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M. pneumoniae Infection Diagnosis

Editor: Delane Shingadia
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David Burgner (Melbourne, Cristiana Nascimento-Carvalho George Syrogiannopoulos
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Kow-Tong Chen (Tainan,Taiwan) Ville Peltola (Turku, Finland) Tobias Tenenbaum (Mannhein, Germany)
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The Art and Science of Diagnosing

Mycoplasma pneumoniae Infection
Patrick M. Meyer Sauteur, MD,* Wendy W. J. Unger, PhD,† Annemarie M. C. van Rossum, MD, PhD,‡
and Christoph Berger, MD*

Key Words: children, community-acquired pneu- introduction of the pneumococcal conjugate that may help identifying M. pneumoniae as
monia (CAP), diagnosis, infection, Mycoplasma vaccine, M. pneumoniae has been reported to the cause of CAP.
pneumoniae be the most common bacterial cause of CAP
among hospitalized U.S. ­children.2 CLINICAL ASSESSMENT
M. pneumoniae is transmitted by
Clinical assessment – the art in diag-
respiratory droplets through close contact.
M ycoplasma pneumoniae causes a sig-
nificant burden of disease in children as
both upper and lower respiratory tract infec-
The incubation period can be as long as 1–3
weeks. M. pneumoniae infection is gener-
nosing M. pneumoniae infection
The term “walking pneumonia” had
been introduced to denote the mild form of
ally mild and self-limiting. However, patients CAP in most patients with M. pneumoniae
tions (URTIs and LRTIs). A positive phar- of every age can develop severe CAP or
yngeal polymerase chain reaction (PCR) or infection. These patients can generally be
extrapulmonary manifestations. The lack managed in primary care. Physicians often
serology for M. pneumoniae can be found in
of a cell wall makes M. pneumoniae resist- rely solely on clinical suspicion in such cases.
4–39% of children hospitalized with commu-
ant to cell wall synthesis inhibitors such as
nity-acquired pneumonia (CAP).1 Since the
β-lactam antibiotics. Antibiotics effective
against M. pneumoniae include macrolides, EPIDEMIOLOGY
Accepted for publication July 26, 2018. M. pneumoniae occurs endemi-
From the *Division of Infectious Diseases and Hospi-
tetracyclines and fluoroquinolones.3 How-
tal Epidemiology, and Children’s Research Center, ever, a Cochrane review4 concluded that there cally worldwide. Infections can be observed
University Children’s Hospital Zurich, Zurich, is insufficient evidence to draw any definitive throughout the year, but tend to be more com-
Switzerland; †Laboratory of Pediatrics, Division conclusions about the efficacy of antibiot- mon in summer and early fall. Epidemic peaks
of Pediatric Infectious Diseases and Immunology, can be observed every 3–7 years, whereas
Erasmus MC University Medical Center–Sophia ics for M. pneumoniae LRTI in children.
Children’s Hospital, Rotterdam, The Netherlands; Macrolides are extensively used worldwide, climate and geography may not be relevant.5,6
and ‡Department of Pediatrics, Division of Pediat- and this has led to alarming resistance rates Outbreaks of M. pneumoniae infections have
ric Infectious Diseases and Immunology, Erasmus among Streptococcus pneumoniae and M. been reported within families, schools, institu-
MC University Medical Center–Sophia Children’s tions and military bases. Clinicians should be
Hospital, Rotterdam, The Netherlands. pneumoniae.5 Reported macrolide-resistant
P.M.M.S. was supported by a Fellowship Award of the M. pneumoniae (MRMP) prevalence is par- particularly aware of M. pneumoniae as poten-
European Society for Paediatric Infectious Dis- ticularly high in Asia with over 90% in some tial cause of CAP during M. pneumoniae epi-
eases (ESPID) and grants of the Promedica Foun-
regions, resulting in therapy refractory M. demics. M. pneumoniae infections can occur
dation and Starr International Foundation. in all ages. However, M. pneumoniae CAP is
The authors have no conflicts of interest to disclose. pneumoniae CAP.5 Efficacy data and tai-
Address for correspondence: Patrick M. Meyer Sau- lored prescription of antibiotic treatment reported to be most frequent among school-
teur, MD, Division of Infectious Diseases and age children 5–15 years of age.1,2,5
are needed to minimize further selection of
Hospital Epidemiology, University Children’s
Hospital Zurich, Steinwiesstrasse 75, CH-8032 MRMP. Unfortunately, currently, there is no
Zurich, Switzerland. E-mail: patrick.meyer@ single diagnostic method that confirms active SIGNS AND SYMPTOMS M. pneumoniae infection in CAP. In addition to the presentation at
Copyright © 2018 Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc. All
rights reserved.
This review focuses on the diagnosis school-age, children with CAP due to M.
ISSN: 0891-3668/18/3711-1192 of M. pneumoniae infections in children and pneumoniae have been found to present
DOI: 10.1097/INF.0000000000002171 discusses clinical and microbiologic features with a significantly longer duration of fever

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1192 | The Pediatric Infectious Disease Journal  •  Volume 37, Number 11, November 2018

Copyright © 2018 Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
The Pediatric Infectious Disease Journal  •  Volume 37, Number 11, November 2018 M. pneumoniae Infection Diagnosis

compared with other CAP patients.7 A fast- syndrome with additional CNS symptoms,13 gene, 16S rDNA, 16S rRNA etc.), (PCR vs.
and-frugal clinical decision tree provided which suggests that these antibodies are also isothermal amplification techniques), and
a rapid probability estimate of the cause of involved in the development of M. pneumo- detection formats (conventional vs. real-
CAP in children: determining the preceding niae-associated CNS disease. time, monoplex vs. multiplex). In the recent
duration of fever combined with the age of the The presence of extrapulmonary man- past, research focused on the evaluation of
child allowed identification of patients at high ifestations in children with CAP significantly commercially available tests,5,14 multiplex
risk for M. pneumoniae CAP, that is, children increases the probability of M. pneumoniae assays,14 and strain typing methods.5
with CAP who have had fever > 2 days and infection. Importantly, like many other respira-
who were > 3 years of age.7 The decision tree tory pathogens, M. pneumoniae can be car-
placed 72% of all patients with M. pneumo- ried in the upper respiratory tract of asymp-
niae infection into the high-risk group. LABORATORY PARAMETERS
tomatic children. Detection rates in children
Apart from fever, clinical signs and CAP patients with uncomplicated M.
without symptoms of a respiratory tract
symptoms of M. pneumoniae infection vary pneumoniae infection often have normal or
infection vary from 3% or less to 56%.2,5,15
widely. The commonest symptoms are a sore only slightly raised absolute leukocyte and
It appears that the mere presence of M. pneu-
throat and a (typically nonproductive) cough. neutrophil counts, as well as lower C-reactive
moniae in the upper respiratory tract may not
Other symptoms may be the absence of protein levels than children with CAP caused
necessarily indicate respiratory disease.15
wheeze and the presence of chest pain.8 Symp- by other bacterial organisms.5,7
toms typically develop over several days and
an intractable cough often persists for weeks to CULTURE
months. However, another Cochrane review8 Culture is not used for routine diagno-
The radiographic presentation of
concluded that M. pneumoniae infection can- sis because it is labor-intensive, needs special
“atypical” pneumonia due to M. pneumoniae
not be reliably diagnosed based on clinical enriched broth or agar media, and the incuba-
is extremely variable. Bilateral, diffuse inter-
symptoms alone. Nevertheless, a combination tion period can take up to 3 weeks.
stitial infiltrates are common, pleural effu-
of age and clinical features rather than spe- sions can occur, but none of the radiographic
cific findings may aid clinicians in identifying findings associated with M. pneumoniae RAPID ANTIGEN TEST
patients at high risk for M. pneumoniae CAP. CAP are specific.1 Rapid antigen tests have a limited
sensitivity because of a detection limit of
EXTRAPULMONARY NONRESPONSE TO EMPIRICAL approximately 1 × 103 colony-forming units
MANIFESTATIONS β-LACTAM ANTIBIOTICS (CFU)/ml.5,16 Although they have a lower
Additional clinical features of M. sensitivity than PCR, the detection time is
The British Thoracic Society guide- faster and only less-trained staff is required
pneumoniae infection include extrapulmo-
lines1 recommend amoxicillin as first choice
nary manifestations, which can affect almost compared with culture.
for oral antibiotic therapy in children with
every organ, including the skin and the nerv-
suspected bacterial CAP. They also advise
ous, hematologic, cardiovascular and mus- SEROLOGY
that macrolide antibiotics may be added at
culoskeletal system.9 These manifestations
any age in case of very severe disease or if The sensitivity of specific serologic
are caused either by direct local effects of M.
there is no response to first-line empirical tests depends on the time point of the first
pneumoniae after dissemination or indirect
treatment. In children with CAP who do serum sample and on the availability of paired
immune-mediated effects.
Skin manifestations occur in up to 25% not recover within a few days as would be sera collected ≥ 2 weeks apart to evaluate
of all M. pneumoniae infections, including expected in viral infection, and who do not seroconversion and/or ≥ 4-fold antibody titer
mainly nonspecific exanthems, urticaria, and respond to β-lactam antibiotics, clinicians increase (“gold standard”). Specific serum
(less commonly) erythema nodosum. There are should consider M. pneumoniae CAP. immunoglobulin (Ig) M can be detected
also rare but distinct pediatric M. pneumoniae- within 1 week after initial infection and about
associated skin disorders such as erythema DIAGNOSTIC TESTS 1–2 weeks before IgG.10 Reinfection in adults
multiforme, Stevens-Johnson syndrome, and can lead directly to an IgG response and may
Diagnostic tests – the science in diag-
M. pneumoniae-associated mucositis.9 lack production of IgM. Specific serum IgA
nosing M. pneumoniae infection
Encephalitis and Guillain-Barré syn- rises, peaks and decreases earlier than IgM,
Children with moderate-to-severe CAP
drome constitute the most severe neurologic but is less frequently detected.15
and/or presence of risk factors (underlying dis-
manifestations, where M. pneumoniae infec- The previously used serologic tests are
ease or immunodeficiency) should be referred
tion is thought to be causative in up to 10% and complement fixation tests, particle agglutina-
to secondary care for further assessment.1
21% of patients, respectively.10,11 We recently tion assays, and immunofluorescent assays,
Microbiologic diagnosis should be attempted
demonstrated that M. pneumoniae triggers which were based on crude M. pneumoniae
in those children. Current guidelines1,3 recom-
antibodies against the major myelin antigen antigen extracts. Since M. pneumoniae con-
mend PCR and serologic tests to diagnose M.
galactocerebroside (GalC), and showed that tains large amounts of glycolipids that elicit
pneumoniae infections. An overview of diag-
anti-GalC IgG is critical for the development cross-reactive antibody responses (manuscript
nostic tests is shown in Table 1.
of Guillain-Barré syndrome following M. submitted), enrichment for adhesion protein
pneumoniae infection.11 Because the detection P1 or protein extracts without glycolipid anti-
rate of M. pneumoniae by PCR in cerebrospi- PCR gens has been used to improve the test perfor-
nal fluid (CSF) of M. pneumoniae encephalitis PCR is considered as the new “gold mance of enzyme immunoassays (EIAs).
patients is low (0–14%), a significant propor- standard” with a superior sensitivity and Intriguingly, one study reported that
tion of the cases may be immune-mediated as shorter turnaround time than culture. Nucleic IgM as well as IgG and IgA could be detected
well.10 In fact, we also demonstrated anti-GalC acid amplification techniques for the detec- by EIA in single serum samples of asymp-
IgG antibodies in serum and CSF of patients tion of M. pneumoniae DNA or RNA differ tomatic M. pneumoniae PCR-positive chil-
with encephalitis12 and severe ­Guillain-Barré in the choice of target genes used (e.g., P1 dren.15 The antibody response in these children

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Meyer Sauteur et al The Pediatric Infectious Disease Journal  •  Volume 37, Number 11, November 2018

TABLE 1.  Overview of Diagnostic Tests for M. pneumoniae

Method Test Target/Antigen Antibodies/Cells Specimen(s) Performance

Direct detection PCR Different target genes — Respiratory High sensitivity, high specificity Routine
of M. ­pneumoniae (e.g., P1 gene, 16S specimen,
rDNA, 16S rRNA) other bod-
ily fluids or
Rapid antigen Different antigens — Respiratory Moderate-high sensitivity, (Routine)*
test (e.g., adhesion specimen moderate-high specificity
protein P116)
Culture — — Respiratory Low sensitivity, high specificity Advanced
Nonspecific sero- Cold agglutinin Erythrocytes (I Cold agglutinins Serum Low sensitivity, low specificity (Routine)†
logic tests for test (“bedside antigen) (IgM)
M. pneumoniae test”)
Specific serologic CFT Antigen extracts with Igs (no discrimina- Serum Less sensitive and less specific (Routine)‡
tests for M. glycolipids and/or tion between than EIA
­pneumoniae proteins isotypes)
PA IgM and/or IgG Serum Sensitivity and specificity (Routine)‡
comparable with EIA
IFA Less sensitive and less specific than (Routine)‡
EIA (subjective interpretation)
EIA Proteins (e.g., adhe- IgM, IgG, IgA Serum Moderate-high sensitivity, Routine
sion protein P1) Moderate-high specificity
and/or glycolipids
Immunoblotting High sensitivity, high specificity Advanced
(confirmatory assay)§
Specific ASC ELISpot Proteins (e.g., adhe- IgM, IgG, IgA Blood High sensitivity, high specificity Advanced
response for M. sion protein P1) ASCs (PBMCs) (unpublished data)
pneumoniae and/or glycolipids
*Not available worldwide.
†Historical test: cold agglutinins are IgM antibodies that target the I antigen of human erythrocytes during M. pneumoniae infection and precipitate when a blood sample is placed
in an anticoagulated tube on ice for around 30 seconds; replaced by specific serologic tests.
‡Largely replaced by EIA.
§Dumke et al. Diagn Microbiol Infect Dis 2012;73:200–203.
CFT, complement fixation test; ELISpot, enzyme-linked immunospot assay: IFA, immunofluorescent assay; Ig, immunoglobulin; PA, particle agglutination; PBMC, peripheral blood
mononuclear cell.
Table adapted from Meyer Sauteur et al.10

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