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Colloid Polym Sci (2003) 281: 1046–1054

DOI 10.1007/s00396-003-0873-6 ORIGINAL CONTRIBUTION

Wei Wang
Yuzhang Liu
Application of a Novel Polymer System in
Yongan Gu Chemical Enhanced Oil Recovery (EOR)

Received: 18 July 2002

Abstract Water breakthrough is a be cross-linked in the reservoir for-
Accepted: 20 January 2003 common technical problem during mation. In comparison with a con-
Published online: 7 March 2003 the course of water flooding in an oil ventional conformance control
Ó Springer-Verlag 2003 field. Polymer solution is widely ap- agent, this weak gel can form a
plied to resolve the water-channeling blockage in a deeper formation due
problem in a deep formation. In to its mobile feature. The EOR
practice, polymer is used in deep mechanisms of the weak gel system
formation treatment either to form a are described in detail. In addition to
gel blockage and plug high perme- the effects of temperature, concen-
ability zones in situ, or to act as a tration, and pH value on gelation
mobility control agent and increase time, the rheological property, gela-
the viscosity of injected fluids. tion range, and gel strength are ex-
However, for an in-depth profile amined. The core-flood test results
modification operation, a polymer not only provide experimental evi-
solution has to be injected at a rel- dence that the weak gel improves
atively high concentration so as to injection profile and increases sweep
maximize its penetration. Thus such efficiency but also show enhanced oil
a treatment may be uneconomical. recovery. Furthermore, the pilot
On the other hand, a traditional tests have been performed in Gu-
polymer flooding may become inef- dong and Gudao oil fields in China
fective mainly due to the viscosity since 1992. It has been found that
loss caused by mechanical and this weak gel system can significantly
W. Wang Æ Y. Gu (&)
Petroleum Technology Research chemical degradations. This paper enhance oil recovery and effectively
Center (PTRC), Faculty of Engineering, presents a novel polymer solution, reduce water-cut. By the end of
University of Regina, Regina, which is classified as a weak gel 2001, the cumulative incremental oil
Saskatchewan, S4S 0A2, Canada system and can be used in chemical production had been over
E-mail: Peter.Gu@Uregina.Ca
Tel.: 1-306-585-4630
enhanced oil recovery (EOR) as an 58 000 tons.
Fax: 1-306-585-4855 in-depth profile modification agent,
and as an oil displacement agent si- Keywords Polymer solution Æ Weak
Y. Liu
Research Institute of Petroleum multaneously in a heterogeneous gel system Æ Polymer flooding Æ
Exploration and Development (RIPED), reservoir. The weak gel system has Conformance control Æ Chemical
100083 Beijing, P. R. China relatively low strength but can still EOR

Introduction water breakthrough is a common technical problem en-

countered in almost every water-flooded oil field. Severe
Water flooding is the most successfully and widely used water channeling can result in low water displacement
technology for improving oil recovery. However, early efficiency and sometimes can even make water-flooding

projects uneconomical. Usually, early water break- This paper describes a novel weak gel system that
through occurs in three cases. It may happen near well- has been developed and applied in Shengli oil field in
bore, such as breakthrough along the casing due to poor China since 1992. As its name suggests, the weak gel is
cementing quality. Sometimes it occurs in a deep for- a gel system that has a relatively low strength but can
mation, such as water breakthrough due to heterogeneity still be cross-linked in reservoir formations. Application
or fractures of a reservoir. Also, because of the mobility of the weak gel can effectively resolve the interlayer
difference between the displacing and displaced phases, conflicts caused by permeability contrast and greatly
the former tends to bypass the latter, even in a homoge- improve mobility ratio. Instead of using the continuous
neous reservoir. In this case, viscous fingering is inevita- injection mode in polymer flooding or the bulk injec-
ble and early water breakthrough leads to high water-cut tion mode in gel placement, the weak gel system is
[1, 2, 3]. Different technologies have been implemented to injected in a slug mode. Once applied, it penetrates
reduce the high water-cut, among which the most widely deeper into high permeability zones than it does into
used one is polymer injection. In general, polymer is in- low permeability zones in a heterogeneous reservoir.
creasingly used in chemical enhanced oil recovery (EOR) After the weak gel system is initially formed in the
after the secondary recovery in two conventional ways, vicinity of the wellbore area, it can be gradually pushed
either as an in-depth profile modification agent in con- by the subsequent polymer flooding or water flooding
formance control or as an oil displacement agent in into the deep formations, where it functions both as a
polymer flooding. Some recent studies, however, show profile modification agent to block high permeability
that a weak gel system consisting of polymer and cross- zones and as a mobility control agent to displace oil. In
linker can widen the application of polymer in chemical this study, a mechanistic study of the physical chem-
EOR [4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9]. For example, a weak gel can func- istry properties of the weak gel system was conducted.
tion both as an in-depth profile modification agent and as In addition, core-flood tests were performed to reveal
an oil displacement agent at the same time. Thus, injec- the transport phenomena of weak gel through the po-
tion of this weak gel system combines the advantages of rous media. Furthermore, pilot tests show that suc-
both conformance control operation and polymer cessful application of the weak gel system can not only
flooding operation. It not only substantially extends the significantly increase oil recovery but also effectively
effective radius in comparison with a conventional con- reduce water-cut in a heterogeneous oil reservoir.
formance control operation but also significantly in- Hence, this novel polymer system can successfully re-
creases the viscosity of polymer solution. solve early water breakthrough in an oil field.
It is well known that there are some practical limi-
tations associated with conformance control operations
and polymer flooding operations. For conformance
control, polymer and cross-linker are injected into a
formation to reduce the water channeling through
fractures or high permeability zones without damaging
the productivity of hydrocarbon. However, due to the The weak gel system is composed of polymer and cross-linker. The
prompt cross-link reaction, gel is formed near wellbore polymer used is partially hydrolyzed polyacrylamide (HPAM). The
soon after application. Thus, the conformance control cross-linker is a chromium (III) complex ion system. The rhe-
ological property of polymer was measured using the RV–20 rhe-
operation not only blocks the high permeability zones ometer (Haake Company, Germany). The singular sand-pack is
but also impairs the productivity near wellbore. Some 30 cm long and 2.2 cm in inner diameter and its water perme-
efforts were made to increase the amount of polymer ability is 4.29 lm2. The dimensions of two sand-packs used in the
applied in the gel placement so as to maximize gel pen- parallel core-flood test are the same as those of the sand-pack used
in the singular core-flood tests. The water permeability of the two
etration and permeability reduction in high permeability parallel sand-packs is 5.30 lm2 and 0.82 lm2, respectively.
and water breakthrough zones [10, 11]. The major
problem of in-depth gel placement is how to keep the
concentration of injected polymer high enough to be Physical chemistry properties
cross-linked in the target zones after the long-distance
transport, adsorption onto the formation rocks, and First, the rheological property of HPAM at different concentra-
absorption in reservoir brines. To achieve this objective, tions was measured. Second, screening tests were conducted to
determine the gelation range. Here, the gelation range is defined as
polymer is usually injected at a higher concentration the polymer and cross-linker concentration range in which a weak
(3000–12 000 ppm) in a bulk injection mode. Hence, the gel can be formed. The gelation range for a weak gel was deter-
cost and investment risk of the gel placement project will mined and compared with that for a strong gel that is extensively
be definitely increased. On the other hand, significant used in conformance control operations. Third, several factors,
such as temperature, concentration, and pH value, were studied to
viscosity loss due to chemical and mechanical degrada- determine their effects on the gelation time. Finally, the mechanical
tions will seriously affect the oil displacement efficiency strength of the weak gel system was measured and its compatibility
in polymer flooding operations [12, 13, 14]. with formation brines was studied.

Core-flood tests Gelation range

The singular sand-pack core-flood tests were performed to examine
the flow behavior of weak gel through the sand-pack. Moreover, the The cross-linker for weak gel is a chromium (III) com-
parallel sand-pack core-flood test was conducted to simulate the plex ion system, which can delay the cross-link reaction
processes of in-depth profile modification and oil displacement in a with HPAM. It is worthwhile to point out that either a
heterogeneous formation. In the parallel core-flood test, selective gel system or a colloidal sol can be formed when HPAM
penetration of weak gel and diversion of subsequent injected fluids
were studied and the ultimate oil recovery rate was determined. is mixed with the cross-linker. As indicated by the ver-
In addition, both singular and parallel sand-pack core-flood tests tical and horizontal solid lines in Fig. 2, there are two
revealed some major EOR mechanisms of the weak gel system. The concentration boundaries between the gel system and
experimental procedure is described briefly as follows. After being the colloidal sol. Approximately, only when the poly-
vacuumed, the sand-packs were saturated first with brine and then
with oil. A typical three-stage core-flood test was performed in the acrylamide concentration is above 2000 ppm and the
sequence of conventional water flooding, weak gel injection, and cross-linker concentration is over 20 ppm will a gel
subsequent water flooding. system be formed. More specifically, the gelation range
for a weak gel is located inside the gel zone but close to
the boundaries. The difference in mechanical strength
between a weak gel and a medium gel will be further
Results and discussion discussed in the subsequent section.
Rheological property
Gelation time
It has been known that the viscosity of a HPAM solu-
tion at a low shear rate is independent of shear rate. In The influence of temperature on gelation time is shown
this case, the solution can be classified as a Newtonian in Fig. 3. It can be seen from this figure that gelation
fluid. However, at a high shear rate, the solution be- time is very sensitive to temperature. The elevated tem-
haves as a pseudoplastic fluid and its viscosity decreases perature greatly shortens gelation time. The gelation
as shear rate increases. Figure 1 shows the rheological time required at a practical reservoir temperature can be
curves of polyacrylamide solutions at different concen- interpolated from this curve.
trations ranging from 2000 ppm to 10 000 ppm. It is The effects of polymer concentration and cross-linker
seen from this figure that each polyacrylamide solution concentration on the gelation time were studied and are
behaves as a non-Newtonian fluid at the tested shear shown in Fig. 4. It is found that with the increase in
rates and its viscosity varies with shear rate. For ex- polymer concentration, the gelation time is reduced. The
ample, the viscosity of 3000 ppm polyacrylamide solu- major reason is that the cross-link reaction is accelerated
tion is 40.5 mPa s at the shear rate of 10 s–1 but at a higher polymer concentration. Similarly, the higher
decreases to 15.2 mPa s at the shear rate of 1000 s–1. On the cross-linker concentration is, the shorter the gelation
the other hand, expectedly, the viscosity of polymer time is.
solution increases as the polymer concentration in- The pH value also affects the gelation time to some
creases. extent. Figure 5 shows its effect on gelation time at

Fig. 1 Rheological curves of polyacrylamide solutions Fig. 2 Gelation range of polyacrylamide and cross-linker system

Fig. 3 Effect of temperature on gelation time Fig. 5 Effect of pH on gelation time

Fig. 6 Variation of elastic module (G’) and viscous module (G’’)

Fig. 4 Effects of polymer concentration and cross-linker concen- of medium gel with angular frequency (Polymer concentration
tration on gelation time 10 000 ppm, cross-linker concentration 50 ppm)

70 °C. This figure clearly indicates that the gelation time strength of a weak gel system can be represented by its
decreases as pH value increases. For instance, the gela- viscous-elastic properties, which can be determined by
tion time is 76 h at pH 5.0 and becomes 36 h at pH 8.0. measuring the variations of elastic module (G’) and
viscous module (G’’) with the angular frequency. The
distinct advantages of the second method are that the gel
Gel strength structure will not be damaged during the measurement
and that the data repeatability is satisfactory.
The viscosity measurement is probably the most widely Two polyacrylamide solutions were prepared, whose
used method for measuring gel strength. However, this polymer concentrations were 10 000 ppm and 3000 ppm
method has some obvious drawbacks. For example, the (cross-linker concentration was 50 ppm), respectively.
measured results are inaccurate and their repeatability is Variations of their elastic module (G’) and viscous
poor due to the breakage and slipperiness of gel during module (G’’) with the angular frequency are plotted in
the measurement. This method is especially unsuitable Fig. 6 for 10 000 ppm polymer concentration and Fig. 7
for a weak gel system because it can be broken easily and for 3000 ppm polymer concentration, respectively. As
slides on the rotator. Alternatively, the mechanical shown in Fig. 6, a medium gel is formed at a polymer

around 0.1 Pa and the differences between G’ and G’’

values for a weak gel are relatively small. In addition,
the effect of polymer concentration on gel strength was
also studied. Figure 8 shows the gel strengths of the gel
systems prepared at four different polymer concentra-
tions. It should be noted that the elastic module must be
approximately in the range of 0.01 Pa<G’<1 Pa in
order to form a weak gel. Therefore, Fig. 8 indicates
that a weak gel with the elastic module (G’) less than
1 Pa can be formed as long as the polymer concentration
is below 5000 ppm. The minimum polymer concentra-
tion required to form a weak gel with the elastic module
(G’) greater than 0.01 Pa is around 2000 ppm. This
polymer concentration is consistent with the critical
value found in the preceding study on gelation range.

Fig. 7 Variation of elastic module (G’) and viscous module (G’’)

of weak gel with angular frequency (Polymer concentration Compatibility with formation brines
3000 ppm, cross-linker concentration 50 ppm)
Formation brines from two oil fields were chosen to
conduct compatibility tests. Table 1 shows the analytical
components of both brines, the gelation times, and gel
strengths of the weak gel systems prepared with these
two brine samples. The total dissolved solid (TDS) of
these two brines are over 5000 mg/L. Given the pH
values of 7.5 and 8.5 for these two brine samples, re-
spectively, pH value has to be adjusted to 7.0 to ensure a
proper cross-link reaction. During the compatibility
tests, no flocculation, separation, precipitation, or cloud
phenomena were observed. The overall properties of
these weak gels prepared with the brines were quite

Flow behavior of weak gel through the sand-pack

Weak gel system was sealed in a container and placed

Fig. 8 Effect of polymer concentration on elastic module (G’) of inside an oven set at 70 °C. It was removed from the
the weak gel system container after 5 h, 10 h, and 24 h to conduct displace-
ment tests. The flow behavior of weak gel systems in the
concentration of 10 000 ppm. The elastic module G’ of a sand-pack is rather different from that of a non-cross-
medium gel is greater than 1 Pa and the differences be- linked sample. The relationships between the pressure
tween G’ and G’’ values are almost constant, irrespective drop and the injection rate for different cross-link du-
of the polymer concentration. On the other hand, as rations are shown in Fig. 9. In accordance with the
depicted in Fig. 7, a weak gel is formed at a polymer Darcy’s Law, the displacement pressure drop of the non-
concentration of 3000 ppm. Its elastic module G’ is cross-linked polymer solution has an expected linear

Table 1 Effects of brines on gelation time and gel strength

Brines Cations Anions TDS pH Gelation Elastic

(mg/L) time module G’
Na+, K+ Ca2+ Mg2+ Cl– SO42– HCO3– CO32– (h) (Pa)
(mg/L) (mg/L) (mg/L) (mg/L) (mg/L) (mg/L) (mg/L)

A 1909.00 20.04 3.04 1878.85 300.19 1159.38 180.06 5450.56 7.5 33 0.58
B 1696.25 15.03 10.94 1382.55 283.38 1556.01 150.05 5094.21 8.5 34 0.59

Fig. 9 Pressure drop vs. injection rate of weak gel in sand-pack for Fig. 10 Variation of injection pressure with the injected volume
different cross-link durations before and after the weak gel was applied

relationship with the injection flow rate. Nevertheless, if was because most of the weak gel was pushed out of the
a cross-linker is used and a weak gel is formed, a tran- sand-pack when the injected volume reached 29 PV. At
sition point exists. The injection flow rates for weak gel this time, a large number of gel particles were observed
are rather small at low displacement pressure drops. at the sand-pack outlet. This observation provides ex-
Once the pressure drop reaches a certain value where the perimental evidence that weak gel is mobile, while it may
transition point is located, flow rate increases dramati- cause some blockage in the sand-pack. Hence, weak gel
cally and the flow resumes the same behavior as that for can be used both as an oil displacement agent that
the non-cross-linked polymer solution. The slopes of moves forward in the formation and as a blocking agent
these lines after the transition points are essentially the that causes a higher threshold pressure in the subsequent
same. Moreover, with the increase in the cross-link du- water flooding.
ration, the gel strength increases and, accordingly, the
pressure drop at which the transition point occurs in-
creases. Parallel sand-pack core-flood test

A parallel sand-pack system was used to simulate the

Mobile feature of weak gel heterogeneity of a reservoir formation. A total of
0.81 PV (pore volume of the entire system) of weak gel
The polymer and cross-linker solution was injected into was injected. For sand-pack No. 1 (high permeability,
the sand-pack at the end of conventional water flooding. K=5.30 lm2), 1.53 PV (pore volume of sand-pack No.
Then the sand-pack was sealed in an oven set at 70 °C 1) of produced fluids was collected, whereas for sand-
until the weak gel was formed. Once the weak gel was pack No. 2 (low permeability, K=0.82 lm2), only
formed in the sand-pack, the subsequent water flooding 0.12 PV (pore volume of sand-pack No. 2) of produced
was performed at the same flow rate as that used in the fluids was obtained. Apparently, most weak gel selec-
conventional water flooding to observe the variation of tively entered the high permeability sand-pack. Fig-
pressure drop with injected volume in pore volume (PV). ure 11 shows the production performance curves of the
Figure 10 shows that the water injection pressure is entire parallel sand-pack system at three production
about 0.05 MPa prior to the injection of polymer and stages. During the conventional water flooding, the
cross-linker solution. After the weak gel was formed and variation of the fluid production rate with the injected
the subsequent water flooding was performed, the in- PV was not appreciable. The initial oil production rate
jection pressure increased gradually with the injected was rather high but declined quickly. Meanwhile, the
volume. The pressure increase indicates that certain water-cut increased up to 98.0% and then remained
blockage has formed in the sand-pack. In particular, at essentially the same afterwards. The oil recovery rate at
29 PV, the injection pressure reached its maximum value the end of water flooding was 39.7%. During the in-
of 1.9 MPa. Afterwards, an abrupt decrease in injection jection of the weak gel system, the fluid production rate
pressure occurred, and finally the pressure was decreased decreased to its lowest point, whereas the oil produc-
to 0.1 MPa. Such a sudden decrease in injection pressure tion rate began to increase. Correspondingly, the

Fig. 11 Production performance curves of the entire parallel sand- Fig. 12 Production performance curves of high permeability sand-
pack system pack

water-cut decreased from 98.0% to 75.0%. The oil

recovery rate at the end of this stage was 50.3%. In the
subsequent water flooding period, the fluid production
rate slowly increased. The oil production rate first re-
mained at a relatively high rate for a certain period and
then declined slightly. Correspondingly, the water-cut
first remained at 76.0% and then gradually reached
98.0% again. The ultimate oil recovery rate is 86.0%.
As a result, the injection of the weak gel system and the
subsequent water flooding have enhanced oil recovery
rates by 46.3%.
The production performance curves for the high
permeability and low permeability sand-packs at each
production stage are further depicted in Fig. 12 and
Fig. 13, respectively. The detailed production perfor-
mance data for these two sand-packs are compared in Fig. 13 Production performance curves of low permeability sand-
Table 2. During the conventional water flooding, as pack
shown in these two figures, the higher oil production rate
for sand-pack No. 1 was solely attributed to its high
permeability. The water-cut of sand-pack No. 1 quickly apparently increased. The increase in oil production
increased to 98.6% and the oil recovery rate was as high rate in the high permeability sand-pack is because some
as 71.2%. However, for low permeability sand-pack mobile weak gel kept moving forward and displaced
No. 2, only 8.2% of oil was recovered and no water the residual oil in the high permeability sand-pack. If
breakthrough occurred. Once a weak gel system was the weak gel system functioned as a blocking agent
applied, the water-cut decreased from 98.6% to 86.2% only, then no such an incremental oil could be recovered
in sand-pack No. 1 and its oil production rate was from the high permeability sand-pack. This again

Table 2 Production data at each development stage

Development stage High permeability sand-pack No. 1 Low permeability sand-pack No. 2

Q1 Qo1 fw1 Recovery Q2 Qo2 fw2 Recovery

(mL/min) (mL/min) (%) (%) (mL/min) (mL/min) (%) (%)

Conventional water flooding 1.60 0.75–0.03 0–98.6 71.2 0.02 0.02 0 8.2
Weak gel injection 1.47–0.92 0.03–0.18 98.6–86.2 82.8 0.02–0.18 0.02–0.18 0 21.0
Subsequent water flooding 1.18–0.28 0.18–0.01 88.8–98.0 92.8 0.18–1.22 0.33–0 0–97.9 82.8

experimentally verified the oil displacement function of Application

the weak gel system. Simultaneously, the residual oil in
the low permeability sand-pack was mobilized and an A pilot test has been conducted on Ng 63 layer of
abrupt increase in oil production rate can be seen in Northwest of 7th Area in Gudong oil field in China since
Fig. 13. Nevertheless, there was still no water produced 1992. The oil-bearing area of the pilot test is 0.58 km2
in the low permeability sand-pack. It was speculated that with the payzone thickness of 5.5 m. The original oil in
the injected weak gel had formed a certain blockage in place is 670 000 tons and the pore volume is
the high permeability sand-pack so that it modified the 1 140 000 m3. There are a total of 14 wells in this pilot
injection profile and forced the injected fluid to flow test area, among which are 7 producers, 5 injectors, and
through the low permeability sand-pack. In the subse- 2 observation wells. The well distance between an in-
quent water flooding, the oil production rate in the high jector and a producer is in the range 150–300 m and the
permeability sand-pack declined as most oil was de- well pattern is an irregular area well pattern.
pleted. On the contrary, the oil production rate in the Before September 1992, the pilot test area had been
low permeability sand-pack still remained high until the water flooded for 5 years. The stage oil recovery rate was
water-cut reached 97.9%. The ultimate oil recovery rate 15.2%. In addition, the oil production rate was 69.0 tons/
of the low permeability sand-pack was up to 82.8%. day and the production water-cut was 85.4%. The fluid
Obviously, the weak gel system remained effective not production rate was 470.0 tons/day and water injection
only at the stage of weak gel injection but at the sub- rate was 407 m3/day. The formation pressure was
sequent water flooding stage as well. These facts confirm 11 MPa and reservoir temperature was 63 °C. The TDS
that the weak gel system acts both as an in-depth profile of the produced water was 5496 mg/L and the TDS of the
modification agent and as an oil displacement agent in a injected water was 5823 mg/L. By the end of June 1995, a
heterogeneous formation. three-stage pilot test had been carried out and a total of
85 071 m3 polymer solution had been injected, which is
equivalent to 0.075 PV of the pilot test formation.
EOR mechanisms of weak gel In comparison with the data prior to the pilot test, the
injection pressure and threshold pressure were apparently
The above-mentioned core-flood tests reveal some en- increased. However, they did not affect injectivity ap-
hanced oil recovery mechanisms of the weak gel in preciably. The injected weak gel functioned as an in-depth
chemical EOR operation. When the polymer and cross- profile modification agent and thus the water injection
linker solution is injected into a heterogeneous reservoir, profile for each injector was significantly improved. The
a weak gel is formed in situ. The weak gel system se- original non-uniform injection profiles became uniform
lectively penetrates more into the high permeability after the pilot test. At the first stage of pilot test, the re-
zones than it does into the low permeability zones. In the sponding time of producers was 11 days. The production
subsequent water flooding or polymer flooding, with the water-cut was reduced from 85.4% to 80.9% by the end of
increase of injection pressure, the weak gel system can be November 1992. Meanwhile, oil production rate was in-
gradually pushed into a deeper formation. During this creased from 69.0 tons/day to 114.0 tons/day. The effects
process, weak gel is pushed or squeezed into fine parti- of the weak gel injection on the oil production rate and
cles through the porous formations. When these parti- water-cut lasted over 154 days. The cumulative incre-
cles migrate to pore throats, some of them can squeeze, mental oil production at this stage was 12 141.7 tons,
deform and pass through the throats and then keep with the incremental oil production being 419 tons/ton of
moving forward, while the others are trapped at the pore polymer. At the second stage, the responding time of
throats so that a blockage in the high permeability zones producers was 19 days. The production water-cut was
is established. This blockage can plug the large channels reduced from 91.0% to 87.9% by the end of March 1994.
for water breakthrough and divert the subsequent water During this period, oil production rate was increased
flooding into those untouched low permeability zones. from 46.0 tons/day to 89.0 tons/day. The influence of the
Thus, successful application of the weak gel system im- weak gel injection on the oil production rate and water-
proves the injection profile and resolves the unbalanced cut remained for 193 days. The cumulative incremental
fluid distribution caused by the interlayer conflicts of a oil production at this stage was 9373.6 tons, with the in-
heterogeneous reservoir. Accordingly, both the areal cremental oil production being 329 tons/ton of polymer.
sweep efficiency and the vertical sweep efficiency are At the third stage, the responding time of producers was
improved. On the other hand, when the weak gel mi- 20 days. The production water-cut was reduced from
grates slowly through the high permeability zones, it 93.3% to 91.5% by the end of December 1994. Corre-
pushes the oil droplets forward such that the accumu- spondingly, oil production rate was increased from
lated oil droplets form an oil bank at the displacing 42.0 tons/day to 62.0 tons/day. The effects of the weak
front. Hence, the residual oil in the high permeability gel injection on the oil production rate and water-cut
zones can be displaced and recovered. remained pronounced over 185 days. The cumulative

incremental oil production at this stage was 8917.1 tons, weak gel injection has some distinct advantages over an
with the incremental oil production being 65 tons/ton of in-depth profile modification operation and a conven-
polymer. By the end of June 1995, the cumulative incre- tional polymer flooding. In fact, as an in-depth profile
mental oil production was 30 432.4 tons and the oil re- modification agent, this weak gel system can resolve the
covery rate was enhanced by 4.5%. Specifically, the oil problem of the permeability contrast in a heterogeneous
production rate of well No. 7-25-5386 was 20.7 tons/day reservoir and improve the injection profile. Thus, it in-
and water-cut was 75.1% prior to the pilot test. During creases the areal sweep efficiency and the vertical sweep
the three-stage pilot test, its oil production rate was in- efficiency as well. On the other hand, due to its slow
creased by 43.5 tons/day, 7.3 tons/day and 5.3 tons/day, movement in high permeability zones, this weak gel
respectively. Simultaneously, the water-cut was reduced system can be used as an oil displacement agent to im-
by 18.0%, 10.1% and 6.7%, respectively. A total of prove the water-oil mobility ratio and minimize viscous
11 296.0 tons of incremental oil was produced from this fingering. Pilot tests in Shengli oil field starting from
single well. Pilot tests at different scales had been imple- September 1992 show that successful application of the
mented in Gudong and Gudao oil fields since then. By the weak gel system can not only significantly increase the
end of 2001, a total of 58 000 tons of cumulative incre- oil production but also effectively reduce the water-cut.
mental oil had been recovered. By the end of 2001, the cumulative incremental oil re-
covery had been over 58 000 tons.
Acknowledgments This research project was funded by the Oil
Conclusions Production Technology Research Institute (OPTRI) of Shengli
Petroleum Administrative Bureau in China. The authors want to
In this paper, the detailed experimental data for a novel thank Mr. Ximing Li, Xihui Lu, Yanjun Guo, Xiaowei Zhang and
weak gel system consisting of polymer and cross-linker Shan Xu in OPTRI for their technical assistance in this research.
The authors also wish to acknowledge the Innovation Fund from
are presented and discussed. The EOR mechanisms of the Petroleum Technology Research Center (PTRC) at the Uni-
the weak gel system are analyzed. As a sought-after versity of Regina and the research grant from the Natural Sciences
chemical EOR technology in the past decade, the and Engineering Research Council (NSERC) of Canada to Y. Gu.


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