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Manual Title: Personnel Safety Manual

Pyramid Drilling S.A.E Form Name: Job Safety Analysis

Issue Date Revision No. Revision Date Prepared By Approved By Level No.
3 9 JAN 2010 QA/HSE HM 2

Rig #: BENNEVIS PIC Signature Approving JSA:

Welding .

Work Team (Crew Members): WELDER M032 /2012

Recommendation to Eliminate or Reduce Potential Who?

Sequence of Basic Job Steps Potential Accidents or Hazards
Hazards Initials

Job preparation Pre job meeting

Interference with other on-going operations Hot work permit

Fire Use only certified welding devices in perfect working

condition .Fire watcher

Electrical shock Idem above

Cutting or grinding disk breaking Use the right disk, in perfect condition, for the job to perform

Welding ,grinding, cutting Body injuries Wear of leather apron ,gloves, face shield ,ears protection

Other personnel injuries Secure grinding area

Fire Inspection and cleaning if necessary of the working area

Explosion Checks sparks will not reach flammable or fragile equipment

Fire watcher, fire extinguisher

End of job People injury, damage to equipment Clean the working area and reinstall all displaced equipment

Safety Equipment To Do This Job

Hard Hats X Cotton Gloves X Face Shield X Fire Extinguishers X
Safety Boots X Work Vest ( Goggles X Lockout/Tagout (

Safety Glasses X Safety Harness x( Barricades ( Work Permit Required X

Uncontrolled When Printed Page 1

Manual Title: Personnel Safety Manual

Pyramid Drilling S.A.E Form Name: Job Safety Analysis

Issue Date Revision No. Revision Date Prepared By Approved By Level No.
3 9 JAN 2010 QA/HSE HM 2

Uncontrolled When Printed Page 2

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