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Basics in establishing team norms

Every employee belonging to a team or work group develop ways of interacting with each

other. And for the team to function effectively, much focus is needed on interpersonal

communications among members as well as with managers and employees outside to the

team. A team’s success is determined by how a team decides, assigns work, and holds

members accountable. If you want your team to become successful and effective, team

members should form relationship guidelines or team norms.

What are team norms?

Team norms are a set of guidelines that a team establishes in order to shape the interaction

of team members with each other, as well as with employees who are outside of the team.

These norms can be developed during a beginnings of the team’s establishment, or can be

done on an early team meeting if it has already been established, with more norms added as

the team sees it fit. Team norms are used to guide the behavior of each member, and to

assess how well they are interacting. It also enables members to call each other out on any

behavior that may be seen as dysfunctional or that is impacting negatively to the success of

the team. And although members may not really mean to harm the team, but the lack of an

agreed-upon framework of interaction creates the potential for misunderstanding and

negative conflict.

Team norm essentials

It is usual for teams to have trouble with certain components of interpersonal

communication and interaction. Developing norms in these areas is much needed to ensure

team success. Here are examples of team norms in several aspects of team interaction.
Team members as coworkers – Regard all team members as equal, and each of their

opinions will be thoughtfully considered. All members will keep all commitments by the

agreed-upon due date, as well as agree to constantly assess whether they are honoring their

commitment to the team norms.

Team members as communicators – All team members will speak respectfully of each

other. In doing so, they will not talk down to each other, will positively recognize and thank

each other for team contributions.

Team members in meetings – Everyone in the team should listen without interrupting.

They should hold no side nor argue. They are required to attend meetings on time and

always work from an agenda. Minutes will be recorded at each meeting, and end the

meetings on time.

Team members as leaders – Leadership of the team will rotate monthly so everyone will

have a chance to hone their leader skills. If the team has a fixed leader, the second-in-

command will be rotated.

Team members as they interact with other employees and managers – Members will

have to make sure that they have agreed on what and when to communicate with other

employees, including managers. Complaints about team members must be addressed first

within the team.

Team members as problem solvers and decision makers – Decisions should be made

by a consensus on all team members. However, the majority will rule if timely consensus is

not reached. Meanwhile, conflicts should be resolved with the persons involved in the issue..

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