IJPR 2010 2 (4) 62-66 SRIKANTH-corrected Research

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International Journal of Pharmaceutical Research

2010, Volume 2, Issue 4, 62-66.

ISSN 0975-2366

Research Article
Dissolution Rate Enhancement of Poorly Water Soluble Bicalutamide by
Using Adsorption Process
M V Srikanth*1, N Sreenivasa Rao1, S A Sunil1, G S Sharma1, M U Uhumwangho2 and K V Ramana Murthy1
University college of pharmaceutical sciences, Andhra University, Visakhapatnam-530003, India.
Department of pharmaceutics and pharmaceutical technology, Faculty of pharmacy, University of Benin, Nigeria.
Corresponding author: E-mail: venkatasrikanth_meka@yahoo.com, Tel No: +91-9440016248
Received: 25/06/2010, Revised: 25/07/2010, Accepted: 25/08/2010
The purpose of the present study is to enhance the dissolution rate of bicalutamide, a poorly water soluble antiandrogen
agent by adsorption process. In the present study water soluble carrier like Povidone K 30 and adsorbent such as magnesium
aluminum silicate were used as dissolution rate enhancers. In the present investigation, granules of the bicalutamide were
prepared by wet granulation technique by using magnesium aluminum silicate and povidone K30 either alone or in combina-
tion at different concentrations. The granules were evaluated for packing and compression properties. The granules were
compressed into tablets and different tableting parameters were investigated. The dissolution profile of the tablets was also
evaluated. All the granules were free flowing and compressible. From the dissolution profile, it was observed that the carrier
ratio of 3:1 of magnesium aluminum silicate to povidone K 30 exhibited higher dissolution rate than the other formulations.
The optimized formulation was characterized by powder X-ray diffraction (PXRD).The results showed that the degree of
crystallinity decreased with the increase in concentration of magnesium aluminum silicate.

Key Words: Adsorption, Povidone K 30, Magnesium aluminum silicate, Bicalutamide, Dissolution rate, X-ray powder dif-

INTRODUCTION mined by in vitro method at pH 7 and 37°c [9]. Since the

Presently, product development scientists working in pKa of bicalutamide is 12, hence the solubility of the drug is
the areas of drug discovery, preformulation and formulation low at physiological pH. Thus, it is important to enhance
studies are using various solubilization techniques for solv- the solubility and dissolution rate of bicalutamide to im-
ing solubility problems related to the drug in their daily prove its oral bioavailability [10].
work. The solubility and dissolution rate of poorly water
soluble drug can be altered in many ways, such as modifi-
cation of drug crystal forms, addition of co-solvents, mi-
cronisation, solubilisation by surfactants, addition of ad-
sorbents, solid dispersion, complexation with cyclodextrins
(CD) [1-5] etc. Some of these techniques make use of or-
ganic solvents which are expensive and hazardous to our
environments. Among all the possibilities, selective adsorp-
tion on insoluble carriers is one technique that can be ap-
plied to increase the dissolution rate dramatically. In the
adsorption process a highly active adsorbent such as inor-
ganic clays like bentonite, magnesium aluminum silicate
etc. enhance the dissolution rate of poorly water-soluble Figure 1: Chemical structure of bicalutamide.
drugs by maintaining the concentration gradient at its max-
imum. The two reasons suggested for the rapid release of The process of adsorption has numerous applications
drugs from the surface of clays are the weak physical bond- of diverse nature in the pharmaceutical field in formulation
ing between the adsorbate and the adsorbent, hydration and of various dosage forms. Surface method is one of the
swelling of the clay in the aqueous media [6]. methods used to reduce the drug particle size by increasing
Poor water-solubility of drugs is associated with slow the surface area available to the dissolution medium. The
drug absorption leading eventually to inadequate and varia- use of adsorbents can facilitate the increase in the dissolu-
ble bioavailability. Bicalutamide comes under this class of tion of poorly soluble drug by increasing the surface avail-
poor water soluble drug for which its solubility is to be able for contact with the dissolution media by achieving
enhanced. The chemical name of the bicalutamide is pro- equilibrium in an organic solvent on an insoluble excipient
panamide, N- [4-cyano-3-(trifluoromethyl) phenyl]-3-[(4- with an extensive surface [11-12].
fluorophenyl) sulfonyl]-2-hydroxy-2-methyl-, (+-) (Figure In the present investigation, the formulations of bicalu-
1). It is a non-steroidal antiandrogen used for the treatment tamide were prepared by wet granulation technique using
of prostate cancer [7]. It competitively inhibits the action of different combinational ratios of magnesium aluminum
androgens by binding to cytosol androgen receptors in the silicate and povidone K 30. Out of these concentrations,
target tissue [8]. This bicalutamide blocks the growth stim- best ratio was selected depending upon their efficiency to
ulating effect of androgens on prostate cancer. The aqueous enhance the dissolution rate of the drug.
solubility of bicalutamide is low (5 μg/ml), when deter-

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Srikanth et al / International Journal of Pharmaceutical Research 2010 2(4) 62-66


Disintegration test
Materials The method described in the British Pharmacopoeia
Bicalutamide (BC) was a generous gift sample from BP [16] was followed using water maintained at 37°C as the
Dr. Reddy’s Laboratories Ltd (Hyderabad, India). Povidone disintegration fluid. Six tablets were used in each determi-
K 30 and Sodium lauryl sulphate were obtained as gift nation, which was carried out in triplicate and the mean
samples from Orchid Health Care (Chennai, India). Magne- results are reported.
sium aluminum silicate was obtained as gift sample from
Unichem Laboratories Ltd (Goa, India). All other reagents Friability test
and chemicals used were of analytical grade. The friability test is to evaluate the ability of the tablet
to withstand abrasion in packaging, handling and shipping.
Methods 10 tablets were weighed initially (w1), placed in friabilator
(Roche) and were allowed to rotate at the speed of 25 rpm
Preparation of granules and tabletting for 4 min. After four minutes of this treatment or 100 revo-
Required quantities of bicalutamide, magnesium alu- lutions, the tablets are weighed and the weight (w2) com-
minum silicate, povidone and lactose were accurately pared with the initial weight. The loss due to abrasion is a
weighed and were sifted through #40 mesh (see table 1). measure of the tablet friability. The % friability was calcu-
The mixture was granulated with minimum quantity of lated by using equation 2 below.
water. The wet mass was dried in a rapid drier until the loss
of drying (LOD) reached less than 2% w/w. Dried granules % Friability = (w1 - w2) x 100/ w1 …………………..2
were passed through #20 mesh and were mixed with pre-
sifted crospovidone which was already passed through # 40 Drug content
mesh. The above granules were lubricated with presifted Tablet was placed in 100 ml volumetric flask, dis-
magnesium stearate through # 60 mesh and mixed for 3 solved and makeup with acetonitrile. 3 ml of the stock solu-
min. Lubricated granules were evaluated for flow character- tion was further diluted upto 100 ml with 1% sodium lauryl
istics and were compressed into tablets by using 8- station sulphate solution. The sample was analyzed for the drug
Rimek compression machine (Mini II D, Rimek). Com- content by using UV-spectrophotometer (Elico SL 210) at
pressed tablets were allowed to equilibrate in a dessicator 272 nm.
for 24 hrs before evaluation.
In vitro studies
Evaluation of granules In vitro studies were performed separately in 900ml of
1% SLS maintained at 37±0.5°C using USP XXII type II
Packing property of the granules: dissolution rate test apparatus at a stirring speed of 50 rpm
The packing properties were determined by measuring which is official in Food and Drug Administration (FDA)
the difference between bulk density (BD) and the tapped dissolution methods. 5 ml aliquots were withdrawn at dif-
density (TD) using standard procedure. In the procedure, a ferent time intervals up to one hour and replaced with same
20g quantity of granule sample was placed into 250ml volume of drug free fresh dissolution medium so as to
clean, dry measuring cylinder and the volume, V0 occupied maintain sink conditions. The samples were filtered and
by the sample without tapping was determined. An auto- estimated for the amount of bicalutamide dissolved by
mated tap density tester (model C-TDA2, Campbell Elec- measuring the absorbance at λ max, 272nm by using an Eli-
tronics, Mumbai, India) was used for tapping the granules cos SL 210 UV-Visible double beam spectrophotometer
according to USP Chapter 616 Method I [13]. After 100 (Elico, India). The dissolution experiments were done in
taps the occupied volume, V100 was also noted. The bulk triplicate.
and tap densities were calculated from these volumes (V0
and V100) using the formula. Density = Weight/Volume Powder X- ray diffractometry (PXRD)
occupied by sample. The Hausner ratio was determined by Powder X-ray diffractometry (PXRD) was performed
dividing the tapped density (TD) by the bulk density (BD), for the pure drug, placebo and for the final formulation to
and Carr’s compressibility index (CI) [14] was determined identify crystalline nature of the formulation. PXRD studies
using Equation 1: were performed by using X-ray diffractometer (Philips PW
  TD - BD   1729) for the samples, using Ni filtered CuK (α) radiation,
CI    x 100 %           ( 1 )
 TD   a voltage of 35 kV, a current of 20 mA and receiving slit of
0.2 in. The samples were analyzed over 2θ range of 2-45°
Evaluation of tablets with scan step size of 0.020° and scan step time of 1sec.
The formulated tablets were evaluated for all the phys-
ical parameters. The parameters evaluated include hardness, RESULTS AND DISCUSSION
friability, disintegration time and drug content. The opti-
mized formulated tablets were further evaluated with pow- Packing and flow properties of the granules
der X – ray diffractometry (PXRD). The results (Table 2) showed the packing properties of
the granules obtained by wet granulation technique. The
Determination of tablet tensile strength (T) results showed that the granules were compressible by tap-
ping. The CI values were between 18% to 24% while the
Determination of tablet hardness hausner ratio was between 1.2 to 1.4 indicating that the
The fracture loads (N) of ten tablets were determined granules exhibited good flow properties [18].
individually with the Monsanto hardness tester [15]. The
mean values of the fracture loads were recorded.
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Srikanth et al / International Journal of Pharmaceutical Research 2010 2(4) 62-66

Table 1: Formulation of Bicalutamide tablets

Ingredients F1 F2 F3 F4 F5 F6 F7
Bicalutamide 50 50 50 50 50 50 50
Magnesium aluminium silicate 50 100 150 - - - 150
Povidone K 30 - - - 50 100 150 50
Avicel PH 200 41 38 35 41 38 35 32
Crospovidone 7.5 10 12.5 7.5 10 12.5 15
Magnesium stearate 1.5 2 2.5 1.5 2 2.5 3
Total Weight (mg) 150 200 250 150 200 250 300

Table 2: Evaluation of the granules

Formulations Bulk Density (gm/cc) Taped Density(gm/cc) CI Hausner Ratio

F1 0.714 0.932 23.4 1.31
F2 0.729 0.927 21.4 1.27
F3 0.697 0.878 20.6 1.26
F4 0.656 0.842 22.1 1.28
F5 0.743 0.923 19.5 1.24
F6 0.691 0.845 18.2 1.22
F7 0.769 1.001 23.2 1.30
Note CI = Compressibility index

Table 3: Tabletting parameters

Formulations Thickness (mm) Hardness (N ) Friability (%) Drug content (%) Disintegration (min)
F1 3.7± 0.45 75 ± 0.14 0.24 99.2 ± 0.5 3.2 ± 0.21
F2 3.9 ± 0.32 74 ± 0.22 0.33 98.4 ± 0.2 2.4 ±0.07
F3 4.1 ± 0.67 72 ± 0.09 0.45 99.1 ± 0.7 3.5 ±0.03
F4 3.6 ± 0.27 77 ± 0.34 0.19 98.2 ± 0.6 4.5 ±0.43
F5 3.8 ± 0.54 75 ± 0.59 0.28 101.4 ± 0.8 4.7 ±0.22
F6 4.0 ± 0.63 73 ± 0.75 0.36 100.3 ± 0.2 4.2 ±0.39
F7 4.4 ± 0.16 74 ± 0.44 0.31 100.2 ± 0.1 3.9 ±0.11

Evaluation of the physical parameters of the tablets 2.2 fold increase respectively after 10 min, 1.4, 1.7 and 1.8
The tabletting parameters of the formulated tablets are fold increase respectively after 30 min and 1.5, 1.7 and 1.9
presented in Table 3. All formulated tablets had hardness fold increase respectively after 60 min in the dissolution
and friability values between 72 to 77 N and 0.1 to 0.5% rate of the formulations compared with pure drug. Thus,
respectively. The formulated tablets also disintegrated with- presence of the adsorbate greatly influenced the dissolution
in 5 min as against the stipulated official time of 15mins rate.
[17]. The drug contents for all formulations were >97%.

Dissolution profiles
The dissolution profiles of bicalutamide from different
formulations are shown in Figure 2-4. The results showed
that the dissolution rate of the drug was greatly influenced
by the amount of adsorbate concentration present. Dissolu-
tion rate of bicalutamide tablets increased with the presence
of magnesium aluminum silicate concentration as shown in
Figure. 2. It was observed that as the ratio of Magnesium
aluminum silicate in the formulation increased the dissolu-
tion rate increased correspondingly. From the dissolution
data, it was observed that pure drug released its active con-
tent less than 60% at the end of 1 h, where as the physical Figure 2: Dissolution profiles of Bicalutamide formula-
mixture with higher concentration (1:3) of drug: carrier tions: (□) Bicalutamide, (∆) Physical mixture, F1, F2
released about 70% of the drug at the end of one hour. The and F3.
bicalutamide- Magnesium aluminum silicate adsorbates at The results of the dissolution data with povidone K 30
1:1, 1:2 and 1:3 (F1, F2 & F3) ratios exhibit 1.5, 1.8 and (F4, F5 & F6) as the drug to carrier in ratios of 1:1, 1:2 and

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1:3 are shown in Figure 3. It was observed that dissolution povidone as third component was incorporated into the
rate was slightly enhanced by the increased concentration existing formulation F3 and treated as F7.
of povidone K 30. According to the results pure drug re- The dissolution data of formulation F7 is presented in
leased its active content less than 60% at the end of one Figure 4. It was observed that the dissolution rate was
hour, where as physical mixture with higher concentration greatly increased by 3 fold by the use of povidone in the
(1:3) of carrier released about 65% its drug content at the formulation F7 causing a burst release at this point. The
end of one hour. However, in case of tablet formulations improvement of the dissolution rate on addition of pov-
the dissolution rate was enhanced by increased concentra- idone to the magnesium aluminium silicate may be attribut-
tions of carrier. As shown from the results the drug released ed to its wetting and solubilising effect [18]. Dissolution
was 76% for F4, 82% for F5 and 85% for F6 at the end of rate as compared to pure drug at 10 min interval has been
one hour. When compared with adsorbate dissolution re- enhanced a lot and reached 98% within 20 min. Hence, this
sults, povidone made formulation had no much influence was considered as the optimized formulation.
on the dissolution rate. So further trials were focused based
on the formulation F3. Powder X- ray diffractometry (PXRD)
PXRD studies were carried out for the optimized for-
mulation (F7), along with pure drug and placebo, which are
shown in the Figure 5. PXRD studies showed that bicalu-
tamide (a) exhibits sharp peaks at 12.25°, 17.05°, 23.90°
and 24.30 ° (2θ) which indicates that the drug is in crystal-
line nature. In Placebo, peaks were observed at 8.74° and
21.28°. Whereas formulation F7 exhibited sharp peaks at
same region as that of pure drug, but the intensity of the
peaks decreased, indicating the reduction of crystallinity
[19- 20].

Figure 3: Dissolution profiles of Bicalutamide formula-

tions: (◊) Bicalutamide, ( ) Physical mixture, F4, F5
and F6.

Figure 5: X-ray diffraction patterns of (A) Bicalutam-

ide; (B) Placebo; (F7) Bicalutamide formulation.

Adsorbents play a significant role in the improvement
of dissolution characteristics of poorly water soluble drugs.
In the present study, the dissolution of bicalutamide has
been enhanced by addition of adsorbents like magnesium
aluminum silicate, hydrophilic carriers like povidone K30
and combination of both. From the dissolution data it will
Figure 4: Dissolution profiles of Bicalutamide formula- be concluded that dissolution rate was greatly enhanced in
tions: (◊) Bicalutamide, ( ) Physical mixture, F6 and the formulation F7 at the ratio 1:3:1 of drug: magnesium
F7. aluminum silicate: povidone K30 respectively. The PXRD
studies have shown that crystallinity of the drug has been
In the present formulation studies, the main target was reduced by which there was increase in dissolution rate.
to improve the dissolution rate to a maximum extent within Being economical, the other major advantage of adsorbent
a short period of time. Even though the drug release was based formulations is, it avoids the usage of organic sol-
fast and complete in formulation F3, there is a need to fur- vents which are major constituents in the preparation of
ther improve the drug release at initial time points (10- 20 conventional formulations. Therefore, the formulation F7
mins) to bring about immediate relieve of symptoms. So consisting of Bicalutamide-magnesium aluminum silicate-
povidone K 30 (1:3:1) ratio was considered as the optimum

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of its oral bioavailability. cyclodextrin inclusion complexation. Int J Ph Pharm
Sci 2010; 2(1): 191-198.
ACKNOWLEDGMENTS 10. Srikanth MV, Murali mohan babu GV, Sreenivasa rao
The authors are thankful to Dr.Reddy’s Laboratories, N, Sunil SA, Ramanamurthy KV. Studies on the effect
Hyderabad, India, for providing necessary facilities to carry of hydrophilic carriers in the dissolution rate en-
out the research work. One of the authors, M.V.Srikanth, is hancement of poorly soluble drug, bicalutamide. Res J
thankful to GSV Subrhamanyam for providing valuable Pharm Tech 2010; 3(2): 592-95.
information to carry out the research work. 11. Dureja H, Madan AK. Adsorption in pharmacy: A
review. Drug Dev Tech 2007; 7: 58-63.
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