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In addition to understanding the baking process, producing quality baked products also involves
following several basic principles. Baking is one food preparation method that requires a recipe. A recipe
lists the ingredients with exact quantities and the procedures for preparation and the temperature and
time for baking.

Measure accurately

.The previous lesson showed that all the ingredients in baking has specific functions or uses for the
production of quality baked product. These ingredients work together for the best results. These
ingredients work perfectly together when they are in

Correct proportion

 (Amount of one ingredient in relation to another). Exact quantity of ingredients is also necessary to

bring about the desired reactions and changes in the baking process. For example, Salt slows down yeast
fermentation (Lesson 1) and when the amount of salt is less than what is required in the recipe, the
dough would rise too quickly affecting the shape and flavor of the bread (Lauter bach and Albrecht,

Use the exact ingredients as specified

. Aside from the proportion of ingredients, the kind of ingredient itself has specific characteristics which

work best with the other ingredients in the recipe. When an ingredient in a recipe is changed, the
resulting product may not be of the same quality. For example, bread flour and all-purpose flour have
different characteristics (see Lesson 1). When the all-purpose flour in the recipe for muffin is replaced
with bread flour, the muffin would be as soft and light as expected.

Follow correct mixing methods and baking procedures

.There is appropriate mixing methods different types of bread products which will be discussed in Lesson
6. When a different mixing method is used or when the proper procedure for the method is not
followed, poor quality product will be obtained. Baking procedures are also specified in the recipe. The
appropriate pan for baking, the baking temperature and the time for baking must be correctly followed.
Varying the temperature would change the quality of the product.

Setting a commitment Direction

The basic principles of baking are not suggestions only but a set of rules that should always be followed.
Write a statement showing your commitment to a set of rules that you will follow in the laboratory
(actual preparation) part of the module. Sample: I, (write your name), promise to follow the following
rules in order to get the best results in the production of baked goods.

 (Write the rules here)



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