Community Medicine 3.02 BHW Open Forum

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Subject: Community Medicine

Topic: Activity: Barangay Health Workers Forum

Date: Feb 2, 2016

I. BHW generalities 5. In your community, what are the top health problems that you have
II. Tuberculosis identified?
III. Expanded Program on Immunization o Most common: cough and colds, fever
IV. Hypertension o Those taking maintenance medications (Htn, DM) supplied by the DO
V. Diarrhea are the ones we really follow-up
VI. Malnutrition o How did you identify this problem?
 When the patient comes to us with Htn, we refer them right away
I. BHW generalities to the doctor, then the patient comes back to us for meds
 Barangay Health Workers (BHW) from Brgy San Perfecto, San Juan came o The programs that you implement in your community, are they based
to class today for open forum in preparation for health-teaching on DOH programs or did you make these programs?
demonstration activity  We don’t really plan, we follow DOH orders
o Health teaching activity: teach new Barangay Health Workers in City  They are implemented naman
UERM o Are you (BHWs) the one that implement the program?
 BHWs are trained in primary health care (3-day training). BHWs are  We ask what the activity for the day is then implement it
involved in everything that’s done in the health center. o If there is a health seminar, who gathers the people, etc?
o Proper nutrition of the child/proper feeding  We gather the people through house to house to come to the
o Re-weighing lecture. But compliance is not really that good without incentives.
o Clean surroundings  There are people (not us) who facilitate these lectures
o First aid- for wounds  Flyers for the activity of the day comes from the DOH
 BHWs should come from the community/barangay, recommended by the o Are the target groups (for the seminar) targeted?
captain to be a BHW  Yes, there are diligent people who really go to these seminars
 9 BHWs in Brgy San perfecto. 50 families assigned per BHW. They follow o We sometimes require those enrolled in 4Ps (for family planning for
them up everyday. example) because they are the ones who have many children
 Seminar is conducted 2x a year at Family Dev office in city hall
1. Do you use IMCI? Is it effective? Helpful? Is there a better way of  We give them options to choose what family planning to use
assessment that can help you manage the child besides IMCI? o What do you do with patients who are lost to follow up?
o IMCI (Under-5) is very much used by the BHWs. The charts states if the  We go to their houses and ask why they did not go back to the
child is severe, moderate, mild in severity. Family development office and explain to them that they are
responsible for their children. Sometimes, we don’t leave their
2. Since there has been an ordinance passed that women are not allowed to house until they go to the family planning seminar.
give birth at home, are there still mothers who give birth at home? How do
you find out and what do you do about it? 5. Verbatim cause it’s more fun. “Ano po yung ligayang natatamasa niyo
o There are no more home births (daw) because we advise them, if they bilang Barangay Health worker?” (what gives you a sense of joy and
cannot go to the hospital due to the cost, there are lying in clinics fulfillment in being a BHW?)
which are much cheaper. The mothers, when they go for prenatal o Pakain ni kagawad, okay na kami.
care, are aware that they are not allowed to give birth at home. o Pay check – allowance only. We are not allowed to ask for more pay
o If there are home-birth cases, they go to the health center for etc.
vaccination (BCG and HepB). There, the midwife finds out why they
gave birth at home. 6. Do you have support groups in the community?
o None, because they are quite few with DM or Htn or the like.
3. Acquirement of essential medicines: when do you get your supply, and
what are the usual medicines that get finished easily? 7. Does your health center have the capacity to take blood sugar?
o For vaccines and medicines, they are supplied by DOH and are o Yes we have a blood sugar kit
dropped at CHO1 (at the city hall). The BHWs go there to get the
medicines. 8. Do you have herbal medicines in your community?
o So far, there is NO supply of measles and polio o We used to have asitaba, oregano, okra etc before they got
o Medicines for Hypertension and Diabetes Mellitus are free from the flooded.
barangay, but limited. Specifically, only those who are enlisted are o Currently we have: lettuce, eggplant etc
given free meds.
II. Tuberculosis
4. Are you (BHWs) the one conducting the 4Ps program? 1. Is there a program in your barangay for TB?
o Yes, we are the one who identify them. So whenever there are o We have the MTB program
researches in the community, we get those enrolled in the 4Ps o They have to be enrolled, with requirements of X-ray and DSSM. If
program. they are positive, we enroll them at DOH so they have a weekly supply
o What are the requirements for enrollment? of free TB meds (4in1)
 Any person who cannot send their children to school can be  Enrolment is confidential
enrolled (Even if you’re old).  Enrolment also requires HIV testing
o How do you follow-up?  DSSM and HIV testing is free.
 We go from house to house and assess if the family enrolled in  CXR is not free (no facility in the barangay)
the 4Ps program adhere to the rules of the program (and not use o Follow up is also done by BHWs. If the patients do not go to the
the money for other stuff like for gambling). barangay for follow-up, we go to their house and force them to drink
o The money is sent to their bank account meds.
o One reason for non-compliance is they are ashamed of having TB.

Trans Group: yoj, hazel, mj, lyndon Page 1 of 2

Edited By: 3rd
2. How do you monitor for TB? Are there lectures on TB? 3. How waste management controlled in the community especially in the
o Some patients come to the center wanting TB treatment but are slum areas?
negative for sputum test and CXR o We have provided free 1 month de-sludging of all houses in the
o If there’s a memo asking us to conduct a lecture, we do it barangay. (after 1 month, may bayad na)
o For stray dogs that poop, they report to the city hall to get the stray
III. Expanded Program on Immunization dogs and cats.
1. How do you address wrong beliefs about vaccination? o For garbage disposal, we go to the garbage corners and make sure the
o None encountered in the barangay garbage is picked up by the truck (usually in the morning)
o Wednesday is vaccination day. They look at baby book. At hospital or
lying in, once they are born, they are given HCG and 1 dose of HepB V. Malnutrition
1. What are your on-going programs for malnutrition and are they effective?
IV. Hypertension o We have a feeding program
1. is there BP monitoring in the health center?  Then after 6 months, we re-weigh the children.
o Yes we have BP apparatuses and we have to use them  If child is still malnourished, we continue feeding program, give
o If we find out that they have high BP, we refer them to the doctor vitamins and re-weigh again
o Then they go back and enroll for free meds (they are not allowed to  If the child’s weight is back to normal, we just follow up
sell meds)  Feeding happens everyday for 6 months
 Meds available: Metformin, Amlodipine, Metropolol, Simvastatin,  Food comes from the nutrition office of city hall
Aspirin, Catapres o Is it successful?
o Are there activities in your barangay that address exercise or lifestyle?  Yes it’s closely monitored by the nutrition office
 Every morning at the city hall 6-7am there’s walking and cumba  We BHWs go door to door with the nutritionist to identify
 Do you monitor if they exercise? malnourished children
 Some, the others you can’t really force them because they o Do you do health teaching among the parents about malnutrition?
are aged  Yes, we have a mother’s class and we teach them about nutrition,
 So there’s no exercise program in your barangay? proper cooking and proper food to give their children
 Currently stopped due to flooding (materials and tools were  If they don’t take care of their children well, then it’s not the
destroyed) barangay’s problem anymore
 There are cases wherein after the feeding program, the weight of
2. Are there programs for Htn in your barangay? the child goes back to normal then when the feeding program
o We have BP monitoring, then we ask if they have medications, and if stops, the child becomes malnourished again.
they have, do they drink them. If they don’t drink them, we ask them  There are some mothers that just depend on the feeding and they
why (sometimes they just forget). don’t cook at home. We advise them to cook at home.
o How do you enroll for free meds?
 We ask first what is the source/reason of Htn
 We enroll them ~ END ~
 Supply of meds comes from DOH (refer to free meds above)

V. Diarrhea
1. As BHWs, what do you do to address the problem of diarrhea? How do
you start addressing sanitation problem?
o First thing when a diarrhea case comes in: refer to doctor
 If there’s no doctor around, we give ORS (from the health center
o Sanitation
 We go first to the patient’s home and ask why the patient has
 Assess environment especially in a depressed area – if there’s a
proper bathroom/comfort room
 “Flying saucer style” (She did not really elaborate. This is likely
a type of latrine)
 Advice to dig a hole in the ground and put a toilet bowl
o Advice the parents to:
 Bathe their children everyday
 Wash hand before eating
 As much as possible their belongings are not infested by
cockroaches, lizards or rats

2. What is the incidence of diarrhea in your area? And what’s the most
common cause?
o Almost none in a month
o Their previous case of diarrhea (1 y/o, malnourished), the parents
bought “lutong-ulam” (food from an outside and likely contaminated
 They advised parents to cook themselves because outside food
has a lot of betchin and decreased nutrition
 Their house is also not ventilated with 3 families

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