procedure alter the Purchase Ledger and Set the option 'Inventory values are affected' to

Receipt Note
Transaction 2: On 8-04-2011 Received delivery of 4 Nos of Sony 29 inches TV from SRS Group Ltd on the Order No. PO/001
and stored in Bangalore Location. 
To activate Receipt Note:

 F11 Features (Inventory Features) > Set the option "Use Tracking Numbers (Delivery, Receipts Notes) to "Yes" (Under
Other Features) > Accept the Screen > Click on Alt+F9 Rcpt Note.

Rejection Out
Transaction 3 : On 9-04-2011 Returned 1 Nos of Sony 29 inches TV to SRS Group Ltd from Bangalore Location because of
damage in goods. 
To activate Rejection Out:
 F11 Features (Inventory Features) > Set the option "Use Rejection Inward/Outward Notes" to 'Yes' (Under Other
Features) > Accept the Screen > Click on Alt+F6 Rej Out.

4) Sales Procedure (Sales Order, Delivery Note, Rejection In)

Sales Order is a customer places an order with the company for purchasing some goods. Goods that are being delivered to a
customer are recorded in a delivery note voucher. A Rejection In entry is passed to record the rejected goods from the

Sales Order
To create Sales Order: 
Go to Gateway of Tally > Inventory Vouchers (Under Transactions) > Inventory Voucher Creation. 
Transaction 1 : On 2-05-2011 Received a sales Order of 3 Nos of Sony 29 inches TV from Thomas & Co. on Order No. SO/001,
which was stored in Bangalore Location. 
To activate Sales Order:

 F11 Features (Inventory Features) > Set the option "Allow Sales Order Processing" to "Yes" (Under Order Processing)
> Accept the Screen > Click on Ctrl+F2 Order Buttons > Sales Order.
 Before doing sales procedure alter the Sales Ledger and Set the option "Inventory values are affected" to"Yes"

Delivery Note
Transaction 2 : On 8-05-2011 Delivered 3 Nos of Sony 29 inches TV to Thomas & co. on order No. SO/001 from Bangalore
To activate Delivery Note:

 F11 Features (Inventory Features) > Set the option "Use Tracking Numbers (Delivery, Receipts Notes)" to 'Yes' (Under
Other Features) > Accept the Screen > Click on Alt+F8 Dely Note.

Rejection In
Transaction 3 : On 9-05-2011 Returned us 1 No. of Sony 29 inches TV by Thomas & co. and it returned to Bangalore Location. 
To activate Rejection In

 F11 Features (Inventory Features) > Set the option "Use Rejection Inward/Outward Notes" to 'Yes' (Under Other
Features) > Accept the Screen > Click on Ctrl+F6 Rej In.

5) Stock Journal and Physical Stock Voucher

Stock Journal Voucher is used to record the transfer of goods from one location to another. Physical stock voucher is used to
record actual stock in hand upon stock taking if there is any difference between actual stock and stock balance in Tally.ERP 9. 
Stock Journal
Transaction 1 : On 27-05-2011 Transferred 2 Nos of Sony 29 inches TV from Bangalore to Mumbai. 
To create Stock Journal:
Go to Gateway of Tally > Inventory Vouchers (Under Transactions) > Inventory Voucher Creation > Alt+F6 Stk Jrnl. 

Physical Stock
Transaction 2 : On 28-05-2011 Stock check reveals physical stock of Sony 29 inches TV 19 Nos in Bangalore Location. 
To create Physical Stock Voucher : 
Go to Gateway of Tally > Inventory Vouchers (Under Transactions) > Inventory Voucher Creation > Alt+F10 Phys Stk.

Accounting Voucher:

All entries which you made in these given accounting vouchers is effect on your current accounting of
your business.

F4: Contra-> Used for cash and bank entries and also fund transfer from one bank to another.
F5: Payment ->Used for expenditure and payment to parties by cheque or cash.
F6: Receipt -> Used for income and received amount from the parties by cheque and cash.
F7: Journal -> Used for adjustable and transferable entries.
F8: Sales -> Used for sales entries and income
F9: Purchases ->Used for purchased entry and expenses.
Ctrl+F8: Credit Note -> Used for sales return entries.
Ctrl+F9: Debit Note-> Used for purchases return entries.
F10: Reverse Journal: Used for rectifying any wrong entries. (Non Accounting Voucher)
Ctrl+F10: Memo (Memorandum): Used for memorize any entry in tally. ( Non-Accounting Voucher)

Inventory Vouchers:

These vouchers are effect on inventory reports in the business. All entries which you made in these
inventory vouchers are effect on your stock register.

ALT+F4: Purchases Order Voucher: Used to give purchases order to party.

ALT+F5: Sales Order Voucher: Used to received sales order from customer.
ALT+F9: Receipt Note Voucher: Used for recording goods received.
ALT+F8: Delivery Note: Used for recording goods delivered to a customer.
ALT+F6: Rejections Out: Used for records goods that are rejected and returned to a supplier.
CTRL+F6: Rejections In: Used to record goods that are rejected and returned back by the customer.
ALT+F7: Stock Journal Voucher: Used to record stock transfers from one location to another
Alt+F10: Physical Stock: Used for recording actual stock physically verified or counted

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