FI Configuration: Expand Enterprise Structure Definition Financial Accounting

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FI Configuration

Expand Enterprise Structure<Definition<Financial Accounting

Execute define company

Click on new entries

Enter the details

Save the details

Click continue
Data was saved

Click on edit, copy, delete, check company code

Choose edit company code data
Here we can see the Company code

Click on address
Provide the details

Click on continue
Save the details

Click on continue
Expand Assignment<financial accounting

Click on Assign company code to company

Click on option

Select our company

Company is assigned to company code

Save the details

Click on business area

Click on new entries

Enter the details

Save the details

Click on continue

Here we can see the Business area

Expand financial Accounting

Expand the financial Accounting Global settings< ledgers< ledgers

Expand fiscal year and posting periods and execute on Maintain Fiscal year variant
Click on Assign company code to a Fiscal year variant

Click on option
Select the fiscal year variant

Click on continue
Data was saved

Click on Define variants for open posting periods

Click on new entries

Enter the variant and name

Save the details

Click on continue
Data was saved

Execute on assign variants to company code

Click on option
Click on continue

Execute open and close posting periods

Click on continue

Click on new entries

Click on option

Double click on valid for all account type

Save the details

Click on continue

Expand general ledger accounting < business transactions < open item clearing < clearing
Execute define tolerance groups for G/L Account
Click on new entries

Enter details
Click on save

Click on continue
Execute tolerance groups for employees

Click on new entries

Enter the provided details

Click on save
Executed assign users to tolerance groups

Click on new entries

Enter the details

Click on save
Click on continue

Enter the transaction code OB13 for creating chart of accounting

Click on new entries

Enter the details

Click on save

Click on continue

Enter the transaction code OB62 for assigning charts of accounts to company code
Click on position

Enter the company code and click on continue

Assign chart of accounts

Select chart of accounts and click continue

Click on save

Click on continue
Enter the transaction code OBD4

Click on new entries

Enter the details and save details

Click on continue
Enter transaction code OB53
Enter the chart of accounts and click on continue

enter the details and click save

Click on continue

Click on position
Select the provided details

Click on new entries

Click on number range information

Select the company code and click on intervals

Enter the details and save
Click on continue
Enter the transaction code OBC4

Select the one field status variants and click copy as

Edit the details

Click enter

Click on copy all

Click on continue
Click on save

Click on continue
Select on our field status variants and double click on field status group

Select the field status group G00P

Click on general data

Select text on required entry and save

Click on continue

Select the field status group G001

Click on additional account assignments
Select the business area for req.entry
Select the field status group G001
Payment transactions
Select on value date for req.entry

Select the field status group G005

Click on general data
Select text on require entry and save

Select the field status group G005

Click on additional account assignments
Select business area for req.entry
Enter transaction code OBC5 for assign field status variants to company code

Enter select option

Select field status name and click on continue
Field status variant is assigned to the company code
Click on save

Click on continue
Field status variant is assigned to the company code

Enter SPRO t-code

Click on sap reference IMG
Expand financial accounting <financial accounting global settings<general ledger accounting
<business transactions<document splitting
Click on classify G/L Accounts for document splitting

Select chart of accounts and click continue

Click on new entries

Enter the provided details and save

Click on continue
Entries are created

Execute define document splitting characteristics for general ledger

Select the check boxes

Expand controlling<general controlling<organization and executed maintain controlling area

Double click on maintain controlling area

Click on new entries

Enter the provided details

Click on yes
Click on save

Click on continue

Click on continue
Double click
Click on new entries

Enter the details

Provide company name

Click on save

Click on continue
Select our company code and double click n Active components

Click on new entries

Enter the provided details
Click on save

Click on continue

Click on continue
Select cost centers as Component active

Executed maintain number ranges for controlling documents

Enter company code and click on groups

Click on create

Enter the provided details

Click on save

Click on continue
Enter Group

Click on element group

See the details of subject

Click on save

Executed maintain versions

Enter the controlling area and click on continue

Select the plan/actual versions and double click on settings for each company code

Here we set the versions for each fiscal year

Executed the activate business functions

Click on continue

Expand enterprise_business_functions
Select the function set and activate changes

Here we can activate the functions

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