Earth in Space

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 The planet Earth is the home of mankind.

 It is the third planet from the sun.

 The largest among the four terrestrial planets.

 The fifth largest of the planet in the Solar system.

 It is the only planet known to have an atmosphere containing free oxygen,

oceans of liquid water on its surface, and of course, life.

 The only planet in our Solar System not to be named after a Greek and
Roman deity.

 It has a natural satellite revolving around it. The Moon.

Solar System. It is a system consisting of sun and other objects rotating around the sun
because of it's gravitational force.

Sun. It is the only star and energy source of solar system. It is the largest body of solar
system and located at the center of the solar system and all other planets rotates
around it.

Planets. The largest eight bodies which rotate around the sun directly.

Moons. Are those qhich rotate around a planet and indirectly rotate around the sun.

Milky way. It is the name of the galaxy which is the home of our solar system.

The eight planets

 Mercury is the closest planet to sun. It ia also the smallest of all eight planets
in the solar system. It has no atmosphere and natural satellite.

 Venus is the second planet and slightly smaller in size to the Earth. It also has
a dense atmosphere surrounding it. It has no natural satellite.

 Earth is the third and very special planet of solar system because it is the only
object in solar system on which life is found. It is the largest and densest of
the inner four terrestrial planets. It has one natural satellite, the moon.

 Mars is rhe fourth planet from the sun. it is slightly smaller in size to Earth
and Venus. It has atmosphere mainly of Carbon Dioxide. It is red in color
because if the large content of Iron Dioxide in its soil.
 Jupiter is the largest planet in solar system. It composed largely of Hydrogen
and Helium. It has 67 satellites. Ganymede, one of rhe satellite of Jupiter, it is
rge largest satellite in solar system, larger than the Mercury.

 Saturn is an another giant planet and second largest planet in the solar
system. The ring of Saturn are made up of small ice and rock particles. Titan,
is the largest satellite if Saturn and second largest moon in the solar system,
it is larger than the Mercury and the only satellite with the substantial

 Uranus is the first ice giant in solar system. It is rhe coldest planet in the solar
system. It has 27 known satellites. Titania is the largest satellite of Uranus.

 Neptune is the second ice giant. It has 14 known satellites. Triton is the
largest satellite of Neptune.

Other objects in the solar system

 Dwarf Planets. A solar sysytem rotating around the sun which do not have
enough gravitational force to clear its neighborhood, meaning it has other
objects comparable to its size in the path of its orbit around the sun. The
International Astronomical Union (AU) currently recognizes five dwarf
planets, namely, Ceres, Pluto, Haumea, Makemake and Eris.

 Asteroid belt. Asteroid are small solar system bodies having a diameter of
few meters to hundreds of kilometers and are composed mainly of refactory
rocky metallic minerals with some ice. It is occupied by numerous irregularly
shaped bodies called asteroids or minor planets. It is considered as remnants
of solar system formation which failed to come together to form a planet
because of interference of Jupiter's gravitational interference

 Comets are smaller solar system bodies. They have highly eccentric orbits,
generally a. perihelion with the orbits of the inner planets and an aphelion
far beyond Pluto. When a comet enter the inner solar system, its proximity to
the sun causes its icy surface to sublimate and ionise, creating a coma, a long
tail of gas and dust often visible to the naked eye.

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