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The reasons for performing hospital autopsy examinations are varied, ranging from

simple to complex. To the family, the reason may simply be to find out the cause of the
death. To the physicians, the reason may be to uncover the progression and
interactions of multiple disease processes and the effects of therapy. Ultimately, the
autopsy examination provides a clinicopathologic correlation to be used by both the
family and the patient's physicians.

The first happening was that the hair of the victim was used for the constriction ligature, so we assumed that the
victim is a girl. The slight cyanosis on the victim’s scalp is caused by hitting the victim’s head using a hard object.
The victim was strangled using her hair and had a trauma due to the profound shock that is caused by the minor
impact to the victim’s head. 
The victim died because the killer strangled her to death. Because of the ligature, the victim was not able to
move. The victim tried to remove the ligatures by force, causing her skin to abrade.

What Is an Autopsy? Who Performs the Procedure?

 An autopsy is a medical procedure involving the examination of a dead body. An

autopsy is sometimes termed an obduction or a post-mortem examination. The

word autopsy is derived from the Greek word autopsia, which means "to see with

one's own eyes."

 Autopsies are performed by pathologists, medical doctors who have received

specialty training in the diagnosis of diseases by the examination of body fluids

and tissues.
 Autopsies are performed for a variety of reasons, including:
o to determine the cause of death

o to ascertain whether clinical diagnoses are correct

o to evaluate the effectiveness of medical or surgical treatment

o to gain information for the family about possible inherited or genetic

o for teaching and/or research purposes in academic hospitals

o to aid in criminal investigations of wrongful death

o to provide closure and reassurance for family members who may have

questions about diagnoses or treatment

 Forensic autopsies are a specialized form of autopsy with legal implications that

are performed to determine if a given death was an accident, homicide, suicide,

or a natural event
1. a condition arising when the body is deprived of oxygen, causing unconsciousness or death; suffocation.

Brain ischemia is a condition in which there is insufficient blood flow to the brain to meet metabolic demand. This leads to poor
oxygen supply or cerebral hypoxia and thus to the death of braintissue or cerebral infarction / ischemic stroke.
1. 1.
a thing used for tying or binding something tightly.
"there was no sign of the ligature which strangled her"

Ecchymosis is the medical term for the common bruise. Most bruises form when blood vessels near the surface of the skin are
damaged, usually by impact from an injury. ... Some proteins in your blood, called clotting factors, also help to stop the bleeding so
that the tissue starts healing.
1. the process of scraping or wearing something away.
"the metal is resistant to abrasion"
synonyms wearing away/down, wearing, erosion, scraping, corrosion, being eaten
: away, chafing, rubbing, stripping, flaying, excoriation
"diamond's extreme resistance to abrasion"
o an area damaged by scraping or wearing away.
plural noun: abrasions
"there were cuts and abrasions to the lips and jaw"

1. a region in an organ or tissue which has suffered damage through injury or disease, such as a wound, ulcer,
abscess, or tumor.
1. a bluish discoloration of the skin resulting from poor circulation or inadequate oxygenation of the blood.

congested meaning: 1. too blocked or crowded and causing difficulties 2. Congested roads and towns have too much traffic and
movement is made difficult. 3.

Petechial Hemorrhage. A petechial hemorrhage is a tiny pinpoint red mark that is an important sign of asphyxia caused by some
external means of obstructing the airways. ... If petechial hemorrhages and facial congestion are present, it is a strong indication of
asphyxia by strangulation as the cause of death .

The first happening was that the hair of the victim was used for the constriction ligature,
so we assumed that the victim is a girl. The slight cyanosis on the victim’s scalp is
caused by hitting the victim’s head using a hard object. The victim was strangled using
her hair and had a trauma due to the profound shock that is caused by the minor
impact to the victim’s head. 
The victim died because the killer strangled her to death. Because of the ligature, the
victim was not able to move. The victim tried to remove the ligatures by force, causing
her skin to abrade.

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