Maintenance Spare Parts Logistics: Special Characteristics and Strategic Choices

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Maintenance spare parts logistics: Special characteristics and strategic


Article  in  International Journal of Production Economics · February 2001

DOI: 10.1016/S0925-5273(00)00112-2 · Source: RePEc

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Janne Huiskonen
Lappeenranta – Lahti University of Technology LUT


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Int. J. Production Economics 71 (2001) 125}133

Maintenance spare parts logistics: Special characteristics

and strategic choices
Janne Huiskonen*
Department of Industrial Engineering and Management, Lappeenranta University of Technology, P.O. Box 20, 53851 Lappeenranta, Finland


The diversity of the operational control characteristics of spare parts is taken as a basis for supporting the planning
and designing of a spare parts logistics system. Four control characteristics of maintenance spare parts } criticality,
speci"city, demand pattern, and value of parts } are discussed in terms of their e!ects on logistics system elements
} network structure, positioning of materials, responsibility of control, and control principles. Distinct operating policies
for di!erent types of parts in the spare parts supply chain are illustrated.  2001 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights

Keywords: Spare parts; Logistics; Supply chain management; Inventory management

1. Introduction spares management publications (e.g. [1}5]), spare

part research has mostly focused on inventory
The requirements for planning the logistics of modelling. During the past decades inventory
spare parts di!er from those of other materials in research has produced a vast amount of theory for
several ways: service requirements are higher as the modelling di!erent inventory control situations (for
e!ects of stockouts may be "nancially remarkable, state-of-the-art and bibliography see e.g. [6]). The
the demand for parts may be extremely sporadic most basic inventory theory and models (such as
and di$cult to forecast, and the prices of individual EOQ, ROP, ABC-analysis, MRP) have been wide-
parts may be very high. On the other hand, mater- ly applied, in practice, but there is relatively little
ial and time bu!ers in production systems and evidence of the use of more sophisticated applica-
supply chains are decreasing. These characteristics tions, such as multi-echelon models. The inventory
set pressures for streamlining the logistic systems of management practice of spare parts has mostly
spare parts. relied on the basic theories, too [7]. In practice,
With such high requirements of material #ow, spare part inventories are often managed by ap-
it is natural that spare parts management is an plying general inventory management principles, if
important area of inventory research. Besides a few any, and not enough attention is paid to control
characteristics speci"c to spare parts only. Further-
more, the control is usually focused on local inven-
* Tel.: #358-5-62111; fax: #358-5-6212699. tories and not so much on the supply chain as
E-mail address: janne.huiskonen@lut." (J. Huiskonen). a whole.

0925-5273/01/$ - see front matter  2001 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
PII: S 0 9 2 5 - 5 2 7 3 ( 0 0 ) 0 0 1 1 2 - 2
126 J. Huiskonen / Int. J. Production Economics 71 (2001) 125}133

From logistics point of view, even the most soph- we brie#y review the research which will be most
isticated models have been limited to optimizing relevant for our theme.
the inventories within often very strict assumptions. Spare part logistics research is mostly related to
When these assumptions are relaxed to increase the inventory management research. Spare part inven-
realism of the models, the complexity of the models tory management is often considered as a special
increases even faster and makes it di$cult for the case of general inventory management with some
practitioners to understand and apply them. special characteristics, such as very low demand
The approach chosen in this paper includes two volumes. The principal objective of any inventory
choices. First, supply chain aspects, that is the management system is to achieve su$cient service
boundary-spanning role of logistics, are empha- level with minimum inventory investment and ad-
sized rather than merely intra-organizational ministrative costs. For this purpose and for numer-
issues. Second, the discussion is directed towards ous speci"c operational conditions, a vast number
practitioners' purposes rather than formal analysis of inventory models have been developed during
or modelling. With these choices, a qualitative ap- the past decades (see e.g. [6]). Though our purpose
proach is chosen to facilitate the wider perspective is not to discuss all this research here, it is worth-
of analysis needed to incorporate the e!ects of the while to note the increasing interest in research
actions of di!erent parties in the spare part supply concerning multiechelon inventory systems (e.g.
chain. The main objective of this paper is to im- [8]), which are particularly relevant in the supply
prove the decision-maker's understanding of the chain setting and for spare parts management, too.
control requirements of di!erent types of spare Mathematical models are usually aimed at opti-
parts, and the logistics development opportunities mizing the problem of inventory investment
related to them. This is done by studying the e!ects and service levels, while considerations of adminis-
of various operational control characteristics of trative e$ciency have led to di!erent types of
spare parts on the logistics system design. Both the classi"cations of inventory items. While e$cient
user's and the supplier's aspects are taken into computers make ever more prominent modelling
consideration. possible, we still have to choose control para-
The paper is organized as follows. In the follow- meters, allocate control resources, make purchas-
ing section, a brief review on the approaches in ing decisions, and think about di!erent policies for
earlier spare part logistics research is given. Then di!erent types of items. For this purpose, item
supply chain aspects related to spare parts manage- classi"cation is as important as ever. As this classi-
ment are discussed. The special characteristics of "cation approach is relevant for our later dis-
spare parts are analyzed with respect to their re- cussion about examining the supply chain aspects,
quirements for logistics system design and control. a brief literature review is provided here.
Finally, distinct development actions are designed The most well known, and perhaps the most
for di!erent control situations using the mainten- commonly used classi"cation scheme in logistics is
ance of a paper and pulp mill as an illustrative case the ABC-classi"cation according to the Pareto-
setting. principle. It is easy to use, and serves well the
inventory management of materials that are fairly
homogenous in nature and di!er from each other
2. Research approaches in spare part logistics mainly by unit price and demand volume. There-
fore, ABC-analysis has retained its popularity
The relevant areas of research regarding spare among the practitioners in directing the control
part logistics would, in broad terms, include several e!orts and choosing the su$cient-enough control
di!erent topics, such as maintenance and reliabil- parameters without the need of item-speci"c
ity, production and inventory control, supply chain analysis. However, as the variety of control charac-
management, and some strategic management as- teristics of items increases, the one-dimensional
pects, as well. However, it is beyond the scope of ABC-classi"cation does not discriminate all the
this paper to review all these areas. In the following, control requirements of di!erent types of items. In
J. Huiskonen / Int. J. Production Economics 71 (2001) 125}133 127

an application of physical distribution, e.g., Fuller aspects of logistics system design without going
et al. [9] have used a six-factor classi"cation of into the higher levels of strategic planning.
materials to create distinct groups of products in There are several possible ways of describing the
order to di!erentiate distribution operations. logistics system design process, and di!erent
Using several criteria as a basis for classi"cation approaches may be used, depending on the empha-
is especially useful for spare parts that do possess sis and the purposes of the study (see e.g. [16]). One
several distinctive characteristics other than price rather simple and general approach is used here to
and demand volume. This has led researchers to provide the basis for discussion in this particular
suggest di!erent types of multi-dimensional classi- study. Fig. 1 illustrates what can be considered
"cations for spare part inventory management. as the basic constituting elements of any logistics
Duchessi et al. [10] used a two-dimensional classi- system study.
"cation scheme combining inventory cost and part The four elements } strategy/policies/processes,
criticality as criteria. Flores and Whybark [11] also structure, relationships, and coordination/control
used multiple criteria classi"cation in maintenance } have to be considered during the analysis, and
inventory control. Cohen and Ernst [12] introduc- decisions about them have to be made as a result of
ed a general grouping method that can be used to planning. Traditionally, customers' and suppliers'
de"ne group-based operational control policies. views of the desirable logistics system have been
Petrovic et al. [13] designed an expert system very di!erent. However, the logistics system's role
model for advising on spare part inventory control. as a link between the parties in the supply chain
The heuristic decision rules used in the model were emphasizes the need of collaborative planning.
based on several operational characteristics of Hence we should be able to use the same frame-
spare parts: availability of required system, essen- work for studying both the customer's and the
tiality, price, weight, and volume of the part, avail- supplier's requirements for the system. For this
ability of spares in the market, and e$ciency of reason a very general framework is used here.
repair. Gajpal et al. [14] elaborated the criticality From the supplier's point of view the strat-
analysis of spare parts by using the analytic hier- egy/policies/processes } element describes e.g. what
archy process (AHP) for classifying the spare parts. levels of service are to be o!ered, and whether
Our purpose is not to create another new classi- customers are segmented and prioritized in terms of
"cation scheme as a management tool, but to ana- service. For example, promising deliveries within
lyze the di!erent development requirements and 24 hours or providing emergency services could be
opportunities for the logistics management of considered. Hence, the question is about the role of
a large variety of maintenance spare parts. For this
purpose, it is necessary to analyze the di!erent
control characteristics of spare parts and categorize
the control situations with similar development
strategies. As the problems are discussed in the
supply chain setting, special attention is paid on the
user}supplier interface.

3. Supply chain considerations

The process of a logistics system design cannot,

of course, be done in isolation, without taking into
account the numerous links with the other
processes of a company or, indeed, with the other
parties in the supply chain (e.g. [15]). For the pur-
pose of this paper we, however, only discuss some Fig. 1. The constituting elements of a logistics system design.
128 J. Huiskonen / Int. J. Production Economics 71 (2001) 125}133

the distribution system to support the possible From what has been said, a few points are worth
strategies, such as di!erentiation of service to each emphasizing. The elements discussed are strongly
customer segment. interrelated with each other and should be con-
The customer's (i.e. part user's) main concern in sidered simultaneously in strategic logistics plann-
maintenance is assured availability of parts and the ing. Collaboration between the customer and the
quality service with reasonable costs. This includes supplier (and possible other parties) is needed while
the processes of comparing and selecting the sup- designing the system, and the importance of open
plier(s) and deciding on the supply strategies. information sharing is crucial for managing the
The network structure } element de"nes inter-company supply chain e!ectively.
the number of inventory echelons and locations There are several factors that a!ect the outcome
used in the system. Structural issues are typically of the logistics system design. For example, in a dis-
considered only by one party of the chain (usually tribution system study of exhaust pipes de Leeuw
the supplier, or a third party service provider). [18] used product, process, and market character-
However, as the locations concerned may be istics as inputs for system design. In general terms,
owned, managed or controlled by either the while designing a logistics system, usually, at least
customer or the supplier, a collaborative plann- the following factors have to be considered: prod-
ing of their use should be done. For example, uct-speci"c characteristics, competitive situation in
management practices such as vendor managed the market, customers' special requirements, and
inventory (VMI) or just-in-time II (JIT II) are based supplier's resources and commitments. In this
on co-operative use of the other party's facilities paper we mainly study the e!ects of product-
and/or other resources. The decision of parts de- speci"c characteristics of maintenance spare parts
ployment in the network is closely connected to the on logistics system design. This is done by ana-
structure itself, and they should be considered lyzing generic operational characteristics of spare
together. parts in terms of their e!ect on service strategy and
Management of relationships between the parties related policies, supply/delivery structure, supply
in the supply chain is becoming a more and more chain relationships and inventory control systems.
important aspect of supply chain planning. It These observations have to be supplemented by
considers such aspects as degree of co-operation, context-speci"c information when applied to
responsibility of control, as well as sharing the risks a real-life planning situation.
between the parties. Instead of distant arm's length
relations, a variety of cooperative relationships can
be employed (e.g. [17]). 4. Operational control characteristics of
Finally, all the three elements have an e!ect on maintenance spare parts
what types of coordination and control mechanisms
would best support the ultimate objectives of the As discussed above, the need for more speci"c
logistics system. The coordination/control } ele- categorization of items originates in their more
ment includes decisions about inventory control varied control requirements, that is, their di!erent
principles, performance measurement and incentive e!ects on the characteristics of the logistics system.
systems, and also information systems used to In the following, based on our expression of the
implement the control procedures. For example, it general elements of logistics system design (Fig. 1),
is well known that in multiechelon inventory sys- a logistics system of spare parts is characterized
tems, information should be made readily available with respect to the following elements: network
to the upstream parties of the chain. Furthermore, structure of inventories in the supply chain, posi-
control and coordination in inter-organizational tioning of materials in this network, responsibility
setting need not always be based on hard of control in the system, and control principles used
formal systems, but are often achieved by `softa for managing the materials #ow (Fig. 2).
means through trust and commitment between the To "nd out the most relevant control character-
parties. istics, we have to analyze the e!ects of di!erent
J. Huiskonen / Int. J. Production Economics 71 (2001) 125}133 129

ger period of time. Using time dimension as

a measure of criticality makes it easier to consider
control systems, e.g. choosing between material and
time bu!ers to control the system. It also provides
both the user and the supplier with a common
means for setting the objectives and for controlling
the performance of operations.
The other aspects of criticality are not related to
Fig. 2. Relevant control characteristics and logistics system
the consequences of a failure and shortage, but
rather to the possibilities to control the situation,
control characteristics on the di!erent elements in and hence they could be called control criticality.
the supply system, and "nd the most distinctive These include predictability of failure, availability
features between the items. Then, we can design of spare part suppliers, lead-times, etc. They can be
the operating policies for the relevant combinations taken into account in the analysis when found to be
of control characteristics. To keep the development of exceptional importance in a particular control
work manageable, the number of item categories situation.
is reduced to the most relevant ones. We shall From the logistics control point of view, it is
start by analyzing the most relevant control most essential to know how much time there is to
characteristics: criticality, speci"city, demand and react to the demand need, that is, whether the need
value. is immediate or whether there is some time
The criticality of an item is probably the "rst to operate. This dichotomy dictates the positioning
feature that is pronounced by the spare part logis- of stock, that is, whether to use a time bu!er or
tics practitioners, while enquired about speci"c a material bu!er against variations in demand. In
item characteristics. The criticality of a part is case of immediate need e.g. local safety stocks are
related to the consequences caused by the failure of usually the only way of provisioning, but with more
a part on the process in case a replacement is not time to operate a centralized structure with direct
readily available, and hence it could be called as deliveries also becomes an option. Hence, process
process criticality. The impact of a shortage of criticality is a very strong factor in classifying the
a critical part may be a multiple of its commercial control situations of spare parts.
value, which makes e.g. an ordinary ABC-analysis The specixcity of a part is another control char-
an insu$cient control tool. There is a substantive acteristic speci"c to maintenance spare parts.
amount of subjective criteria used in assessing the Among the wide spectrum of maintenance spare
criticality of parts in practice ([7]). Theoretically, it parts there are typically both standard parts, which
can be evaluated by the downtime costs of the are widely used by many users and hence also
process, although it is often very di$cult to deter- readily available from several suppliers, and a cer-
mine in practice. However, an exact determination tain amount of parts speci"cally tailored for and
is not needed, as for practical purposes it is su$- used by a particular user only. For standard parts
cient to determine a few degrees of criticality (see the availability is usually good, there are stocks of
e.g. [1]). One practical approach is to relate the these parts at di!erent levels of the supply chain,
criticality to the time in which the failure has to be and the suppliers are willing to cooperate with the
corrected. For example, three degrees of process users, as the volumes are high and o!er economies
criticality could be determined on this basis: (1) The of scale. For the user-speci"c parts quite the oppo-
failure has to be corrected and the spares should be site is true: suppliers are unwilling to stock the
supplied immediately, (2) The failure can be toler- special, low volume parts and the responsibility
ated with temporary arrangements for a short peri- of availability and control remains with the user
od of time, during which the spare can be supplied, himself.
(3) The failure is not critical for the process, and can The demand pattern of parts includes the aspects
be corrected and spares can be supplied after a lon- of volume and predictability. Volume of demand as
130 J. Huiskonen / Int. J. Production Economics 71 (2001) 125}133

a control characteristic is related to the economies 5. Strategies for developing maintenance spare part
of scale of operations, and is common to all mater- logistics
ials in the logistics chain. What is special to spare
parts is that among them there is typically a large As described above, there are several criteria
amount of parts with very low and irregular according to which di!erent control situations may
demand. This feature makes the control more di$- arise, and combining them all would produce an
cult and combined with other characteristics } e.g. unmanageable amount of di!erent classes of items.
high criticality and high price } it lends itself to This would not serve the original purpose of the
increase the amount of safety stocks needed to analysis, which is to clarify the di!erent control
cover unpredictable situations. Furthermore, low requirements and reveal the development oppor-
volumes as such do not attract suppliers to o!er tunities related to them. Therefore, in the following
any special services, but the responsibility of con- we will discuss the most important combinations of
trol may remain mainly with the end-user. This is, control characteristics which o!er the most distinc-
however, in contrast to the logistics theories, which tive and practical opportunities for development
say that low volume items should be held back in actions. As an example for implementing the out-
the chain, that is, they should be more centrally comes of this analysis in real life situations, the
located. maintenance parts of a paper and pulp mill are used
Predictability of demand is related to the failure to illustrate di!erent control situations and the
process of a part and the possibilities to estimate development strategies related to them.
failure patterns and rates by statistical means. From the criteria discussed above, the criticality
From a control point of view, it is useful to and speci"city of parts are dichotomous by nature.
divide the parts in terms of predictability into at Therefore, they are suggested to have only two
least two categories: parts with random failures possible outcomes each. With respect to criticality,
and parts with a predictable wearing pattern. parts are either highly critical or of medium critical-
The predictability of demand has an e!ect on ity. High criticality means operationally that their
the choice of the control principle between need in case of failure is immediate, and parts of
provisioning and time-phased service and mainten- medium criticality allow some lead time to correct
ance. Especially, postponing the movement of the failure. The parts of lower criticality, that is,
stocks to the downstream locations makes it pos- having no speci"c time restrictions for corrective
sible to consolidate the demand and reduce its operations in case of failure, have been left out of
variability. the examination. They do not need any speci"c
The value of a part is a common control charac- attention, but can be controlled by `standarda
teristic to all materials, and high value makes logistics methods. In terms of speci"city, parts are
stocking a non-attractive solution for any party in classi"ed either as standard or user-speci"c.
the logistics chain. High value forces the di!erent The other two criteria, i.e. the demand volume
parties in the chain to seek solutions other than and value of parts, are considered to be more con-
stock holding. However, if it is not a question of tinuous by nature and their e!ects are handled
a make-to-order item, stocks have to be held and within the categories determined by criticality and
then it is a complicated matter of objectives, negoti- speci"city. Although continuous, volume and value
ation power and cooperation of the parties in the are also referred to by discrete expressions, such as
supply chain and also an issue of incentives, how low and high, in this qualitative discussion.
the supplies are organized. On the other hand, with Considering parts of high speci"city, these
low price items, the replenishment arrangements special parts are usually ordered by the make-
have to be e$cient so that the administrative costs to-order principle, and therefore the leadtimes for
do not increase unreasonably in proportion to the them are lengthy. Furthermore, their prices tend to
value of the items themselves. In general, a be relatively high and volumes low and sporadic.
high value of a part favors positioning materials As an illustrative case, in a paper and pulp mill,
backward in the supply chain. gears belong to this category. In these conditions
J. Huiskonen / Int. J. Production Economics 71 (2001) 125}133 131

suppliers are not willing to hold any stocks for the spare part service company that has well estab-
special purposes of one user only. Therefore, the lished procedures and reputation to guarantee the
basic alternatives for the user are either to accept service needed. It is especially tempting for high
the stockout situation or to rely on own safety value parts with a low and irregular demand pat-
stocking, even though this incurs considerable tern. In the paper and pulp mill case, powerful
inventory holding costs. Safety stocking becomes electric motors could be this kind of parts.
necessary for all the parts for which leadtimes are In case of extremely low volume parts, another
longer than the time to tolerate a stockout situation strategy may be more feasible. When there are a few
in case of failure. relatively closely located users of a high-value part,
In this control situation, the main goal for devel- a cooperative stocking pool can be created which
opment is to "nd a solution that would reduce holds the necessary safety stock (maybe one unit) in
leadtimes and make replenishment more depend- one user's premises for common purposes. With
able. A possible development strategy is to search for this arrangement, sporadic demands of individual
a reliable supplier who could specialize in fabricating users are consolidated into more smooth one and
the special parts for the user. By having drawings the holding of safety stock is more justi"ed. To be
and tools available for the user's purposes, the sup- operative, such a practice needs fast and reliable
plier could fabricate and deliver the special parts means for transmitting information. For this kind
with shorter leadtimes when necessary, and could of virtually centralized, but physically decentralized
give some priorities for the orders of the volume inventory holding, internet-based applications pro-
customer. This would decrease the user's need for vide viable solutions. For example, paper manufac-
holding expensive safety stocks. This kind of subcon- turing industry in Finland has started using
tracting partnership may develop in a supply chain internet-based systems for running cooperative, re-
between a bigger user company and a smaller local gional stock pools for low volume and high value
machine shop, which would get a considerably large parts. For low value parts, provisioning with own
part of its orders from this one company. safety stocks may prove more desirable as they do
The situation concerning standard parts is di!er- not tie capital signi"cantly.
ent. This business is more attractive to suppliers In case of parts of only medium criticality (time
and third-party companies, and therefore there are to operate in our terminology), the user's need for
usually several suppliers and users for those parts holding local stocks for provisioning purposes is
meaning that availability is better, and leadtimes reduced. Hence, the criterion becomes one of
shorter. As compared with special parts there are economic e$ciency of replenishment operations in
more strategic options available for developing the the supply chain. This brings about an option of
logistics process. In case of standard parts, di!erent pushing all the user's stock backward in the chain
logistics control situations arise with regard to the to the supplier or service provider. This strategy is
criticality of the parts for the process (that is, time based on economies of the scale achieved in con-
to tolerate the stockout situation in case of failure). solidation of low volumes in the supply chain, and
For high criticality parts (an immediate need in our postponing the replenishments of high value items
terminology) the user must typically hold a small until needed. Therefore, for a user, this strategy is
local safety stock to guarantee the availability. especially tempting with the high value and low
However, as the parts are more or less standard, i.e. volume parts. For example in a paper and pulp
used by several other customers, suppliers are more mill, equipment for wastewater and wood chips
ready to hold stocks, and o!er special services, such belong to this category.
as 24-hour or faster deliveries, to gain customers. As the value of parts becomes lower, the need for
This time-guaranteed delivery is an alternative simple replenishment practices is emphasized.
strategy in this control situation, which can con- Because the capital committed is not signi"cant
siderably reduce the user's need for holding safety as a whole, replenishment lots can be relatively
stocks even if the criticality is high. This strategy big. Orders can be automatically generated by
can be implemented typically by using a specialized a computer, based on pre-determined order signals.
132 J. Huiskonen / Int. J. Production Economics 71 (2001) 125}133

Table 1
Categorization of control situations and respective strategies/policies


Low High

Standard parts Value Low E Order processing simpli"ed E User's decentralized safety stocks and generous
e.g. by automated orders or replenishment lot-sizes
E Outsourcing of inventory
control to a supplier

High E Stock pushed back to the E Optimized user's safety stock (with high
supplier and smooth demand)
E Time-guaranteed supplies from established service
company (for lower and irregular demand)
E Several users' co-operative stock pools (for very
low demand)

User-speci"c parts E User's own safety stock#partnership with local supplier to shorten leadtimes, to
increase dependability and get priorities in emergency situations.
E In the long run, standardization of parts when possible.

In some situations, a supplier may take the re- relevant logistics system elements analyzed (as
sponsibility of controlling the whole process of re- presented in Fig. 2 and discussed in Sections
plenishments (e.g. VMI, vendor managed inventory 4 and 5).
practices). E As an outcome, while taking into consideration
The categories of distinct control situations and the situation-speci"c conditions, a few distinct
the related strategies and policies that could be categories of control situations should be for-
used in a paper and pulp mill case setting are med, and related strategies and operational
summarized in Table 1. policies for them derived (as discussed in
The above-mentioned development strategies Section 5 and summarized in Table 1).
serve as guidelines in the de"ned control situations E Continuous e!orts should be made to release the
and have to be adjusted to the special conditions of most restrictive characteristics of the system (e.g.
a particular case in question. In the long run con- criticality and speci"city of parts, old-fashioned
tinuous development e!orts have to be made to information systems, undeveloped cooperational
decrease the speci"city and criticality of parts, and relationships, etc.) and adjusting the strategies,
to intensify coordination in the supply chain to policies and processes to correspond with the
decrease the need for excessive local safety stocks. changed conditions.
As guidelines for implementing the presented
approach in real life situations, the following points
are emphasized: 6. Concluding remarks

E The interconnectedness of the basic elements in The advances in inventory research have made it
a logistics system (as presented in Fig. 1 and possible to take more realistic assumptions into
discussed in Section 3) should be understood and consideration in inventory modelling. However,
addressed explicitly to achieve a proper supply surveys have shown that it has not been easy to
chain approach in the planning. transfer these results into managerial practice. Even
E A few most relevant control characteristics of the though the complications of models have been
parts should be selected, and their e!ects on the hidden in the computer software, most managers
J. Huiskonen / Int. J. Production Economics 71 (2001) 125}133 133

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