Hyatt Florida Weekly Journal

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From: October 14 - October 19, 2019

Department: Food & Beverage

Activities, duties performed and accomplishments during the week

We got to Florida last October 10, 2019. We had a free overnight stay at the hotel and we got the pool view.
We went to meet with the HR people the next day and they were really excited to see us and excited to meet
us. They said that they like filipino interns since we work hard and we really have a good hospitality trait. On
October 15, 2019. We had the orientation together with the new hire employees, we had a fun hotel tour
during that day, the food that was provided during the orientation was really good. Along with my first week,
I was adapting to the American culture and to the environment. Going around rom our apartment to the
hotel, it felt like its home, it was just like the Philippines but a lot cleaner, no air pollution and you would not
see any trash.

Challenges or difficulties encountered and how you are dealing or have dealt with the situation

The challenges or difficulties that I experienced this week was just adjusting to the environment and working
with my new coworkers since I was assigned to be a greeter, I was getting familiarized with the iPad. We are
going to sit the guest and it shows there their profile if they are a retuning guest or have had a special even at
the Tarpon Bay restaurant. Also, One of the challenges we encountered was when we were about to move to
our apartment we had to get a money order/ check which we did not have any clue at all. But one of the HR
members helped us and guide us to go to place like Walmart and Target. We bought more personal goods for
ourselves. The HR team was very accommodating and helpful.

Notes, observations or insights on things you have learned this week

With the way they treat their people its really comforting and you will feel like one of them on your very first
day. We got shy but it felt like home. On October 12, 2019. One of the filipino worker from the hotel invited
us to go to her place and ate some filipino food and gave us a tour around the area.

List any pleasant or unpleasant experiences that occurred this week


Other Comments and observations or suggestions

From: October 20 - October 26, 2019

Department: Food & Beverage

Activities, duties performed and accomplishments during the week

During this week I was able to attend to the guests like a regular greeter/receptionist where we have to ask
the guest wether they have a reservation and or a walk in. My colleagues were saying that I was a fast learner
and that I was different from any other interns. Of course, I was flattered and overwhelmed but I’m glad that
they like me. My supervisor was proud of me because while i walk the guests to their table I am already
talking with them which you should and entertain them and that i was not shy.

Challenges or difficulties encountered and how you are dealing or have dealt with the situation

One of the challenges I faced during this week was I’m still adapting to the computer we use to sit the guests.
sometimes I mix up the tables for the guests. Also, I am not yet able to answer some of the questions that I
need to cater to them. But I was eager to ask my coworkers so that the next time the guest would ask me
questions I would be able to answer them.

Notes, observations or insights on things you have learned this week

I have learned with the computer system and how we should be able to fix/ reserve the tables for returning
guests and if the guests that would have their special occasion at the restaurant.

List any pleasant or unpleasant experiences that occurred this week


Other Comments and observations or suggestions

From: October 27 - November 2, 2019

Department: Food & Beverage

Activities, duties performed and accomplishments during the week

We have a few days off and we went to Miami with the interns before us, they are ready to go back home to
the Philippines but they invited us to go there. As a newbie, and as much as we love to travel, we just took the
chance on going with them to Miami as it is a very known place for tourists. One of our colleagues actually
called off during the fist few weeks since she wanted to come with us. Having to have experience the kind of
tourism there and the day and night life there is heartwarming and I will keep it with me as I grow older.
During the halloween, we had a lot of guests doing their vacation at our hotel and we had served a special
menu. And when we git home we had spare candles and we lit up some to celebrate the all souls day.

Challenges or difficulties encountered and how you are dealing or have dealt with the situation

We got busy at the restaurant while I was doing a greeter job, at the same time I was helping the servers and
server’s assistant in order for to cater to guests and so they can eat or do a dine-in in our restaurant.

Notes, observations or insights on things you have learned this week

The week that I will be working on a Sunday, we have to prepare for the morning shift and buffet brunch that
the restaurant has every Sunday. The brunch would be fourty-nine dollars with unlimited mimosa.


List any pleasant or unpleasant experiences that occurred this week


Other Comments and observations or suggestions

From: November 3 - November 9, 2019

Department: Food & Beverage

Activities, duties performed and accomplishments during the week

What we did this week was we went to the Social Security office. All of the HR member was there for us and
went with us, they picked us up and it was thirty minutes away. It was a first come first serve basis and a lot of
people were already there when we got there. Overall the process was fast but it took us one hour for
everything. They gave us breakfast and they were really helpful. The HR people were really willing to do
everything for us and they were really sweet. Knowing that for all of us, it was our first time here and having
someone who is really accommodating and really helpful means a lot. We did not have to ask them for any
help, they were the ones who would initiate first.

Challenges or difficulties encountered and how you are dealing or have dealt with the situation


Notes, observations or insights on things you have learned this week


List any pleasant or unpleasant experiences that occurred this week


Other Comments and observations or suggestions

From: November 10 - November 16, 2019

Department: Food & Beverage

Activities, duties performed and accomplishments during the week

During this week everything was running smoother for me. I was given the chance to be alone and everything
went great. I did not have any problem and it was a bit slow so I can do it all at once. Whenever I don’t have a
guest coming in, I would fold the kids menu. I would also just help the servers whenever they need help. I
would help our bar as well because he is just there working alone and he would have guests more. Friday to
Sunday night we would have a jazz music.

Challenges or difficulties encountered and how you are dealing or have dealt with the situation


Notes, observations or insights on things you have learned this week


List any pleasant or unpleasant experiences that occurred this week


Other Comments and observations or suggestions

From: November 17 - November 23, 2019

Department: Food & Beverage

Activities, duties performed and accomplishments during the week

Our supervisor finally gave me the chance to be a fully server’s assistant. For this week, I have a greeter shit
and also a server’s assistant shift. During this week, we also had a thanksgiving dinner with the HR team and
the executive chef of the Hyatt who hired us. We celebrated it at his place and we all had fun, we even played
table tennis and met his lovely dog and family. All the interns were present and he cooked a lot of foodie
were really full, and just like for the filipino culture. We took home all of the leftovers. We also enjoyed the his
fire pit since it was getting colder, he does have a beautiful house.

Challenges or difficulties encountered and how you are dealing or have dealt with the situation


Notes, observations or insights on things you have learned this week


List any pleasant or unpleasant experiences that occurred this week


Other Comments and observations or suggestions

From: November 24 - November 30, 2019

Department: Food & Beverage

Activities, duties performed and accomplishments during the week

Thanksgiving week. We got busy on the thanksgiving day and we actually split up most of tables. Like the
tables who can take up to eight guess we took some out so that for the guests who would only just be two
would still be able to come in and enjoy our thanksgiving special menu dinner. We had a lot of reservation
already and during the thanksgiving day, we had a lot of walk-ins. While I was a full server’s assistant during
the thanksgiving day, I was also helping out the greeters since I know how to. After work, we went to have
dinner at our apartment and our coworker invited us to do black Friday shopping. We got to the outlet
around 12 midnight and we ended shopping at six o’ clock. Lines were long for some stores. But, the deals
was really good.

Challenges or difficulties encountered and how you are dealing or have dealt with the situation

My coworker in their section were having a hard time cleaning their tables, doing the bread and catering to the
guests so I was all over the place and helping them, it its a good thing though. Even though I got tired after,
but we were doing it for the team and its teamwork. It was worth it in the end.

Notes, observations or insights on things you have learned this week

We have a new manager that was newly hired as well and he was crumbling and panicking for the
thanksgiving day. However, the team were supporting him and assuring him that everything will go well as
they were doing it already for a while.

List any pleasant or unpleasant experiences that occurred this week

Everyone was complimenting me for doing a good job, being fast and really helpful for the team.

Other Comments and observations or suggestions

From: December 1 - December 7, 2019

Department: Food & Beverage

Activities, duties performed and accomplishments during the week

After having a busy week, first week of December was actually slow. I was doing a greeter and a server’s
assistant for some days during this week. But our manager was cutting down our hours since it is slow. But,
you can decline if the manager would ask you if you want to go home or no. There is a way to figure out if
you are going home first or no. Sometimes, my workmates would tell me decline the manager so they can take
the cut. Especially if they need to go home early or they are also getting bored, and if some of our
workmates has assignment to do for their school.

Challenges or difficulties encountered and how you are dealing or have dealt with the situation


Notes, observations or insights on things you have learned this week


List any pleasant or unpleasant experiences that occurred this week


Other Comments and observations or suggestions

From: December 8 - December 14, 2019

Department: Food & Beverage

Activities, duties performed and accomplishments during the week

It is still a slow week for Tarpon Bay. But, we were doing food tasting fro the upcoming Christmas dinner
menu and I was able to taste it too. They were happy because even though i eat a lot, I do not get fat. Most of
the server’s assistant were not trying the food or the special dinner for the certain day but I do want to try
everything, so that whenever a guest would ask me I know what to tell them and the dish that we were
serving is not being served in the Philippines so I think that will be an advantage for me. This week, I also
went out with my roommates, we went to the asian store before working because we were craving filipino
food. Going to the asian store, it was like an hour ride, we just took the shuttle and just spent three dollars to
get to the asian store. We bought a lot of snacks, chips, canned goods, the tender juicy hotdog, the pure food
corned beef, the silver swan soy sauce and vinegar, the lucky me noodle and more.

Challenges or difficulties encountered and how you are dealing or have dealt with the situation


Notes, observations or insights on things you have learned this week


List any pleasant or unpleasant experiences that occurred this week


Other Comments and observations or suggestions

From: December 15 - December 21, 2019

Department: Food & Beverage

Activities, duties performed and accomplishments during the week

This week was still slow. But the team for Tarpon Bay, we were planning of having a team Christmas dinner
party. So we did exchanged gifts on December 20, 2019. We celebrated the teams Christmas dinner at TGIF’s,
spent some time there, doing chit-chats. Everyone was happy and able to breathe despite what we are all
going through with the pandemic, no business and basically not enough earning especially for the regular
employees who has a lot of bills to pay and who needs enough funds for their children’s school. We also had
invited our co-interns to join our teams Christmas party, cus the bar or restaurant they were working in di not
have any. I actually have a coworker who has three jobs, I kind of feel bad for him whenever I work with him.
Sometimes, we wil catch him in his “office”, that would the term for the bathroom, kitchen and the booth.
You will catch him sleeping there for thirty minutes.

Challenges or difficulties encountered and how you are dealing or have dealt with the situation

What was only hard is that whenever we get slow slow or busy my other coworker would go missing as he
sleeps in one of his offices. Our manager kept looking for him but he know he was sleeping, so we would
always look for him as he needs to work.

Notes, observations or insights on things you have learned this week


List any pleasant or unpleasant experiences that occurred this week


Other Comments and observations or suggestions

For my coworker who is sleeping at work, regardless if he is a veteran in the team he should get proper
From: December 22 - December 28, 2019

Department: Food & Beverage

Activities, duties performed and accomplishments during the week

Before the Christmas day, during the Christmas day and after, we were really busy. This week, I had a full
server’s assistant shift. But during those times that I was not busy in my section, I was just helping around.
Whatever the servers would need in their section, the bartender’s section and even doing a greeter job. We got
weeded but the hard work and the teamwork that everyone was showing was really nice, we do not fight, we
do not have any problems with the kitchen, everything ran smoother. And for the Sunday brunch until the
evening, I did doubles and I still had to work the next day. I like the feeling of that we were busy. The hustle
and the moment you see and hear the guest saying, “it is really good” is very comforting, meaning you’re able
to satisfy them. We also beat the record of the people who dined with the restaurant last year.

Challenges or difficulties encountered and how you are dealing or have dealt with the situation


Notes, observations or insights on things you have learned this week


List any pleasant or unpleasant experiences that occurred this week

A guest gave me a tip because she saw me running all over the place and she did not see me stopped working,
She said that I was a hard worker so I deserved the money she handed me. This happened to me thrice to
different guests. Guests who sees and see my hard work and commending me to my manager and server’s was
really a good feeling. Everyone was so proud of me and very happy because they see it too and they all like

Other Comments and observations or suggestions

From: December 29, 2019 - January 4, 2020

Department: Food & Beverage

Activities, duties performed and accomplishments during the week

This week still also busy. My manager had given me a split for the days the hotel will have a low occupancy
rate. Just for me to get enough rest and get energized before the busiest days. Same thing like the Christmas
dinner, I had worked har, we had teamwork. We celebrated the new year’s at the restaurant, popped
champagnes and everyone was happy. We did the countdown together at the restaurant’s bar. Since we were
busy, the restaurant is only until ten o’ clock pm. But, we finished around eleven forty five pm. Did the
countdown together and did the thats. Our manager was complimenting the team’s good work and even the

Challenges or difficulties encountered and how you are dealing or have dealt with the situation

We have a new executive sous chef, he was new but they had him worked at our restaurant and he was one of
our runner. The server’s had a hard time at some point, because he was mixing up the order and serving the
food to the guests were taking longer.

Notes, observations or insights on things you have learned this week


List any pleasant or unpleasant experiences that occurred this week


Other Comments and observations or suggestions

From: January 5 - January 11, 2020

Department: Food & Beverage

Activities, duties performed and accomplishments during the week

After two weeks of being busy and welcoming 2020, everything went back to being slow as the cover victims
had risen. But, as of the moment, America is not really getting bothered. My coworkers and I had plan to go
out on of this week. Just to breathe again and hangout. My coworkers really liked me because they had not
really hangout with the previous interns, they treated me family and they wish to work with me all throughout
the duration of my internship. We went out to a place called “Tiki Bar”. We all had fun, and my workmate
actually brought her dog, it was allowed at the bar since it’s outdoor. It is also a Sports bar with a toss game,
beer pong and they have a pool table outdoor. We also met some of the college friends of our coworkers
who was there at the bar. The fact that we were getting introduced to them and while our coworkers were
introducing us they were saying good stuff about us and how much they like our batch is such a sweet thing
to do. The friends were hoping for us to stay here and hangout with us more. We actually panned on hanging
out again next week since they said we are fun o be with.

Challenges or difficulties encountered and how you are dealing or have dealt with the situation


Notes, observations or insights on things you have learned this week


List any pleasant or unpleasant experiences that occurred this week


Other Comments and observations or suggestions

From: January 12 - January 18, 2020

Department: Food & Beverage

Activities, duties performed and accomplishments during the week

This week was start of our rotation, to be experiencing a new restaurant, bar, or cafe, I got assigned to the
restaurant at the pool area. my first day was fun, my new coworkers were very welcoming and they showed
me that. Also, since the pool is outdoor and it was still winter, we are allowed to wear jackets as long as it is
from Hyatt or we can cover our jacket’s brand. I was wearing a hoodie all the time and for the women’s
uniform we were supposed to wear a skirt and a sleeveless shirt. But, my managers approved that I can wear
pants. The food we’re serving at the pool area were mostly burger even fr the kid’s menu. Whenever a guest
who would order and allergic to a certain ingredient and when we are about to serve the food, the chef who
made it will go with us and a manager to make sure there will be no allergy reaction and to confirm what was
put there.

Challenges or difficulties encountered and how you are dealing or have dealt with the situation


Notes, observations or insights on things you have learned this week


List any pleasant or unpleasant experiences that occurred this week


Other Comments and observations or suggestions

From: January 19 - January 25, 2020

Department: Food & Beverage

Activities, duties performed and accomplishments during the week

This week was slow for us, maybe because it is winter. I was just there hanging out with my new friends.
Talking to the chefs and the servers. I was still a server’s assistant, doing opening duties and closing shifts, the
manager said she will not really give me a cut since we have a colleague who is in her college. The manger
here also like me, I was fast when it comes to moving around and a fast learner. It was just my second week
working at the new restaurant but she has given me the chance to work alone because she said she likes me
and trust me. I was also late one morning shift this week, I really felt bad because it its the fist time I got late
and I hate being late. Good thing my manager did not get mad and she goes like, “your’e lucky I like you and
you work good” and everyone started laughing.

Challenges or difficulties encountered and how you are dealing or have dealt with the situation


Notes, observations or insights on things you have learned this week


List any pleasant or unpleasant experiences that occurred this week


Other Comments and observations or suggestions

From: January 26, 2020 - February 1, 2020

Department: Food & Beverage

Activities, duties performed and accomplishments during the week

This week was sow for the pool area. What I just really did this week was to hangout with my Tarpon Bay
friends. This time, we wen to a different bar and had fun. I did not care if I had the work the next day as long
as I get to see them because they are already like a family too. And last January 25, we actually went to one of
our friend’s house and drank there. They showed us their home and hangout for a bit. Our friends were really
nice, they would always pick us up and drop us off. They said, hey really like hanging out with us, so
sometimes it’s really hard to say no.

Challenges or difficulties encountered and how you are dealing or have dealt with the situation


Notes, observations or insights on things you have learned this week


List any pleasant or unpleasant experiences that occurred this week


Other Comments and observations or suggestions

From: February 2 - February 8, 2020

Department: Food & Beverage

Activities, duties performed and accomplishments during the week

This week, I worked doubles. My funds from Tarpon Bay has an exam and I worked for here after my
morning shift at the pool restaurant and I have a morning shift the next day. It was way for me, as long as I
get to help and I know that she is studying, I am glad to help in any way and I can show my support for her
studies, since she is also a good friend of mine. With my colleagues seeing me in Tarpon Bay, they were really
happy. They were like “We miss you here, we wish it was still you whose working it us”, and I was touched.
They had requested that for the next rotation again, if they can have me. Also, the manager already asked me
for my help for next week as Valentine’s day is approaching and for sure it’ll be busy. I said yes of course and
its actually my pleasure to be working with them again and the people who treated me like no other and

Challenges or difficulties encountered and how you are dealing or have dealt with the situation


Notes, observations or insights on things you have learned this week


List any pleasant or unpleasant experiences that occurred this week


Other Comments and observations or suggestions

From: February 9 - February 15, 2020

Department: Food & Beverage

Activities, duties performed and accomplishments during the week

I had requested an off as my cousin invited me to go to Seattle and meet my dad’s side. I went to the outlet
mall to buy winter jackets and to prepare for my mini vacation and hanging out with my family in Seattle.
During this week, our colleague from Hyatt invited us to go to her second job and her house, we had filipino
food. And we were glad we met a new friend that is also a filipino from her second job. We had fun at their
property, it is a hotel resort so I was also observing, it was a different kind of feeling since what they boast is
that they have a beach resort, we went to the beach and enjoyed the sunset with my other colleagues. We had
a break from work. During valentine’s day, I was working a double from the pool restaurant and I worked in
Tarpon Bay, where we got busy and everyone there was so happy that I had worked. I was flipping tables for
only five minutes and we were able to cater all the walk-ins. That made me happy and of course I was able to
help the team even though I was not working there anymore.

Challenges or difficulties encountered and how you are dealing or have dealt with the situation


Notes, observations or insights on things you have learned this week


List any pleasant or unpleasant experiences that occurred this week


Other Comments and observations or suggestions

From: February 16 - February 22, 2020

Department: Food & Beverage

Activities, duties performed and accomplishments during the week

After having the valentine’s day weekend, we got slow again, but this week the Red Sox Baseball team were
staying in our hotel. We were advised not to take pictures or even act like as a fan as it is not allowed. I went
out with my co-interns to a mall, had their haircut and we went to the asian store. Nothing much really
happened at work this week since it was slow. We also, did play bowling, and I am not going to lie, it was my
first time. But, I guess I was not the one. We went out with the employee who was under Hyatt’s program
where you can get trained to be a manager for is months and after that you will be absorbed in a Hyatt
property to be a manager.

Challenges or difficulties encountered and how you are dealing or have dealt with the situation


Notes, observations or insights on things you have learned this week


List any pleasant or unpleasant experiences that occurred this week


Other Comments and observations or suggestions

From: February 23 - February 29, 2020

Department: Food & Beverage

Activities, duties performed and accomplishments during the week

This was the week that I went to Seattle. I was scared at first since I was going alone, Covid-19 virus was
spreading but the country is still not giving any care about it. So, I had gone to Seattle. My cousin brought me
to places, such as the city, the lake, the parks and we ate a lot of food. She brought me to the bubble gum
wall, the first Starbucks very and to the Alkai beach. She also brought me to the beach and park where you
can see the whole city of Seattle and you can see there the space needle. We went to the Space needle but the
line was too long so I did not get to go up. We also went to this mall where there are cherry blossom trees.
Overall, I had fun in Seattle and when I got to work after my mini vacation, I was telling stories to my
colleagues and they were happy for me that I had gone somewhere far and knowing that i’m only an intern
here. I was also able to visit my “mom”, my coworker in Seattle since she was moved there to do a program.

Challenges or difficulties encountered and how you are dealing or have dealt with the situation


Notes, observations or insights on things you have learned this week


List any pleasant or unpleasant experiences that occurred this week


Other Comments and observations or suggestions

From: March 1 - March 7, 2020

Department: Food & Beverage

Activities, duties performed and accomplishments during the week

I kind of have a hangover with trip last week in Seattle. I really had fun and I hope I can go back before I
leave America to go back home. This week, I felt like the need to go to the beach and since I don’t have a car
here, I went to go ahead and rented a car. I went to three beaches and watched the sunset. I had my freedom
and my alone time, I was able breathe and think. The night I rented a car, I went out to go with my Tarpon
Bay friends to a bar. We all hanged out and had drinks and had fun. March 7, I also met the cousin of my
mom in Tarpon Bay. Since the team wanted me back that was the beginning of our rotation and I was happy
that I am also back there. Everyone was full of joy since I will be working with them more. But according to
the news, Trump is finally aware about the virus and that it is spreading in the country and people are actually
dying from it. Some hotels are starting to shut down and small establishments. In addition, we were still lucky
because we were still having guests and people to be staying and eating at the restaurant.

Challenges or difficulties encountered and how you are dealing or have dealt with the situation


Notes, observations or insights on things you have learned this week


List any pleasant or unpleasant experiences that occurred this week


Other Comments and observations or suggestions

From: March 8 - March 16, 2020

Department: Food & Beverage

Activities, duties performed and accomplishments during the week

This week was really sad for us. We though the hotel would not shut down. But, all of the hotels near us and
small establishments were closing. Also, from the news, they had announced that there will be a possible
lockdown soon to prevent the pandemic breakout. We started wearing gloves during this week while working
and everything was still running smooth. On March 16, we had an intern mandatory meeting. Everyone
started crying the the executive chef was there and the HR team, when they started to tell us the sad news.
They said the hotel will be shutting down and they can no longer keep us. We had the choice to go home
already and they don’t know if they can hire us back after because all the reservations this year were good.
However, they started to cancel it because of the pandemic and they are really saddened to have terminated
us. We started saying our goodbyes since that is basically our last day. That was my off, so I went to the pool
and Tarpon Bay to say my goodbyes, it was touching everyone was crying and sad for us. But, we needed to
understand the situation an we have to let go.

Challenges or difficulties encountered and how you are dealing or have dealt with the situation


Notes, observations or insights on things you have learned this week


List any pleasant or unpleasant experiences that occurred this week


Other Comments and observations or suggestions


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