Test 2 Wednesday 28 September 2016 - DAY 3: Study Guide - History (1A, 1B, 1C)

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Study Guide – History (1A, 1B, 1C) – Test 2 Wednesday 28 September 2016 – DAY 3

Human Evolution

Continent of Africa – longer human history than any other continent in the world
Africa is the only continent in which EVIDENCE has been found for man’s early evolution. The material evidence for human
evolution depends largely upon recovery and examination of ancient bones, fossils, stone tools and other artefacts.

What are fossils?

Fossils are formed when animal or plant remains are trapped in mud that is then squeezed under great geological pressure to form
rock. The exact imprint = A FOSSIL. Science can determine the approximate date when rocks are formed and hence to their

Genetics – modern scientific tool for tracing relationships between ancient peoples and the movement of people both within and
out of Africa

The REAL EVE – video 1

The Eve in the title refers to Mitochondrial Eve, a name used for the most recent common ancestor of all humans in the matrilineal
(mother to daughter) line of descent.

1. Who is the Real Eve? A woman from whom all modern humans may be descended
2. Where and when did she live? Africa about 150,000 years ago
3. What is the scientific basis that a Real Eve existed? Genetic tracking through mitochondrial DNA
4. What is mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA)? The unique DNA found in the mitochondria of living cells
5. How is mitochondrial DNA passed through generations? Humans inherit it from their mothers
6. How many years ago did the first hominids appear? 3.5 million
7. When did this group of hominids migrate out of Africa? 80,000 years ago
8. What was their migration route? across the Red Sea into what is now Yemen
9. What were the primary causes of the migration of hominid groups? Climate and geography, such as polar caps,
deserts, and volcanic eruptions
10. What caused humans to evolve into different races with unique characteristics? adaptations to different climates

KEY developments in human evolution

A. AUSTRALOPITHECUS - Lucy several hundred pieces of bone fossils representing 40 percent of the skeleton of a female of the
hominin species Australopithecus afarensis. Lucy was discovered in 1974 in Ethiopia.The Lucy specimen is dated to about 3.2 million
years ago. The skeleton presents a small skull plus evidence of a walking-gait that was BIPEDIAL (walking) and upright. EXTINCT
B. HOMO HABILIS – nicknamed the Handyman. Many fossil remains and STONE TOOLS found at the site of Olduvai Gorge in East
Africa in Tanzania. Developed larger brain size and capacity. Lived from around 2.8 to 1.5 million years ago. EXTINCT
C. HOMO ERECTUS – Learned to harness FIRE. Lived 1.9 million years ago to 70,000 years ago. EXTINCT.

DNA- The molecule that carries genetic information in all living things; the chemical basis of heredity
Hominid -The family of erect bipedal primate mammals that includes modern humans (the species Homo sapiens). Homo sapiens
is the only surviving hominid species.
Migrate -To move from one region or climate to another. Many scientists believe that our human ancestors migrated from Africa
across the Red Sea.
Mitochondria- Tiny structures in all human cells that have their own DNA called mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA). By studying
mitochondria and mtDNA, some scientists believe that all humans may be descended from a single woman who lived in East
Africa about 150,000 years ago.
Bipedial – upright walking motion


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