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BITS Pilani Hyderabad Campus


Test 1 (Open Book Exam) Statistical Mechanics (Max Marks 30)
Date: Sep 14, 2020 Max. Time: 30 mins.

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1. The components of  of the magnetic moment of a spin 1 particle can have 3 possible values: 0, 0
and -0. If the probability p that  = 0 is equal to probability that  = -0. Find   2  and    .

2. A drunkard decides to return home and his trajectory is completely random. He is just 100 steps from
the door. What is the probability that he reaches home in 100 steps?

3. A system of 4 particles has energy levels with energies 0, 1, 2 and 3. The total energy of the system
is 3 units. How many microstates are possible if the particles are distinguishable?

4. Find the equation of the phase trajectory for a particle of mass m and charge –q moving under the
influence of Coulomb force of attraction towards a fixed charge +q at a distance r0.
(Need to find an equation relating momentum p and (r,𝑟𝑜 )

5. Verify Liouville's theorem in the case of the motion of 3 particles in a constant gravitational field.
The initial states of the particles are given by the phase points
A(𝑃𝑜 ,𝑍𝑜 )
B(𝑃𝑜 ,𝑍𝑜 + 𝐿 )
B(𝑃𝑜 +b,𝑍𝑜 )

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