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1. Pablo Neruda expresses his dream for the world through his poem and that
dream is to see the world where its people are united or reunited by munching the
apple or by attaining knowledge and awareness about the world. He used the apple
fruit as the subject of the poem as it symbolizes knowledge since it was once called as
the forbidden fruit or the fruit of the tree of knowledge (in Biblical stories). Since the
apple is the fruit of knowledge, Neruda wanted to tell the people of the world to attain
moral knowledge by merging themselves with the qualities of an apple- being complete
and pure. As we take a bite into the innocence of the apple, we are reminded of its
qualities, reflect it to ourselves and we become aware once more of our status as just
humans instead of being the master of the world and regain the innocence that we once

2. Yes, it does mirrors most people’s dream for the world. We have been living in
a world where inequality, racial discriminations, crisis and other problems exist
resulting its people to separate themselves from others. As these global problems
continue to persist, people are getting tired of the endless fights against each other and
hoping that one day, we all going to wake up in a world of peacefulness and harmony.
For some, innovations and development are worthless if they just result to
competitions and selfishness of others. Most of the people’s dream world is a place
where people are brought together and promote unity for the greater good of the
society, no matter the status, race and gender, through being aware about the
happenings in the world and participate, keeping an open mind and loving each other.


17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) of the United Nations:

Goal 1: No Poverty
Goal 2: Zero Hunger
Goal 3: Good Health and Well-Being
Goal 4: Quality Education
Goal 5: Gender Equality
Goal 6: Clean Water and Sanitation
Goal 7: Affordable and Clean Energy
Goal 8: Decent Work and Economic Growth
Goal 9 Industry, Innovation, And Infrastructure
Goal 10: Reduced Inequality
Goal 11: Sustainable Cities and Communities
Goal 12: Responsible Consumption and Production
Goal 13: Climate Action
Goal 14: Life Below Water
Gola 15: Life On Land
Goal 16: Peace and Justice Strong Institutions
Goal 17: Partnerships to Achieve the Goal
For me, among the 17 SDGs, the eradication of poverty or the goal that is been
discussed on the 1st SDG which is the “no poverty,” should be the focus in my locality. It is
because most of the citizens here in our place are still suffering from poverty, although not
extreme poverty. As a result, some parents cannot fully provide for all the needs of their
families, suffer from illnesses longer, and many of the youths didn’t have a chance to finish
their studies and are forced to look for jobs, mostly low-wage ones, to help their parents.
Income generated from farming and fishing, the main livelihoods of most citizens in our
place, is not enough to give them a better way of living with enough access to healthcare,
quality education, and other opportunities that only those in the middle and upper class
can afford. Poverty is said to be the cause of malnutrition, poor healthcare, dangerous living
conditions, unemployment, and illiteracy. Hence, it is better to take action and solve the
problem from its roots, and in this case, encourage the leaders in our locality to implement
programs that would help eradicate poverty. Implementing programs that ensure all men
and women, especially the poor, have equal rights to economic resources, as well as access
to basic services-free education programs and healthcare systems, appropriate new
technology, and financial services or livelihood programs.

1. Who do you consider as your international icon?

This is Emma Charlotte Duerre Watson or known as Emma Watson and I

consider her as my international icon, not just because I’m a fan of her portraying
“Hermione Granger” in the famous “Harry Potter” movie series but also by her
contributions in making a united world surrounded with equality and justice. She is a
well-known English actress, model, and activist. Emma Watson was appointed as UN
Women Goodwill Ambassador in July 2014 and until now, she’s still giving all her
efforts, as an activist, towards the empowerment of young women while
strengthening her advocacy of promoting gender equality all over the world.

2. How does he/she fit into the contemporary characteristics of a global citizen?
Emma Watson, as an influential actress, activist, and feminist, fits into the
contemporary characteristics of a global citizen. Not just because she is known to the
world because of her portrayals of “Hermione Granger” on the famous Harry Potter
series and as “Belle” for Disney’s “Beauty and the Beast” live-action movie, but she is
considered as a global citizen because she is aware of and understands the wider
world and her place and participation in it. She is a powerful woman, an activist, a
humanitarian that clearly understands the biggest challenges in the world, especially
on the issues regarding gender inequality and women empowerment. While
simultaneously shooting for Harry Potter, Emma was studying for a degree in English
Literature. This shows how much she values education and how she managed to
strike the right balance. Moreover, at such a young age, before she was appointed by
the UN as UN Women Goodwill Ambassador, she has already set straight her
priorities, knew her purpose in life, and did her responsibilities as a citizen by
becoming the voice for every man and woman who are deprived of getting equal
treatments, be it in social, ethical or political aspects. Watson also uses her high-
profile voice to speak out for feminism, drawing the attention of many other public
figures, resulting in more people to support her movements, such as the “HeForShe”
campaign. Her dedication in her works, inspiring words, and actions have brought
people to have teamwork as she encourages them to participate in the activism
alongside the other leaders that they also looked up to aside from her. She even got to
encourage a lot of world leaders to commit to gender equality. Lastly, her leadership
and innovative solutions towards the issues that she is fighting for made her more
suitable to be called a global citizen. Through her position in the UN and other
organizations as an ambassador, she has made extraordinary contributions in solving
global issues- such as promoting girls’ education in rural areas of some developing
countries like Bangladesh and Zambia and also advocated for fair trade and organic
clothing. Aside from that, she has over 30 partnerships with organizations all over the
world campaigning for education, ending violence against women and male suicide,
women and children’s rights, and many more. All of these showed how concern
Emma is about our world with the contemporary problems it is facing and when she
saw that she has the power to act, she fearlessly used this to influence the world
around her to do great things. Global citizens are said to those who take an active role
in their community and work with others to make our world more peaceful,
sustainable, and fairer. Emma Watson is, without doubt, one of them.

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