KNX Integration With Sauter EY

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KNX Integration with Sauter EY-RC504F011 (ecos504)

1. Configuration of the ecos504

To be able to use the ecos504 for the integration of KNX devices first we have to upgrade the
firmware at least to the version 2.8.3 and the firmware version of the internal COM module CM540
to the version 1.1.4.

Both firmware versions have to be downloaded first from the Sauter deployment server by using
CASE Sun as usual.

1.) Apply 24 v to the ecos504
2.) Connect ecos504 to your PC with an Ethernet cable (RJ45)
3.) Run CASE Sun --> configure the IP addresses of your network card and/or the ecos504
4.) Set the DOI of the ecos504
5.) Set the Firewall under properties to "Service" !!!

6.) Download and install the firmware version 2.8.3 for ecos504

Please be sure that all your firewalls and anti virus protection is disabled during the firmware

7.) Download the firmware version 1.1.4 for the internal COM module CM540 like shown above in
point 6.) (the firmware update of the CM540 will be done with CASE Engine)

2. Creating a new CASE Engine project with ecos504 (F011)

In CASE Suite we have to create now a new project as usual, add a BACnet network and a new Chart.
In the next step add a new AS and select "ecos504" as "AS type".
Now select "EY-RC504F011(2.12)" for the "Software version" like shown on the screenshot below.

In the next step we have to define the used modules, since the ecos504 can be used only with the
ecoLink modules.

After selecting the ecoLink modules we have to configure the COM module (CM540) by clicking on
the menu "COM" in the same module definition section, selecting the module CM540 from the drop
down menu and entering the properties by clicking on the "Property" button.
Here it is important to select the version 1.1.4 for the KNX/TP-1 protocol.
The physical address of the CM540 module you can enter only as a 16bit integer value. This will be
changed in the future versions.

Please also do not forget to set the addresses on the ecoLink with the dip switches on it.
In this case our ecoLink module has the address "1".

After the configuration is done, we have to add a new chart to our project and drag and drop a "BI"
block and a "BO" block and bind the "PV" from the "BI" to the "In" of the "BO" block.

So let's first check the function of the ecoLink module. Therefore we define the "Data Source" in the
properties of the "BI" block to "Terminal assignment" and select "DI" for the "Option", the configured
ecoLink for the "Module" and any free terminal as an input.

So the input is defined and we have to define also the output. Just to hear the "click" of the relay we
can configure the Data target of the "BO" block as a relay output.

Therefore we define in this case not the "Data source" but the "Data target" in the properties of the
"BO" block also as "Terminal assignment" and select here a "Relay" for "Option", again the same
ecoLink module for "Module" and select a free terminal as well for the relay output.

Before downloading check the wiring of your ecos504 an ecoLink:

If everything is done like described above, then you can download the program. After the download
you can check by shortcutting the selected input terminal with terminal "17" on your ecoLink
module. In my case I am using an EM510, so the terminals can be different on other ecoLink

So if the communication is ok you can hear the "click/clack" of the relay and we can see it also in the
online mode of CASE Engine.

3. Programming KNX devices using the ETS5 Software

For programming any KNX devices we need the free software called ETS5.

On the KNX website you can find a very nice Webinar.

Please use the link below to create a user account first:

Then in the next step use the link "", sign in with your created account login and
start the webinar.

When you succeed the webinar you can printout your certificate.

4. Using EY-RC504F011 as an interface between your PC (TCP/IP) and KNX for download the
configured parameter

Thanks to the CM540 communication module inside the ecos504 we can use the ecos504 as an
interface between the PC and the KNX network.

In ETS5 the ecos504 will be detected automatically. But for this it is very important, that the firewall
settings for the ecos504 in CASE Sun is set to "Service" like shown and described in point 1.
Configuration of the ecos504 in step 5.

Another important point you have to consider is, that you have to run your ETS5 software as
For this please rightclick to the ETS5 shortcut, go to the properties, select compatibility and click on
"Change settings for all users". In the next window check the box "Run this program as an
administrator" in the section "Privilege Level" like shown in the screenshot below.

Now in ETS5 you can check if the ecos504 is discovered as an interface. To do this you have to click
on the "Bus" menu and select the "Interfaces".
Here you have the possibility to configure a new interface or to check the discovered interfaces.
You will see that the ecos505 is discovered here as an interface and the physically address of the
ecos504 is 15.15.255 (remember "65535" as 16bit integer).

Finally just go to your ETS5 program select programmed sections and perform a full download.

So now we have programmed the KNX device and now the final step is to do the integration in

5. Integration of the programmed KNX devices into BACnet TCP/IP

Now we switch back to CASE Engine and open our CASE Engine project.
Here we have still one "BI" object and a "BO" object.

Now do the same again and add in our chart one more "BI" and one more "BO" object and bind them
like the others.

We open now the properties of the "BI" block and select now in the "Data source" not "Terminal
assignment", but "Third party connection".

For "Module" we check if "1 (COM) CM540" is selected and enter "0" as the first channel.
In the second line it is important to enter the communication direction. When we want to read a
value from the KNX device so we have to enter "0" or when we want to write a value to the KNX
device so just enter the value "1".
In the third line select the data type of the AS. If you need to scale the value so you can use the line 4
and 5.
Finally enter the KNX group address, which you can find in your ETS5 project and click on "ok".

In the last step configure the "BO" object like we have done before as a relay output to hear the
function and download the program to the ecos504.

Now you have succeeded!!! You can use the KNX device (in my case it's a switch) to switch ON/OFF
the light (relay).


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