Analysis of Continuous Box Girder Bridges

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a“ ag masoonzant pees, ss 1. Peter fap. luciaho 2. Poe R201 ANALYSIS OF CONTINUOUS BOX GIRDER BRIDGES INCLUDING THE EFFECTS OF DISTORTION B. KeRManit and P. Watpnot ‘Acer Constants Lid, Bristol, UK. Department of Civil and Structural Engineering, University of Sheffield, PO Box 60. Mappin St Shefiel, $1 4DU. UK (Received § March 1992) Abstract—Torsional warping and distortion of the cross-section ate important features of thin-walled ‘sams and sust be considered flyin the design of box prder bridges. "A method of elastic snalis developed based on the sifiness approach wich includes the effects of warping torsion and sistron ‘in addition othe more familar actions of bending tmoment and torsion, The metho which applicable to straight singe cel box gitders with atleast one axis of symmetry, i demonstrated herein the anys of three diferent box stder modes for which experimental oranaitca rests were sleacy swab ‘The method is shown to be easy and economical to use and provider a physcal insight into te srutural Up eamon ros tesponse of thin-walled box prder bridges under gent loading conctons cross-sectional aes Section breadth {orsional bimoment Aistorion! bimoment ‘modulus of elasticity Torsional warping function shear flow Shear modaivs of exsist Section heist flexural second moment of area torsional warping constant isortional warping constant St Venant torsional constant Aistortonal frame aiffess asl foundation snes transverse dstortional moment per unit length tnifortly distibuted distorional: moment per unt length Seam ene Fig. 16. Comparton of measuted and predicied direct sreses at two instrumented sections under ecentie uni formly distributed loadi peas © Expeneena est Fig. 17. Compariton of transverse dstortonal moments round the box at section A under eccentric uniformly ‘datibuted loading. lent beam method has been shown to compare favourably with some reported studies of simply supported and continuous single cell box beams subjected to a variety of different loedings. The ‘method may therefore be used to predict the be: haviour of deformable single cell box girders with confidence particulary during the conceptual design stage when a full 3-D finite element analysis is not justifiable, REFERENCES. LV. Z. Visiow, Thinewoled Elastic Beans. National Scie Foundation, Washington. DC (196) 2.8. U. Bencoter, A theory of torsion bending for ‘mulicel Beams. J. Apple Mech, ASME Trans 1625-34 (1980). 3..C. F. Kollbeunner and K. Basler, Torsion Sirec= ‘ares—Am Engineering Approach. Springer, New York (196, 4 Relig, 4 Contibuion tothe Theory of Bax Girders of Arbitrary Cross-sectional Shape Transat from the German by C. V. Amerongen), Publication No. 143 Cement and Conerete Assocation (197). 5. R Dabrowski, Cursed Thncwelled Girdes Trasiated from the German by C. V. Ameronges) Publication No. 144 Cement and Concrete Assocation (197) 6. RUN. Wright SR Abdel Sumad and A. RL Robinson, BEF analogy for analysis of box pres. J. Sit. Div. ‘ASCE 94, 1719-1783 (196 7. A. Stein, Torsion and cross-sectional distin ofthe Single cel box beam. Beton und Siabetonbou 68, 215-222 (1970, 8. BL Kerman, Single call box girder bridges of de formable crossection. PhD. thess, Unive of Bristol (1988), 9. M.Heenyi, Beams on Elastic Foundation. Usivesty of Michigan Press (1946). 10. RK. Livesey, Maurtx Method of Soucture Analisis Pergamon Press, London (1968), U1 PL Waldron, Equivalent beam analysis of thine walled ben structures. Comput. Siac. 26, 509-620 (98, 12, B. Waldron, Stiffness analysis of thin-valed girders. Proc, Amt. Soe. Ciel Engrs, Siret, Di. 112, 1385-1384 (986) 13, BLL Mais and F. Rol, Method of Anas and Design of Concrete Bax Beams with Sie Canileer Pad ‘ation No. 42.494, Cement and Concrete Asrocation (979, 14, P. Waldron, Sectoral properties of straight thin-walled ‘beams. Compu Struct. 2y 147-136 (1986). 15, Vo Keine, Bos gtders of deformable cosesection— ome theory of elas. Proc. Is. Ci. Engrs 239-283 (970). 16, MJ. Mikkola ard J. Paavola, Finite element analysis of box girders. Am. Soc. Cail Engrs, Stract Die. 106, 1343-1357 (980). 17, LF. Botwell and S. H. Zhang. A box beam Gite tlement forthe elastic analysis of thin-wabe structures Thin-Walled Struct. 1, 383-383 (198).

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