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Warmest greetings and Salam Sehati Sejiwa
Our respectable,
Headmaster of SK. Jaya Bakti, Mr. Gardif Singh son of Balawan Singh,
Beluran District Education Supervisors,
Headmasters and senior assistants,
Committee members,
Teachers in charge,
Parent & Teachers Association representatives,
All participants and
All present.

First and foremost, I would like to thank and congratulate the school,
teachers and all individuals involved in making the English Carnival
Co-Academic Programme Primary School District Level a success.
As we all know, the English Carnival Co-Academic Programme is a
very important activity for pupils in achieving proficiency in the
English Language. It is through this programme that pupils can be
developed in both curricular
and co-curricular aspects.
In the spirit of MBMMBI, that is enhancing the Malay Language
and strengthening the English Language, the programme is a
manifestations of the policy of the Education Ministry in
strengthening the English Language.
Through this English programme too, we can discover talented
pupils in the English Language. With proper training and guidance,
these talented pupils can outshine the rest in public speaking.
Besides that, we can nurture the healthy spirit in competing and also
develop good cooperation between teachers and pupils. It will also
instil self-confidence in communicating and interacting in the English
I would like to congratulate all of you teachers for successfully
trained and teach the English Language skills required for the
competition. I know that it takes strong determination, dedication
and hard work .Nevertheless, to be the winner in any competition,
one has to be the best of the best.
Finally, I would like to extend my highest appreciation to all who
are involved in making this English Carnival a success. It is also my
hope that what follows will be a speedy development in mastering
the English Language skills as well as development of pupils with high
intellectual calibre.
With that, I declare the English Carnival Co-Academic
Programme Primary School Beluran District Level 2016 officially
Thank You.

Warmest greetings and Salam 1 Malaysia

Our honourable
Beluran District Education Officer,Tuan Haji Sojie B Hj. Hassan
Beluran District Education Supervisors,
Headmasters and Senior assistant,
Committee members,
Teachers in charge,
Parent teacher association representatives,
All participants and
All present.

We give thanks to the Almighty God for by His Grace the

English Carnival Co-Academic Programme Primary School District
Level 2016 was able to be carried out successfully.
The English Carnival is an important activity which is in line with
the National Philosophy of Education in developing balanced and
harmonious individuals in the physical, emotional, spiritual,
intellectual and social aspects.
With the organizing of this programme, it will educate all aspects
underlined in the National Philosophy of Education. The emphasis is
on the elements of the basic English skills is very important in
increasing the use of the English Language in teaching and learning.
I would like to congratulate all the participants for trying their
very best in winning the competition. Win or lose is part and parcel
of competition. Congratulation to all of you winners. As for the
losers, try again next year.
My highest appreciation and a big thank you goes to all teachers,
supporting staff, Teachers and Parents Association and all individuals
who are involved in the English Carnival Co-Academic Programme.
I would like to mention a special thank you to those who have
given financial support and assistance in making this programme a
success. May all this co-operation be continued in the future.
Finally, it is my wish and hope that the English Carnival will be
continued and the close cooperation between the school and the
community will be strengthened.
Thank You.
Warmest greetings and Salam Sehati Sejiwa
Our respectable,
Headmaster of SK. Jaya Bakti, Mr. Gardif Singh son of Balawan Singh,
Headmasters and senior assistant,
Supervisors from Beluran Education Department,
Committee members,
Teachers in charge,
Parent & Teachers Association representatives
All participants and
All present.
Warmest greetings and Salam 1 Malaysia
Our honourable
Beluran District Education Officer,Tuan Haji Sojie B Hj. Hassan
Beluran District Education Supervisors
Headmasters and Senior assistant,
Committee members
Teachers in charge
Parent teacher association representatives
All participants and
All present.

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