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Paper: Classical Mechanics (Math) 3rd – Semester

A and ⃗
1. The resultant of two vector ⃗ B making angle 90° is
A) √ a +b +2 abcosθ B) √ a +b 2
2 2 2
c) √ a2−b2 D) a 2+b 2
2. The minimum resultant of two vectors A and B is
A) √ a2 +b 2+2 abcosθ B) √ a2 +b 2 C) a 2+b 2 D) a−b
1 ^ 1 ^
3. The vector i+ j is ∂
√2 √2
A) Null Vector B) Unit vector C) Position Vector D) None
4. Curl ( grand ∅ )=?
A) 1 B) -1 C) zero D) Impossible
5. ⃗ ∇ .( ⃗
∇ x⃗A ) =?
A) 1 B) -1 C) Zero D) Impossible
6. The product of mass and velocity is called
A) Power B) Momentum C) Torque D) None
7. If arc length and radius of a circle constant, then angular displacement becomes
A) Doubled b) Half c) Increase four times D) None
8. If speed of a rotating body is doubled radius of a circle constant , then angular velocity becomes
A) Doubled b) Half c) Decrease four times d) None
9. If number of rotations of a body are decrease then angular acceleration and angular velocity are
A) Parallel B) Anti-Parallel C) Perpendicular D) depends upon situation
10. In a circular path linear velocity and angular velocity:
A) Parallel B) Anti-parallel C) perpendicular D) Depends upon situation
11. Null vector of
A) One vector B) only two vector c) two or more vectors D. None
12. If a vector 3A is multiplied by number ‘+5’. How many times its magnitude increases
A) 3 times B) 5 Times C) 15 times D) 8 times
13. Kinematics concerned with……….. of motion
A) Geometry b) Facts C) Changes D) None
14. Which one is acceleration:
→ → →
A) d⃗
B) ḋ C) d̈ D) v̈
15. The Gradient of a scalar is always………… Quantity
A) Scalar B) Vector C) may be scalar vector D) none
16. Which one is a rectangular unit vector.
A) k^ B) n^ C) r^ D) All of these
17. Which Newton’s law defines in force?
A) 1st law B) 2nd law C) 3rd law D) None
18. Action and reaction force act on:
A) Single body B) Two different bodies C) Both A and B D) None
19. Which one is general formula for Newton’s 2 nd law of motion:
A) F=ma B) F= C) Fx t=I D) All of these
20. The work is negative at:
A) θ=101° B) θ=120° C) θ=180° D) All of these
21. If work done by object becomes half in unit time then power becomes
A) Half B) Double C) Remains Constant D) None
22. In conservative field work along close path is:
A) Zero B) always Positive C) Always negative D) All
23. ^ 2 ^j+ ( 3 t 2 −4 t ) R , r⃗ 2=( 5 t 2 −2t +4 ) i+t
If r⃗ 1=2 t i−t ^ 3 ^j−3 t k^
A) ^
6 i+16 ^j−11 k^ B) 18 t^ + 9 ^j−3 k^ C) 16 k^ D) None
24. If x=t +1 , y =t 2 , z =2t +5 , at t=1 , the a⃗ is :

A) ^ ^j B) 3 i+
6 i+2 ^ 2 ^j+ 2 k^ C) −19 ^j D) None
25. If x=t 3 +1 , y =t 2 , z =2t +5 , at t=1 , the V ⃗ is:
A) ^
6 i+2 j ^ B) ^ ^
3 i+ 2 j+ 2 k ^ C) −19 j ^ D) None
26. Classical mechanics does not deals with the study of objects moving with:
A) Slow speed B) very high speed C) Constant speed D) None
27. The work done is zero-when angle b/w ⃗ F and d⃗ is:
A) 90 ° B) 180 ° C) 360 ° D)45 °
28. One kilowatt hour is a unit of
A) Work B) power C) pressure D) None
29. The kinetic energy of a body having momentum ‘p’ is
p2 p2 3 p2 1
A) B) C) D) m p2
2m 2m 2 2m 2
30. The area under the force displacement graph is:
A) Velocity B) acceleration C) work D) Power
31. The weight of a body at the centre of a earth is:
A) mg B) zero C) maximum D) mg-ma
32. A 57 kg woman runs up a flight of stairs having a rise of 4.5 m in 3.5s. what average power must
she supply? A) 718w B) 500 w C) 1000 w D) Half watt
33. Which one is a correct relation?
A) θ=sr B) v=r 2 w C) c=v=rw D) a=r 2 α
34. If ⃗ ^ ^j , ⃗
A=i+ ^
B=2 i−3 ^j+ k^ , ⃗c =4 ^j−3 k^ , then ⃗
A x (⃗
B x ⃗c ) =?
A) 3 i−8 j + k B) 23 i−3 j+ 4 k C) 4 j−23 k D) 77 k^
^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^
35. ^
If r =coswt i+sinwt ^j , then⃗a =?
A) w k^ B) w i^ C) w ^j D) None
36. ^
If r =coswt i+sinwt ^j , then r⃗ x ⃗v =?
A) w k^ B) w i^ C) w ^j D) None
B) If A=( 2 xy +23 ) i+
^ ( x 2+ 2 y ) ^j+¿
37. ^
Zero B) x i−2 y ^j C) 1 D) Not Possible
38. A force of zero acts on a body and displaces if through 10m in 2s, then power will be:
A) 80w B) 40w C) 120w D) None of these
39. Which one is a non-conservative force:
A) Gravitational Force B) Electric force C) Normal Force D) All of these
40. The velocity of a projective at maximum height is:
A) Zero B) Maximum C) only horizontal velocity D) None

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