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Intramedullary Nailing of Proximal Third Tibial Fractures: Techniques to Improve Reduction

Article  in  Orthopedics · July 2011

DOI: 10.3928/01477447-20110526-19 · Source: PubMed

12 968

1 author:

David Hak
University of Central Florida


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■ trauma update
Section Editors: David J. Hak, MD, MBA & Philip F. Stahel, MD

Intramedullary Nailing of Proximal Third Tibial

Fractures: Techniques to Improve Reduction
David J. Hak, MD, MBA

Abstract: Obtaining and maintaining an acceptable reduction

of proximal third tibial fractures can be problematic. Deform-
ing forces acting on the proximal fragment and the spacious-
ness of the intramedullary canal at this level contribute to this
challenge during intramedullary nailing. Several surgical tech-
niques have been developed to address this problem, including
the use of a more lateral and proximal starting point, adjunc-
tive plate fixation, blocking screws, semiextended nailing, and
most recently the use of a retropatellar portal approach. Famil-
iarity with these techniques is critical to achieve satisfactory
results when nailing proximal third tibial fractures.

I ntramedullary nailing of
simple diaphyseal tibial
shaft fractures usually results
maintain accurate reduction,
extra-articular proximal third
tibial fractures treated with an
in near anatomic reduction, intramedullary nail will com- 1 2
as the intramedullary nail fills monly be malreduced in val- Figure 1: Malreduction following intramedullary nailing of a proximal third
the intramedullary canal. In gus, apex anterior, and have tibial fracture. Figure 2: The distal location of the Herzog bend of this older
unreamed Synthes tibial nail caused posterior and distal displacement of the
contrast, accurate reduction of posterior displacement of the shaft segment during nail insertion.
tibial fractures that are near the distal segment.
proximal metaphyseal junction Two studies published in
are notoriously problematic 1995 highlighted the difficulty fractures of the proximal third Johnson2 reported malalign-
when treated by intramedul- of achieving an adequate re- of the tibia treated with an in- ment (defined as a ⭓5⬚ angu-
lary nailing (Figure 1). duction when nailing proximal tramedullary nail. At follow- latory deformity in any plane)
In the absence of special tibial fractures. Lang et al1 re- up, 84% of their patients had in 7 of 12 (58%) proximal third
techniques to achieve and ported on 32 extra-articular angulation ⬎5⬚ in the frontal or tibial fractures treated with an
sagittal plane, and 59% had ⭓1 intramedullary nail.
Dr Hak is from Denver Health/University of Colorado, Denver, Colorado. cm displacement at the fracture At that time, the design of
Dr Hak has no relevant financial relationships to disclose. site. They noted that valgus, 1 of the most commonly used
Correspondence should be addressed to: David J. Hak, MD, MBA, Den-
apex anterior, and residual dis- intramedullary nail had a dis-
ver Health/University of Colorado, 777 Bannock St, MC 0188, Denver, CO
80204 ( placement at the fracture site tal Herzog bend (Figure 2).
doi: 10.3928/01477447-20110526-19 were common. Freedman and Henley et al3 outlined how a


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■ trauma update

3 4A 4B 5A 5B
Figure 3: Apex anterior angulation is commonly seen in proximal tibial fractures treated with an intramedullary nail. This deformity occurs when the knee is flexed
to obtain the entry site. Attachment of the patellar tendon to the proximal fracture segment results in apex anterior malalignment as the knee is flexed. Figure 4:
On the AP view, the ideal entry site for a proximal tibial fracture nailing should be aligned with the lateral tibial eminence (A). On the lateral view, the ideal entry
site should be more proximal (B). Figure 5: Lateral radiograph of a segmental tibial fracture (A). A 7-hole compression plate has been placed anterior to the path
of the intramedullary nailing for reduction of the proximal portion of this segmental tibial fracture (B).

nail with a Herzog bend distal segment, apex anterior dis- Proximally, the medial side of A 4- to 6-hole plate is com-
to the fracture site becomes placement occurs (Figure 3). the tibia has been described as monly used. The plate can be
wedged, displacing the distal In response to these prob- a chute that deflects the nail used temporarily and removed
segment posteriorly and dis- lems, surgeons have developed laterally.4 The central axis of after the nail is successfully in-
tally as it is inserted. Since several techniques to achieve the intramedullary canal is serted and interlocked, or left
that time, contemporary intra- an improved reduction when most commonly aligned with in place to assist with maintain-
medullary nails have been de- nailing proximal third tibial the lateral tibial eminence. Us- ing the reduction. With the use
signed that have a more proxi- fractures, including: (1) start- ing a more proximal entry site of unicortical screws, the plate
mal Herzog bend with greater ing point location; (2) ad- will achieve a longer segment can be positioned along almost
proximal interlocking options. junctive plating; (3) blocking of nail within the proximal any surface. Good screw pur-
Despite these improvements, screws; (4) semiextended nail- segment and usually place the chase can usually be obtained
difficulties remain in achiev- ing technique; and (5) retropa- nail’s Herzog bend completely with a plate placed anteriorly
ing a satisfactory reduction tellar portal technique. within the proximal segment, in the area of thick cortical
when nailing proximal tibial rather than at or distal to the bone. Alternatively, the plate
fractures. STARTING POINT LOCATION fracture site. can be placed along the medial
Two main factors compli- Buehler et al4 reported surface. In this case, bicortical
cate the reduction of extra- on the use of a more lateral ADJUNCTIVE PLATING screws may be placed from me-
articular proximal tibial frac- and proximal entrance site to Several surgeons have pro- dial to lateral as long as they are
tures: (1) the deforming forces achieve reduction of proximal posed temporary or permanent anterior to the proximal path of
acting on the proximal tibial tibial shaft fractures. They also placement of a small fragment the nail (Figure 5).
segment; and (2) the spacious- used a medially placed univer- plate to maintain reduction of Nork et al,7 in a series of 37
ness of the intramedullary ca- sal distractor and placed the in- the proximal fracture and al- fractures of the proximal quar-
nal at this level. terlocking screws with the knee low the knee flexion required ter of the tibia, discussed the
Flexion of the knee is re- in full extension using a special to insert an intramedullary use of supplemental unicortical
quired to create a traditional proximal interlocking jig. nail.5-7 Clinically, both one- plates for 13 of the fractures.
intramedullary nail entry site in A more lateral and proxi- third tubular and small-frag- In 3 cases, the plates were used
the proximal tibia. Because of mal entry site is helpful to ment compression plates have temporarily as a reduction aid
the attachment of the patellar avoid malreduction in proxi- been used. Locking plates and removed, while in the
tendon to the proximal fracture mal tibial fractures (Figure 4). provide another useful option. other 10 cases they were left in

JULY 2011 | Volume 34 • Number 7 533

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■ trauma update

6A 6B 7 8
Figure 6: Valgus deformity is seen during initial insertion of an intramedullary nail of the proximal portion of this segmental fracture (A). The nail was removed
and a blocking screw (arrow) placed just lateral to the central axis of the tibia to correct this deformity (B). Figure 7: To correct apex anterior angulation, a block-
ing screw should be placed just posterior to the intended ideal nail pathway, as shown in this lateral diagram. As the nail passes anterior to the blocking screw,
reduction is achieved. Figure 8: To correct valgus deformity, a blocking screw is placed just lateral to the central axis of the tibia, as shown in this AP diagram.
As the nail is passed medial to the blocking screw, reduction is achieved.

place. They placed plates both found that the blocking screws just posterior to the intended try site can be obtained with
anteriorly and posteromedially were effective in obtaining and ideal posterior location of the the knee in near full extension,
with screws directed to avoid maintaining alignment of the intramedullary nail (Figure 7). with the awl or opening drill
interference with the reamers fractures. To prevent valgus angula- flush up against the trochlear
and the intramedullary nail. Proper placement of block- tion, a blocking screw should groove of the femur (Figure
They reported that the plates ing screws can be difficult. If be placed just lateral to the 9).
were effective in maintaining they are placed too close to central axis of the tibia (Figure
the reduction and did not ad- the intended ideal nail path- 8). As the nail is passed medial RETROPATELLAR PORTAL
versely affect the healing of way, the nail may not be able to the locking screw, the defor- TECHNIQUE
the fracture. to be passed, while if they are mity is corrected. In contrast, Most recently, a retropatel-
placed too far from the intend- to prevent varus angulation, lar portal technique has been
BLOCKING SCREWS ed ideal nail pathway, they will which is less commonly seen developed for tibial nail inser-
Krettek et al8 described not adequately aid reduction of in proximal tibial fractures, tion (Figure 10). It provides
the use of Poller or blocking the fracture. Blocking screws a blocking screw should be the knee extension benefit
screws to improve reduction in can be placed preemptively placed just medial to the cen- of the semiextended nailing
metaphyseal fractures treated to prevent known deformity. tral axis of the tibia. technique without the need
with intramedullary nailing. Alternatively, if a malreduc- for an extensile incision. In
The blocking screws essen- tion occurs during placement SEMIEXTENDED NAILING this approach, a suprapatellar
tially reduce the size of the of an intramedullary nail, TECHNIQUE incision is used and the quad-
available nail pathway. Prop- the nail can be extracted, the Tornetta and Collins10 pro- riceps tendon fibers split lon-
erly positioned screws can blocking screw(s) placed, and posed using an extended in- gitudinally. A cannula is used
prevent malreduction as a nail the nail reinserted (Figure 6). cision, releasing the medial to protect the patellar surface
is placed into a large metaphy- Intraoperative fluoroscopy is patellar retinaculum to allow during passage of the entry
seal space. routinely used to assess the subluxation the patella later- drill, reamers, and tibial nail.
Ricci et al9 reported on the optimal position for placement ally to permit entry site cre- While there are no reported
use of blocking screws in 12 of a blocking screw. ation and intramedullary nail long-term clinical outcomes
patients with proximal third To prevent apex anterior insertion with the knee in only of this technique, cadaveric
tibial fractures treated with deformity, a blocking screw is 15⬚ of flexion. By moving the investigations have shown it to
intramedullary nailing. They placed from medial to lateral patella out of the way, the en- be a safe technique.11,12


ORTHO0711Hak.indd 534 6/24/2011 9:53:18 AM

■ trauma update

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patella out of the way, the knee can remain extended while an awl or drill is used to create the entry site. Figure 10:
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