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Table of Content

1. Backgroung of Education Structure in Bangladesh……………………….…….. 1

2. Role of education in economic development of Bangladesh……………………... 3

3. List of Public Universities in Bangladesh……………………………………….... 5

4. List of Private Universities in Bangladesh………………………………………. 8

5. List of Engineering Universities in Bangladesh…………………………………... 12

6. List of Medical Colleges in Bangladesh…………………………………………... 13

7. Primary Schools in Bangladesh…………………………………………………… 16

8. Higher Secondary Schools in Bangladesh………………………………………… 20

9. Technical institutions in Bangladesh………………………………...................... 23

10. Madrasa/Maktabs in Bangladesh………………………………………………… 28

11. Training institutions in Bangladesh……………………………………………… 29

12. Facilities in education institutions in Bangladesh……………………………….. 30

13. Govt. measure to education sector development in Bangladesh………………… 31

14. Number of students in education sector in Bangladesh………………………….. 34

15. Number of teachers in education sector in Bangladesh……….…………………. 34

16. Problems of education sector in Bangladesh………………………………..…… 36

17. Solutions to this problems……………………………………………………...... 37

18. Reference………………………………………………………………………… 37

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1. Background of education structure in Bangladesh

The census figures from 1981 and 1991 indicate that the low level of literacy was even lower
among females than males in Bangladesh's basically patriarchal society. With a strong Moslem
influence, women have been traditionally passive and largely excluded from the schools and
colleges in Bangladesh. The gender gap in education was even wider in the villages in the
vastly rural population; these gaps have been shrinking gradually due to the influx of urban-
industrial areas and the impact of mass media (newspaper, radio, television, and, recently,

The education structure of Bangladesh is different from other countries of the world. The
structure is given by the Govt. Education in Bangladesh has three major stages-primary,
secondary and higher educations. Primary education is a 5-year cycle while secondary
education is a 7- year one with three sub-stages: 3 years of junior secondary, 2 years of
secondary and 2 years of higher secondary. The entry age for primary is 6 years. The junior,
secondary and higher stages are designed for age groups 11-13, 14-15 and 16-17 years. Higher
secondary is followed by graduate level education in general, technical, engineering,
agriculture, business studies, and medical streams requiring 5-6 years to obtain a Masters

In the general education stream, higher secondary is followed by college/university level

education through the Pass/Honors Graduate Courses (4 years). The masters Degree is of one
year's duration for holders of Bachelor Degree (Honors) and two years duration for holders of
(Pass) Bachelor Degree. Higher education in the technical area also starts after higher
secondary level. Engineering, agriculture, business, medical and information & communication
technology are the major technical and technological education areas. In each of the courses of
study, except for medical education, a 5- year course of study is required for the first degree.

Primary level education is provided under two major institutional arrangements (stream)-
general and madrasha, while secondary education has three major streams: general, technical-
vocational and madrasha. Higher education, likewise, has 3 streams: general (inclusive of pure
and applied science, arts, business and social science), madrasha and technology education.
Technology education in its turn includes agriculture, engineering, medical, textile, leather
technology and ICT. Madrashas (Arabic for educational institution), functional parallel to the

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three major stages, have similar core courses as in the general stream (primary, secondary and
post-secondary) but have additional emphasis on religious studies.

The three main educational systems in Bangladesh, ordered by decreasing student numbers,

• General Education System

• Madrasah Education System
• Technical - Vocational Education System

Other systems include a Professional Education System.

Each of these three main systems is divided into four levels:

• Primary Level (years 1 to 5)

• Secondary Level (years 6 to 10)
• Higher Secondary Level (years 11 and 12)
• Tertiary Level

Tertiary education in Bangladesh takes place at 34 government and 54 private universities.

Students can choose to further their studies in engineering, technology, agriculture and
medicine at a variety of universities and colleges.i

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2. Role of education in economic development in Bangladesh

Education unquestionably plays a vital role in national development in terms of economic and
social freedom that higher education is a central performer within the overall education of a
country. It is worth noting that any progress in education contributes to successful national
development. On the other hand, any shortfall brings about its destruction. Thus, if any specific
part of education, educational policy, management, governance or quality of education forms a
barrier to national development as a whole, then the education of the country will be regarded
as declining, and the decline of education is a threat to national development.

2.1. Education and Productivity

Clearly the educational provisions within any given country represent one of the main
determinants of the composition and growth of that country’s output and exports and constitute
an important ingredient in a system’s capacity to borrow foreign technology effectively. For
example: health and nutrition, and primary and secondary education all raise the productivity of
workers, rural and urban; secondary education, including vocational, facilitates the acquisition
of skills and managerial capacity; tertiary education supports the development of basic science,
the appropriate selection of technology imports and the domestic adaptation and development
of technologies; secondary and tertiary education also represent critical elements in the
development of key institutions, of government, the law, and the financial system, among
others, all essential for economic growth. Empirical evidence at both micro and macro levels
further illuminates these relationships.

2.2. Education and Income

There is also a positive feedback from improved education to greater income equality, which,
in turn, is likely to favor higher rates of growth. As education becomes more broadly based,
low-income people are better able to seek out economic opportunities

2.3. Education and Trade

Some countries have successfully combined openness and investment in learning and
education, forming a virtuous circle: openness creates demand for education, and learning and

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education make a country’s export sector more competitive. Knowledge accumulation
influences a country’s trade performance and competitiveness.

2.4Challenges: Access, Equity, Quality, and Speeding Up Reform

The economies of low-and middle-income countries have been growing at historically rapid
rates. Progress in education-expanded enrolments and longer schooling-has contributed to this
growth and so has helped to reduce poverty in developing countries. In 1990 a typical six year-
old child in a developing country could expect to attend school for 8.5 years, up from 7.6 years
in 1980. In Eastern Europe and central Asia schooling for 9 to 10 years is the rule; in East Asia
and in Latin America and the Caribbean primary education is almost universal.

Education is indispensable to economic development of Bangladesh. No economic

development is possible without good education. A balanced education system promotes not
only economic development, but productivity, and generates individual income per capita. Its
influence is noticeable at the micro level of an individual family.

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3. List of public university in Bangladesh

University Nick Founded Location Division Specialization

1. University of DU 1921 Dhaka Dhaka General


2. Bangladesh BAU 1961 Mymensingh Dhaka Agriculture


3. Jahangirnagar JU 1970 Savar Dhaka General


4. Bangabandhu BSMMU 1998 Dhaka Dhaka Medical

Sheikh Mujib

5. Mawlana MBSTU 1999 Tangail Dhaka Technology

Bhashani Science
and Technology

6. Bangladesh BUP 2008 Dhaka Dhaka General

University of

7. Jagannath JNU 2005 Dhaka Dhaka General


8. Jatiya Kabi Kazi KNU 2005 Trishal Dhaka General

Nazrul Islam

9. Sher-e-Bangla SAU 2001 Dhaka Dhaka Agriculture


10. Bangabandhu BSMRAU 1998 Gazipur Dhaka Agriculture

Sheikh Mujibur

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11. Bangladesh BUTex 1978 Dhaka Dhaka Textiles

University of

12. Rajshahi RU 1953 Rajshahi Rajshahi General


13. Pabna University PUST 2008 Pabna Rajshahi Technology

of Science and

14. Hajee Mohammad HSTU 2002 Dinajpur Rangpur Technology

Danesh Science &

15. Begum Rokeya 2008 Rangpur Rangpur General


16. Khulna University KU 1991 Khulna Khulna General

17. Islamic University IU 1980 Kushtia Khulna Islam

18. Jessore Science & JSTU 2008 Jessore Khulna Technology

Technology division

19. University of CU 1966 Chittagong Chittagong General


20. Chittagong CVASU 2006 Chittagong Chittagong Veterinary

Veterinary and Sciences
Animal Sciences

21. Comilla UC 2006 Comilla Chittagong General


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22. Noakhali Science NSTU 2005 Noakhali Chittagong Technology
and Technology

23. Patuakhali Science PSTU 2001 Patuakhali Barisal Technology

and Technology

24. Shahjalal SUST 1987 Sylhet Sylhet Technology

University of
Science and

25. Sylhet Agricultural SAU 2006 Sylhet Sylhet Agricultureii


4. List of Private Universities in Bangladesh

University Nick Founded Location Division Specialization

1. Begum BGTU 2002 Chittagong Chittagong General

Gulchemonara Trust Division
2. East Delta University EDU 2006 Chittagong Chittagong General
3. International Islamic IIUC 1995 Chittagong Chittagong General
University, Division

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4. Premier University, PU 2002 Chittagong Chittagong General
Chittagong Division
5. Southern University, SUB 2001 Chittagong Chittagong General
Bangladesh Division
6. University of Science USTC 1989 Chittagong Chittagong Technology
& Technology Division
7. Ahsanullah AUST 1995 Dhaka Dhaka Technology
University of Science Division
and Technology
8. American AIUB 1994 Dhaka Dhaka Engineering
International Division
9. Asian University of AUB 1996 Dhaka Dhaka General
Bangladesh Division
10. Asa University ASAUB 2006 Dhaka Dhaka General
Bangladesh Division
11. Atish Dipankar ADUST 2004 Dhaka Dhaka Technology
University of Science Division
and Technology
12. Bangladesh Islami BIU — Dhaka Dhaka General
University Division
13. Bangladesh BU 2001 Dhaka Dhaka General
University Division
14. Bangladesh BUBT 2003 Dhaka Dhaka Technology
University of Division
Business and
15. BRAC University BRACU 2001 Dhaka Dhaka General
16. Central Women's CWU 1993 Dhaka Dhaka Women's
University Division Study
17. City University, CUB 2002 Dhaka Dhaka General
Bangladesh Division
18. Daffodil International DIU 2002 Dhaka Dhaka General
University Division

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19. Darul Ihsan DIU 1989 Dhaka Dhaka General
University Division
20. Dhaka International DIntU 1995 Dhaka Dhaka General
University Division
21. Eastern University, EU 2003 Dhaka Dhaka General
Bangladesh Division
22. East West University EWU 1996 Dhaka Dhaka General
23. Gono Bishwabidyalay GB 1996 Dhaka Dhaka General
24. Green University of GUB 2002 Dhaka Dhaka General
Bangladesh Division
25. IBAIS University IU 2002 Dhaka Dhaka General
26. Independent IUB 1993 Dhaka Dhaka General
University, Division
27. International IUBAT 1991 Dhaka Dhaka General
University of Division
Business Agriculture
and Technology
28. Manarat International MIU 2001 Dhaka Dhaka General
University Division
29. Millennium MU 2003 Dhaka Dhaka General
University Division
30. Northern University, NUB 2002 Dhaka Dhaka General
Bangladesh Division
31. North South NSU 1992 Dhaka Dhaka General
University Division
32. People's University of PUB 1996 Dhaka Dhaka General
Bangladesh Division
33. Presidency University PU 2003 Dhaka Dhaka General
34. Prime University PU 2002 Dhaka Dhaka General
35. Primeasia University PAU 2003 Dhaka Dhaka General
36. Queens University QU 1996 Dhaka Dhaka General

10 | P a g e
37. Royal University of RUD 2003 Dhaka Dhaka General
Dhaka Division
38. Shanto-Mariam SMUCT 2003 Dhaka Dhaka General
University of Creative Division
39. Southeast University SEU 2002 Dhaka Dhaka General
40. Stamford University SU 2002 Dhaka Dhaka General
Bangladesh Division
41. State University of SUB 2002 Dhaka Dhaka General
Bangladesh Division
42. United International UIU 2003 Dhaka Dhaka General
University Division
43. University of Asia UAP 1996 Dhaka Dhaka General
Pacific (Bangladesh) Division
44. University of UODA 2002 Dhaka Dhaka General
Development Division
45. University of UITS 2003 Dhaka Dhaka General
Information Division
Technology and
46. University of Liberal ULAB 2004 Dhaka Dhaka General
Arts Bangladesh Division
47. University of South USAB 2003 Dhaka Dhaka General
Asia, Bangladesh Division
48. Uttara University UU 2003 Dhaka Dhaka General
49. Victoria University of VUB 2003 Dhaka Dhaka General
Bangladesh Division
50. World University of WUB 2003 Dhaka Dhaka General
Bangladesh Division
51. Pundra University of PUST 2001 Bogra Rajshahi Technology
Science and Division
52. Leading University LU 2002 Sylhet Sylhet General
53. Metropolitan MU 2003 Sylhet Sylhet General

11 | P a g e
University Division

54. Sylhet International SIU 2001 Sylhet Sylhet Generaliii

University Division

5. List of engineering universities in Bangladesh

University Nick Founded Location Division Specialization

1. Bangladesh University of BUET 1962 Dhaka Dhaka Engineering

Engineering and
2. Dhaka University of DUET 2003 Gazipur Dhaka Engineering
Engineering &
3. Rajshahi University of RUET 1964 Rajshahi Rajshahi Engineering
Engineering &
4. Khulna University of KUET 1969 Khulna Khulna Engineering
Engineering &
5. Chittagong University of CUET 1968 Chittagong Chittagong Engineering
Engineering &
6. Shahjalal University SUST 1987 Sylhet Sylhet Engineering
of Science and
7. Islamic University of IUT 1981 Gazipur Dhaka Engineeringiv

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6. List of Medical Colleges in Bangladesh

6.1. Government medical colleges

Medical College Founded Location

1. Armed Forces Medical College (Under Ministry of 1999 Dhaka Cantonment

2. Chittagong Medical College 1957 Chittagong

3. Comilla Medical College 1992 Comilla

4. Cox’s Bazar Medical College 2008 Cox’s Bazar

5. Dhaka Medical College 1946 Dhaka

6. Dinajpur Medical College 1991 Dinajpur

7. Faridpur Medical College _ Faridpur

8. Jessore Medical College 2010 Jessor

9. Khulna Medical College 1992 Khulna

10. MAG Osmani Medical College 1962 Sylhet

11. Mymensingh Medical College 1962 Mymensingh

12. Noakhali Medical College 2008 Noakhali

13. Pabna Medical College 2008 Pabna

14. Rajshahi Medical College 1958 Rajshahi

15. Rangpur Medical College 1970 Rangpur

16. Shaheed Suhrawardy Medical College 2006 Dhaka

17. Shaheed Ziaur Rahman Medical College 1992 Bogra

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18. Sher-E-Bangla Medical College 1969 Barisal

19. Sir Salimullah Medical College 1875 Dhaka

20. Unani and Ayurvedic Medical College & Hospital 1989 Dhaka

21. Govt. Homeopathic Medical College & Hospital _


6.2. Private medical colleges

1. Women's Medical College, Sylhet

2. Ad-din Women's Medical College, Dhaka[2]
3. Anwer Khan Modern Medical College, Dhaka[3]
4. Bangladesh Medical College
5. Jalalabad Rageb-Rabeya Medical College,Sylhet
6. BGC Trust Medical College, Chittagong
7. Central Medical College, Comilla
8. Chottagram Ma-O-Shishu Hospital Medical College
9. Community Based Medical College (cbmc), Mymensingh
10. Community Medical College, Dhaka
11. Delta Medical College, Dhaka
12. Dhaka National Medical College
13. Durra Samad Rahman Red Crescent Women’s Medical College, Sylhet (currently not
14. Eastern Medical College, Comilla
15. East West Medical College,[4] Dhaka
16. Enam Medical College, Savar, Dhaka
17. Gono Bishwabidyalay, Savar, Dhaka
18. Green Life Medical College,Dhaka
19. Holy Family Red Crescent Medical College, Dhaka
20. Ibrahim Medical College, Dhaka
21. Ibn Sina Medical College, Dhaka
22. International Medical College, Gazipur

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23. Islami Bank Medical College, Rajshahi
24. Jahurul Islam Medical College, Kishoregonj
25. Jalalabad Ragib-Rabeya Medical College Sylhet
26. Khawja Yunus Ali Medical College, Sirajganj
27. Kumudini Medical College, Tangail
28. Labaid Medical College[7] Dhanmondi, Dhaka
29. Maulana Bhasani Medical College
30. Medical College for Women and Hospital, Dhaka
31. Nightingale Medical College, Dhaka
32. North Bengal Medical College, Sirajganj
33. North East Medical College, Sylhet
34. Northern International Medical College, Dhaka
35. Northern Private Medical College, Rangpur
36. Popular Medical College & Hospital, Dhaka, Bangladesh.
37. Prime Medical College, Rangpur
38. Rangpur Community Hospital Medical College
39. Sahabuddin Medical College and Hospital
40. Samaj Vittik Medical College, Mirzanagar, Savar, dhaka-1344
41. Shahabuddin Medical College,[8] Dhaka
42. Z. H. Sikder Women’s Medical College[9]
43. Southern Medical College, Chittagong
44. Tairunnessa Memorial Medical College, Gazipur
45. TMSS Medical College, Bogra
46. University Of Science and Technology Chittagong.IAMS

47. Uttara Adhunik Medical College, Dhakavi

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7. Primary schools in Bangladesh

There are 3458 junior schools in Bangladesh. Most famous and well known junior schools are
listed below:

School Location Est. School Location Est.

Sunbeams Uttara, _ The New School Banani, 2007
Dhanmondi Dhaka
Maple Leaf Dhanmondi _ University Laboratory Dhaka 1964
School and College University
Scholastica Uttara,Mirpur,Gul 1977 Uttara High School & Uttara 1985
shan,Dhanmondi College Model Town
National ideal Uttara 2001 The Ark Int'l School Dhanmondi 2006
Shaheed Police Mirpur-14, Dhaka 1999 Premier School Uttara 2009
Smrity School & -1206. Dhaka
Viquarunnisa Dhaka 1952 Palash Academy Aga Sadek 1996
Noon School &
Cantonment Dhaka 1960 Dhanmondi Tutorial Dhanmondi 1972
Public School & Cantonment
Oxford Dhanmondi 1987 European Standard Dhanmondi 2001
International School (ESS)
The Aga Khan Uttara 1988 Green Gems _ 1991
School International School
American Baridhara 1953 Government _ _
International Laboratory High
School of Dhaka School
Armanitola Govt. Armanitola 1904 Junior Laboratory _ 1984
High School High School
Bashir Uddin Mirpur 1968 Kalyanpur Girls' _ _
Adarsha High school & College
School and
Baridhara Baridhara 2005 Khilgaon Govt. High Khilgaon, 1967
Scholars School Dhaka Dhaka

16 | P a g e
Holy Cross High Tejhgaon 1912 Karatitola C.M.S. _ 1977
School Memorial High
Willes Little 85, Kakrail, 1956 HURDCO Bashundhar _
Flower School & Dhaka 1000. International School a
Bangladesh Mohakhali 1995 Ideal School & Motijheel _
International College
Bangladesh _ 1983 International School _
International Dhaka
Bir Shreshtha _ _ Dhaka International _ 1995
Noor Mohammad Tutorial
Rifles Public
School and
Dhaka Collegiate _ 1835 Dhaka Residential _ 1960
School Model College
Dhaka _ Dhanmondi _ 1962
Government Government Boys'
Muslim High High School
Dhanmondi _ _ Jessor 1962
Government Seva Sanhga Girls’
Girls' High High School
Nasirabad Govt Rajshahi _
Nasirabad, Chamagram H,N
Boys High 1967
Chittagong. High School
Muslim Rajshahi _
Nojir Ahmed
Chowdury Road. 1907 Karbala High School
Society High
Bauria G.K. Bauria, Sandwip. Technical Training Rajshahi _
Academy Chittagong. center

17 | P a g e
Burischar High Rajshahi _
Burischar _ Polytechnical institute
Chittagong Urea Rajshahi _
Rangadia, Horimohon Govt
Fertilizer School _
Anowara High School
and College
Chittagong Rajshahi _
Cantonment Nawabgonj Govt
Cantonment, _
Public School Collage
and College
Chittagong Dinajpur 1906
_ 1836 Saidpur High School
Collegiate School
J.M.Sen School Kotowali,
1913 Aided High School Sylhet 1800
& College Chittagong
Raja Girish Chandra
Government _ 1903 Sylhet 1800
High School
High School
Government Kotowali, Quazi Jalaluddin High
1907 Sylhet 1800
Muslim High Chittagong School
1992 Jubilee High School Sunamganj 1900
Grammar School
B. A. F. Shaheen
Chittagong Patli Union High
College,chittagon 1975 Sunamganj 1975
Shaheen Gate. School
Debiganj 1906
Port Authority Inside of Port Debiganj,
1959 N.N.Govt.High
High School,Ctg. Area. Panchagarh
Debiganj Alodini _
Sunshine Debiganj,
Chittagong 1985 Govt. Girls High
Grammar School Panchagarh
Chittagong _
Debiganj Girls High Debiganj,
International _
School Panchagarh
Chittagong 1989
Dr. Major (Rec.) T. Debiganj,
Municipal Model _ 1880
Zaman High School Panchagarh
High School
Cider _ 1997 Debiganj Riverview Debiganj,

18 | P a g e
Girls High School Panchagarh
Abdur Rahman Housing
Garib-E-Newaz High
Govt. Girls' High Potiya _ Estate, 1980
School Halishahar,
A S Rahat Ali Ludhua School & Matlab,
Potiya _ 1957
High School College Chandpur
Nawab Faizunnessa
B.N. School and Badurtola,
_ _ Govt. Girls’ High 1873
College Comilla
Mohila Shomiti Subrati Shahajdi M M Noapara,
_ _ 1969
Girls High High School Comilla
Ispahani Public Comilla Zilla School,
Mohra 1979 Road, 1837
School & College Comilla
Little Jewels Katalgonj, St Scholastica's Girls'
1974 1883
School Pachlaish High School
Government Faujderhat Collegiate
East Nasirabad 1967 Faujderhat 1982
Boys' High School
Hatey Khari High CDA, Agrabad, 197
School Chittagong 6vii

8. Higher Secondary Schools in Bangladesh

College Name Location College name Location

Abujar Giffary Malibagh,Dhaka Ahsanullah College Sonadanga
Adamjee Cantonment Dhaka Ahsanullah College Rupsha
College Cantonment,Dhaka

19 | P a g e
B.A.F Shaheen Tejgoan,Dhaka Batiaghata College Batiaghata
Bangladesh Rifle BDR Gate,Dhaka Dumuria College Khulna
Central Women?s Tikatulli,Dhaka Fultola M M College Fultola
Daffodil International Lalmatiav,Dhaka Hazi Abdul Malek Khulna
College Islamia College
Dhaka City College Dhanmondi,Dhaka Hazi Mohd Mohsin Khalispur
Dhaka College Dhanmondi,Dhaka Khan Jahan Ali Khulna
Dhaka Commerce Mirpur-2,Dhaka Khulna College Khulna
Dhaka Imperial Near New Kopilmoni College Kopilmoni
College Market,Dhaka
Dhaka Women?s Uttara,Dhaka M A Majid College Degholia
Eden Girls College Azimpur,Dhaka Sabureness Mohila Khulna town
Fazlul Haq Girls Faridabad,Dhaka Saheed Srimtee Girls Khulna
College College
Habibullah Bahar Shantinagar,Dhaka Saheed Khulna
College Suhrawardi College
Hamdard Public Panthapath,Dhaka Shahpur Modhugram Dumuria
College College
Icon College Lalmatia,Dhaka Charghat Alhaj M A Charghat
Hadi College
Ideal College Central Dawkandi College Dawkandi
Lalmatia Mohila Lalmatia,Dhaka Durgapur College Durgapur
Mohammadpur Mohammadpur,Dhaka Godagari College Godagari
Central College
Northern College Asad Gate,Dhaka Godagari Girls Godagari
Bangladesh College
Notre Dame College Motijheel,Dhaka Laskharpur College Putia
Purana Paltan Girls Purana Paltan,Dhaka Mohanpur College Mohanpur
Queen Mary College Kuril, Badda,Dhaka Mojahar Hossain Rajshahi

20 | P a g e
Girls College
Rajuk Uttara Model Uttara,Dhaka Putia Girls Degree Putia
College College
Salimullah College Tipu Sultan Rd,Dhaka Putia Islamia Girls Putia
Shaikh Burhanuddin Nazimuddin Rajshahi College Rajshahi
Post Graduate Road,Dhaka
Shiddeswari Degree Shiddeswari,Dhaka Rajshahi Court Rajshahi
College College
Shiddeswari Girls Shiddeswari,Dhaka Sardah College Sardah
Tejgoan College Farm gate,Dhaka Shah Mukhdum Rajshahi
Tejgoan Girls East Tejturi Shahdoula College Bagha
College Bazar,Dhaka
Trust College Uttara Taherpur College Taherpur
University Women?s Dhanmondi,Dhaka Taland Lalita Mohan Taland
Federation College College
Uttara Anwara Model Uttara,Dhaka Amritalal Day Barisal
College College
Western College Katabon,Dhaka Baisal Barisal
Barisal Islamia Barisal Begum Toffazal Barisal
College, Aminganj Hossian Manik Mia
Girls College
Chor Kalaykhan Muladi Hazi Taheruddin Ujirpur
Adarsha College Islamia College
Muladi College Muladi Patharhat RC College Mehdiganj
Sher-e-Bangla Ujirpur Syed Fazlul Haq Banoripara
College College

9. List of technical institutions in Bangladesh

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9.1. Govt. Technical institutions

1. Dhaka Polytechnic 2. Mohila Polytechnic

Institute Institute
Tejgaon, Dhaka Dhaka

3. Comilla Polytechnic 4. Maymensingh Polytechnic

Institute Institute
Comilla Maymensingh

5. Kushtia Polytechnic 6. Jessore Polytechnic

Institute Institute
Kushtia Jessore

7. Khulna Polytechnic 8. Rangpur Polytechnic

Institute Institute
Khulna Rangpur

9. Chittagong Polytechnic 10. Rajshahi Polytechnic

Institute Institute
Chittagong Rajshahi

11. Tangail Polytechnic 12. Sylhet Polytechnic Institute

Institute Sylhet

13. Dinajpur Polytechnic 14. Patuakhali Polytechnic

Institute Institute
Dinajpur Patuakhali

15. Pabna Polytechnic Institute 16. Feni Polytechnic Institute

Pabna Feni

17. Faridpur Polytechnic 18. Institute of Glass &

Institute Ceramic
Faridpur Graphics Arts Institute
19. Bogra Polytechnic Institute 20.
Bogra Bangladesh Survey Institute

21. Barishal Polytechnic 22.

Institute Engineering and Survey Institute
Barisal Rajshahi

23. Bangladesh-Sweden 24. Bangladesh Institute of

Polytechnic Institute Marine
Kaptai Technology

22 | P a g e
9.2. Private Technical institutions

1. Dalil Uddin Computers 2. Suks Computer Training Center

Apel Villa, College road (Khalpar) Sagar para, P O.: Goramara
P S: Narshinghi Sadar, Dist. P S: Rajshahi Sadar
Narshingdi Dist.: Rajshahi
3. Uzala Press & Computer Academy 4. Onirban Computer
Madrasha road, PO.: Shibpur Potato Patri, Goramara
P S: Shibpur, Dist.: Narshingdi P S: Boalia, Dist.: Rajshahi
5. N T C Institute of Computer Education 6. Bangladesh Technical Institute
78 Sehra, Dhaka road, P S: E-395, Hetemkha, Tamijuddin road
Mymensingh Dist.: Maymansing P S: Rajshahi Sadar, Dist.: Rajshahi

7. Goni Computer Training Institute 8. Cannon Computer Training Institute

Patgudam (Brijmor), P S: B-473, Upshahar Sapura
Mymensingh P S: Rajshahi Sadar, Dist.: Rajshahi
Dist.: Maymansing
9. Bangladesh Institute of Computer 10. Rayhana Computer Training Center
Technology P S: Putia, Dist.: Rajshahi
Public hall more P S: Fulbaria,
Dist.: Maymansing
11. Sudebi Computer Training Academy 12. Patka Dakhil Madrasha
P O.: Durgapur Vill: Patka, P O.: Sreepur
P S: Durgapur, Dist.: Rajshahi P S: Sreepur, Dist.: Gazipur
13. Keshar hat Computer Training 14. N T C Institute of Computer Education
Institute Sejuti Purba Adalat para
Ahammadpur, P O.: Goramara Fair Service road, P S: Tangail Sadar
P S: Boalia, Dist.: Rajshahi Dist.: Tangail

15. Rajshahi Technical & Business 16. Polly Prajukti Center

Management College Dhanbari, P S: Madhupur, Dist.:
Ahammadpur, P O.: Goramara Tangail

23 | P a g e
P S: Boalia, Dist.: Rajshahi
17. Nawdapara Computer Training Center 18. Cosmos Computer System
Nawdapara, P O.: Sapura House # 11, Block # B, Victoria road
P S: Paba, Dist.: Rajshahi P S: Tangail Sadar, Dist.: Tangail
19. National Youth Training Academy 20. Ibrahim Khan Computer Technical
(Nita) Computer Training Institute Institute
Floor 5th, A-48, Station road Bhuiyanpur Bazar
P S: Sadar, Dist.: Rajshahi P S: Bhuapur, Dist.: Tangail
21. Rayhana Computer Training Center 22. Bhabanigonj Computer Training
P S: Puthia, Dist.: Rajshahi Institute
Bhabanigonj Pourasava
P S: Bagmara, Dist.: Rajshahi
23. Package Computer Training Institute 24. Jotraghab High School & College
109 Ishakhan road Ratkhola Computer Training Institute
P S: Tangail Sadar Dist.: Kishorgonj Jotraghab, P S: Bagha, Dist.: Rajshahi
25. Target Computer System 26. Millennium Institute of Business
Training Center & Maltimidia Technology
290/3 Block A Khilgaon Railgate 138 Gulshan, Avenue, Suit 403,
(Floor-1st) Dist.: Dhaka Gulshan-2, P S: Gulsan, Dist.: Dhaka
27. The Softech Computer Training 28. Square Computer Training Institute
Institute 50-53 Stadium Market, P O.: R B
Cha-100/1 Uttar Badda, Gulshan P S: Sadar, Dist.: Rajshahi
P S: Gulsan, Dist.: Dhaka

29. Siam Computer Training Institute 30. Narical Bari Pandit Mahir Uddin High
Hauli, Jinjira P S: Keranigonj School
Dist.: Dhaka P O.: Narical Bari
P S: Ulipur, Dist.: Kurigram
31. The Computer Academy of 32. Chandia Woman College
Bangladesh Chandia, 1 No. Kanchipara Union
11/2 Iqbal road, Block-A Word # 1, P O.: Bhabanigonj
Mohammadpur P S: Fulsari, Dist. Gaibandha
P S: Mohammadpur, Dist. Dhaka
33. National Computer Recharge Institute 34. Jenuin Computer Institute
189/A Hazi maran ali road, Purba- Station road, Asha Mansion, (Floor
Nakhalpara P S: Tejgaon, Dist.: Dhaka 1st)

24 | P a g e
P S: Sadar, Dist.: Gaibandha

35. New World Vision Computer 36. Rahima Computer Training Institute
& Technical Training Institute P S: Sundargonj, Dist.: Gaibandha
Khilkhet Bazar, Dhaka Mahanagari
P S: Badda, Dist.: Dhaka
37. Savar Technology & Business 38. Shalaipur High School
Management College P O.: Shalaipur
PO.: B K S P, Jirani P S: Pachbibi, Dist.: Joypur
P S: Savar, Dist.: Dhaka
39. National Youth Development 40. Hatpara Karnai (H K) High School
& Technology Training & Business Management College
Center ( Newtek ) Hatpara, P O.: Karanai
89, D I T Road, P S: Malibag P S: Pirgonj, Dist.: Thakurgaon
Dist.: Dhaka
41. Institute of Computer Science 42. National Computer Training Institute
Chittagong Division & Technology Prof. Para, P S: Birampur,
Hospital road (Academy) Dist.: Dinajpur
P S: Sadar, Dist.: Feni
43. Computer Park & Technology 44. Computer View (Computer
428 Court Masjid Market, Trunk road Training Institute )
P S: Sadar, Dist.: Feni Munsipara, Talpukurer Gali
P S: Sadar, Dist.: Dinajpur
45. National Polytechnic College 46.
Nasirabad Housing Society, Micro Visual Computer Training
Baiojid bostami road Center
P S: Sadar, Dist.: Chittagong Chandaikona, Raygonj
P S: Raygonj, Dist.: Sirajgonj
47. School of Computer a. Setara Abbas Technical
(Computer Training Institute) & Business Mgt. College
Up-Zilla Parisad Road P S: Morelgonj, Dist.:
P S: Sinra, Dist.: Natore Bagerhat
48. A M Q Computer Training Institute 49. Samadhan Computer Training Center
Hasmari, PO.: Kasikata Samadhan Bhaban, Up-Zilla Sarak
P S: Gurudaspur, Dist.: Natore P S: Keshabpur, Dist. Jessor

50. Silican Computer Training Institute 51. Sharif Computer Training Institute

25 | P a g e
Paylanpur Rupkatha road Allahar Darga Bazar
Dist.: Pabna P S: Doulatpur, Dist. Kushtia

52. R M Computer Training Center 53. Prof. AT Md. Akhtaruzzaman

Up-Zilla mor, High School Math Computer Training Institute
P S: Kalaroa, Dist.: Satkhira P S: Tala, Dist.: Satkhira
54. Bhola Computer Training Center 55. Rainbo Computer Training Institute
18/19/20. Mahabuba Market, Sadar College road
road P S: Sadar, Dist.: Barishal
P S: Sadar, Dist.: Bhola
56. National Youth Computer
57. Barguna Computer Institute
Training Center
College road, Dist.: Bargunaviii
Dist.: Rajshahi

10. Madrasha/Maktabs in Bangladesh

As of 2008, the board oversees almost 9000 madrasahs at the following levels

Madrasahs under the Qawmi education board by level

Level Analogue/description # of Schools*
Takhmil Master's 300
Fazilat Bachelor's 200
Sanaria ammah secondary 1000
Mutawassitah lower secondary 2000
Ibtedayi primary 3000
Tahfeez ul Quran memorisation of the Qur'an 2000ix
*Madrasahs are listed by highest level taught since some offer more than one level.

26 | P a g e
11. Training institutions in Bangladeh

Here is some notable training institutions of Bangladesh

Institution Location
1. Bangladesh Institute of Management Dhaka,Chittagong,Khulna
3. Orchard Academy Malibagh Chowdhury Para,Dhaka
4. The British Council Teaching Mohhamadpur,Dhaka
5. YMCA Development Centre Kakrail,Dhaka
6. Democracy Watch Education Ramna,Dhaka
7. Computer Point Telecom Institue Dhanmondi,Dhaka
8. National Youth Devep.Traning Academy Mirpur,Dhaka
9. Foreig Edu. Services Bangladesh Shahjahanpur,Dhaka
10. BGMEA Institute of Fashion & Technology Uttara,Dhaka
11. The British Council Teaching Center Mohammadpur,Dhaka
12. Success Training Center & Beauty Parlour Mirpur,Dhaka
13. EXTERIOR-INTERIORS (P) LTD Dhanmondi,Dhaka
14. Success Training Center & Beauty Parlour.

12. Facilities in education institutions in Bangladesh

In order to achieve education for all, Bangladesh has taken up programmes for:

• Increasing enrollment rate;

• Reducing drop-out rate;
• Decreasing illiteracy rate; and
• Improving basic learning competencies.

27 | P a g e
Basic education in Bangladesh is delivered through two systems : (a) the formal system and (b)
the non-formal system. The existing Strategic Framework of Basic Education in Bangladesh
(Figure-1) has consummated adequately government policies for attaining maximum benefit out
of public and private endeavours, both in the formal and non-formal systems. The key agencies
in this respect are the Directorate of Primary Education (DPE) and the Directorate of Non-
Formal Education (DNFE) under the Primary and Mass Education Division and the Bangladesh
Madrasah Education Board (BMED) under the Ministry of Education (MOE). Besides, there are
community and private organizations, as well as, non-government organisations (NGO) who
offer basic.

Besides every educational institution are ordered to provide minimum standard facilities.
Educational facilities are the facilities provided to students, so that they can use every
opportunity to develop full potential. Educational facilities include

• Buildings
• Fixtures,
• Necessary equipment for the effective and efficient operation of the program
• classrooms
• libraries
• Rooms and space for physical education
• Space for fine arts, restrooms
• Specialized laboratories
• Cafeterias, media centers
• Building equipment, building fixtures, furnishings
• Related exterior facilities,
• Landscaping and paving, and similar items which the State Board of Education may
determine necessary.

13. Govt. measure to education sector development in Bangladesh

28 | P a g e
Policy and Commission

In order to maintain a modern, scientific and effective education system, Bangladesh

Government attaches highest priority to the improvement of education sector. With this
objective, the Government of Bangladesh had established several Education Commissions and
Committees since the independence of the country.

Education Policy 2010:

13.1. Mohammad Moniruzzaman Mia Commission-2003

In order to improve the quality of Education and initiate a set of reforms to develop the sector
government undertook several actions of which the formation of Education Commission in
January 2003 was one of the major initiatives. The Commission submitted its report to the
Government in March 2004. The Commission Report consists of three parts and suggests 880
recommendations on all the education sub-sectors.

13.2. Dr. M.A. Bari Commission-2002

An Expert Committee headed by Dr. M.A. Bari was formed in 2002 to identify immediate
implementable reforms of education sector. The Committee suggested several interventions in
the sector which were considered later by the Education Commission 2003.

13.3. Shamsul Haque Education Committee- 1997

Qudrat-e-Khuda Education commission submitted their report in 1974, Due to some

unavoidable circumstances the recommendations of the Committee were not implemented
properly. It was felt that for meeting the national needs and for keeping pace with the
unprecedented advancement in the field of knowledge in the contemporary world, original and
qualitative change in our education system ware needed.

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13.4. Mofiz Uddin Education Commission-1988

After the publication of the Qudrat-e-Khuda Education commission report, some of the
recommendations were implemented. In 1979 the Government felt the necessity of reviewing
the report. Advisory Council for National Education styled Interim Education Policy
Recommendations were published and the reports of the Mofiz uddin Commission were
brought to light in February, 1988.

13.5. Qudrat-e-Khuda Education Commission-1972

Qudrat-e-Khuda Education Commission was formed in 1972, headed by the leading

educationist and scientist Dr. Qudrat-e-Khuda. The commission submitted its report to the
Government in May 1974. The report was formulated and is based on the socio-economic and
political state and cultural heritage of the country. The perspectives and this scenario of the
education system of the contemporary world were also taken into consideration.

13.6. Education Budget

30 | P a g e
Total Allocation in MoE (% of National
Year National Allocation
2001-2002 16000.00 916.52 (5.73%)
2002-2003 17100.00 1065.35 (6.23%)
2003-2004 19000.00 1211.19 (6.37%)
2004-2005 22000.00 1182.42 (5.37%)
2005-2006 24500.00 1065.38 (4.33%)
2006-2007 21600.00 1002.25 (4.64%)
2007-2008 22500.00 1000.17 (4.45%)
2008-2009 23000.00 1000.54 (4.35%)
2009-2010 28500.00 1430.80 (5.02%)
2010-2011 38500.00 1624.69 (4.22%)

14, 15.Number of teachers and students in education sector in Bangladesh

31 | P a g e
No. of
Types of Institution No. of Teachers No. of Students

32 | P a g e
Total Total Female Total Female Total
Primary School 37672 162084 71740 9483891 4848049 162084
19682 76566 22833 3572686 1802605 76566
946 3456 2200 158059 78186 3456
54 223 84 9828 4762 223
42725 182705 53250 6741767 3286388 182705
80397 344789 124990 16225658 8134437 344789
Junior School 4322 36070 7299 910914 531164 36070
Secondary School 317 7434 2333 221887 106316 7434
13224 178269 13652 5900743 3031619 178269
School & College (school
638 11156 3699 365008 198915 11156
Total (Secondary Education) 317 7434 2333 221887 106316 7434
18183 225495 44650 7176665 3761698 225495
18500 232929 46983 7398552 3868014 232929
Intermediate College 10 189 54 3326 3031 189
1165 25466 5477 193751 89585 25466
School & College (college
638 9753 2430 64152 32839 9753
Degree (Pass) College 139 3910 611 115896 49873 3910
1048 41401 7175 511995 207908 41401
Degree (Hons.) College 41 1860 329 68442 26000 1860
20 898 156 23191 8496 898
Masters' College 61 5003 1477 321473 122382 5003
28 1921 591 65020 29223 1921
Total (College Education) 251 10962 2471 509137 201286 10962
2899 79439 14929 858109 358051 79439
3150 90401 17400 1367246 569337 90401
Cadet College 10 312 49 2732 295 312
University Education 26 6852 1029 115929 29246 6852
56 3487 798 91648 20621 3487
82 10339 1827 207577 49867 10339
Dakhil Madrasha 6685 98123 9908 2236025 1170220 98123
Alim Madrasha 1315 25634 1803 550813 253207 25634
Fazil Madrasha 1039 23336 1324 529952 197316 23336
Kamil Madrasha 3 82 2 2738 19 82
172 4792 175 13693 27903 4792
Total Madrasha Education 3 82 2 2738 19 82
9211 151885 13228 3450483 1648646 151885
9215 151967 13230 3453221 1648665 151967
Polytechnic Institute 37 1189 166 17836 1648 1189
97 465 - 9682 1278 465
Technical School & College 64 792 75 8548 1224 792
Institute of Glass & Ceramic 1 10 1 174 12 10
Institute of Graphics Arts 1 16 - 255 20 16
Textile Institute 6 45 3 856 - 45
Textile Vocational Center 28 331 26 5097 584 331
Technical Training Center 13 359 69 4867 473 359

33 | P a g e
Survey Institute 2 17 1 557 11 17
SSC (Vocational) school 1224 7511 1869 95458 30380 7511
HSC (Business
1180 6120 975 79935 24309 6120
Management) inst.
Commercial Institute 16 68 - 3683 790 68
Agricultural Training
12 112 5 7103 1403 112
Total (Technical-vocational)
180 2939 346 48976 6165 2939
2548 15246 2862 192360 56397 15246
2728 18185 3208 241336 62562 18185
Medical College 15 1218 240 11731 4692 1218
27 1037 123 6954 2384 1037
Dental College 1 56 15 358 130 56
8 198 40 782 312 198
Nursing College 1 18 18 252 216 18
Homeopathic College 1 27 5 486 178 27
29 442 62 14684 4002 442
Unani/Ayurvedic College 2 32 2 312 65 32
14 124 20 1288 284 124
Nursing Training Institute 39 232 159 3324 3160 232
5 29 24 515 498 29
Textile College 1 31 2 628 39 31
Leather Technology College 1 15 3 435 38 15
Law College 70 625 8 17787 4927 625
Art College 7 54 10 407 56 54
Music College 2 20 4 120 62 20
Total (Professional)
60 1629 444 17526 8518 1629
162 2529 291 42517 12525 2529
222 4158 735 60043 21043 4158
Primary Training Institute 54 517 179 13025 5176 517
Teachers Training College
14 247 74 6518 2885 247
85 988 220 11638 4352 988
Technical TTC 1 15 2 72 22 15
Vocational TTC 1 6 1 120 - 6
Physical Education College 4 49 7 668 142 49
23 227 22 2734 902 227
HSTTI 5 66 19 542 46 66
Madrasha TT Institute 1 17 - 948 - 17
Total (Teacher Education) 80 917 282 21893 8271 917
108 1215 242 14372 5254 1215
188 2132 524 36265 13525 2132xi

16. Problems of education sector in Bangladesh

16.1. Admission

34 | P a g e
Entrance exam papers can be sold in advance to high-paying candidates. Oral examinations are
even more open to corruption as evaluations are subjective and difficult to monitor.

16.2. Private tutoring

Low quality schools turn out students who are badly prepared for college, thus forcing parents
to hire private tutors to ensure that their children pass the entrance exams. Often the most
popular tutors are the same professors who sit on admissions committees of higher education
institutions. As the examinations are oral the grading criteria are subjective, and "tutoring fees"
therefore become de facto bribes.

16.3. Examinations

The examination system is central to institutions based on meritocracy, and its fairness is
crucial to ensuring quality outcomes in education.

16.4. Teacher management and professional conduct

As criteria for recruitment are repeatedly bypassed, unqualified personnel are often appointed.
Placements in rural schools tend to be unpopular, especially among unmarried and female
teachers, and can sometimes be avoided by bribing public officials

16.5. Teacher misconduct

Motivated and efficient teachers are crucial for quality in teaching. However, people in
developing countries often complain of absent or abusive teachers and their demands for illegal
fees. The proceeds from such fees, as well as other favours received as payment, are frequently
for the private gain of educators. It is not uncommon to find pupils exploited as unpaid labor,
sexual and physical abuse or simply classes where no teaching is conducted at all.

Besides these problems there are also some other problems:

• Unauthorized fees collected from students

• Irregularities in the Food for Education Programme
• Irregularities in the Primary Education Offices of the government

35 | P a g e
17. Solutions to these problems

As education is the backbone of a country and it helps person to improve his or her life view
and principal, education sector must have to be corruption free. To improve education sector of
Bangladesh persons who is included and who his not included to education sector both have to
be realize the importance of education and respectful to education. Some steps can be taken to
solve these problems

• Exam paper must be prepared in safe and secured place. Include person should be
• Schools must have to provide necessary care for its students
• Examinations and exam paper marking should be transparent
• Teacher management should be unbiased and corruption free
• Every teacher included in education sector must have to realize honor of a teacher and
he/she should balance honor the honor
• Govt. should take steps and force act to remove corruption in government educational


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