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Internship Final report

My name is Metalem Ayele.I am fourth year chemical engeneering students in hawassa
university, have undertaken my internship experience from ETAB soap private company in
hawassa city.this final internship report prepared by using different type of text book and
interneat access.
I hereby, declare this final internship report is the result of my work except as cited in the
reference and compiled according to the internship report guideline given.

Name of student: METALEM AYELE Signature: Date:

This final internship report has been submitted for examination with my approval as
University advisor.

Advisor Name:Mr Zelalem Belay. Signature: Date:


Internship Final report

Executive summary
The aim of ETAB soap private company is to produce different types of soap. In my stay in
this company, I have tried to understand the basic processes that are taking place for the
production of soap (starting from raw materials preparation to the final product). Soap is a
chemical compound or mixture of Chemical compounds resulting from the interaction of
fatty acids with an Organic base. The report covers about seven major chapters starting from
the introduction part up to the recommendations. The introduction contains the company’s
background, types of soap produce in ETAB soap factory ,its management organization,
annual production plan, its objective and limitation of the company that is challenged me,
while we are performing my task. The second portion (literature review) covers the general or
basic theories of the processing of soap product. The third portion is the manufacturing
process of soap in the ETAB soap factory. This portion contains generally description of the
processes that are performed in the company. These processes are mainly classified under
four main classes. The first is the preparation of utilities. The water treatment and steam
generation are included in this process. The other is raw material preparation which includes
receiving and storage of raw materials, sodium silicate melting process, tallow melting,
bleaching and oil blending operations. The soap forming process is the third major process
which includes saponification (liquid soap form formation) and soap drying (to change liquid
soap into solid by avoiding the moisture). The finishing process is used to modify the quality
of the soap by adding different ingredients. This section includes mixing, milling, plodding,
molding, stamping, cutter and packaging. During the production process, quality controlling
and assurance is necessary to control the quality parameters of the raw materials, the
intermediate product and the end product. This final report also contains material and energy
balance, socioeconomic analysis, the case study taken on selected problem, conclusion and
overall benefits of the internship and the recommendations.


Internship Final report

First of all I would like to thank God for helping me on his way. I also appreciate Hawassa
university institute of technology department of chemical engineering special my advisor Mr.
Zelalem B. In addition I like to tank ETAB soap factory and my co- workers specially my
supervisors,Mr. Eng Sisay, chemists and each unit operators.


Internship Final report

Table of Contents

Executive summary................................................................................................................................ii



LIST OF FIGURES...................................................................................................................................vii

CHAPTER ONE........................................................................................................................................1


1.4. STRATEGIES, GENERAL AND SPECIFIC OBJECTIVES, STRATEGIC GOALS......................................3

CHAPTER THREE...................................................................................................................................14

3. SOAP MANUFACTURING PROCESS..................................................................................................14

3.1. Water treatment........................................................................................................................14

Residue Residue residue............................................................................17


3.5 Bleacher.....................................................................................................................................18

3.6 Blender......................................................................................................................................19

3.7 Saponification room (crutcher)..................................................................................................21

3.8 Neat Soap Dryer (Atomizer)......................................................................................................24

3.9 Cyclone separation....................................................................................................................25

3.10 Mixers......................................................................................................................................26

3.11 Plodder.....................................................................................................................................27

3.12 Soap Moulds and Press (stamber)............................................................................................28

3.12.1 Cutter......................................................................................................................................28


CHAPTER FOUER..................................................................................................................................30

4. MATERIALS AND ENERGY BALANCE.................................................................................................30

4.1 MATERIAL BALANCE...........................................................................................................30

4.1.1 Mass balance on tallow refiner.................................................................................................30

4.1.2 Mass balance on Bleacher to be produced................................................................................31


Internship Final report

4.1.3 Mass balance batch formation & Blender.................................................................................32

4.1.5 Mass balance on vacuum dryer.................................................................................................34

4.1.6 Mass balance on mixer.............................................................................................................35

4.1.7 Mass balance on vacuum plodder.............................................................................................36

4.2 Energy balances:........................................................................................................................36

4.2.1 REFINER.................................................................................................................................37

4.2.3 BLENDER................................................................................................................................40

4.2.4 CRUTCHER (SAPONIFICATION).........................................................................................41

4.2.5 CONDENSER:.........................................................................................................................43

4.2.6 SODIUM SILICATE MELTER...............................................................................................43

4.2.7 Energy balance on boiler..........................................................................................................44

CHAPTER FIVE......................................................................................................................................48

5. ENVIRONMENTAL AND SOCIO-ECONOMIC ANALAYSIS...................................................................48

5.1 Environmental analysis..............................................................................................................48

5.1.1 Positive impact.........................................................................................................................48

5.1.2 Negative impact........................................................................................................................49

5.2.1 The total cost input to the company..........................................................................................50

5.2.2 Total output cost from company...............................................................................................50

5.2.3 Profitability of the company.....................................................................................................52

5.3 Social analysis...........................................................................................................................52

CHAPTER SIX........................................................................................................................................54

6.CHALENGES AND PROBLEMS OF THE ESF.........................................................................54

6.2 Case study title..........................................................................................................................55

6.2.1 METHODOLOGY OF FLUE GASE DISULPHURIZATION................................................58

6.3 Overall benefits gained from the internship...............................................................................60

CHAPTER SEVEN..................................................................................................................................62


Internship Final report

7.CONCLUSION AND RECOMENDATION..............................................................................................62

7.1 CONCLUSION.........................................................................................................................62


LIST OF Tables

Table3. 1The recipes of different bar soaps.............................................................................20


Table4. 1Summary of material balance:..................................................................................46

Table4. 2 Summary of Energy balance:...................................................................................47
Table5. 1 Out put cost of the company....................................................................................52


Internship Final report


Figure1. 1 overall management of the company........................................................................3


Figure3. 1 wood boilers............................................................................................................18

Figure3. 2 Melter......................................................................................................................19
Figure3. 3 bleacher...................................................................................................................20
Figure3. 4 blender....................................................................................................................22
Figure3. 5 saponification crutcher............................................................................................25
Figure3. 6 soap drying (atomizer)............................................................................................27
Figure3. 7 cyclone....................................................................................................................28
Figure3. 8 mixer.......................................................................................................................29
Figure3. 9 plodder..................................................................................................................30
Figure3. 10 flow diagram of bar soap production....................................................................31

Figure6. 1 flow diagram of eggshell preparation.....................................................................59


Internship Final report














Internship Final report

1.1 Background of ETAB soap factory
ETAB soap factory is a factory that produces soaps having different forms, sizes and
quality especially bar soaps. As its name indicates ETAB (ESKINDER TESFAYE ABEBE
BIRU) is owned by ATO ESKINDER TESFAYE who is an auto mechanic and his father
M/R TESFAYE ABEBE is a chemist who starts the project for this company. It was started in
their house by his father when Ato Eskender was a young and a student. Now a day ETAB
soap and detergent industry is a privatized company, starts its basement in 1993 by Ato
Eskendir Tesfaye, using a single unit operation for the production of bar soap to a single
society in Hawassa by setting its basement in a rent house. But through a time the product
becomes competitive in the market, its demand show increscent by peoples.

ETAB soap factory was established and legally registered in Ethiopia by the previous name
ETAB Soap Factory in 1997 in Hawassa city (SNNPR) as a private company. The entrepreneur
and the general manager, Ato Eskinder Tesfaye and his family, established the company. The
factory started its operation with three machines acquired from CHEMCO Company in Italy. In
1999 it undertook additional construction to facilitate pre and post production processes. On this
time around 450 labor and skilled human powers are working, both of them are responsible for 8
hour service from the total 24 hours of the company working time.

ETAB has undertaken an expansion project at a cost of 15 million Br, which has doubled its
productions to 1.2 million bars of soap per year. New machines for melting, composing and
drying have been acquired from the same Italian company. The expansion has enabled the
factory to produce bathroom, laundry and toilet soap, among others Producing two tones of soaps
per hour, the new facility is able to supply approximately 2,200 cartons per day, at full capacity.
Now a day to use advanced technology working for use advanced unit operation it produce
twenty eight types of brand soaps.


Internship Final report

1.2 The main products produced in ETAB soap factory are the following;

- Small lion - small hammer

- Tabor -Large lion

- Large hammer - Hawassa

-ETAB – hawassa -Walt WH

- Dashion - Yanni 120 pink

- Jegol orange 140gm - Jegol Ivory 190gm

-Walt yellow - Yanni 120 -white

- Yanni 200gm --Toilet soap small/white

-Zumber pink -Toilet soap large (white)

- UNICEF 250-pink - Toilet soap small (P/G)

-UNICEF 75gm-pink

1.3 Management and organization of ETAB Soap Factory (ESF)

ESF have a strong and experienced management board and team. It has an organization structure
with the following departments. The main departments of the factory are;

 Financial department

 Marketing department

 Production department

 Administration department

 Commercial department


Internship Final report



Human Property Productio Marketing Finance

resource and n dep’t dep’t dep’t
dep’t purchasing

Property Purchasing Production Operatio General

division Cost
dep,t plan, control nal unit
budget accountan

Marketing Sales
Personal General promotion division
division. Service

Figure1. 1 overall management of the company


ESF follows 4concise strategies to achieve its desired growth these are:-

 Exploit first mover advantage in highly fragmented market with a unique and
differentiated product.

 Develop a strong branding campaign to build awareness, positive perception and sales of
product with in target market.

 Continue to develop new products to satisfy an every growing set of market.


Internship Final report

 Establish business network relationship to accelerate market penetration of the product

line in Africa.


Haw to produce different types of soaps, its working principals and its quality controlling


 Increase sales volume

 Ensure finance availability

 Ensure and avail sustainable quality material

 Develop and maintain conducive working environment

 Improve hazardous waste management system in accordance with national

regional and local requirements

 Assure quality


 To ensure sustainable product quality and excellence in productivity

 To enhance human capacity of the organization

 To increase market share and sales volume

 To create positive corporate image

 To enhance creativity and innovation

 To create more employment opportunity to the socies


Internship Final report


In my intern ship there is some limitation and challenges from the hosting company and other
tasks to do.

 There is lack of transportation. because of these reason I am not rich on the working time.
 There is no enough amount of internet access. From this reason to be challenged when I am
doing the case study.
 There is no measurement for byproduct in some unit operations. This problem faces a
difficult while performing the material and energy balance. To solve this problem, I have
taken an assumption.
 Since the storage of raw tallow and the tallow melting, bleaching and oil blending are in one
room, the bad smell of tallow disturbs us when we are working in the tallow melting,
bleaching and blending operation.
 Some of the workers are not professional. When we ask them the information that they have
given is not uniform. and they are not reasonable why a given operation is operated in a
specific manner. They are working simply by adaptation.
 Some sensors are not working properly. This faces us not to get the correct operation
parameter, for example the flow rate of steam to individual unit operation is not known.


Internship Final report



Soap making has remained unchanged over the centuries. The ancient Roman tradition was to
make rain water, potash and animal tallow, turning it in to a agent. There are many legends about
how soap was discovered. Some say that after the heavy rain fall on the slopes of Mount of soap,
the water mixed with the animal fat and ashes around an important sacrificial alter. Making of
soap was a long and arduous process. First the fat had to be rendered, that is melted and filtered
to remove any non-fat solids. Then the potash solution was added to the hot fat. Since water and
oil do not mix, this mixture had to be continuously stirred and heated sufficiently to keep the fat
melted. Slowly a chemical reaction called saponification would take place between the fat and
the hydroxide which resulted in a liquid soap. When the water and fat no longer separated, the
mixture was allowed to cool. At this point salt, such as sodium chloride, was added to separate
the soap from the excess water. The soap came to the top, was skimmed off, and placed in
wooden molds to cure.
All soap is made from fats and alkaline solutions. There are many kinds of fats, both animal and
vegetable. Animal fats are usually solid at room temperature, but many vegetable fats extracted
from corn, peanuts, olives, soybeans, and many other plants. When it comes to making soap,
however, all different types of fats (anything from lard to exotic tropical plant oils) can be used.
Basic (alkaline) solutions all contain a metal and a hydroxide ion. The most common bases are
those produced by the reaction of group I metal plus water. These are highly water-soluble and
can be used to make very strong solutions. Lye and drain cleaner are the most common alkali
compounds used in everyday life.
Up until the early 1900,s, many people made their own soap from household waste products.
They used the solid animal fats that were left over from cooking and a potash solution from
wood ashes.
Many home soap makers today make their own dish liquid, laundry soaps, bath soaps, facial
soap and liquid body soaps. Even though all soap is made by the chemical combination of lye,
water and fat; which is called saponification, soap differ from one another depending on the type


Internship Final report

of fat and lye that is used and the amount. For instance, lye made from wood ash produces a soft
soap. Soaps that contain excess amounts of unsaponified fat are very gentle and make good facial
or toilet soaps. Today soap is made in basically the same way, but we can use a few tricks of
chemistry to accelerate the process.
2.2 Definition and Properties
The definition of soap is generally restricted to the combination of fatty acids and alkalis
obtained by reacting various animal and vegetable fats and oils with caustic soda or potash, the
former giving hard soap and the latter soft soap. Both soaps are readily soluble in hot water or
alcohol Sodium soaps (made from caustic soda) are found to be insoluble in very strong caustic
solutions, and for the most part in strong solutions of brine; hence the addition of strong
solutions of brine to a solution of sodium soap causes the soap to separate out and rise to the
surface of the caustic or salt solution. This separation (also referred to as ‘graining’) of soap is
employed in commercial soap production. On the other hand, addition of brine to a solution of
potassium (potash) soap merely results in double decomposition giving rise to sodium soap and
Potassium chloride. i.e. (Potassium Soap) + (Common Salt) = (Sodium Soap) + (Potassium
2.3 Hydrolysis of Soap
When soap is treated with cold water it is said to undergo hydrolysis - the breaking down of the
soap into its component parts. The hydrolysis results in the liberation of an acid salt.
The reaction can be represented in its simplest form by the equation:
2 Cl7 Hs5COONa + H20 = N&X-I + H Na (C7H35 COO),

(Soap) + (Water) = (Caustic Soda) + (Acid Salt)

2.4 Soap Making Methods
There are different ways of soap making processes that will allow easy production of soap
products. Some of these are:
Cold Process Soap: “Cold Process” soap (commonly referred to as “CP” soap). It is made by
combining fatty acids and sodium hydroxide (lye) together. Fatty acids can be almost any oil –
from beef tallow to olive oil to hemp oil. The combinations for making your own personal recipe
are endless. Cold process soap making is a combination of an art and science. The condensed
version of this type of soap making is that there is a certain proportion of sodium hydroxide and


Internship Final report

water to fatty acids that forms a chemical reaction called “saponification.” During saponification,
the oils and lye mix and become soap – the process takes approximately six weeks to fully
complete. Cold process soap making requires the use of lye and the use of safety equipment,
such as goggles and gloves. Cold process soap is known for its hard, long lasting quality.
Hot process soap: Hot-processed soaps are created by encouraging the saponification reaction
by adding heat to speed up the reaction. In contrast with cold-pour soap which is poured into
moulds and for the most part only then saponifies, hot-process soaping for the most part
saponifies the oils completely and only then is poured into moulds.
In the hot process, the hydroxide and the fat are heated and mixed together at 80–100 °C, a little
below boiling point, until saponification is complete, which, before modern scientific equipment,
the soap maker determined by taste (the sharp, distinctive taste of the hydroxide

Disappears after it is saponified) or by eye; the experienced eye can tell when gel stage and full

Saponification has occurred and its processes the describe of ETAB soap production.

The processes to produce soap or soap noodles:

There are three processes to produce soap noodles. Those are ;

1. Saponification of oils or fats
Triglyceride + sodium hydroxide →soap + glycerol
Advantage: combination of oil, good perfume retention
Disadvantage: color of soap dark
2. Neutralization
This method of production of soap noodles occur in ETAB soap factory, due to steam hydrolysis
in different oils.

fatty acid +sodium hydro oxide soap +water

Advantage: color of soap good, allow selection of fatty acid, simple production processes
3 .saponification of methyl ester
Ester + sodium hydroxide →soap + methanol
Advantage: color of soap best , simple production process
2.6 Raw materials


Internship Final report

Raw materials may be imported or exported. Whatever it is written procedures should be

established describing the purchase (price), receipt (content of the raw material like moisture
content, total fatty matter, impurity and etc), identification (physical appearance), quarantine,
storage (barrel for liquids materials like different types of oil, hydrogen per oxide etc.. and sack
for solids like caustic soda, titanium, dolomite etc), handling, sampling, testing (total fatty
matter) and approval or rejection of raw materials.
2.6.1 Sodium hydroxide (caustic soda)
Commercial caustic soda is creamy in appearance and fibrous in structure. It readily absorbs
moisture and carbonic acid from the air to form sodium carbonate. Due to its hygroscopic
property of absorbing moisture, it must not be exposed to the air. Caustic soda is also very
Corrosive to the skin and aluminum containers, and as such must be handled with great care. It is
available on the market in various forms, namely flakes, powder, sticks and blocks.
An alkali is a soluble salt of an alkali metal like sodium or potassium. Originally, the alkalis used
in soap making were obtained from the ashes of plants, but they are now made commercially.
Today, the term alkali describes a substance that chemically is a base and that reacts with the fat
and neutralizes an acid. The common alkalis used in soap making are sodium hydroxide (NaOH),
also called caustic soda. Sodium hydroxide is produced (along with chlorine and hydrogen) via
the chloralkali process. This involves the electrolysis of an aqueous solution of sodium chloride.
The sodium hydroxide builds up at the cathode, where water is reduced to hydrogen gas and
hydroxide ion:
2Na + 2H2O + 2e− → H2 + 2NaOH

2.6.2 Sodium Silicates

Sodium silicates have several properties to enhance and soap. Sodium silicates reduce the
surface tension of liquids to improve soil removal. PH behavior and buffering capacity When
saponification occur sodium silicate was added to increase foaming capacity of soap and giving
the soap sticking behavior.


Internship Final report Density
The density of a silicate solution is inversely proportional to temperature: as temperature
increases, density decreases. Density has long been expressed in degrees Baume which can be
converted to specific gravity using the following formula:
S.G. = 145 / (145 - Be) ( ) Viscosity
The viscosity of a sodium silicate solution is a function of concentration, density, and
temperature. Increasing the temperature decreases Viscosity of sodium silicate solutions. PH
The pH of silicate solutions is dependent on concentration. The buffering capacity (the ability of
a solution to resists changes in pH) increases with increasing proportions of soluble silica.
However, even dilute silicate solutions will maintain a relatively constant pH despite the addition
of acid. All silicate solutions are alkaline, the pH of commercial silicate solutions ranges from
approximately 10 to 13. The stability of a sodium silicate solution depends to a large extent on
pH. All sodium silicate solutions will polymerize to form a silica gel when the pH value is
reduced below 10. Reaction with acids (sol and gel formation) Sodium silicates react with acidic
compounds. When solutions of relatively high concentrations are acidified, the soluble silicate
anions polymerize to for a gel. When relatively dilute concentrations of dissolved silica are
acidified, activated colloidal silicate solutions (sols) can be formed. The degree of
polymerization of the silicate anions of sodium silicate solutions depends on
solutionConcentrations,temperature,ph,and other factors.

2.6.3 Fats and oils

The cost of production and properties of any particular soap are largely dependent on the nature
and properties of the various oils and fats used in its manufacture. Soap making involves a
definite chemical decomposition of fats and oils into their constituent parts, namely fatty acids
and glycerol. All fats and oils used in soap making consist of a mixture of compounds of glycerol
with fatty acid which occur in nature in the form of triglycerides. The most important of these
acids from the soap maker’s point of view are stearin, Palmitic, olein and laurin. The presence of
stearin and palmitin, which are solids at room temperature, gives firmness to fats and oils. The


Internship Final report

greater the percentage presents in the harder the oil or fat, and the higher its melting point.
Where olein, which is liquid at ordinary temperature, is the chief constituent, the oil or fat is soft.
The soap making properties of fats and oils can be determined by the molecular weights of their
fatty acids. With increasing molecular weight in the case of naturally occurring saturated fatty
acids in fat or oil, the following properties are found:
1. The boiling point of the oil rises,
2. The melting point of the oil/fat rises,
3. The saponification value of the oil/fat decreases.
Saponification is the chemical process of making soap that involves an exothermic reaction
between sodium hydroxide and a fat (oils). These fats and oils contain various properties of the
fatty acid usually having 6-22 carbon atoms in the paraffin chain. These include caprylic acid
(C8H16O3), Lauric acid (C14H32O2), stearic acid (C18H36O2), and Linoleic acid (C18H32O2) among
others. Properties of fatty acids for soap making

 Lauric acid: Hard bar, excellent cleaning , lots of fluffy lather too much can dry the skin

 Linoleic acid: Conditioning, moisturizing silky fell

 Myristic acid: Hard bar , cleansing, fluffy lather

 Oleic acid: Conditioning, slippery fell, stingy lather, kind to skin

 Palmitic acid: Hard bar, cleansing ,stable lather

 Ricinoleic acid: Softer bar, conditioning, moisturizing, lots of fluffy stable lather, kind to

 Steric acid: Hard, long lasting bar, stable lather

2.6.4 Palm Oil:

Palm oil makes a hard bar that cleans well and is also mild. It is a good substitute for animal
tallow in all vegetable soaps.

Palmitic acid: 43-45% (a saturated C16 fatty acid)

Oleic acid: 38-40% (a mono saturated C18, omega-9 fatty acid)


Internship Final report

Linoleic acid: 9-11% (a polyunsaturated C18, omeda-6 fatty acid)

Stearic acid: 4-5% (a saturated C18 fatty acid)

Myristic acid: 1% (a saturated C14 fatty acid)

Contributes to soap: Soap hardness Stable lather Conditioning, silky feels

2.6.5. Builders
Building agents are essentially used to ‘build up’, i.e. increase the detergent power of soaps.
Their use in soaps has enabled the soap industry to face, to some degree, the severe competition
from synthetic detergents. Sodium carbonate, sodium silicate and sodium sulphate are alkali
builders commonly used in soap making.

2.6.6 Fillers
Fillers are used to add weight to the soap without in any way adding to the detergent property of
the soap. They increase the bulk of the soap, and hence reduce production cost. They are not,
however, used in good quality genuine soaps. It also improves the smoothness, binding,
transparency and hardness of the soap. In the use of fillers, care must be taken for their
selection and quality as too much may dampen the washing properties and keeping quality of the
2.6.7 Common salt
Brine (a saturated solution of salt) is very important in soap manufacture. It is needed to grain
out the soap in a full boiled process, in order to separate out glycerin and excess caustic from the
genuine soap. Salt used in graining has to be pure, i.e. free from compounds of iron (Fe), calcium
(Ca) and magnesium (Mg), otherwise they will cause the deterioration of the soap and introduce
impurity in the form of their insoluble soaps.

2.6.8 Colures
Color is added to soap to make it more attractive, and sometimes to mask the original color of
the product. Oil and water soluble dyes are suitable for soap coloring.


Internship Final report

2.6.9 Perfumes
Some oils and fats produce soaps of unpleasant odor (even if they are well clarified before use)
which need to be perfumed. However, in the use of these perfumes, consideration must be given
to the action of the particular perfume on the soap. Some synthetic perfumes and essential oils
cause soap to darken rapidly on keeping; Perfumes are added to soaps at low temperatures as

they are very volatile at high temperatures.

2.7 Dolomite
This is an auxiliary raw material used to increase the weight of the soap. Since it has no any
function in the soap except weight, it should be added in the mixer. It is one of the most raw
materials that gave a highest profit for Soap Company.

2.7.1 Water
Water, the liquid commonly used for cleaning, has a property called surface tension. In the body
of the water, each molecule is surrounded and attracted by other water molecules. However, at
the surface, those molecules are surrounded by other water molecules only on the water side. A
surface tension is created as the water molecules at the surface are pulled into the body of the
water. This tension causes water to bead up on surfaces (glass, fabric), which slows wetting of
the surface and inhibits the cleaning process.


Internship Final report

Soap making or the saponification process is done by the reaction fatty acids and caustic alkali,
the properties of the resulting soap depending on the mixture of fats used, the kind of caustic
alkali and the actual process employed. Saponification is the chemical process of making soap
that involves an exothermic reaction between sodium hydroxide and a fat (oils).
Soap is a chemical compound or mixture of Chemical compounds resulting from the interaction
of fatty acids with an inorganic base. The alkaline metals usually used in soap making are
sodium and potassium, which Produce water soluble soaps. In ETAB soap factory produce only
bar soap products that means soap manufacture that is based on the processing of natural fat and
different palms. First oil or fatty acid from tallow and different types of palms was prepared in
oil preparation room in the form of refining and bleaching unit operations because soap produced
from animal fat are less in quality. So soaps produced in a component of animal and plant oils
for the purpose high quality soap produced.
The manufacturing of bar soap passes a number of unit operations to competitive for quality and
quantity for other soap factory. So the production of this qualitative soap from row tallows
refining to bar soap product use properly. The generation of the unit operation use steam energy
and electricity. In ETAB soap factory the only source of heat for preparation of substances in to a
use full product is steam produced from boiler but machines like mixers, belts, vacuum plodder,
and cutter use electricity. ETAB soap factory use so many unit operation for production of final
quality soap product, so the process description of each unit operation are the following;

3.1. Water treatment

Water is the most vital and fundamentally important resource required by the soap and other
factories. ETAB soap factory prepare continuous water supply from quire of the ground
(borehole) and quality by using sodium chloride and zeolite. Hard water contains magnesium,
calcium and others chemicals that corrode steels and forming scale in boiler, creature and mixer
unit operations. These elements by nature have high boiling point as compared to water so in
boiler when the water boils they remain in the surface where steam passes through resulting
corrosion on the material and blocking steam flow on the tube.


Internship Final report

In this section two softeners are occurred and it works interchangeably, the softeners are sodium
chloride and zeolite. This unit operation is used to prevent scale formation in boiler. Since steam
is highly pressurized blocking of their flow explode the boiler so to prevent this problem water
must be treated. water from borehole contains some impurity which can be filtered only by
physical means so water from borehole directly pass through a kettle filling with a sand (filtering
media) to remove coarse impurities. But still their exist elements that make water hard so it
should be treated by using zeolite. Salt (sodium chloride) is dissolved in water to produce ions of
sodium and chloride. But in ETAB soap factory there is no further water treat ment by using
3.2 Boiler
Boiler is a device used to create steam by applying heat energy to water. It is used wherever a
source of steam is required.
Boiler is equipment used for producing and transferring steam for the purpose of either heating
or melting of a given substance. A boiler is basically a closed vessel into which water is heated
until the water is converted in to steam at required pressure.
In ETAB soap factory to use generated steam produced from boiler as source of energy for steam
energy required unit operation to satisfy their efficiency.
3.2.1 The working principle of the boiler:
Boiler is equipment used for producing and transferring steam for the purpose of either heating
or melting of a given substance. A boiler is basically a closed vessel into which water is heated
until the water is converted in to steam at required pressure.
In ETAB soap factory to use generated steam produced from boiler as source of energy for steam
energy required unit operation to satisfy their efficiency. In this factory there are two types of
boilers are used; these are wood and furnace boiler.
It has a shell and tube arrangement in which the water enters in the shell side and the hot gas
passes through the tubes that has a direct contact with the shell. The water starts to boil and
produces a steam. The boiler is essentially a closed vessel inside which water is stored. Wood is
bunt in the boiler and hot gasses are produced. These hot gasses come in contact with water


Internship Final report

vessel where the heat of these hot gases transfer to the water and consequently steam is produced
in the boiler. Then this steam is piped to the any unit operation.
Since this boiler has the capacity to produce a steam having a pressure of eight bar. The circuit
systems automatically switch off the compressor to stop firing while the operator opens the
steam line. Since the water used contain some hard substances it should be cleaned in each week
to prevent it from exploding.
Those working in automatic control (having capability of containing 5650L water.
Those working manually (having capability of containing 4000L water).

Figure3. 1 wood boilers source (photo from company)

3.3 Sodium silicate dissociation tank (Melter)
This unit operation is used to melt sodium silicate which has a solid state.2500 kg sodium silicate
and 2500 liter soft water was added to it and heated using a steam having a pressure of 5-8 bars
till concentration matches our requirement. The concentration should be between 41 Baume and
45 Baume. When the concentration reaches in the range it was pumped to barrel through sieves
as a temporary storage by opening the valve. It is controlled manually by opening and closing the


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3.4 Raw tallow melting

This is the process of melting animal tallow by using steam as a source of heat. In
refining/melting process around 5,000kg by mass of tallow is liquefied using each of the three
refiners at temperature ranging from 90-105 C in steam (6-8 bars) by direct contact method for
the extraction of palm fatty acid oil. Heat it by using steam produced from boiler for at least two
up to three hours until required amount of oil from tallow was melted in the kettle. It is detected
by immersing long steel to the solution from top to bottom. If the steel immerses simply to it
without requiring power, required amount of oil from tallow is melted but if it requires power to
immerse it, there exists some unmelted tallow so heat further.
After a certain period oil extraction process is when the required amount of oil is melted, close
the steam line and leave the solution as is it is for 30 minutes, for this extraction process is
completed and cooling process is followed but due to the heat transfer between tallow and steam
is without medium, steam condense and too much water is mixed with the oil then by density
difference the oil occupy the upper layer and mixture of water with residue be at the bottom then
opening the valve almost 1250kg of residue is removed from each of the individual refiner for
the sum total of 3,750kg residue and 11,250kg of oil is the output.
Finally oil extracted is clarified and transported to bleacher using a sieve and pump
respectively. The un wanted parts(residue) are then pick out from the kettle and mixed with chips
wood for the purpose of firing in the boiler, while the oil part pass to bleaching room for extra
refining and bleaching purpose.

Tallow Tallow Tallow

Oil oil oil

Steam Steam steam

Residue Residue residue

Figure3. 2 Melter source ( phot o from company)


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3.5 Bleacher
Bleacher is equipment used to remove unpleasant odor and residue remaining from tallow
processed oil by our company and Kera, palm fatty acid distillate black and high free fatty acid.
It involves the removal or change of dyes and odors. Fatty acid oil extracted from the refiner is
transformed to another process called bleaching. Bleaching is important to increase the quality
grade of the fatty acid oil, chemicals used for these processes are sodium chloride and hydrogen
peroxide.The oil that is required to be bleached is filled and heated.

In this process sodium chloride has a high degree of formation of precipitate when reacted with
waste due to its negative and positive ions then unwanted things would sediment with salt and
increase the purity of oil. Besides, hydrogen peroxide is an oxidizing agent also important to
avoid bad smell of oil acting like deodorant. It also heated until solution temperature reaches 90
to 100 degree centigrade. Finally impurities (200kg residue) are discarded by valve in the
bottom of the tank all the oil part is packed in barrels and stored.



H2O Bleacher OIL

NaCl bleached oil


Figure3. 3 bleacher source (photo from company)


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3.6 Blender
In blending process fatty acid oil simply mixed with different type of palms at different ratio to
form slurry. Soap that uses only animal fat is hard, tends to be grainy, and lathers poorly.
Conversely, Soap made only from vegetable oils lathers well but does not harden properly. A
mixture of the two or more types of fats or oils brings out the best qualities of both. Since
blending is the process of mixing of different oils in a given ratio, its only function is to
homogenize oils that are mixed and to remove some impurity due to density difference.
Different types of oils are immersed to the blender by pumping them, heated till a temperature of
90 to100 and close steam line for 30 minute to settle residue and drain them in a given valve.

In blender there are three types of slurry produced based on amount of oil used from tallow.
These are;

 Build slurry

 Filled slurry

 Genuine slurry.

Builder slurry is higher in quality than filled because of usage of high quality oils like Lauric
acid, refined bleached distillate and etc. Builders are compounds which improve the cleaning
performance of the soap. The genuine slurry is the most colored than that of the build and the
filled slurry. In this slurry the tallow is not used.

Each types of slurry listed above has different recipe even if there exists different recipe for the
same type soap and slurry type based on,

 Raw material availability

 Marketing

 Raw material compatibility with each other

 Profit

 Type of soap


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 Quality



DPFA oil


Figure3. 4 blender source (photo from photo)

Generally the blender unit operations are to produce build, filled and gonium slurry for the
production of different bar soaps, it uses different recipe oils based on the quality of available bar
soaps. The recipes of different bar soaps in this year are as follows;

Table 3. 1The recipes of different bar soaps


Geninum (GN1) 6 10 -
Build (BL2) 9 5 2
Build (BL1) 10 3 3
Filled (FL2) 3 - 13
Filled (FL1) 6 10


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3.7 Saponification room (crutcher)

The term saponification is commonly used to describe the chemical process that results in the
formation of soap. Saponification is the process of hydrolysis of esters in alkaline condition .
Crutcher is a huge kettle for preparation of neat soap from oil with other additional ingredients
like water, caustic soda, sodium silicate. In ETAB soap factory in the crutcher neutralization
reaction takes place. In neutralization process the reaction between oils with caustic soda
solution, so it to form neat soap and water condensate. The slurry prepared in oil preparation
room is pumped to a huge kettle called crutcher for preparation of slurry with other additional
ingredients like water, caustic soda, and sodium silicate.

 Water is used to dissolve caustic soda and to produce less concentrated solution
that is easy to pump
 Caustic soda is used to break the bond of fatty acid and Lauric acid
 Sodium silicate is used to bind, shiny and weight of the soap and shiny

Using the saponification values of the oils and their weights in gram, the required quantity of
caustic soda to be used can be obtained. Since caustic is in the form of powder first it should be
dissolved in water. So 1200 liter water is added to the crutcher and calculated amount of caustic
soda was weighed (17 sacks each containing 25 kg) and added to it.

The caustic soda was stirred well using a stirrer until it blends with the water. The solution was
heated and stirred until concentration of the solution matches its required value. Then oil is
pumped and added to it. It was warmed in order to hasten the reaction between the caustic soda
and the fat.
When saponification occur sodium silicate was added to increase foaming capacity of soap and
giving the soap sticking behavior. The occurrence of saponification is known by visual sight of
the solution. Animal fats and plant oils contain compounds known as fatty acids. These fatty
acids are bound to glycerol to form triglycerides.
Sodium hydroxide is the strong base which breakdown the triglycerides to form the metal salt of
the fatty acid. This reaction which is shown below is called saponification which literally means


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the soap making. Saponification is an exothermic and an auto catalytic reaction. And is normally
described as consisting of 3 stages;
1. An induction period (up to 20-30% conversion)

2. A steady state period (up to 80-90% conversion)

3. A slowdown period as reactants are consumed

The reaction proceeds via the formation of soap micelles consists of fatty acid ions arranged in
such a way that the carboxyl group (hydrophilic, soluble in water) points in to the aqua’s solution
phase. The paraffin chain of the fatty acid behaves like pure hydrocarbon (hydrophobic,
insoluble in water points towards the oil. The paraffin chain is insoluble in oil or fat. There are
two saponification types. These are

1. Saponification by potassium hydroxide (important for soft soap, body soaps)

2. Saponification by sodium hydroxide (important for hard soap, laundry soap)


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Figure3. 5 saponification crutcher

Temporary storage (feeding tank)
It is a small creature type that is important for accumulation of slurry for short period of time
that comes from the larger creature through a pipe by direct pumping system.
The temporary storage tanker has many advantages these are;

 in order to keep optimum temperature of the slurry that is used for an input to the
 important to speed up the mixing process and creation of a homogeneous slurry
i.e. by nature silicate has a probability of settling within a short period of a time,
so we need a heating process by steam for extra disturbance
 Important to increase the efficiency of the pump working life time. The pipe from
the larger creature to the atomizer is so far apart so pumping such a distance is
coasty and minimizes the life of the pump unless we are interested up start
pumping in temporary storage.


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3.8 Neat Soap Dryer (Atomizer)

The main advantage of this system is the possibility to adjust the moisture level in the soap.
Atomizer is used to convert the neat soap in to droplet for simplicity of losing its moisture
content due the effect of vacuum created using a compressor. Atomizer is equipment that
converts appearance of slurry to atom size or shape.
The working principle of atomizer:
the soap that come out from a saponification plant is pumped to vacuum drying plant through
the heat exchanger by means of soap feed pump. The production rate of this plant is determined
by the speed of this pump. . Conditions inside are such that the sprayed soap dries, cools down,
and is immediately scraped of the wall. Evaporated moisture is conveyed through vapor ducts
and cyclones to the barometric condenser, by means of vacuum pump, where all the vapors are
condensed by direct contact with the water from cooling tower. All this waterfall, through
barometric leg, into the hot well. Eventual un-condensable, such as air, are sucked by a liquid
ring vacuum pump group. During passage through the cyclones, vapors are separated from
entrained soap dust which is gathered at the bottom of the cyclones and transferred from second
to first cyclone by fine screw conveyor.


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Figure3. 6 soap drying (atomizer)

3.9 Cyclone separation
It is a method of removing particulates from an air, gas or liquid stream, without the use of
filters, through vortex separation. Substances goes to the cyclone are vapor and some very fine
soap particles having very minimum mass. Cyclone separates them by density difference in
which the vapor pass to condenser overhead condenses the evaporated water and changed to
liquid in one part of cyclone but vapors condensed till they reach cyclone and very fine soaps are
stored on the other parts of the cyclone. The vapor is then condensed and transported to bore

finally hydrogen peroxide is added to the neat soap or hot cake purposely used for up grading
the quality of the cake and avoid bad odour .in nature hydrogen peroxide goes slow reaction so
that for a period of 48 hours the cake exposed to the atmosphere leads for completion of its
reaction time. The cake that completes its reaction time is called pasta. The solid waste from the
cyclone passes to mixer after separating them from the containing condensate.

Figure3. 7 cyclone source (photo from company)


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3.10 Mixers
Mixer is usually the first machine of a soap finishing line. The main purpose of a soap mixer is
to amalgamate the soap noodles (chips) with colorant, fragrance, solid/ liquid additives and
fillers. A batch mixing process typically consists of three sequential steps: weighing and loading
mix components like chips, dolomite and other ingredients. Now mix them till homogenize. Add
water for batches of mixers that contain dolomite and batches that contain dry chips to increase
homogenization and some additives like perfumes, colorants, lotions, glycerin’s, titanium and
sodium silicate depend on the type of soap to enhance some of its properties In batch mixing all
ingredients are loaded into a mixer and mixed for duration until they are homogenously
distributed or mixed.
The retention time in a batch mixer is normally arrived at based on trials where in the time
required for achieving the desired level of product homogeneity is established in case of our
company; ranges from fifteen minutes to three hours based of the type of ingredients that was
mixed. The resulting mix is then discharged out of the mixing vessel.
In ETAB soap factory there are two types of mixers, these are;
Large scale Italian mixer: is important for filled soap products. Different types of additives are
mixed with filled pasta such as dolomite, titanium oxide and water. There are two types of
dolomite in the process for different soap types; these are ETAB dolomite (which is crushed and
prepared by the factory) and special dolomite, which is purchased in sululta. Addition of
dolomite has no any chemical effect ruther it is important for increasing thickness and the mass
of soap per volume and titanium oxide provides better colour (increasing degree of blackish to
better white).
Small scale Italian mixers: usually used for build products. Much kind of additives and builder
is mixed to build pasta like sodium silicate, glycerine, sito, lotion.
Lotions are responsible for giving shiny structure of soaps and beauty and also sito is used for
good flagrance of soaps. After mixing is accomplished the chips directly pass to a plodder
through a belt in case of Italian (great) mixer where as in Indian mixer (small) the chips pass
through a ball mill and a belt before the plodder. The mixture is then transported to the plodder
for the purpose of making the soap in to different types of soap using belt conveyor.


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Figure3. 8 mixer
source (photo from company)

3.11 Plodder
Soap comes from mixer enter to plodder for further moulding process. Mixed ingredients drop
on the plodder worms for further plodding. The plodder chest is always kept under vacuum for
compaction process to produce homogenized, dearthed and good texture compacted soap. If the
vacuum is exposed to atmospheric air in different case cracking of soap may happen this is
because air can disturb mixing process. In the plodder soap phase is changed and the cooled soap
is extruded in the shape of compact bar through the desired shape eye plate fixed on extrusion
cone end. The plodder’s cone end (nozzle) is equipped with an oil bath fitted with an auto control
heater to heat the extruded soap bar for polishing and better surface finishing. Normally hard
soap are having total fatty matter based on the given mass and length.Finally the mixture is
continuously extruded from the plodder, cut in to its final shape in a soap press
(stamp).continuously exruded from the plodder, cut in to its final shape in a soap press (stamp).


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Figure3. 9 plodder source (photo from company)

3.12 Soap Moulds and Press (stamber)

3.12.1 Cutter
Soap cutter is installed after a plodder ton cut the continuously extruded soap bars in billets with
the required length. Speed is normally synchronized with soap bar extrusion speed from cutter by
adjusting air supply to the pneumatic system motor. For cutting the soap extrusion into
predetermined lengths these are available in a variety of designs.


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The flow diagram of bar soap products

Steam Steam H 2O salt palm oil vapor steam vapor steam

Refiner Bleacher Blender Creature Feed
Condensate tank

Waste waste H2O2 waste steam H2O, NaOH, Na2SiO3

Additives H2O2

Cutter Single Miller large Atomizer

Plodder Storage


Cutter Plodder Miller

Small mixer

Bar soap
Condenser moisture

Packaging cyclone

Figure3. 10 flow diagram of bar soap production


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Material balances are fundamental to the control of all processing, particularly in the control of
yields of the products. The basis for both of these observations is the law of conservation of mass,
which state that mass can neither created nor destroyed. This is done by formulating a material
balance for the different units of the plant.

4.1.1 Mass balance on tallow refiner

 In refiner the mass of residue removed 24- 26% based on the quality of tallow, so
use the average amount of residue removed.
 Assumed the mass of steam entered is equal to the mass of steam condensate.
 Assuming the process is the steady state and there is no accumulation
 In refiner three refiner tankers are used, their capacity to carry also 5,000 Kg for
each, so the total capacities of refiner 15,000 kg.

15,000KG tallow refined oil (M1)

Steam (Ms) residue (Mr) = M unmelted+ M conde

For low of conservation of mass; mass input = mass output + mass of accumulation

Min = MOUT

15,000 + Ms =Moil + Munmelted + Mcond

From the assumption; Ms = Mc

From above statement; Mr = 0.25 x 15,000 = 3750 Kg of unwanted product removed.


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Moil = 15,000 kg -3750 kg =11250 kg

Moil =11250kg refined oil

4.1.2 Mass balance on Bleacher to be produced

Since there are different types of slurry, the amount of H 2O2 used in bleaching depends on the
type of slurry that i required. So take build (BL1). 300kg of H 2O2 is used in bleaching for BL1

 200 litre water 125kg of salt is added into bleacher.

 The bleached oil is about 50 –65 barrel, take the average 49 barrel. On barrel
contains 185kg of oil. The total mass of bleached oil is 61 * 185kg = 11,285 kg
 water and salt added to bleacher are withdrawn with impurities. And H 2O2 goes
with the oil because it performs an oxidation reaction to avoid bad odor and color.

Water (200 l) salt (125kg)

Pure oil (11,285kg)

11,250 kg oil residue (Mr)

H2O2 (300kg) steam (Ms)

Mr = Mwater + Msalt + Mim

Mc (mass of condensate from bleacher) = Ms (mass of steam input to bleacher)

Mim = mass impurities

From the low of conservation of mass; mass input = mass output

11,250 + 300 + Ms + Mw + Msalt = 11,285 + Mc + Mw + Msalt + Mim


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11,550 – 11,285 = Mim = 265 kg,

4.1.3 Mass balance batch formation & Blender

 In bender the amount of residue removed is (11% - 12%) of the mass of the inputs
to the blender (output of batch formation). The mass of steam entered to blender
is equal to the mass of condensate removed.
 16 barrel oil enters in one batch, total mass of oil input to batch formation is
16*185= 2960kg
 1 kg of steam has capacity to vaporize 1 kg of moisture from the oil. Therefore
the mass of steam supplied to batch formation is equivalent to the mass of vapor
removed. Hence the mass of slurry formed from batch formation is equal to the
mass of input oil = 2960 kg

Vapor (Mv) slurry

Batch Blender
2960kg oil sl(2960 kg pure blended oil (Moil)

Steam (Ms1) Steam (Ms2) Mr

From the low of conservation of mass, Mass input = Mass output

Mass of residue is 11.5% of 2960 kg

Mr = 0.115 x (2960) = 340.4kg of residue

2960 + Ms1 + Ms2 = Mv + Mr + Mc + Moil, but Ms1 is equivalent to Mv and Ms2 = Mc

2960 = 340.4 + Moil, Moil =2960 – 340.4= 2619.6 kg of blended oil


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4.1.4 Mass balance on saponification room

 In this process evaporate leaves from a saponification kettle until the oil and
caustic soda makes a soap is equal to 1/ 49 of the product of neat soap slurry.
 In the saponification kettle the amount of steam entered is equal to the amount of
condensate from the creature.
 In this process different amount of caustic soda, water, and sodium silicate based
on the recipe of build and filled slurry.

1. Filled slurry ( dash ion soap slurry)

Evaporate (Mv)

Oil =2619.6kg
Sodium hydroxide = 425kg filled neat soap (M6)
Water =1200liter

Sodium silicate = 825 kg steam (Ms) condensate (Mc)

From conservation of mass; mass input = mass output

(2619.6 + 425 + 1200 + 825) kg + Ms = Mv + Mc + M6; assume Ms = Mc

5069.6 kg = Mv + M6; Mv = 1/49 x M6

5069.6 Kg = 1/49 M6 + M6

M6 = 4968.21 Kg of filled neat slurry produced.

So, Mv = 1/49 x 4968.208 kg = 101. 4 kg


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4.1.5 Mass balance on vacuum dryer

The amount of hydrogen per oxide used should be 2 up to 3 jars which contains 30 liter but
since filler pasta is somewhat darker due to its high proportions of palm fatty acid distillate
which is a darker maximum amount of hydrogen per oxide from the range should be
added. So take 3 jars of hydrogen peroxide for this pasta while builder soaps are somewhat
white as compared to the filler one so amount of hydrogen per oxide added is minimum
i.e. 2.5 jars.

 In vacuum dryer there are small amount of water condensate and dust (fine) soap
content in the cyclone using condenser and cyclone separator.

 Filler chips ( dash ion soap chips)

30 L×3= 90 L H2O2 (M H2O2)

4968 .2kg Vacuum dryer fillfiller chips (pasta) (M8)

280L/5 day water 290 kg/5 day dust (Md)

200 L/batch water condensate

Therefore mass of hydrogen per oxide added can be calculated as follows

Mass = density × volume but density of H2O2 = 1.135kg /l

Mass of H2O2 = 1.135kg /l x 90 L =102.15 kg

For conservation of mass; mass input = mass output

4968.2 kg + MH2O2 = Mw + Md + M8


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M8 = 4968.2 Kg +102.15 kg -6.4 kg – 206 kg

M8 = 4857.95kg of filler chips produced in dash ion type filled soap.

In general amount of pasta produced from one batch of creature are both atomizer chips and
cyclone fine chips. So

For filler chips; 4857.95 kg + 6.4 kg(leaves from vacuum) = 4864.35 kg

For builder chips; 5433.8 kg + 6.4 kg(leaves from vacuum) = 5440.2 kg

Then after this step material balance should be done on each type of soap. Since each soap has
different amount of additives.

4.1.6 Mass balance on mixer

 In this process different additives are mixed with their product chips based on the type of
soap produced.

 Filled soap ( dashion soap )

Chips = 168 kg Mixer p product dashion soap (M10)

Dolomite = 81 kg

Titanium oxide =0.1 kg

From conservation of mass; mass input = mass output

(168 + 81 + 0.1) kg = M10

M10 = 249.1 kg of dashion soap content produced

4.1.7 Mass balance on vacuum plodder

In vacuum plodder unavailable amount of water sacked and small amount of soap content wasted
from the belt. So 1 kg of water sacked and 2.5 kg soap content wasted.


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 Dashion soap filled soap


249.1 kg Plodder dashion soap (M12)

Waste (Mr) water (Mw)

Mass input = mass output

249.1 kg = Mr + Mw + M12

M12 = 245.6 kg since dashion has a mass range from 225-230 gram takes an
average (225 + 230) /2 =227.5gram. So number of soap from one batch mixer =
(245.6/227.5) *1000 =1079 pieces of soap. To calculate number of soap produced from
one batch creature use the following formula;

(4864.35/168)* 1079 =31242 pieces of soap. Since one carton contains 50 pieces of soap
Number of soap in carton =31242/50= 625 carton.

4.2 Energy balances:

Energy is expensive, so we must to minimize the losses of energy by doing these balances. In
process industries have always recognized that wasting energy leads to reduced profit. As an
engineer designing process, one of our principal jobs would be to account carefully for the
energy that flows in to and out of each process unit and to determine the overall energy
requirement for the process.

T feed = 20 ℃ and

Cp f = 0.6485kJ/kg ℃ T residue =45 ℃

Mass of feed =15,000 kg Cp residue = 1.004KJ/kg ℃


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Mass of residue = 3,750kg

And assume Tref = 0 T product =95 ℃ Mass of product =11,250 kg,

Cp product = 1.07KJ/kg ℃

Steam available pressure = 8 bar

Latent heat of vaporization (λ) of steam at 100 = 2257 KJ/kg


Q feed Q product QF+Qs= QR +Qv + QP

Q residue Q steam

So the heat to be supplied to raise the temperature of the mixture is given by,

Q feed = Mf * Cp f *(T f – T ref)

15,000 kg* 0.6485kJ/kg ℃ *(20-0) ℃


Q product = Mp * Cp p *(T p– Tf)

11,250 kg* 1.O7KJ/kg ℃ *(95 - 20) ℃


Q residue = M r * Cp r *(Tr– Tf)

3,750 kg* 1.OO4KJ/kg ℃ *(45 - 20)℃



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So from heat balance, Qs = Q p +Q v+ Q r –Q f

Assume there is no heat released:Qv =0

902,812.5+94,125-194,550 Qs=802,387.5Kj
Qs=Ms* λs
Ms=802,387.5/2257 Ms=355.51kg

T feed of (salt and H2O2) = 24 ℃ mass of H2O2 = 68.1 kg

Cp feed salt = 0.83kJ/kg ℃ Cp H2O2 = 0.7683kJ/kg ℃

Mass of salt (Mss) = 25 kg TH2O2 =24 ℃

T feed (oil) =40℃ mass of product= 11285kg

Mass of oil feed (Ms) = 11250 kg Cp product= 0.72 KJ/kg℃

Cp oil feed oil =O.87KJ/kg℃ T product =92℃

Tr =45 ℃

Cr=0.6kJ/kg ℃ Q feed Q product


Mr =265Kg Q steam Q residue

Q feed =Q salt + Q hydrogen per oxide + Q oil

Q =mass * specific heat *temperature difference of substance

Q salt = M salt * Cp salt *(T salt– T ref)



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QH2O2 = M H2O2 * Cp H2O2*(T– Tref)


1255 kJ

Q oil = Moil * Cp oil *(Tp oil– Tf oil)


391,500 kJ

Q product = M p * Cp p *(T p– Tf)


552,513.6 kJ

Q residue = M r * Cp r *(Tr– Tf)

265*0.6*(45 -24)

3339 kJ

Qs =Q p + Qr – Q f

Qs =3339 kJ+552,513.6 kJ-(498kJ+1255 kJ+391,500 kJ)

Qs =162,599.6 kJ

Tf =24℃ Tp = 95℃


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Mf =2960 kg mp = 2590kg Cpf =0.62 kJ/kg ℃

CPP=0.74 kJ/kg ℃

Mr =370kg

Tr =50℃

Cpr =0.6 kJ/kg ℃


Q feed Q product

Q steam Q residue

Q steam = Q product + Q residue - Q feed

Q product = Mp * Cp p *(T p– Tf)


Qp = 136079 kJ

Q residue = M r * Cp r *(Tr– Tf)

370*0.6*(50-24) =5772kJ

Q feed = Mf * Cp f *(T f – T ref)


38540 kJ

Q steam = Q product + Q residue - Q feed

136079kJ +5772 kJ -38540 Kj=103311kJ


T oil = 90℃ T cold =25 ℃


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Cp (average) = 0.98kJ/kg ℃ mass codensate=92.5 kg

Mass oil =2590 kg cp = 3.8kJ/kg ℃

T H20 = 25℃ mass sil=425 kg

Cp (average) =3.8kJ/kg ℃ Cp (average) = 0.24 kJ/kg ℃

Mass H2o=1200 kg T caustic soda = 25℃

T sodium silicate = 80℃Mp =4837kg

Cp (average) = 0.374 kJ/kg ℃ Cpp =0.988 kJ/kg ℃

Mass=715 kg Tp=98℃

T final of solution = 98℃

Q water vapour

Q feed crutcher Q product

Q steam Q condensate

Q f =Q Caustic + Q oil + Q Sodium silicate +Q water

Q Steam = Q water vapor+ Q product+ Q condensate- Q feed

Q silicate = Msil * Cpsil*(Tsil– Tref)

715*0.374*(80-24) =14974KJ

Q soda = M soda * Cp soda*(T soda– T ref)


Internship Final report


2550 kJ

Q oil = Moil * Cp oil *(Tp oil– Tf oil)


167521 kJ

Q product = Mp * Cp p *(T p– Tf)


353642 kJ

Q H2O = M H2O *cp H2O *(T H2O –T ref)


114000 kJ

Condensate = Mc*cpc*(Tf-Tp)



Q Steam = Q water vapor+ Q product+ Q condensate- Q feed

353642 kJ+353812 kJ - (14974 kJ+2550 kJ+167521 kJ+114000 kJ) = 408409kJ

Heat provided by condenser = latent heat lost by vapors’

Qs= mλ

118kg x 2257 KJ/kg per batch


Internship Final report

266326 kJ

Water Requirement:

Let water at 24 ° C is used

Q = m Cp d T

266326 = m x3.8 x (100-24) m = 922KG


T H2O= 24 ℃ C p =0.34 KJ / KG ℃

MH20 =2500 MNasio3 =2500

Cp =3.8 KJ / KG ℃ T= 24 ℃

T P = 80 ℃

C p = 2.78 KJ / KG ℃

Mp =4250kg

Qf Melter Qp



Q product = Mp * Cp p *(T p– Tf)



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Qf =QH2O +Qsilicate Q H2O = M H2O *cp H2O *(T H2O -Tref)

2500*3.8*(24-0) =228000kJ

Q silicate = MSIL * CPSIL*(Tsil– Tref)


661640 KJ- (228000kJ+20400 kJ) Qs=413240kJ

4.2.7 Energy balance on boiler

Almost all wood boilers have an efficiency for generating of steam energy to generate different
unit operations like refining, bleaching , oil melting , blending , saponification kettle, temporary
storage , dissociation tank and atomizer, so the generated amount of energy in boiler are;

From conservation of energy:

Energy input (wood energy) = energy output (energy of steam) + energy losses

The main idea of this energy balance to determine the efficiency of boiler to generate the steam,
so the ability to determine efficiency of generates steam energy considers losses energy due to
different conditions.


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Heat used by each unit operation = energy of steam (heat of steam)

Heat used by each unit operation = Q refiner + Q bleacher + Q blender + Q saponifier kettle + Q temporary storage + Q sodium
silicate melter + Q oil melter - Q loss from condenser

= 641919+125992+103311+408409+38493+616403-266326= 1668192 KJ

So boiler heat producing capacity should be the ratio of the above 0.6963.

Q boiler = 1,668,192 /0.7

Q boiler =2,383,131KJ M =2383131 KJ/2257KJ/Kg =2056Kg

Q boiler = Mλ, M= Q boiler/λ


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Table4. 1Summary of material balance:

Unit operation Input(kg) Out put(kg)

Refiner 15000 tallow 11250 refined oil

3750 residue
Bleacher 11250 0il 11285 pure oil
200 water 265 impurity
300 H2O2
Blender 2960 oil 2619.6 blended oil
340.4 residue
Saponification 2619.6 oil 4968. 2 neat soap
425 NaOH 101.4 vapour
1200(L) water
825 NaSiO3
Vaccum dryer 4968.2neat soap 4864.3 pasta
102.15 H2O2 206 water
Mixer (Dashion soap) 168 chips 249 dashion soap
Plodder (Dashion soap) 249 dashion soap 245.6 dashion soap
3.4 residue in the conveyer

Table4. 2 Summary of Energy balance:

Unit operations Energy input(KJ/bach) Energy out put(KJ/bach)

Refiner Qf =194550 Qp = 902812.5
Qs =802387.5 Qr = 9412.5
Bleacher Qf = 393253 Qp = 512513.6
Qs = 162599.6 Qr = 3339
Blender Qf = 38540 Qp = 136079
Qs = 103311 Qr = 5772


Internship Final report

Crucher(saponification) Qf = 299045 Qp = 353642 Qv = 8787.5

Qs = 408409 Qc = 345024
Sodium silicate melter Qf = 248400 Qp = 661640
Qs = 413240

5.1 Environmental analysis
5.1.1 Positive impact
The products are designed to be used once and then flushed down the drain. As such, they can
have a varying range of impacts (possibly significant) upon the environment: Biodegradability:

The earliest developed synthetic detergents were non-biodegradable due to their

branched hydrocarbon chains. It was discovered that they did not decompose
within a few days and thus persisted in the environment. Industrial chemists
eventually rectified this problem by synthesizing detergents with non-branching
tails. These are more easily broken down by microbial decomposers. On the other hand, soaps
are biodegradable as they are single-chain hydrocarbons (derived from fatty acids). These are
easily broken down within 5 days. Control


Internship Final report

The soap and detergent industry is committed to understanding the impact of its products and
packages on the environment. With this understanding comes the ability to reduce their impact
and improve their environmental quality. Manufacturers of cleaning products have been leaders
in reducing packaging waste and encouraging sound waste disposal practices. Advances in
technology have resulted in products that are more concentrated, products that combine two
functions in one, products with refill packages and packages that use recycled materials.
Concentrated products need less energy to manufacture and transport, and require less
packaging. Multifunctional products eliminate the need for separate packages. Refill packages
allow consumers to reuse primary packages many times, decreasing the amount of packaging
used and the volume of trash generated. Plastic and paperboard that would otherwise be thrown
away become usable materials through recycling.

Through education and community programs, the soap and detergent industry helps consumers learn how
to reduce waste and how best to dispose of it . Consumers are reminded that the environmentally
wise way of handling any household cleaning product is to buy only the amount that can be used;
to use it all up or give it away; and, if it must be disposed, to dispose of it properly . As a rule of
thumb, products designed for use with water should be disposed of by pouring down the drain; solid
products such as scouring pads should be put into the trash.

5.1.2 Negative impact

Unfortunately, most commercial soaps contain harsh chemical additives to make them lather
properly.  They contain perfumes and fragrances that are known to cause irritation in some
people.  These lovely smelling fragrances aren’t extracted from naturally aromatic pretty flowers
from out in the field.  They’re produced chemically using cancer-causing chemicals so we can
smell good. When we bathe, most of us use a regular bar of soap bought from the store.  After
lathering up your body and cleaning away daily grime, you rinse away the soap to run down the
drain.  The object of this ritual is supposed to keep us clean and smelling nice. Soaps hold their
nice bar-like shape because of ingredients like animal tallow, paraffin wax and other crude oil
derivatives.  Studies have also shown that some of the chemicals used in soap fragrances can
cause skin diseases, birth defects and even liver damage in animal testing. Another chemical
found in commercial soaps is TCC or triclocarban, which is known to disrupt endocrine


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production and promote cancer; learning disabilities and even infertility. We coat our skins with
these toxic chemical compounds and then let those same chemicals run down our drains and into
our water systems.  Washing with soap no longer sounds quite so cleansing.
5.2 Economic analysis
The soap industry is improving very fast with diversifying through great innovation and quality
with each passing day in its business into variety of products and services. Soap products
are like soap noodles, detergents, dish-wash bars, bath soaps, liquid soap, body shower gels, etc
have become an important part of every one’s daily life. These products are the best source
of supply value chain which comes up from various sources of processing. Soap comes to
the market after different set of processes such as mixer, cutting cakes, pans for cooling for
paste, bubbling cattle and packaging. The total economic analysis of ETAB soap factory based
on material balance calculations are as follows:
5.2.1 The total cost input to the company
We can consider that one type of soap as a whole, so let consider large Hammer soap. From
general material balance described above the total amount of pasta (chips) produced from one
creature is give as follows for large hammer soap;

For builder large Hammer chips; 5433.8 kg + 6.4 kg (leaves from vacuum) = 5440.2 kg

So the number of batches in mixer =mass of pasta from one creature/mass of pasta in one batch
mixer = 5440.2/324 = 16.79 batch mixer. For large hammer soap as an example ( 72 noodle’s +1
strawberry perfume + 324 pasta + 40 kg sodium silicate) =437 kg/ batch,

so total mass of soap produced from one creature= (437-1 loss water from vacuum -2.5 kg waste
by belt) kg/batch * 16.79 batch =7281.823 kg. Since hammer has a mass range from 205-210
gram takes an average (205 + 210) /2 =207.5 gram. So number of soap from one batch mixer =
(433.5/207.5) *1000 =2089 pieces of soap. To calculate number of soap produced from one
batch creature use the following formula;

(5440.2 kg chips/324 kg chips) x 2089 pieces of soap = 35075 pieces of soap. Since one carton
contains 50 pieces of soap Number of soap in carton = 35075 / 50 =702 carton.


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In a day they produce 8 – 10 creature batches , so by taking the average income per month can be
calculated as follows so the total numbers pieces of soaps produced in one month are ;

35075 pieces of soap x 9 x 30 = 9470481 pieces of soap

So birr in from product = 9470481bar soaps * 5.75 birr/bar soap =54455265.75 birr in one
month. Then the total cost input to the company = 54455265.75 birr in one month.

5.2.2 Total output cost from company

The Total output cost from company considers row material, employers, cartons, wood
(electricity) and tax. So firstly determine the row material cost.

Hydrogen peroxide = 140kg x120 birr/kg = 16800 birr

Salt =50 kg x 4.5 birr/kg =225 birr

Caustic soda = 425 kg x9 birr/kg=3825 birr

Sodium silicate = 2070 x10.5 birr/kg =21735 birr

Strawberry perfume = 16.69 kg x 350birr/kg =5841.5 birr

Noodles =1208.9 kg x 63 birr/kg =64820.7 birr

PFAD =1480 kg x28.2birr/kg =41736 birr

DPFA =1110 kg x17 birr/kg =18870 birr

KERA = 370 kg x 12.2birr/kg =4514 birr

Total row material in month = sum of above x 9 x 30 =48158145 birr

N.B one cartons = 8 birr


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Table5. 1 Out put cost of the company

Item of outcome Costs of outcome(birr)

Row material 48,158,145

Employers 1,000,000

Cartons 1,515,276.96

Wood and electricity 21,000

Tax and vat 343450

Sum 51037872

5.2.3 Profitability of the company

The profit of the company is the different between income and outcome, so


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Profit = 54455265.75 – 51037872 Profit = 3417393 .8 birr per month, this also the benefits of
ETAB soap factory in one month, so to determine the gradually change of the factory in a year.

5.3 Social analysis

Job opportunity
In ETAB soap factory was established in Hawassa city (SNNPR) as a private company. On this
company around 400-450 labor and skilled human power are working, both of them are
responsible for 8 hour service from the total 24 hours of the company working time. The
company aimed to expand the access of soap and detergents for the community with a minimum
and balanced price, creating job opportunity for peoples in the society, maximizing its profit and
supporting developmental policy and strategy.
5.3.2 Service providing- the factory have its own water, they use this water for process, for
washing, for heating, for drinking after further treatment and for showering. They have two
buses and four mini buses which give transport service for workers. The buses bring the workers
from all Hawassa at morning 2 o’clock and bring them back at 11 o’clock.
If any of the workers is un-expectedly injured during working, the factory itself takes all the
responsibility for that person and brings him to hospital by using the company service outside the
factory for which they have been a customer.
5.3.3 Skill and technology transfer- one of the major benefits that the factory provides for the
workers is upgrading un-skilled workers to semiskilled and semiskilled workers to skilled
workers for using upgrading the experience.

5.3.4 The market opportunities- of ETAB soap factory sells its products locally on both urban and
rural areas of Ethiopia. its distribution mainly depends on the living status of the given
population meaning distribute high quality soaps in urban area and low quality on rural area. as
compared from other soap factories repi, woliso and etc soap factories, it distribute its bar soap
product in many areas of Ethiopia especially in Hawassa, Shashemenie and many rural areas of
south part of Ethiopia.


Internship Final report


 In this company there is no any waste water treatment discharging from any equipment
instead simply discharging it to the bore hole existing around Hawassa town which
affects the environment by its unpleasant odors and it may affect the water quality when
it passes to water bodies.

 The cost of the palm oil (PFAD&DPFA) are imported from the Thailand are the
problems of the company. These palm oils are used for the other purpose like energy for
the boiler and other machine, so it may be cause scarcity this palm oil. This leads to the
Problems in the production soap.

 In the oil preparation room like refining, bleaching, blending are cause of bad
odors, this odors are problems for human beings cause disease like asthma

 The another problem of this company are cracking problems in the final product..

 To produce steam from wood boiler they use the wood bricks (sagatura) which leads to
produce the high amount of the flue gases which pollute the environment.
 From laboratory result there exists an excess in moisture content of the soap
resulting recycling of these soaps again to the mixer which affects economy of the
company and unstandared weight of bar soap, this also affect the company profit
or affect the customers payment used.


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 Plodders are higher in speed as compared to mixers that is why plodder workers
wait mixer employers for some time in each batch.

 After plodder the soap was cut in to different sizes but sometimes especially at the
beginning of their work it does not cut in equal dimensions.
 Many employers are not working on their specialized field (department) rather
than through habituation and they have no capacity to face problems (did not find
a solution to the problem) that is new, so the insufficient skilled man
power( operatos) can not achieve the required product and can not generate
advanced technology for working.


 Transportation of chips from the floor to the mixer is carried out using man power which
is more costly and slow in its speed as compared to belt conveyer.
 Chillers failures and capacity limitation

6.2 Case study title

Title: flue gas desulphurization by using adsorbent prerared from
waste abundant egg shells
Egg shell
With the rapid increase in human population, there is increase in demand of food supply. Poultry
products are good source of food for mankind. Egg especially, is cheap and contain high amount
of nutrient such as protein, vitamins, and fat. Egg is biologically structured for the nature of
reproducing organism. Egg shell is rich in calcium and it’s an abundant waste (85-95%). It
provides protections and nutrient for the development of embryo. It is bio-ceramic which is rich
in calcium and has combination of atomic reactivity and strength. In our country approximately
420,000 tonnes of egg is produced every year and since 10% of the weight of an egg is eggshell
waste, a total of 42,000tonnes of eggshell waste is generated every year. A medium sized egg-


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product processing plant can generate up to 4.2 tons of eggshell waste daily. This scenario
increases problem in the accumulation of eggshell waste. Smaller companies overcome this issue
by composting their eggshell waste to supply it to the agricultural sector. This is an effective
mean of recycling until the volume of eggshell waste exceeds the demand of the agricultural
field capacity. Due to the demand in cosmetic, eggshell membrane has been use to replace
commercial collagen. Eggshell waste can also be treated by heat to sterilize it and be as mineral
additive in mineral feed.
Sulphur dioxide
Sulphur dioxide (SO2) is a group of highly reactive gas known as “oxides of Sulphur”. Sulphur
dioxide released to the atmosphere resulted from the combustion of fossil fuel, volcanic activity,
and smelting of sulphur-containing ores. The largest sources of SO2 emission is fossil fuel
combustion at power plants. It causes environmental and health damage. Sulphur dioxide has
both acute and chronic effect on wellbeing of animal as well as human, such as respiratory
irritation, heart disease, eye irritation and lung cancer. SO2 is a major air pollutant which
increases the mortality of living being from respiratory disease.


The main reason that initiates us to do this case study is the effect of flue gas in the environment
which is formed in the wood boiler. Flue gas release from the boiler carries SO2, CO and other
hazardous gas. To solve these problem, the flue gas has to be treated. Calcium oxide is often
used by major industries to absorb SO2 and form gypsum (CaSO4) to treat the flue gas. Even so,
the consumption of commercial calcium oxide is expensive and may be depleted. Hence in this
case study, egg shell and be commercial calcium carbonate will be compared with the
effectiveness of flue gas treatment.
General objective
The main objective of this project is the removal of sulphur dioxide from the flue gas by using
eggshell instead of calcium carbonate.

Specific objectives

 To optimize the preparation of egg shell with water hydration method.


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 To evaluate the prepared adsorbent for sulphur dioxide removal.

 to protect environmental hygiene
 to reduce the emission
 to produce a byproduct gypsum for the additive of soap production

Flue Gas
Flue gas are gases that release to the environment via channel or pipe for transporting exhaust
gases from industry which consist of combustion in their process such as furnace, wood boiler,
and etc. Through the change of energy from chemical to heat energy, the combustion of coal, oil
or petroleum through oxidation process is known as combustion. Fossil fuel generates flue gas
during combustion. The composition of the gas depends on the material use in the combustion
process. Common residual substances found in the flue gas from the combustion plants are
particulate matter, sulphur oxides, nitrogen oxides and carbon monoxide. The presence of HCI,
HF, hydrocarbons and heavy metals in the flue gas could be also detected in the case of waste
material incineration.
Flue Gas Desulphurization
The purpose of FGD is to get rid of sulphur compounds from the flue gas. It is mostly used in oil
refining, coal and pyritic sulphur in the coal cleaning. There are several categories of innovative
creation for FGD, which are spray dry scrubber, wet scrubbers, absorbent injection processes,
dry scrubber and etc,. The most common method of FGD is wet desulphurization method
utilising limestone as absorbent which provide high removal efficiency (99%) of the sulphur
dioxide .
World Health Organization (WHO) set the standard for the discharge of SO2 to maximum hourly
average of 350 μg/m3 (DOE, 2010). Hence, flue gas desulphurization technology is introduced
in order for us to achieve the standard. Wet lime or wet limestone process are often used in the
flue gas desulphurization process. MgO (3-8%) is added to the lime to aid in scrubbing. This


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process removes up to 98% of SO2 (Liu et al, 2009). The reactions that occur during the process
CaO + H2O Ca(OH)2
Ca(OH)2 + SO2 CaSO3·0.5H2O + 0.5H2O

Ca(OH)2 + SO2 + 0.5O2 + H2O CaSO4 · 2H2o


Raw materials
The materials that will be used in this project are commercial calcium carbonate, eggshell waste,
and sulphur dioxide gas. The egg shell waste was collected frequently around the canteens in
UTAR, cake shops and etc. The sulphur dioxide gas is purchased from the wood boiler.
Preparation of eggshell powder
The collected eggshell will be wash with detergent to remove egg residue and
egg membrane. It is then dried and ground into powder. The eggshell powder will be sieved to
obtain an average particle size of 63μm. Lastly it is further dried in the vacuum oven at 105°C
until a constant weight is obtained.

Wash Dry Ground

Powder Oven

Figure6. 1 flow diagram of eggshell preparation

Preparation of Adsorbent


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Eggshell powder which is rich in CaCO3 were calcined for 2 hours at 800°C to obtain calcium
oxide.The calcined eggshell powder will be treated with water hydration method. Four grams of
the calcined eggshell powder was placed into 400ml of water. Then the slurry was mixed and
heated to a selected hydration temperature for a designated time as per the parameter designed.
The resulting slurry will be filtered and dried at 105°C for 24 hours. The dried adsorbent will be
pelletized, crushed and sieved.

Sulphur dioxide removal

Sulphur Dioxide gas of 2000 ppm is transferred across the pipe at 100 ml/min into a flask
containing water heated to 80°C to increase the humidity of the gas to 20%. The gas leave the
flask enters the oven that is also heated to 80°C. In the oven, there’s a tube which contains the
adsorbent of 1gram of eggshell. The Sulphur Dioxide gas passes through the adsorbent and lastly
into the MRU Air Gas Analyzer manufactured by Varioplus Industry.
This is the study of flue gas desulphurization utilizing waste abundant eggshell. From this study
at lower tempreture and higher pressure favours the adsorpjtion.In my case study the separation
method of gas-solid by using adsorption tower.these separation technique is chemical separation
because of there is ion cexcnange between the adsorbate and adsorbent. Therfore using eggshell
waste instead of commercial calcium oxide for an adsorbent reduces the economy of the plant
and reduces environmental hygiene.
In this case study, the results of adsorption capacity were used to conduct the comparison study
between commercial calcium oxide and eggshell waste. From the study, it was shown that the
commercial calcium oxide has far higher adsorption capacity compare to eggshell waste. So it is
further study of eggshell waste is recommended. There are several factors that could help to
improve the study of eggshell desulphurization. Other than just preparing the adsorbent using
water hydration, the adsorbent can be prepared with other hydration technique such as steam,
alcoholic, and pressurized hydration. Moreover, instead of only performing FTIR for eggshell


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characterization, XRD and SEM can be used to further understand the characteristic of the
eggshell. Also, parameters such as pH, pressure, and concentration of adsorbent can be used in
design of hydration process instead of just temperature and time.

6.3 Overall benefits gained from the internship

Internship is very important for the knowing the application of what we learned theoretically,
improving interpersonal communication skills, upgrading theoretical knowledge, understanding
about work ethics related issues, improving team playing skills and the like. to relate theoretical
knowledge with practical knowledge and able to organized both knowledge with real world life.
We have to familiarize our self for working environment and have better performance for
practical skill.

 Have better interpersonal communication skills with workers.

 Able to correlate theoretical knowledge with practices.
 Able to under about work ethics relate issues
 Able to have team playing skill
 To know leadership skills with in working environment.
 Have to developed entrepreneurship skills with workers.

Practical skill
When I get the theoretical part in practical it is so interesting to face the real world and by this
internship program I have try to relate the theoretical knowledge with the practical part. So after
school when I join the real world I will be effective and I can win challenges without trouble.
I know that it is better to show some thing rather than teaching for some one. Psychologically I
am good and I gain confidence how to practice something and how to change ideas in to
At the beginning even it is not easy to know the practical applications, but after small period of
time it also a skilled man for any company due to integrate theoretical knowledge with the real
world. But gradually I become experienced and specially working with skilled technicians help


Internship Final report

to share their skill. In general during these 4th month internship I have developed my practical
skill well.
Theoretical skill
During internship duration I am not only develop the practical skill but also I recall and relate the
theoretical knowledge with practical. While you do something you force to refer about the
subject this make you to remember and upgrade yourself for integrate theoretical with practical.
Interpersonal communication skills
Teams need strong team players to perform well. Teams need people who speak up and express
their thoughts and ideas clearly, directly, honestly, and with respect for others and for the work
of the teamwork has a dramatic effect on organizational performance. An effective team can help
an organization achieve incredible results. A team that is not working can cause unnecessary
disruption, failed delivery and strategic failure.
Leadership skills
Leadership is an art of inspiring others to give of their best and courage to use this art. During the
internship with respect to leadership skills I have learned and convicted to have the following
attributes to be successful leader;

 General intelligence, to make sense of the complexity and difficulty of the task.
 Personality - leaders should be energetic and committed, maintain contact with their
people, and understand their strengths and weaknesses.
 The ability to inspire, although this quality may be rarer than some of the others and is
perhaps the most difficult to develop.
 Listening, sharing and delegating skills (and not interfering unnecessarily), because in
groups of more than around five people it becomes impossible to know all the necessary
 Self-knowledge, understanding one’s own strengths and weaknesses, which in turn
will enable them to turn to others in their group to compensate for their own biases or


Internship Final report

ETAB soap and detergent factory is established in Dec. 2005 by the investment capital of Birr 23
million. It is located in hawassa city the capital of south people Region. It is a privatized
company, started by m/r Eskendir Tesfaye.
Historically this company was worked around 12 hours in its rent house that contains nine
workers but they are not professions. On this time around 380 labor and skilled human powers
are working, both of them are responsible for 8 hour service from the total 24 hours of the
company working time.
Soap making or the saponification process is done by the reaction fatty acids and caustic alkali,
the properties of the resulting soap depending on the mixture of fats used, the kind of caustic
alkali and the actual process employed. Saponification is the process of hydrolysis of esters in
alkaline condition. In ETAB soap factory in the crutcher neutralization reaction takes place. In
neutralization process the reaction between oils with caustic soda solution, so it to form neat soap
and water condensate. Soap was manufactured by a reaction called saponification. First oil or
fatty acid from tallow and different types of palms was prepared in oil preparation room in the
form of refining and bleaching unit operations because soap produced from animal fat are less in
quality. So soaps produced in a component of animal and plant oils for the purpose high quality
soap produced. Totally determining the EIM is measuring the material which is not dissolved in
ethanol solution the fillers and builders like dolomite, determining the free caustic is the excess
concentration of caustic content not reacts with the rest of raw materials, and determining the
concentration of fatty matter have direct impact on the coast of the plant. To reduce the health
risk /problem on human skin and reduce the cracking of soap. Decrease the PH of the soap fatty
matter concentration is the amount of oil content that is found in the oil blend or soap Product is
used to the proportion of raw materials mixed to the oil highly qualified soaps are more
concentrated by fatty matter. Material balances are fundamental to the control of processing,


Internship Final report

particularly in the control of yields of the products. Any changes occur in the process, the
material balances need to be determined again. The increasing cost of energy has caused the
industries to examine means of reducing energy consumption in process.

 The main problem of this company is does not treat Flue gas from boiler contains many gasses that
are hazardous to the environment. But in this industry those gasses are passed to the environment
without any treatment so they should treat it before leaving them to the environment as follows, and
use a cyclone to left dusts that are some dense and use flue gas desulfurization where sulfur
containing gasses sulfur dioxide that affect especially plants by drying their leaf are treated. Cyclone
is equipment that is used to separate particles based on difference in density. Then to treat sulfur
dioxide, the warm flue gas from the cyclone or from the boiler comes in contact with limestone. This
reaction removes 92% of the sulphur dioxide from the flue gas and converts the limestone into
Calcium Sulphite.

When the warm gas comes into contact with the limestone slurry a chemical reaction occurs between the
Sulphur Dioxide (SO2) in the gas and the limestone.
This reaction removes the SO2 from the flue gases and converts the limestone into Calcium
Sulphite. This Calcium Sulphite and limestone slurry then falls to the base of the absorber where
it is injected with compressed air. The compressed air oxides the calcium sulphite and converts it
to Calcium Sulphate – commonly known as gypsum which is used as an additives (fillers) in
many soap factories.

 The cracking problems in ETAB soap factory is recycling of the finished product. In
ETAB soap factory the finished products after a certain period of can case the cracking
problems before enter into the storing class recycle to the mixture unit operation. So the
cracking problems can occur due to different cases like:

 Due to overheating in the mixer

 The use of ETAB chips high moisture content

 The molder efficiency of plodder are not perpendicularly mold

 Due to sacking of air in molding period


Internship Final report

 The other problem of this company is they do not treat the waste water that is removed
from different unit operating machine. Industrial waste water control aims at decreasing
of the environmental impact caused by production. Waste water treatment technologies
are either removal of suspended particles and dissolved substances from water, or convert
them in to harmless and stabilized materials. The typical processes and removal methods
are the following:

Physical treatment are; screening, filtration, settling, flotation.

Chemical treatment are; oxidation reaction, reduction reaction.

Biological treatment are; activated sludge process, denitrfication, anaerobic digestion


 The other problem of these companies palm oil: This is imported from another country.
Now this palm oil is used for different purpose, for that case its coast may increase. So
they use another method to substitute this palm oil producing plant tree by Avocado
plant. Or planting this palm oil producing plant in our country from Thailand, Egypt and

 In refining, bleaching and blending room, all the three unit operations are open the top
which results release amount of odors lost to the atmosphere, they should cover this
part and work on a closed vessel to minimize release the unpleasant odor and for oil
refining agents like sodium chloride , hydrogen peroxide, but in ETAB soap factory
the operators they did not tell how hydrogen per oxide bleach the oil with respect to
either its chemical or physical properties of both hydrogen per oxide and oil and if you
ask how it takes place and how the amount of salt used is determined they respond
you it comes from try and errors.


Internship Final report

 Shreve chemical process industry

 Perry chemical engineers book

 Soap book of Gutenberg

 thermodynamics

 Felder( elementary principles of chemical processes)

 The Soap makers Companion” by Susan Miller Cavitch.


Pressure 1atm=101.33kp


Mass 1kg=1000g


Volume 1liter=1dm 3


Length 1m=100cm


Density ƍ=kg/m3


Internship Final report

Energy 1J=1kg.m 2/ s2


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