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To model a Bolt and Nut of given dimensions using SOLIDWORKS.

Length of Bolt – 50mm
Diameter – 4mm
Thickness of Bolt head – 5mm
Diameter – 14mm
Thickness of nut – 5mm
Diameter – 14mm
Hole diameter – 4mm

1. Polygon
2. Extruded Boss/Base
3. Circle
4. Extruded Cut
5. Fillet and Chamfer
6. Curve>Helix and Spiral
7. Reference Geometry > Plane
8. Swept Cut.


To model a Bolt:

1. Select MMGS system as Unit system and select the "Front Plane" and then
select Sketch.
2. Select polygon command and draw a hexagon of given dimension from the
3. Extrude the polygon, using “Extrude Boss/Base” for a depth to 5 mm.
4. To round the head of the Bolt, draw a circle on the front face to a radius of 7mm.
5. Cut the circle to a depth of 1mm and cut along the sides to an angle of 60° by flip
side option.
6. To create the Shaft of the Bolt, sketch a circle on the other side of the Bolt head
with a radius of 4 mm and extrude it for a depth of 50mm.
7. To chamfer the Bolt at the end, chamfer the edge to a depth of 1.40mm at
45degree by using “chamfer” command.
8. To make the thread of the Bolt, generate a helix by sketching a circle of 4mm
radius at the end of the shaft by using “curve helix and spiral” command.
9. Draw the helix by defining height and revolution of 40mm and 26 respectively in
the reverse direction.
10. Draw a triangle using “polygon” command with 0.8mm as side at the starting
point of the Helix to create the profile for the threading.
11. Pattern the threading by selecting “Swept cut” and select the path as helix and
profile as triangle.

To model the Nut:

1. Sketch the same Hexagon profile with the same dimension used for the bolt, and
extrude with depth of 5mm.
2. Sketch a circle of 4mm dia and extrude cut to depth of 5mm.
3. To make the thread of the nut, generate a helix by sketching a circle of 4mm
radius at the end of the extruded cut by using “curve helix and spiral” command.
4. Draw the helix by defining height and revolution of 5mm and 4 respectively in the
reverse direction.
5. Sketch a triangle profile from the origin of 0.6mm each side and select Swept Cut
to create the threading.

Thus the modelling of nut and bolt with given dimensions is completed using


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