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Fill in the blanks with suitable forms of verbs given in the brackets.

1. His feet ________________ (develop) cracks and somehow ________________

(resemble) those of an elephant.
2. I finally ________________ (decide) to go to my work place, as marriage
________________ (increase) my responsibilities.
3. A large crowd ________________ (gather) at our place the day I was to leave. People
________________ (come) to wish me luck.
4. “I ________________ (see) that the road we ________________ (come) by looked
like a giant motionless rope”.
5. “I ________________ (lose) my pencil. ________________ you ________________
(see) it anywhere?”
“No, I ________________. When ________________ you last ________________
(use) the pencil?”
“I ________________ (use) it when I was in the class.”
“Perhaps you ________________ (leave) it in the class”.
6. After I ________________ (finish) my homework, I ________________ (go) to bed.
7. a) Finally, my father ________________ (come) up with a solution.
b) He ________________ (pass) his examination in 2017.
8. a) It’s time Vyshnavi ________________ (go) to bed.
b) I ________________ (see) Raju yesterday.
9. a) He ________________ (pass) his examination in 2016.
b) I ________________ (see) Raju yesterday.
10. a) I ________________ (be) my lunch and slept.
b) If I ________________ (be) the Prime Minister, I would provide free education at
all levels.
11. a) Mohit can’t call you as he ________________(lose) his cell phone.
b)Jaya ________________ already ________________ (watch) this film thrice.
12. After I ________________ (brush) my teeth, I took my breakfast.
13. Have you finished your work?
Yes, I ________________ (finish) my work.
14. Nick ________________ (begin) travelling the world in 2008.
15. They went to movie after they ________________(finished) dinner.

16. It is late. It is time you _______________ (go) to bed.

17. The post office _______________ (close) when I _______________ (get) there.
18. They _______________ (finish) eating by the time we _______________ (get) there.
19. When we returned home we realized that we _______________ (leave) in too much of
a hurry.
20. “Is your brother in?” No, he isn’t. He _______________ (go) to Chennai”.
When _______________ he _______________ (g0) to Chennai”? “Yesterday”.
21. A : _______________ Madhu _______________ (not arrive) yet?
B : No, he _______________
C : But he _______________ already _______________ (arrive).
B : _______________ you _______________ (talk) to him?
C : No. I _______________ . I merely _______________ (see) him.
B : That cannot be Madhu. He may have been somebody else.
22. A : _______________ you _______________ (call) me, mother?
B : Yes, I _____________. _________ you _____________ (see) my diary today?
I _______________ (put) it on the table last night. I _______________ (look)
all over the house for it. But I _______________ (not, find) it anywhere.
A : I _______________ (see) it on the table this morning, if I remember night.
May be father _______________ (take) it with him by mistake.
23. “Do you know Mrs. Geetha?”
“Yes, I do. I _______________ (know) her for nearly four years. It _______________
(be) at a high school that I first _______________ (see) her in 2009. I
_______________ (work) with her for several years. Recently we ______________
(meet) at the wedding of a mutual friend of us.”
24. When we arrived at the station, the train ______________ already ______________
25. Her father ______________ (already sleep) before she ______________ (come) to her
26. After Manoj ______________ (wake) up, he ______________ (brush) his teeth.
27. He ______________ (stop) his work before he ______________ (take) rest.
28. After I ______________ (give) him a gift, he ______________ (thank) me.

B) Express idea using ‘It’s time’…….

1. You are at the playground. You usually leave the playground at 4 p.m. But it is 5 p.m.
now you want to suggest you friend to go home. (Give him suggestion to go home
using ‘It’s high time…….)
Ans: _________________________________________________________________
2. You and your friend have spent more time than you spend daily in the play ground.
You feel it is late and better to go home. What would you say to your friend? Use the
expression ‘It’s time ……..
Ans: _________________________________________________________________
3. You to your friend : You have not thought seriously about what you want to do in your
life. How would you express this idea using ‘It’s high time ……’?
Ans: _________________________________________________________________
4. You friend promised you to make you a phone call at 7 a.m. But you haven’t received
any phone call from him yet. Now it is 7.30 a.m. How would you express this idea
using ‘It’s time……. ?
Ans: _________________________________________________________________
5. Your friend has been working on a project for 5 months. But he has not completed it
yet. You feel that you friend should take your help to complete the project fast. Give
him / her advice using ‘It’s time …….
Ans: _________________________________________________________________
6. It’s 11 O clock and the children are still in bed. How would you express this idea
using ‘It’s high time ……..’?
Ans: _________________________________________________________________
7. You saw your friend driving an old car. This old one isn’t good enough for him. How
would you advise him using ‘It’s time ……..’?
8. It is already 10 p.m. You must be hungry. You haven’t had dinner yet. How would you
express this idea using It’s high time…..’?
Ans: _________________________________________________________________
9. You haven’t got time to have your hair cut. You hate long hair. How would you
express this idea using It’s time …….’?
Ans: _________________________________________________________________
10. You friend being poor in English lost in interview. Give him / her advice using ‘It’s
time ……..’?
Ans: _________________________________________________________________

11. Your friend lost marks in 9th class. Now he is likely to get same marks in 10th. You
think it is better for him / her to follow the source material published by Raghavendra
Publications. How would you advise him / her using ‘It’s time ………’?
Ans: _________________________________________________________________
12. You friend is getting fat. You feel that he / she should eat less. Give him / her advice
using ‘It’s time ………. ‘?
Ans: _________________________________________________________________
13. Your brother doesn’t respect your parents. It is very bad. What would you say to your
brother using It’s high time ………’?
14. Your brother has an interview tomorrow. He will have to get up early in the morning.
It is already 11.30 p.m. He has not gone to bed. What would you say to him using ‘It’s
high time ……..’?
15. You have completed school studies. You are joining a junior college. You have only a
pair of jeans. You feel you need one more pair of jeans. How would you say to your
father using ‘It’s time ……… ?
Ans: _________________________________________________________________
16. The road you travel on was under repair. It was expected to be completed a month ago.
But they have been working on it for months. What would you say using ‘It’s high
time ………..’?
Ans: _________________________________________________________________
17. You usually have your dinner by 7 p.m.But it is 8 p.m. Your mother hasn’t cooked
dinner yet. What would you say using ‘It’s time ……..’?
Ans: _________________________________________________________________

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